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UNIT 9 - “Get Connected”


1. Fill in the gaps with using the words below.

monitor – post – gadget

drone – remote – scroll

a) I heard that the government uses software so that they can ___________________
terrorist activity.

b) You have to ___________________ down to the bottom of the page to find the
“unsubscribe” button.

c) People who are active on social media always ___________________ new content,
like photos, locations, links etc.

d) Elon Musk’s company is working on a ___________________ that can monitor all

of the different things in your body (heart rate, blood sugar levels etc.)

e) I lost my ___________________ when I flew it into a construction site, it crashed

into a crane.

f) Whenever I cannot find the ___________________, the first place I look is under the
sofa cushions

2. Underline the correct word so that the sentences make sense.

a) Planes don’t offer free headsets / hairsets anymore.

b) Anybody who buys a phone from the official shop is entitled to / for a year of free
c) My colleague hasn’t heard for / from her doctor yet, she is still waiting for news.
d) Terminator is the story of a droid / gadget which travels back from the future to
assassinate the “future leader of the resistance”.
e) We don’t have space in our offices for all of this software / hardware.
3. Match the word to the definition

a) make off (with): ___ 1) to escape with something (which you

probably stole)

b) make out: ___ 2) to become real

c) make up: ___ 3) to release / be release (a film, book)

d) make up for: ___ 4) to perceive, to be able to see

e) come out: ___ 5) to compensate for something you did

f) come true: ___ 6) to invent (a story, lie)

4. Write sentences using the following words (use full structure):

a) TO OWE somebody (something): _______________________________


b) TO PLUG something IN: ________________________________________


5. Write sentences a DEFINITION for the following word.

a) TABLET: ___________________________________________________

Read the following article about how technology and artificial intelligence
(AI) will affect the job market in the future.

The consensus among many experts is that a number of professions will be totally
automated in the next five to 10 years. “Accountants, factory workers, truckers,
paralegals, and radiologists — just to name a few — will be confronted by a disruption
similar to that faced by farmers during the Industrial Revolution,” wrote a member of
the Forbes Technology Council. “As research suggests, the speed in which AI will
replace jobs will only accelerate, impacting the highly trained and poorly educated

“There’s always a concern that technology is displacing this current body of workers or
tasks, and that’s true,” Chou says. Basically, Chou argues that yes, although people will
lose their jobs and be replaced by machines, these machines will still need to be
designed, maintained, cleaned etc. by people. For humans, what will change is the type
of training we receive, e.g.; instead of knowing how to install a steering wheel onto a
car, humans will need to learn how to operate the machine which installs the steering
wheel for them.

Even in education, there is the feeling that teachers are being supplemented, or even
replaced, by technology. Learning Management Platforms with artificial intelligence
incorporated into them are helping to improve education by making content more
interesting and adaptable. But this does not mean that the teacher is being replaced by
technology, it simply means that the teacher must learn how to use this technology to
teach more effectively and to make teaching more personalised. Just like with the car
factory, it’s all about improving productivity by learning how to use the tech.

Chris Nicholson, CEO of the San Francisco-based machine learning company

Skymind.AI, shares a similar view rooted in even more distant history.
“Everybody uses this analogy, but when the Industrial Revolution came, a certain kind
of job disappeared,” he says. “But many jobs, and many [new] jobs, were created. So
when you think about, say, England before and after the Industrial Revolution, it wasn’t
a poorer place where there was less work. There was a lot more work, but it was a
different kind of work.”

So, after reading this article, hopefully you won’t be so worried about being replaced by
a robot in the future. Having said that, it’s important to be aware of the kinds of changes
that technology will have on different sectors. Just remember this when it comes to
deciding what you want to study at university, or what type of job you want to take.
1. Are the following sentences true / false according to the text:

a) (1st paragraph) Jobs will be at risk at all levels of the economy, from low paid to
highly skilled: T / F
b) (2nd paragraph) Humans will not need to work in the future: T / F
c) (3rd paragraph) Technology has no obvious benefits for education: T / F
d) (4th paragraph) The Industrial Revolution was a disaster for the poor: T / F

2. Circle the number of the correct answer.

a) Experts agree that there are many jobs c) With the help of AI, teachers can….:
that will…..:
1. catch students who don’t study
1. be totally automated in the future enough
2. be lower paid in the future 2. cover more content because they
3. both can go faster
3. help support students on a more
individual basis
b) New technology almost always disrupts d) After the Industrial Revolution,
the work force at first: England had….:

1. True 1. fewer job opportunities

2. False 2. more job opportunities
3. It does not say 3. the same amount

3. Answer the following questions about the text with full sentences and
your own words.

a) What types of jobs will be affected by technology and AI (1st paragraph)?



b) How will peoples’ jobs change in the future (2nd paragraph)?


c) About what is the writer warning the reader in the final paragraph (5th paragraph)?






1. Put the verbs in the correct form.

a) I look forward to ___________________ (meet) your parents.

b) You can’t make me ___________________ (eat) my vegetables, I’m not a child.

c) Our grandparents have decided ___________________ (move) to the countryside.

d) My classmates must ___________________ (finish) the exercise before they can go

on their break.

e) The suspect denied ___________________(steal) the bag from the old lady.

f) When the news came on I stopped ___________________ (listen) to music.

2. Underline the correct item.

a) The software had so many / such a lot of bugs that that computer kept freezing.
b) This phone has such a / so good camera that I won a photography competition
against proper cameras.
c) Game of Thrones is so / such good that I watched the whole series in less than two
d) Apple products cost such many / so much that I refuse to buy any of them.

3. The following sentences show the consequences. But what happened to

the people? Use your own ideas and the reflexive tense.

e.g. The child was given some chocolate – _The child received some chocolate because
he/she behaved himself/herself_

a) The scientist was running his hand under some cold water:


b) The chef is wearing a plaster:


c) The musician didn’t pay anybody for guitar lessons:


4. Fill in the gap with the correct prepositions.

of – at – to – on – in

a) A boat floats ________ water because it’s designed to.

b) Artificial technology is still ________ its infancy.

c) Most documents from Ancient Egypt were made ________ papyrus.

d) What series are you watching ________ the moment?

e) Many gadgets these days are only designed ________ last a couple of years.

1. Imagine you have just bought some wireless headphones (with a

microphone attached) because most of your classes at university will be

When they arrived you noticed that the microphone doesn’t work. Write a
letter of complaint to the manufacturer to express your feelings about the
product and what you would like to happen to resolve the issue.














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