Alphabetti Book 1 - The All Cat Club PDF

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Alphabetti Book #1

The All Cat Club

A Progressive Phonics Book #1 Written and illustrated by Miz Katz N. Ratz


For my sister, Diana, who taught

me how to read.

Copyright © 2014 by Miz Katz N. Ratz

c a ts m
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be
reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express
written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief
quotations in a book review.

Produced in the United States of America

Letters introduced in this book First Edition, 2014

Progressive Phonics LLC  | Los Angeles, CA

Miz Katz N. Ratz

Quick Start Guide

Read the book WITH your child.

You read the “regular” text, and
TABLE OF CONTENTS he/she reads the big, red words,
sort of like reading the different
parts in a play.
Quick Start Guide 2

Lesson One, the letter ‘c’ 3

Lesson Two, the letter ‘a’ 6 Help your child sound

out the words as
Lesson Three, the letter ‘t’ 9 needed.

All Cat Club, Part 1 17 Read the book several times.

This helps develop the eye muscles
Lesson Four, the letter ‘s’ 37 and left-to-right reading patterns.

All Cat Club, Part 2 41

Letter Five, the letter ‘m’ 52 Don’t rush it. Body-

builders don’t train in
All Cat Club, Part 3 56 a day — neither does a child.

And most important of all,

Lesson 1 Lesson 1
This is the letter ‘c’ ­­–
We use the “-kuh-” sound in lots of
words, like:

cat candy

The letter ‘c’ says “-kuh- for cat.”

Can you say “-kuh- for cat”? cup of coffee

When you make

the “-kuh-” sound,
don’t make any
voice sound. cow in a coat
The “-k-” sound
is a kind of “click”
in the back of your
3 4

Lesson 1 Lesson 2

Show me the pictures that start This is the letter ‘a’ ­­–
with the “-k-” sound.

The letter ‘a’ says “-a- for apple.”

Can you say “-a- for apple”?

When you make

the “-a-” sound,
make the short
vowel sound,
like in cat, bad,
man, etc.
Answer: car, cow, comb, cat. 5 6
Lesson 2 Lesson 2

Show me the pictures that start

We use the “-a-” sound in lots of
with the “-a-” sound.
words, like:

animal alphabet

angry ant

act like an

7 Answer: ant, apple, anchor, alligator. 8

Lesson 3 Lesson 3
This is the letter ‘t’ ­­–
We use the “-t-” sound in lots of
words, like:

ten tiny teeth

The letter ‘t’ says “-t- for tiger.”

Can you say “-t- for tiger”? tickle your toes

Note: The “-t-”

sound is made
with your tongue
behind your front talk on the
teeth. There isn’t telephone
any “voice”
coming from
your throat.
9 10
Lesson 3 Lesson 3

Show me the pictures that start Here is a word we can make with
with the “-t-” sound. these letters — can you read it?

Good! Let’s start the story…

Answer: tiger, turtle, table, teeth. 11 12

There once was No one ever called

a cat who lived him on his little

alone. cat phone.

13 14
The cat was “If I only had a friend,”

sad — he was very, said the cat,

very lonely. “oh, if only!”
15 16

Then one day, the cat had a

as he peppered really big, meet-a-

a pizza, cat idea.

17 18
“I will build a “…that only a

house and start cat can be

a club…” a member of.”
19 20

“And every cat “It will be a big

will join my club.” bowl of all - cat

21 22
So the clever cat And he built a big

got a hammer and house because

some wood. he could.

23 24

He cooked a lot …with a little

of food and yummy milk bowl for

cat snacks… every cat.

25 26
Then he painted a And he opened

sign: The All Cat the door with the

Club. sign high above.

27 28

Two minutes later, Then a rabbit and

a dog was at the some frogs —

­ maybe

door. three of four.

29 30
A monkey and … a goldfish

a moose… and a goose.

31 32

Lots of animals But not one cat —

walked into the there was no cat

club. love.
33 34
“Oh, no!” said “My All Cat —
the cat. “What Club has become

am I going to do?” a zoo.”

35 36

Lesson 4 Lesson 4
This is the letter ‘s’ ­­–
We use the “-sssss-” sound in lots
of words, like:

six silly socks

The letter ‘s’ says “-sssss- for

sing a sad song
Can you say “-sssss- for snake?”

see the summer


37 38
Lesson 4 Lesson 4

Show me the pictures that start Here are some words we can
with the “-sssss-” sound. make with the letters we know —
can you read them?

Answer: sock, sun, snake, soap. 39 40

The cat sat Not a cat in his

and tried to think. club? Wow, that

really stinks.
41 Stinks: American slang for something bad. 42
So the cat sat …and the longer he

and thought a lot… sat, the madder

he got.
43 44

What were those

He would tell every
animals thinking of?

How dare they join

not-a-cat to just
an all- cat club! go home!
45 46
“I don’t care!” the
But a little voice
cat said to himself.
“It’s an all-cat club,
inside said, “Then

you’ll be alone…”
so it can’t be helped!”
47 48

The cat stood …and sat down

up… again.

49 50
Lesson 5
This is the letter ‘m’ ­­–

The letter ‘m’ says “-mmm- for


Who to talk to first? Can you say “-mmm- for monkey?”

The hamster or the

51 52

Lesson 5 Lesson 5

Show me the pictures that start

We use the “-mmm-” sound in lots
with the “-mmm-” sound.
of words, like:

mug of milk

mouse on the moon

meet a monkey

53 Answer: man, moon, monkey, mouse. 54

Lesson 5
Here are some words we can
make with the letters we know —
can you read them?

The cat sat

on his mat ­— he

had to write a speech.

55 56

Those special words

of the not-a- cat
animals in his club
(like, “Go away!) that

he would say to each

that only a cat
can be a member of. 58
But the mat was “Wake up!” said the

warm and soft and cat to his sleepy feet.

deep, and soon his “I have to speak to the

cat feet fell asleep. 59

cow and the sheep!”

…so with his tail, he

Down in the mat, grabbed the door
his feet just snored… and pulled the mat
across the floor…
61 62
…down the steps and

into the hall where the The animals sat,

cat on the mat and licked their

would speak to them all. plates…

63 64

cat on the
As the “Mr. Cat,” said
mat zoomed into the cow, “this food

the place. is yummy!”

65 66
Then all the animals
“Yes,” said the sheep,
started to clap. “Hip,
“I like it in my tummy!”
hip, hooray for the

cat on the mat!”

67 68

“Thank you.” said the “A club?” said the

cat with a little cat monkey.

whine, “but this is a club — “A sign?” said the

did you not see the sign?” pig.

69 70
“But we

“We don’t
know what
it says.”
“We saw
“Yes,” said the the open
cat, “the sign
“And we
is rather big.” smelled the
garlic bread.” 72

Just then another She licked one foot

cat walked and sat on the

through the door. floor
73 74
“I am here to join your

cat club, which

And thecat on
the mat smiled
(how nice!) any animal
a big cat smile.
can be a member of.”
75 76

His lonely days

were over for a

very long while.

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