Bilingual Education Portfolio

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io n, th e m ain key reflection

What did you learn?

gu al Ed uc at
Bilingual and Multilin izing the value and
im po rtan ce of re co gn
we found, was the
gu al is m an d m ul til ingualism in education.
potential of bilin
e th at bi lin gu al an d m ultilingual education
The authors argu
gn iti ve an d lin gu is tic development, promote
can enhance co
l un de rs ta nd in g, an d contribute to social and
intercultura .
ic m ob ility fo r in di vi duals and communities
th e ch al le ng es of bi lin gual education is finding
One of ion in
bi lin gu al te ac he rs w ho can provide instruct
qualified gual
th lang ua ge s. Ad di tio nally, the quality of bilin
de pe nd in g on th e re so urces and support
education can vary
d teachers.
available to schools an
of bi lin gu al ism th at Ga rcía discusses is the
An advantage
cu ltu ra l be ne fit s it ca n provide. Bilingual
social and
ar e ab le to co m m un ic ate with a wider range of
individuals l
d to pa rt ic ip at e m or e fully in different cultura
people an and
. Th ey m ay al so be be tter able to appreciate
contexts which
ta nd diffe re nt pe rs pe ctives and worldviews,
unders g cross-
va lu ab le in bu ild in g empathy and promotin
can be
cultural understanding.

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