Holiday Swap KZN

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Holiday Swap KZN*

HOLIDAY SWAP KZN is a uniquely South African reality TV show in which participants compete
to win their dream holiday. This refreshing 13-part TV show, hosted by actress Nomzamo
Mbatha, is scheduled to debut in 2015.

05 Two teams of three friends are given the amazing opportunity to compete against each
other to win the holiday of their dreams in beautiful KwaZulu-Natal. To battle it out for their
ultimate holiday in this exceptional Zulu Kingdom, the participating teams are taken out of
15their comfort zones and confronted with unexpected challenges as some of them have to
face their worst fears in order to win the grand prize. Which team will have what it takes to
race against time, overcome extreme obstacles and outwit their opponents? Tune in and find

Host Nomzamo Mbatha is thrilled to be at the forefront of the show. “I am delighted to be part
15 of a show that is both exciting and different. Viewers will discover places that they can
explore in KwaZulu-Natal, gain useful tips about how to plan their holidays and what activities
to include in their itinerary. We are uncovering some hidden treasures in KwaZulu-Natal.
Everyone loves holidays and combined with the drama and tension of two teams going all out
to win, Holiday Swap KZN makes for fascinating viewing.”

20 Through Holiday Swap KZN, sponsors KwaZulu-Natal Tourism and Thebe Tourism Group
have created holiday packages featuring places visited and activities undertaken during the TV
show. After the show, audiences can contact the booking agent “FlightSiteAgent” and plan
their dream holiday using a “travel now, pay later” credit plan, thanks to the Thebe Travel

Commenting on Holiday Swap KZN, CEO of Tourism KZN said “We are very excited about the
25 show. For us, Holiday Swap is more than a reality show; it is a very focused initiative to
expose a large number of South Africans to the prospects of travel, particularly to our beautiful
province. We understand that in order to fully transform the tourism sector, we have to
change the profile of the tourist. This initiative will stimulate demand from new tourists.”

30 Don’t miss the first episode of Holiday Swap KZN – explore all the wonders that KwaZulu-
Natal has to offer and start planning your next dream holiday!

Holiday Swap KZN

Answer the following questions.

1. Which word between lines 1 and 4 shows that Holiday Swap KZN is distinctive to South
Africa? ______________________________________________________________
2. Which phrase between lines 1 and 4 shows that at the time the text was written, the
show has not been aired yet? ____________________________________________
3. The final prize is referred to as the “grand prize” in line 11. Give two more phrases that
refer to the final prize as they appear between lines 5 and 13.
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
4. The holiday area is referred to as “beautiful KwaZulu-Natal” (line 7). Give another
phrase that describes the same area as it appears between lines 5 and 13.
5. From statements A to L, select the five that are true according to text A. Write the
appropriate letters on the blank spaces.

Example: A
A. The show will be hosted by a famous South African figure. ________
B. Six participants in total will take part in the show. _________
C. Six participants will compete individually to win their dream holiday. _______
D. Among other skills, contestants need to prove they are smarter than their rivals. ___
E. The host was reluctant about hosting the show. ______
F. The show’s idea will appeal to the audience. _______
G. The show aims to attract tourists to take part in the show. ______
H. Visiting the places featured in the show will be offered in tourist packages. ______
I. Tourists will be allowed to reserve their trip to the shooting location while the show
is being filmed. _______
J. Tourists will have to pay upfront if they want to visit the places featured in the
K. The main aim of the organizers of the show is to publicize it internationally. _____
L. The organizers of the show aim to improve tourism, especially in KwaZulu-Natal.___

6. The main purpose of the text is to…

A. promote tourism in South Africa. _______
B. encourage people to watch Holiday Swap KZN. _______
C. advertise the beauty of KwaZulu-Natal. D. change the profile of the South African
tourist. ________

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