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P1: Hi Lucia, what´s going on?

P2: Hi Soffia, happy because we are going to finish this cycle. I just out the room, I
was giving my last exam.

P1: yeah, I going to take my last exam in an hour, I hope everything will be all right,
I´ve studied so much for it. And what are you going to do this vacations?

P2: you'll do it very well, I going to travel to Arequipa. And you?

P1: I would like to work in a company. I think the most useful thing you can do is
work. Don´t you think so?

P2: I agree up to a point, but you need to relax so that you feel fresh when you
start your course.

P1: I see what you mean, but it´s important to get work experience.

P2: That´s true. What do you think about travelling? I think it´s good way to relax
and see the world at the same time. Also travel inside our country is more cheaper
tan travel to other country.

P1: I suppose so, but it´s expensive.

P2: so maybe the best thing to do is to work and then travel.

P1: Yes, I agree with you. Well, do you keep practicing swimming?

P2: yeah, but since I had the accident, I practice sometimes.

P1: I understand, do you want to eat something?

P2: Yeah, let's go find something to eat, but I don´t want any fat, I started a diet
since the last month.

P1: yeah sure, let´s go to eat to that restaurant, their food it so delicious.

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