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g35 Hyperbola fixed point called the focus is great from the fixed line called the directrix aman its respective distances . Fig. 3.55 shows a hyperbola. Figure 3.55 Parts of a hyperbola as shown in Fig. 3.55: > Cis the center = V; & V2 are vertices of the hyperbola. > F; & Fz are the two foci > RiL; & Rol» are the latera recta > A; & Ap are asymptotes > D; & D, are the directrices > VN is the transverse axis de > MNis the conjugate axis deno! noted by 2a ted by 2b e axis of a hyperbola may be Note: svers| : The length of the tran eS iugats axe Seater than, equal to or less than that of its Seis VALE 205 Properties of Hyperbola: 1.) The hyperbola consists of two open branches, and is symmettic al with respect to both its axes 2.) The difference between the focal distances of any point on the hyperbola is constant and is equal to the length of the transverse axis: PF2 — PF; = 2a 3.) The distance from the center to a focus and to a directrix are ag and a respectively. e ab? 4.) The length of a latus rectum is aba a 5.) The diagonals of the rectangle of sides 2a & 2b are asymptotes of the hyperbola. 3.4.1 Standard Forms of the equation of Hyperbola Hyperbola with Center at the Origin Let the center of the hyperbola be at origin or C(0,0) We assume the undirected distance between the foci be equal to 2c, such that the coordinate of F; (c,0) and F2(-c,0). Also, let the foci be located along the X-axis then transverse axis coinciding X-axis and conjugate axis Coinciding Y-axis. See Figure 3.56 below. Phx, ‘ Fy (c,0) { x recall property 2 of hyperbola earlier mentioned The difference between the f i v focal distances of joi hyperbola is constant and is equal to the length of the frensvene ane PF2— PF1= 2a (x+0)? +(y-0)? - V(x-c)? +(y-0)2 = 2a fare)? +(y-0)? = 2a f(x-o)2y2 squaring both sides of the equation wre) ty = (2a)? + 2(2a) Yix—cj2 sy? + (fe-o2+y2 2 2— + 2cx+c? +y* = 4a? + 4a x2 +y? $92 —2ex +02 + y? 4ox - 4a? = 4a J(x—c)2+y2 ox-a =4 J(x-c)2+y2 Squaring both sides of the equation (cx)? - 2(cx (a?) + (a) =a (x? — 2cx +c? + yy 2, 2x2 — 2a? cx ta4 = a? x 2a’ cx + ac? + a’y’ axet ex —aty?=a'ta’c? ax? 022 + a? = at -a7c? ¥ (ac) + ary? = a2(a? — “) Dividing through by “(a7 —c’ 29 x(a?) 2. aslabacs) a2(a2—c2) a2(a2 -c?) ad +2 31 a2 a Since 2c > 2a, then c> a If we let, 207 x te he te u s I cs | Ps eee] This is the standard form of the equation of the hyper, transverse axis coinciding with the X-axis and conjugate: With, Axis coinciding with the Y-axis. By a similar procedure, we can find the standard f i : fo equation of the hyperbola with transverse axis coinciding the the and conjugate axis coinciding X-axis. See Fig. 3.57 and its standars rc equation. Figure 3.57 Hyperbola with center at (h,k.) Suppose the transverse axis of the h i yperbola is pai X-axis, conjugate axis parallel to Y-axis, and its center arte a us apply the concept of translation of axis to find the standard form of the equation of the hyperbola. See Figure 3.58. + M (hk : Se - ex 1 ’ Figure 3.58 Considering the new set of coordinate axes, x & y, the equation of the hyperbola is =1 but x=x th > x=ex-h x'2 y? a2 b2 yzytk> y=y-k 209 (a Then we get (-h)? _ (y-k? _, 2 This is the standard form of the equation of the hyperbo, shown in Figure 3.58. The transverse axis and conjugate axis ae parallel to X-axis & Y-axis respectively, and center at (hk). : Similarly, if the transverse axis and conjugate axis are Paralle| to the Y-axis & X-axis respectively, also with center at (h,k) as shown in Figure 3.59, the standard form is: Figure 3.59 210 — Hyperbola with center at (h, 0) The center of the hyperbola may als axis at (N,0), with k = 0. The gr: Mente ind along the x- i ‘ aphs of these hy ee respective standard equations are: perbolas and its ae) z (transverse axis coinciding X-axis and conyugate axis parallel to Y-axis) Figure 3.60 (transverse exis parallel Y-axis and conjugate axis coinciding X-axis) Figure 3.64 211 Hyperbola with center at (0,k) Finally, the center of the hyperbola may be found along Yue at (0,k). The graphs of these hyperbola and its respective stander: forms with h=0 are: rd g-¥ ow oe OT ne (transverse axis comodin, Y-x8 and conjugate axg Parsiie! X-axis) Figure 3.62 => x Q-KF e Y {transverse axis parallel X-axis and conjugate sxs coinerding Y-ax's) Figure 3.63 RN Se ae Nn nD example 1. Discuss & draw the hyperbola Solution This is the standard form of the equation of the hyperbola with transverse axis at X-axis while Conjugate axis at Y-axis, and center at the origin or C (0,0). Moreover, it reveals the following: > a=16 ae = V16+9 a= 16 ae = /25 a=4 ae=5 © b’=9 e= 221.25 4 b=yo a 4 = = 2.24 232 oa e125 © pract_aZ r9 c?—a?+b?,butc=ae => =—=2.25 a 4 (ae) = a? +b? Figure 3 64 shows the hyperbola. Y Figure 3.64 b, O22" 16 25 This is the standard form of the equation of the hyperbola with transverse axis at Y-axis conjugate axis parallel X-axis, and center at (0,2). Moreover, it reveals the following: =a2=16 mt ting e 16 a= vi6 = > 2% L605 a4 a=4 p22 25 be p= 5 ae= va +b? ge = Vi6+25 ae = 6.4 4 ex *4.=16 4 - Figure 3.65 215 (x=2)? _(y=2) Ly 36 36 c.) This is standard form of the equation of the hyperbola - transverse axis parallel X-axis and conjugate axis paralle| Y-axig a center at (2, 2). It further reveals the following parts of the said cone => a= =f. 6. el hehe l4ee 2 a= 36 o> bo 236 og a 6 a=6 => b? = 36 b= 36 b=6 => ae = va’+b? Va? +b? ae = (36+36 V36 +36 5 ae E e=1.4 Figure 3.66 shows the graph of the hyperbola v 4 Figure 3.66 PSEA _g eon Find the standard form of the equation of the h i ang conditions: q yperbola given the a.) Ends of the transverse axis at (-4- conjugate axis at (1, -5) b.) Center at the origin, transv 53 2h 1) and (6,-1), one end of the erse axis on the Y-axis; eccentricity distance between foci 2/53. Solution: . et a.) Plot the given points in the Cartesian coordinate system. Y 4 4,1 (6,1) (-4,-1) = Figure 3.67 e 2a= 4-824 C142 2a= V100 2a= 10 a= 10/2=5 / * Coordinates of the center: =1 (446) (2)=1 Seas 217 1 te (-1-1) ves (-2)=-1 Therefore C(1,- 1) b= )d-1)24+(-145)2 b= vi6 b=4 Considering the appropriate standard form, (x-h)’ y-b? Ly Substituting a=5 &b=4,h=1&k=-1,we get (x=1)? | (y+)? =4 “ -ee 5 4 1)? - (y+4)?=1 Ans, 25 16 b.) The given data are: transverse axis on y-axis C(0,0) orh=O0&k=0 ¥53 es 2 2ae = 2/53 Solve for a: 2ae= 2/53 or ae = 53 » Substituting e = i a e a= Kas iateintin Al re: Vivo Al camera 218 = ¥53 a= v53 2 a=2 Solve for b: ae =Va°+b* (ae)2 = a? +b? (53)? = 2? + b? 53= 4+ b? b?=53-4 b?= 49 b= 49 b=7 Consider the appropriate standard form: yx es ia By =a Vent ao Yu Xeep aeee 4 49 nswer 3.4.2 General Forms of Hyperbola Again, recall the equation of the second degree of the form: Ax? + Bxy + Cy’ + Dx + Ey + F=0 < 0 we get the general equation of a C <0 it follows that A & C must be of roduct AC negative. As such the above When B = 0 and AC hyperbola. Take note that if A apposite signs thus getting a p equation 1 may be written as: +Ax? F Cy + Dx + Ey +F =0 >1 219 This is the general equation of a hyperbola specif center inside a quadrant so that h & k are both non-zero. ically with its When D = 0, equation 1 becomes: +AxX’ $ Cy +Ey+F=032 Equation 2 is the general equation of a hyperbola art the Y- axis so that h= 0 & k are both not zero. with center Now, when E = 0, then equation 1 becomes: + AX F Cy? +Dx+F=093 This is the general equation of the hyperbola w/ cente the X—axis, so that h is non-zero & k = 0. along Finally when D = 0 & E = 0, equation 1 becomes: tAX+Cy+FF0D4 Equation 4 is the general for of the equation of an hyperbola with center at the origin such thath = 0 &k =0 Example: 1.) Express each of the following in general form. a, 43)" _(y=2) Ly 4 9 b. G+)" @) _ 25 16 Solution: alw+3P - (y-2=4 4 9 Clear fractions multiply both sides of the equation by 36 36 (x43)? -36(y_9)2_ 4 SCy=2) = 36) We iptesscetn) NA an 9(x+3)?- 4(y-2)? = expand & simplify y= 36 9(X? + 6x + 9) — 4(y? - ay + 4) =3) 9x2 + 54x + 81 ~ays +16y “es ea 9x’ - 4y’ + 54x+16y + 29 = 0 Ans p) (v#3/2)? - x =1 25 16 Clear fractions: Multiply both sit i o00 Ply both sides of the given equation by 25(16) 400 ( y+3/2)°-400(x2) = 400 25 16 16 ( y+3.)? - 25 x? = 400 16 [y’ 2 (y) (3) + (8/2)? ] - 25 x? = 400 16 y? + 48y + 96-257 = 400 -25x" + 16y? + 48y - 364 = 0 Ans. Example: 2. Discuss & trace the hyperbola given the general equations: a.) 9x" - 4y? + 54x + 16y + 29=0 b.) 25x? + 16y’ + 48y ~ 364 =0 Solution: a) gx? — Ay? + 54x + 16y + 29=0 gx? + 54x — 4y’ + 16y = - 29 (9x2 + 54x) (ay? -16y) =- 20 Q(x? + 6x) - 4(y° = 4) = 5 ob Fxct (A(6) 214 Ly? — Ay #17214) 1 =~ 29-4 81-18 2 a(x? + 6x+9) — Aly"edy +4) = 38 9(x+3)* - 4(y-2)° = 36 221 9(x4+3)" ~ aly-2)? = 36 36 36 36 (x43)? = (ye2)* = 1 => (x43)? ~ (y-2)? = 1 36 36 4 9 9 4 The standard equation obtained reveals the following: © C (-3,2) © Transverse axis parallel and conjugate axis parallel Y-axis > a=4 ri > a= /4=2 = b*=9 > b 984s a 2 > b= Vo > b=3 > ae =a? +b? > ae=4+9 > ae =13 => ae=3.6 > e=36 a e=3.6=1.8 2 Figure 3.68 222 5x? + 16y? + 48y — 364 = 0 25x, + (16y? + 48y) = 364 25x) + 16(y* + 3y) = 364 - 25x. + 16[ y* +3y + (1/2(3))? ] = 2 25x? + tly? + 3y + 81S yo S64\¢:36 4 v)-? 25x? + 16 (y + 3)? = 400 2 25x? + 16 (y + 3/2) = 400 400 400 400 xX + (y+3/2)? =4 16 25 (+3/2y 25 16 The standard equation obtain reveals the following: C (0, - 3/2) transverse axis on Y-axis and conjugate axis parallel X-axis ins a’ =25 a= J25=5 b? = 16 b= 16 =4 ae = Va2 + b2 ae = ¥25+16 ae=6.4 e=6.4 a e= 4 21.280r13 3 GOFG8 8 8EGR Hg 223 >X Figure 3.69 Example 3. Find the general equation of the hyperbola given the following conditions a.) Center ( 2, 1) transverse axis parallel Y-axis distance between foci 10, & latus rectum 9. 2 b.) Center at ( -3,-1) transverse axis parallel to X-axis, eccentricity 410, and latus rectum 4. 3 224 solution: a a.) Given: transverse axis, parallel Y-axis: C 2 i : axis; C(2,-1), h=: =- Distance between foci 10 or 2ae = 10 s ase ue ae Latus rectum 9 or 2b?= 9 =>b’= 9 =>b? =29a 2 a 2 a 4 To solve for a: (ae)? = a? +b? af = (ae)? — b? a? = (5) —9a 4 4a? = 100 -9a 4a? + 9a-100=0 (4a + 25) (a-4) =0 4a+25=0 /a-4 4a=-25 aera a=-25 4 reject Then, solve for b b? = 9, buta=4 a 4 P= 9 4 4 b? = 9 of b=3 Consider the appropriate standard form: (y-k)? hy) ay b Substituting the values of h, k. a &b (y+l) _(%=2)" _y ¥ y +)! _-2) 2 ‘. : i 144 Clear fractions by multiplying both sides by 16(9) or 144(y +1)" VARTA) _ 4 (144) 16 9 225 O(y +1)? ~16(x 2)? =144 a + 2y +1) — 16( x? — 4x+4)=144 9 + 18y + 9— 16x" + 64x - 64 = 144 -16x" + Oy” + 64x + 18y - 199 = 0 Ans. b.) Given Transverse ae parallel to Me “axis; C(-3,-1), h=-g &key Eccentricity 1 = Vi0 ore= — ; vio 2b2 ts 3 Latus rectum ; or i Solving for a & b: 2b’ 4 a 3 . 4 o4. pte 48 a 3(2) 6’ 6 ae = va’ +b? (ae) = a? + b? 1 2 2, 4a — 10 sa?+ [5 vio ] aoe 2 =a?+ @ J 54 Let a=6 inb?= 44 9 6 6 60a? = 54a? + 36a Thus, b= 60a? ~ 54a? — 36 a= 0 b?=4 6a2 - 36a =0 b= ¥4=2 6a (a-6)=0 6a=0/ a-6=0 a= =o, a=6 6 ae the Oey standard form: (=n) Substitute the Nalues of fh k, a, &b: (x+ 3)? — ( 6 3 2 pxt3¥-(y+1¥ = 36 4 1 lear fractions: Multiply both sides by. e 36(4) or 144, then we et: 4x +3)? —3e(y 44) = 144 A(x? + Ox+9) — 36( y? + 2y41) = 444 Ax? + 24x+ 36 — Ax? — 36y* + 24x 36(y?-2y +1) = 144 — 72y~144=0 Ans

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