To Break An Office Chair

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To Break an Office Chair

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Narcos (TV)
Relationship: Steve Murphy (Narcos)/Reader, Javier Peña (Narcos) & Reader
Additional Tags: Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, 2 men one woman, Gangbang, One Shot, Smut,
x Reader, consentual, workplace affair, Threesome - F/M/M,
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-03-04 Words: 2184

To Break an Office Chair

by swampywater


hhehee you know the drill ladies and gents and nonbinary lovelies this is smut as god
intended -- a three-way

Breaking a chair is easier than one might realize.

Agent (Y/N), A lawyer working for the American Embassy in Bogota, Colombia, sat with the
broken wheel of her old office chair on the floor, without the slightest idea of where to go from
there. She had a thousand reports to do for Pena and Murphy because they were constantly out
making more things for her to do. 'Cover up this raid, thanks (L/N)'. 'Help me with this report,
thanks (L/N)'. Her life consists of less than seven-word requests, and it made her days long. this
morning, after stumbling into the office after working until midnight the previous evening,
her...derrière.. decided to demolish her one source of comfort by breaking her office chair. she had
spent years breaking in that chair, and it was the perfect balance between worn out and comfortable
that made her very sentimental towards it. so sitting on the floor and staring that the rogue wheel in
her hand was the proper course of action, at least in her mind. she'd have to go out and find another
one, which would be tedious at the least. that could wait until tomorrow. Today, she needed to
grieve her chair.

After setting up a new workstation on the floor with papers in a half-circle around her, Agents
Murphy and Pena entered her office. No warning, because why would they bother to knock?
Jackasses, both of them. Stupid, Handsome, Daredevil jackasses. They looked to where her face
would have been at her desk, and when no such face was to be found, they turned to the pile of
papers and to-go coffee cups on the linoleum, picking through some discovery request for a trial
back home for one of Escobar's men who'd been extradited to the states. Pena spoke first.

"Damn kid, what the hell happened to your desk? You get bored of it or something?" he asked.
Murphy piped in, "yeah, I heard they're useful for people. Yanno, they provide a spot for all that
damn paper you've got up to your ears."

The two of them always smelled like cigarettes and reminded her of the feeling she got when she
stayed up too long working. they made her wired, on edge, fully aware of every inch of her body. It
would be infuriating if she didn't like it so much. It had been a long time since she'd been intimate
with anyone, and she couldn't help but want to drown in Murphy's eyes, or Pena's...all of the above.
What weirded her out, however, was the fact that they spent what seemed like every waking
moment together. She knew being partners meant you developed a sense of co-dependency, but it
wasn't like anything she'd seen when working for the embassy. they were like siamese twins,
without the creepy identical appearance thing.

(Y/N) finally found her voice after ogling them not-so-subtly for a moment. "my chair broke. next
best thing." she looked back down at her papers, but the two started circling around behind her
desk to look at the broken chair. Murphy spoke first this time. "Yep, you broke it alright. I was
wondering when it would give out, considering you probably spend more hours on the thing than
at home."

"What's up with that, by the way? You're not the one going out and being fucked by these people,
but somehow I feel like you're more sleep-deprived than we are." Pena this time.

Oh, Irony really is a cruel mistress to these two, she thought. "You two are the ones fucking me
with all the work you give me. do you realize how annoying it is to constantly clean up after your
messes on the street?" (Y/N) tucked her pencil into her bag and stood up to leave. "you two are
annoying me and I want lunch to drown the pain of breaking my chair. get out so I can lock the

"Woah, not so fast there (L/N)." Pena blocked the door with his body right as you got up to leave.
"I want to know where you suddenly grew those balls from to speak to us like that." He lowered his
head so he was closer to her, and her body felt the same way it did every time he came near. like a
live wire for a bomb was hiding in her throat, sliding that electric feeling that he gave her down to
her stomach. "Tell us again, sweetheart. What's up with all the long hours you spend here? It's not
like you're just not getting the invitations we keep giving you for drinks."

"What, so I can watch you chug a couple of beers and walk out with some whore dangling by your
waistband? I'd rather stay here and keep you two from getting arrested because sorting that out
would inevitably become my job too." She turned to Murphy (he isn't married in this timeline btw).
"And you too, casanova. Like hell, I want to watch you trade spit with Pena's sloppy seconds
before stumbling home. Just move out of the way, and give me a damn break." she went to go
under his arm and twist the doorknob open, but Murphy was behind her in a matter of seconds, and
her hand froze in its tracks. Tick, tick, tick. the wire in her stomach getting dangerously closer to
being noticeable to them. That was the last thing she needed, for them to realize just how badly she
wanted them. Murphy slid his hand to her wrist, resting on the doorknob, and she became painfully
aware that he could feel her heartbeat against his fingers.

"Not so close, (L/N). We keep inviting you because you're easy to read. I bet right now, underneath
that tight skirt you've got on, you're dying right now. You're horny, and we can tell. we can either
fix that-" He moved her arm to just over his pants' belt buckle. it was cold to the touch, and (Y/N)
could feel the strain against his pants start just below his belt also. "-Or, you can go to lunch. But
just between you and me?" he leaned into her also, his breath hot on her neck. again, the smell of
cigarettes. electricity bubbling and sparking everywhere his breath skimmed her bare skin. "I think
you want something else right now."
She thought to herself for a second. This would surely ruin their workplace relationship, and
definitely wouldn't get her chair back, but they were so warm, and close, and fuck if they weren't
reading her like a book right now. thinking could be done later. all she wanted right now is to feel.

"One of you needs to shut up and kiss me before I change my mind."

No time was wasted. Murphy pushed her hand below his waistband and onto his dick through his
underwear. he whispered in her ear, this time voice thick with something she couldn't put her finger
on at the moment. "Why don't you come and make use of your pretty little pussy on the desk with

(Y/N) felt Pena guide her to her now empty desk, thanks to her chair breaking and moving all her
papers to the floor. she lifted her shirt, exposing the bra underneath-- not much left to the
imagination either. it was skimpy, practically see-through. Pena walked to one side of the desk, his
hips behind her head (which was now lying against the desk) and Murphy stayed on the side that
her legs were facing. Murphy pushed her skirt past her hips and marveled at her dripping with
desire against the warm light of the lamp overhead. He looked at Pena, asking if he wanted a turn
first with his eyes. Pena shook his head no, he liked the view he got from over there. he slowly
began to touch himself to the sight of Murphy lowering his face onto (Y/N)'s panties, licking her
after pushing the fabric of her thong to the side.

"God, I've waited too long to see you like this." Murphy began fucking (Y/N) with his tongue,
rubbing her clit slowly with the pad of his thumb. It must have been obvious at that moment the
lack of action she'd been getting because the whimper that left her lips immediately was met with
hums of satisfaction from between her thighs. Pena was playing with her lips with his fingers. one
finger went into her mouth, and he gave her another one of those short requests he was so fond of.
"Suck it for me, (Y/N)." His dick was bigger than she thought it'd be, and his body--shirt only
halfway buttoned and skin tanned from the sun outside--made her more than willing to follow this
particular request. She couldn't help but moan around his finger when Murphy switched from his
tongue to his fingers, slowly pushing in and out while his free hand was pushing on her stomach
just enough for him to reach her g-spot. Her eyes went from the ceiling around his head to Pena's
face, who was looking at her like water in the middle of the desert. "Murph, flip her over for me."
In the next moment, (Y/N) was on her hands and knees, ass in the air, and staring at Pena's dick.

"Do I need to ask you again, sweetheart?" Pena said. No, he didn't. once (Y/N)'s lips wrapped
around the head of Pena's dick, she began going over the sensitive spot on the tip with her tongue.
slowly, tantalizingly. she wanted him to beg her to go faster. (Y/N) knew one thing about Pena for
certain: he wasn't patient. after less than thirty seconds of teasing him, Pena tried to grab her hair
and move her further down, but she stopped in her tracks once he lifted his hand.

"Ask me nicely." her words were a little shaky, and her face was betraying her confidence, but she
remained firm. Murphy, from his view on the other side of the desk, was just watching the show
unfold. Pena stared at her looking up at him through her eyelashes, with spit on her mouth from
sucking him off and did something he'd never done with a whore. "Please, make me feel good.
Please, baby."

That was all (Y/N) needed to get started. she kept her right hand stroking the base of his cock while
her mouth made the top of his shaft and the tip feel good. Pena's head rolled back, and he
whispered to himself, "oh yeah, fuck, this is what I imagined you doing to me." Like a switch went
off, the praise turned her on more than she cared to admit. she sucked harder, stroked faster, and
changed her hand from resting on the bottom of his shaft to massaging his balls. his dick went deep
inside her mouth, to where her hard and soft palate met. her cheeks sucked in, she was the one to
make him whimper with delight this time. Murphy was just watching the show, fucking her with
his fingers.

while sucking him, (Y/N) felt Murphy's fingers leave her insides, and the head of Murphy's dick
brushed against her pussy, up and down up and down. Teasing her, like she teased Pena. Jackass.

"What should I do, Javi? give her what she wants?" Murphy asked Pena, who had finally gotten
more used to the sensation (Y/N) was giving him. He, through strained lips, quickly went "Reward
her for being good". She finally felt Murphy slide inside of her, and Pena matched his pace with
him so they were both penetrating her at the same rate. For once, those two fucking her felt great.
They kept going through the sounds of her moaning around Pena's cock, keeping pace with one
another while whispering short things to her, "You're so good at taking my dick, princess."
Murphy. "Keep going, you're fucking perfect." Pena. after making her cum around Murphy's cock,
they traded places with one another, and when she put Murphy's dick in her mouth, she could taste
herself on him.

"You ready, baby? I'm kind of--Ohhhh fuck Pena, you were right," Murphy didn't get to finish
warning her. after that comment, Pena claimed her pussy with his cock, and groaned at the feeling
of her around him like a vice. they found their release together, praising (Y/N) for her...abilities the
entire time. Pena came first, shooting onto her back and ass. Murphy came inside her mouth,
preferring not to make a mess of the office more than they had. when they were done, they sat on
either side of (Y/N), helping her come back from her high. they re-dressed themselves and came
out of the office reeking of sex. Good thing the whole building was out for lunch.

(Y/N) left the two of them in the elevator and went for a quick lunch, thanking God for breaking
her chair that morning.

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