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something in the orange

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Narcos (TV)
Relationship: Javier Peña (Narcos) & Original Female Character(s)
Character: Javier Peña (Narcos), Steve Murphy (Narcos), Original Female
Additional Tags: some things aren’t time accurate, Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort,
emotional javier, Implied Sexual Content
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-03-06 Words: 1461

something in the orange

by keyflrt


loving javier peña was the easiest and the hardest thing in the world. his heart was buried
behind a wall, a wall that he himself had put up. but elena thinks differently. elena
fernandez thinks, she can break those walls down, and the night horacio carrillo dies, she is
proven right.



Loving Javier Peña was the easiest, but also the most exhausting thing in the world. Elena swore
that she would do anything for the doe-eyed man, with the biggest boyish smile. She loved him
like his arms could move mountains. Like you could plant trees in the soil that his brown eyes
were. She loved him like his heart had any space for her.

Javier Peña had put up a wall around his heart. A wall that Elena knew she could break down, if he
just let her. But he didn’t. He stayed away from her welcoming aura, didn’t let her take care of him
when he needed it the most. Until the night that Horacio Carrillo died.

With tears in his eyes, he drove to her apartment. He knocked once, maybe twice, and the woman
opened the door to her home. She knew something happened before he even said a thing. He was
shaking, tears rolling down his face.
She didn’t speak, just let him inside, took his jacket off his shoulders as he took his shoes off. She
led him to the couch, where he laid with his head on her chest, and she ran her fingers through his
fluffy curls. He sobs, holding her tightly. His entire body shakes with each sob, and all she could do
is hold him. Once his breathing calmed down again, he quickly trailed off, her shirt wet from his
tears. Eventually, she let him fall asleep on her silk pillow, and went into the kitchen to make him a

Chicken fried steak and arroz rojo, as she remembered from the night that all of the American
agents felt really homesick and decided to lick their wounds together at a random bar. He woke up
about 30 minutes later, just in time for food. He had made it to the kitchen, without grabbing her

“Elena.” His voice, barely above a whisper, startled her just a bit. She turned around, wiping her
hands on a towel. “Hi, Javi.” He walked up to her, and wrapped his arms around her much smaller
frame. Breathing in the smell of coconut oil that was so deeply embedded into her curls.

“Do you wanna talk about it?” She whispers into his chest. He nods, and she pulls away to lock
eyes with him. “It’s Carrillo. He’s dead.” Her heart sank at that. Carrillo wasn’t just a coworker for
Javi. He was one of his best friends. They had promised each other that they would catch Escobar

“Oh, Javi. What happened?” Elena asked, holding his hands. “Escobar shot him. He killed him and
all I could do was watch.” Javier’s voice, filled with heartbreak and sorrow, shattered Elena’s
heart. “Javi, dear, I’m so sorry.” He buried his face in her neck, crying again.

A few moments later, he spoke again. “Can you promise me something?” Elena nodded, “Of
course, cariño.” Javi sniffled, “Don’t leave me. Please.” Elena raises his chin, making him lock
eyes with her. “Javier Peña, I swear, I am not going anywhere. I’m here as long as you want me to

For the first time that night, Javier smiles. His lips are so close, Elena thinks. It’s like he can read
her mind, because moments later, he crashes his lips into hers. He doesn’t kiss her with power or
desire, instead it’s slow. Slow, passionate, and full of feelings.

She pulls away, “Cariño, I made you some food. Eat first.” A light shines in Javier’s eyes when he
realizes what it is. “You remembered.” Javier smiled, looking at her. “Of course I did.” She made
him a plate, and placed it in front of him on the table.

It’s like he knew. It’s like he knew that she had been in love with him from the moment they first
spoke, and that she wanted to take care of him. “Thank you.” Javier began, “Thank you for the
food, and for opening the door for me. I didn’t even realize that I drove to yours, until I was here.
Steve begged me to come over to his place, I think he was scared I was gonna hurt myself.”

“Would you?” Elena asked, afraid of the answer. “No. I would’ve drank myself stupid, and
probably driven to the brothel. I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m telling you that.” Elena shook her
head, “Don’t apologize. I’m glad you’re here.” She reaches over to hold his hand, and Javi can feel
his walls begin to break down.

As he ate, Elena smiled, sipping on a glass of wine that she poured herself. The man sitting in her
kitchen, the one that had just sobbed into her chest, finally seemed at peace. Always so tense, Elena
wanted to do anything to make him relax. When he finished, he got up to do the dishes but Elena
quickly stopped him.

“Don’t be ridiculous. I will do the dishes. You go shower. I will get you some clothes.” Javier
listened, and did as he was told. After the dishes, Elena searched her closet and ended up finding a
shirt and shorts that belonged to Javier. His “DEA Academy Class of 1980” shirt that he let her
borrow when her clothes got rained on, and a pair of black shorts. She set it out for him in the
bedroom, and closed the door behind her.

While Javier was in the shower, his phone rang. It was Steve, as Elena recognized from the
number. She picked up, to let the worried agent know that his partner was okay, “Javi, thank god.
Are you alright?” Elena cleared her throat, nervously. “Steve, hi. It’s Elena. He’s alright. He drove
to mine, I fed him and he’s in the shower now.”

“Oh thank god. Thank you, Elena.” Steve replied, relieved. “Of course. Uhh, Steve? Can I ask you
something?” Elena questioned, walking further away from her bedroom. “What’s up, sweetheart?”
Steve’s southern charm always made Elena’s heart smile. “Is he always like this? I only see him
when he needs a call traced, or a location checked out, so I feel like I don't really know him.” Steve
sighed on the other end. “Him and Carrillo were really close. Javi believed that Carrillo was our
only shot at catching that motherfucker. And he will kill me if he finds out I told you this, but he
feels the same.”

“What do you mean?” Elena followed, confused. “I see how you look at him. You love that
stubborn asshole. And he doesn’t know how to admit to it, but he feels the same. I knew, but he
confessed to me over a beer one night. Just don't tell him that I told you, because his next shot will
be fired at my head.” Elena chuckled, “Alright, Steve. Thank you.” The two hung up, and Elena
sighed, putting Javi’s phone down.

“I’m gonna kill him.” Javier grumbled, and Elena flinched, turning around. “How much of that did
you hear?” Javier walked up to her, placing his hands on her hips. “All of it.” Elena put her head
down, in shame. “I’m sorry, Javi.” The man chuckled, “Don’t be. Murphy just made this a lot
easier. I just wish I was the one who got to tell you.”

Elena laughed, and Javier chuckled. “So, it’s true?” She asked, running her hand up and down his
bicep. “Of course it is, are you kidding?” Elena smiles, holding his face. “Well kiss me then,
Peña.” And he did. Javier crashed his lips into hers, all while picking her up, letting her wrap her
legs around his waist.

He carried her to the bedroom, and for the rest of the night, there was nothing but gentle warmth,
radiating from the places their bodies touched. Elena couldn’t believe that he was finally here. That
he was finally hers. When he finished, he didn’t run. He didn’t grab a drink or light a cigarette,
instead letting her hold him close and scratch his back with her nails.

The next morning, she drove him to the station, and parked in the agent parking lot. “Are we gonna
go in there and pretend like last night didn’t happen?” Javier looked at her, after taking a sip from
his black coffee that she made him. “Don’t be ridiculous. You’re mine, and this whole fucking
station is gonna know. I’m telling Steve the second I see him.”

Elena smiled, and got out of the car, with files to review in her hand. Javi kissed her lips when they
were inside, as they went to their separate offices. Steve saw them in the hallway, and chuckled
with his arms crossed in his chest. “Took you long enough.” Javier nudged him in the arm, “Shut
up, Murphy.”

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