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Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA)

Minutes of Meeting
Held on 7th May, 2008 at 2.00 pm in The Clipper

PRESENT: Christine Koseoglu (CK) COPIES TO: Mrs S Lockwood (Head)

Tony Lockwood (AL) Chair of Governors
Tam Jackson (TJ) Staff Room
Nicola Brice (NPB) PTFA Website
Angie Webster (AW) Lin Salter (LS)
Tanya Pritchard(TP)

APOLOGIES: Neil Deem (ND), Julie Brundan (JB), Vanessa Briggs (VB)

MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: CK approved and signed the minutes of last meeting (31.3.08)


Beetle Drive: This family event raised £90.60 and was very successful inspite of the slow ticket sales. AL
suggested that someone else should have been approached to deal with raffle ticket sales. NPB and CK were
in the kitchen for the whole event and were therefore unable to take part. More volunteers are needed if a
similar event is wanted in the future. This event was a good exercise to see how best to sell event tickets and
it was noted that parents seem to leave buying tickets until the last minute which made planning difficult
where catering was concerned. The Tuck Shop only made £11 approx, so it was decided not to hold a Tuck
Shop at a similar event. Mrs A Douglas ran the event on behalf of the PTFA and did a wonderful job.

Treasurer’s Report: £90.60 profit for the Beetle Drive. Overall £833.95 has been raised towards the Library
which does not include money made on a games stall at Exmouth Junior RFC on Sunday 4th May which was
£64.35. Donated items to school by the PTFA total £969.99. CK suggested handing over the cheque for the
monies raised towards the Library after the Summer Fayre, as work would be starting during the summer
break. AL commented that the school needs to update their ‘Wish List’.

DISCO – 16th May

CK said volunteers were needed to help with the disco. Lin Salter and Tanya Pritchard were happy to help.
CK could be at both discos. CK said more tuck was needed therefore a trip to Makro was in order. AL to
produce a ‘Permission Form’ which must be signed by all parents to comply with Health and Safety
Regulations. Tickets will not be sold beforehand and the parents will bring the signed form to the disco and
pay £2 for their child to participate. A flyer will be produced to advertise the disco and the availability of the
Tuck Shop, the amount of tuck money will be parental choice but £1 is suggested. CK asked AL to find out
about emergency procedures ie what if a child falls ill etc re contact numbers. AL will also investigate the
School Policy if children are just left at the school gate and not escorted to the disco by a parent. AL will
also ask for Class Lists and whether to ask for Class or Year on Permission Form. TJ said to ask Reception
Class to come with parental supervision


This family event has been cancelled due to worries about child supervision. It was suggested by TJ that this
event should be informal and not PTFA fronted, and advertised on a casual basis.TJ also said that if a child
turned up without a parent in tow, then it could be assumed that the child is there with its parents consent.

SKITTLES – 12th June – Adults only:

This event will be held at The Klub (Police Club, Rolle St) at 7.30pm. CK asked for a sign on the door so
parents will be able to find it. There is a maximum of 50 before the Klub has to employ extra staff for which
the PTFA would be invoiced. CK said keep numbers of 50 max. Tickets will be £5 each to include food.
CK asked for flyers to be circulated to parents to inform them of this coming event and also advertised on the
railings. A Booking Form will not be used to book tickets as this was not used by any parents for the Beetle
Drive. Tickets will be sold on the playground by the Hall and will be advertised ‘vocally’ by Year 6 with a
Bell. TJ pointed out that Y6 parents do not always come into school and would therefore miss out. Lin Salter
said food numbers would be needed by 6th June and CK asked AL to print 40 tickets. SL will sell tickets at
next Governors meeting. CK said tickets would not be ‘sold’ without payments. Tickets would be sold on
the playground between 2nd and 6th June by members of PTFA or Helpers. Raffle Prizes are needed and
would be requested on the flyer. NPB suggested approaching small business, thus freeing up the larger
retailers for the Summer Fayre. ACTION: AL/LS/SL


CK reported that JJ Leisure had not returned her calls re Bouncy Castles etc and she had since contacted The
Bouncygang who said they provided the bouncy castle last year. They said they got electricity through a lead
from a church side window, failing that they could provide a generator at an additional cost of £20. They
could also do Face Painting and give the PTFA 20% of profits. CK suggested a small castle for up to 5 years
old and a larger one for the older children or an assault course for any age children. They would also provide
Sumo Suits, but no rodeo. AL suggested sending home bin liners for parents to put good second hand toys in
to donate to the fayre, but volunteers would be needed for sorting, although CK was afraid that we would end
up with a load of rubbish as on previous occasions. This would be discussed further at the next meeting.
AL suggested asking Nigel Candalent to run the Beat the Goalie at the Fayre with the help of Year 6 in the
hope that this ‘stall’ would raise more money. CK said that she wanted committee members to supervise the
running of the stalls instead of ‘manning’ a stall each. This would need organization. TJ suggested a list of
jobs/stalls needed for summer fayre so parents would be fully aware of what is involved. CK to provide. NPB
to ask Mrs Douglas and Mrs Thorn about how much was given to the PTFA from the traders who rented
stalls in previous years.


19th May at 2pm in school ( This will be solely to discuss the Summer Fayre)

Christine Koseoglu - Chairperson

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