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11.15 14.


Good morning the ladies and gentleman and also my friends, thank to God for his
grace we can all together on today. First of all, I would like to thank you for the
opportunity given to me today to deliver one or two words about the dangers of
smoking, especially for the students.

As we often encounter in cyberspace or the real world, many people are addictive to
cigarettes. It is not a secret that smoking happens not only to adults, but also to
the under aged children. They already know cigarettes and even have sucked it
without any fear and any further think about health in their bodies later. There
are also some smokers who already knew the dangers and effects of smoking, but they
seem not to care due to the various reasons to keep smoking. They know that
cigarettes are very dangerous for health and further life.

For most students, smoking is caused by the environmental factors. For example, the
student feels ashamed to his friends because he does not smoke. So he began to try
to smoke and eventually become addicted to the cigarette. Most students also assume
that by smoking he feels more intense and feared. In fact, if he is not careful,
cigarettes can be the beginning of other drugs.

Cigarettes included the addictive substances because they can cause addiction
(addiction) and dependency (dependence) for the person who sucks it. In other
words, smoking is a class of drugs (Narcotics, Psychotropic, Alcohol, and Addictive
Substance). Each cigarette contains more than 4000 kinds of harmful chemicals for
the body. Four hundred of them can have toxic effects, while 40 of them can cause
cancer. Cigarettes also produce smoke that contains various harmful chemicals.
Inhaling cigarette smoke as well as toxins into our bodies. Lots of diseases caused
by cigarette smoke. Smoking habits not only disrupt the smoker but also disrupt the
people around the smokers.

The smoke of cigarettes contain harmful chemicals, including nicotine and tar.
Nicotine is a potential nerve toxin and it is usually used as a raw material for
various types of insecticides. At low concentrations this substance can already
make a person addicted. The next is tar. Tar is a collection of thousands of
chemicals contained in cigarette smoke and is carcinogenic or can cause cancer. At
the time the cigarette smoked tar into the oral cavity as steam, after the cold
vapor will become solid and settle brown on the surface of teeth, respiratory
tract, and lungs. In addition to nicotine and tar in cigarettes still contain many
other harmful chemicals.

With all the facts that exist, it can be concluded that cigarettes are toxic to us
all. Cigarettes cause various health problems. There is no research if smoking can
bring the positive impact. Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, from now on we must
help each other to advise smokers, whether it be ourselves or those around us. Our
concern can save many sides, from the smokers itself, the people around it, and
also our earth. In the absence of cigarette smoke, our earth can breathe a little

Ladies and gentleman, that’s all my speeches for today. I hope we are all
increasingly aware of the dangers of smoking. Do not let cigarettes suck the lives
of those we love. For your attention and time, I thank you all.

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