Note Dummy Obs

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Here is an illustration of where the dummy observations come from:

The prior mean m can be thought of as the OLS estimate of an auxiliary

regression of y on X where y = P m with P having dimension (k k) where k
is the number of coe¢ cients and m is of dimension (k 1) so y has dimension
(k 1) and can be thought of as a vector of "fake data" (dummy observations)
and X = P .
Thus the regression model is: y = X + " and OLS = (X 0 X) 1 X 0 y, so
substituting the expressions for y and X yields OLS = (P 0 P ) 1 P 0 P m. The
P 0 P cancel and what remains is m, the prior mean implied by the choices of y
and X:The variance of the OLS estimate is var( ) = (X 0 X) 1 (note that the 2
in the usual formula is our dii and is estimated separately; hence, not included
here). Again substitute the expression for X which gives var( ) = (P 0 P ) 1 with
P 0 P = M 1 as de…ned on slide 74, thus var( ) = M , the posterior variance.

That’s the "mechanics" and the beauty of dummy observations. :-)

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