Structural Vector Autoregressions With Imperfect Identifying Information

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Structural Vector Autoregressions with Imperfect Identifying Information

Article  in  AEA Papers and Proceedings · May 2022

DOI: 10.1257/pandp.20221044

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2 authors, including:

Christiane Baumeister
University of Notre Dame


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Structural Vector Autoregressions with Imperfect Identifying

By C B J D. H

The problem of identification — drawing I. Identification in structural vector

causal or structural conclusions from the cor- autoregressions
relations we observe in the data — is often
the core challenge of empirical economic re- A vector autoregression is a convenient
search. The traditional approach to identifi- way to summarize the dynamic correlations
cation is to bring in additional information that we observe in the data. For yt a vec-
in the form of identifying assumptions, such tor of n different variables observed at date
as restrictions that certain magnitudes have t, we can regress each variable on a constant
to be zero. Although this approach is very and m lags of all of the variables:
common in empirical economic studies, it
would be hard to find an economic researcher (1) yt = c + Φ1 yt−1 + Φ1 yt−2 +
who does not entertain some doubts about · · · + Φm yt−m + εt .
whether the identifying restrictions are re-
ally valid. We can use the regression estimates to fore-
cast the variables in the system. But to
draw causal conclusions, we would need a
In this paper we propose a unifying princi- structural model such as
ple for dealing with uncertainty about iden-
tifying assumptions. We suggest that what (2) Ayt = k + B1 yt−1 + B2 yt−2 +
are usually thought of as identifying assump-
· · · + Bm yt−m + ut .
tions should more generally be described
as information that the analyst had about For example, suppose that yt contains ob-
the economic structure before seeing the servations on 3 variables: measures of global
data. Such information is most naturally oil production, world economic activity, and
represented as a Bayesian prior distribution the real price of oil. We might view these
over certain features of the economic struc- variables as determined by 3 structural equa-
ture. Traditional point identification can tions. The first row of equation (2) mod-
be viewed as a special case of a dogmatic els the behavior of oil producers, with the
Bayesian prior — values that we knew for (1,3) element of A determined by the short-
certain before we saw the data. The nat- run price elasticity of oil supply. The second
ural way to acknowledge that our prior in- row of (2) describes the determinants of eco-
formation about the structure is less than nomic activity and the third row the behav-
perfect is to reduce the confidence reflected ior of oil consumers. If we knew the values of
in those prior distributions by increasing the the coefficients in (2) we could make state-
variance. Application of Bayes’ Law will ments about the dynamic effects of a disrup-
then result in those doubts about the true tion in oil supply, that is, the consequences
structure being incorporated in the conclu- over time of a shock to the first element of
sions we draw after having seen the data. ut .
A. The traditional approach to identification

The traditional approach to identification
Baumeister: Department of Economics, Univer-
sity of Notre Dame (email:
is to place enough restrictions on the struc-
Hamilton: Department of Economics, University of Cal- tural parameters in (2) to be able to estimate
ifornia at San Diego (email: the remaining structural parameters directly

from the OLS regression estimates in (1). and Hamilton (2015) to the dataset in Kil-
One common approach is to assume a recur- ian (2009) with a particular prior for A in
sive form to the structural model in which which the diagonal elements of A are nor-
the upper-triangular elements of A are all malized at unity. We used degenerate priors
zero and the structural shocks ut are un- for the upper-triangular elements centered at
correlated with each other and across time. zero and with zero variance to represent the
In this case the remaining structural para- inference of an analyst who was absolutely
meters can be easily estimated from the re- certain that these three parameters had to
gression estimates and a Cholesky factoriza- be zero. We used priors with fat tails and
tion of the variance matrix of the forecast a huge variance for the lower-triangular el-
errors in (1). This approach to identifica- ements, thus treating essentially any value
tion amounts to assuming, for example, that for these parameters as reasonable. The re-
oil producers respond to changes in economic sults of that Bayesian inference are reported
activity or oil prices only with a lag, meaning in the second column of Figure 1. Not sur-
that the short-run price elasticity of oil sup- prisingly, this is identical to the first column.
ply is zero. An example of this approach The Cholesky approach to identification can
is the analysis in Kilian (2009). The first be given a Bayesian interpretation. The
column of Figure 1 reproduces his structural Bayesian prior that is implicit in Cholesky
estimates of the dynamic effects on oil pro- identification claims to know with certainty
duction, economic activity, and the oil price that the upper-triangular elements of A are
of a one-standard-deviation decrease in u1 , all zero but has no useful information at all
along with 68% and 95% confidence inter- about the lower-triangular elements.
vals. These results suggest that a decrease
in oil production is followed by a decrease in C. A Bayesian generalization of the
economic activity and increase in oil prices. traditional approach

B. A Bayesian interpretation of the Framing the traditional approach to iden-

traditional approach tification as prior certainty about some as-
pects of the structure invites us to consider
By contrast, the Bayesian approach to a natural generalization — what if we have
structural inference begins with a prior prob- doubts about the identifying assumptions
ability distribution that characterizes our themselves? One natural way to represent
beliefs about the structural parameters be- this in the previous example is to use a prior
fore seeing the data. This is represented for density for the upper-triangular elements of
example in the form of a density p(A) that A that has most of its mass near zero but
assigns higher probabilities to values of A does not insist these parameters have to ex-
that are more plausible on the basis of eco- actly equal zero. For illustration we use a
nomic theory or analysis of other data sets Student t distribution with scale parameter
and lower probabilities to values that are less of 0.05 and 3 degrees of freedom. The small
plausible. The density could be zero for val- scale parameter means that we think it un-
ues that we are certain can be ruled out al- likely that the value would be larger than
together. The Bayesian then updates these 0.1 in absolute value. A Student t has fat-
distributions to take into account how that ter tails than the Normal, which means we
understanding is changed by the observed would be slightly less surprised by values sig-
data. Many economists dislike the idea of nificantly outside of ±0.1 than if we used a
bringing in prior beliefs about the structure Normal distribution. The results are shown
and allowing those beliefs to influence our in the third column of Figure 1. The point
conclusions. But we would argue that the estimates are similar to those for Cholesky
traditional approach to identification is do- identification, but the posterior credibility
ing exactly this. In Baumeister and Hamil- bands in this case are wider.
ton (2019) we applied the algorithm devel- Unlike the first two columns, the third
oped for Bayesian inference in Baumeister model is unidentified in the formal econo-

F 1. E . C 1: C -
C . C 2: B C . C 3: B "
C .

metric sense. The error bands in the the second and third columns of Figure 1)
first two columns reflect uncertainty that re- provide the optimal estimate of the dynamic
sults because we do not know the true val- structural effects given both the finite data
ues of the reduced-form parameters in (1) set and our imperfect understanding of the
perfectly but had to estimate them from structure.
a limited dataset. If we had more ob-
servations, that uncertainty would become This Bayesian interpretation invites an-
smaller, and would eventually vanish with other natural question — are the three upper-
an infinite sample size. By contrast, the triangular elements of A the only aspects of
bands in the third column represent both the economic structure about which we have
uncertainty about reduced-form parameters any prior information? For many applied
and uncertainty about how we give those pa- researchers, these zeros were imposed as a
rameters a structural interpretation. The matter of necessity — I need 3 zeros for iden-
first source of uncertainty would disappear tification, and well, here are three. In the
as the sample size gets larger, but the second example here, we do have good information
would not. In general we would have a set that the short-run price elasticity of supply
of possible values for the structural parame- is indeed small. But we also have good
ters, known as the identified set, that would information that the short-run price elastic-
remain as possible answers even if the sample ity of demand is small, which tells us some-
size was infinite. Baumeister and Hamilton thing about the (3,1) element of A. We
(2015) characterized the identified set and also know from economic theory that sup-
noted that the Bayesian approach allows us ply should respond positively to a price in-
to rank observationally equivalent outcomes crease and demand respond negatively, and
based on their prior plausibility. Baumeis- know something about plausible effects of oil
ter and Hamilton (2018) showed if we want prices on economic activity. By bringing in
to minimize the absolute error of our infer- information from a variety of sources — all of
ence, the medians of the posterior distribu- it imperfect, none of it telling us the value
tion (represented by the solid blue lines in of any structural parameter with certainty
— we can offset some of the loss in accuracy

that we surrendered when we acknowledged as a representative estimate. Moreover, re-

doubts about the zeros that were required for searchers should be reporting all the draws,
traditional identification. Baumeister and not just a subset containing 68% or 95% of
Hamilton (2019) illustrated how this can be the draws.
done in an analysis of the oil market, while One could give a Bayesian interpretation
Baumeister and Hamilton (2018) examined to this approach if the distribution from
the effects of monetary policy. which possible answers are drawn truly re-
When the prior information about supply flects prior information about the structural
and demand elasticities comes from different model. If that were the case, this prior infor-
sources, it is natural to model the joint prior mation would provide a ranking of possible
as the product of the separate priors. We outcomes in the identified set and a basis for
may also have prior information about how reporting the median draw as the optimal
the different elements of A interact. For point estimate; see Baumeister and Hamil-
example, Baumeister and Derdzyan (2021) ton (2015). However, in the typical sign-
argued that the price elasticity of gasoline restriction study this ranking is implicit in
demand and crude oil demand are funda- the algorithm and is not controlled by the re-
mentally related. Baumeister and Hamil- searcher nor influenced by economic theory.
ton (2018, 2019) showed how to incorpo- Our recommendation is that if researchers
rate prior information about aspects of A−1 , want to report point estimates, they need
which summarizes how the elements of A in- to explain the source of the prior informa-
teract to determine the equilibrium impacts tion that allows them to rank observation-
of structural shocks. ally equivalent outcomes.
The algorithms that we have developed
D. Identification using sign restrictions allow researchers to do exactly this. The
asymmetric t distribution developed by
A number of researchers have relied on Baumeister and Hamilton (2018) allows one
prior information about the signs of equi- to incorporate prior information that the
librium impacts. For example, we might sign of a specified element of A−1 is quite
expect a negative oil supply shock to lead likely to be positive or negative, without be-
to a shortfall in oil production, a slowdown ing absolutely certain, and do so separately
of economic activity, and a rise in oil prices, from information about the likely magni-
which would imply negative values for the tude.
(1,1) and (2,1) elements and a positive value
for the (3,1) element of A−1 . A convenient E. Identification using instrumental variables
algorithm for performing inference impos-
ing such restrictions was developed by Uhlig Stock and Watson (2012) and Mertens and
(2005) and Rubio-Ramirez, Waggoner and Ravn (2013) developed another promising
Zha (2010). This algorithm generates pos- approach to identification that uses instru-
sible answers drawn from a certain distrib- mental variables or proxies to identify struc-
ution and retains the draws if they satisfy tural shocks. Potential instruments must
the sign restrictions. Most users of this ap- be correlated with the structural shock of in-
proach want to report point estimates and terest but uncorrelated with the other struc-
error bands like those in Figure 1, yet do not tural shocks. Again researchers often have
think that they have used any information doubts about this assumption in practical
other than the sign restrictions in arriving at applications. A strict generalization of the
their estimates. However, all answers within usual assumption behind the IV approach
the identified set satisfy the sign restrictions is the prior belief that the correlation with
and are observationally equivalent. If a re- other shocks is close to zero, though we are
searcher has used no identifying information not 100% certain of this. Nguyen (2019)
other than the sign restrictions, there is no showed how the Bayesian approach can be
basis for selecting one of the draws gener- used to combine imperfect confidence in the
ated by the algorithm (such as the median) instruments with uncertain prior informa-

tion about other aspects of the structure. Useful Prior Information.” Econometrica,
This allows us to perform inference in a sys- 83(5): 1963—1999.
tem in which we openly acknowledge doubts
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about both the validity of instruments and
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about our other identifying information and
Vector Autoregressions When the Iden-
to incorporate these doubts into statistical
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summaries of what we can conclude from the
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observed data.
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II. Conclusions Journal of Monetary Economics, 100: 48—
Many researchers treat identifying as- Baumeister, Christiane, and James D
sumptions as a necessary evil, seeing the Hamilton. 2019. “Structural Interpre-
task to be to make enough of them to tation of Vector Autoregressions with
get sharp answers to questions of interest. Incomplete Identification: Revisiting
We suggest that researchers instead begin the Role of Oil Supply and Demand
by thinking carefully about the meaning Shocks.” American Economic Review,
of the structural parameters, looking for 109(5): 1873—1910.
information that we can obtain about
these from other datasets, model cali- Kilian, Lutz. 2009. “Not All Oil Price
brations, or economic theory. The next Shocks Are Alike: Disentangling De-
step is to summarize that knowledge in mand and Supply Shocks in the Crude
the form of a prior density p(A) that Oil Market.” American Economic Review,
accurately reflects both the information 99(3): 1053—69.
and our doubts, for example, using large Mertens, Karel, and Morten O Ravn.
variances for features we honestly know 2013. “The Dynamic Effects of Personal
little about. Once prior information has and Corporate Income Tax Changes in the
been represented in this way, it’s simply United States.” American Economic Re-
a matter of plugging their subroutine view, 103(4): 1212—47.
to calculate p(A) into the code posted at Nguyen, Lam. 2019. “Bayesian In-
research. ference in Structural Vector Au-
Identification is not an either-or decision toregression with Sign Restric-
of whether the researcher should use hard tions and External Instruments.”
restrictions, sign restrictions, or proxy vari-
ables. They can all be used together, even if research.
we have doubts about each one of them. A Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F, Daniel F
Bayesian perspective that unifies all the dif- Waggoner, and Tao Zha. 2010.
ferent approaches into a common framework “Structural Vector Autoregressions: The-
makes it possible to take advantage of the ory of Identification and Algorithms for
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statistical summary.
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