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Name:Rainer Jasper S. Gasacao Date3/2/2023

Grade and section:11-Montserrat Core 11

Activity No. 7: The Love of Magdalena Jalandoni

Formalism Terms
Fabula 1.f
(Story) 2.c
The basic 3.e
rundown of 4.d
events in 5.a
chronological 6.g
order 7.h
(What is the text 9.j
about?) 10.b
(What happens in
the text?)

Syuzhet (Plot) Beginning:

The The essay by Winton Lou Ynion starts out by speculating that Magdalena Jalandoni has a
organization perspective where he consider jose rizal as her true love, to the point where she was
or influence by Jose Rizal in writing.
orchestration Middle:
of narrative The essay pursued the idea by where Magdalena Jalandoni was influence by Jose Rizal in
writing where to the point the she takes the writing seriously.
(How the text is
arranged?) Ending:
(How is the story
The essay ends with a speculation where Magdalena Jalandoni died being a single .

Characterization Claim Evidence Reasoning/ Explanation

Thoughts Paragraph 3 Magdalena didn’t want to
(What a character marry the mab that her
(What other characters
mother want because she
think about him/her) Magdalena, out of wants to marry a person like
(How the character
obedience, agreed ro marry rizal
(How the character the man of honorar statue;
deals with inner
but she had one unjust
precondition, that he should
write a novel within the year
Effect on Paragraph 3 Due of Magdalena and her
Others mother's condition, the
(How do other No one knows if she once husband that her mother
characters feel or dreamt of herself as reina chose for Jalandoni felt
act towards
for the feast of Candelaria, unwelcome.
of if she ever imagined Jose
escorting her down the plaza

Action Paragraph 3 Magdalena woukd still write

(What does he/she even her society is male
do) dominated where women
(How does he/she
She would write at night portrayed as someone who
and keep her textbooks would work at home and
under her clothes in her also her mother is
trunk prohibiting her

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