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A serious word of prophecy!

Maurice Sklar December 5, 2005 Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good. (1 Thessalonians 5:20, 21) This is such an awesome word in its specificity and seriousness from a loving and tenderhearted man, Maurice Sklar, also a magnificent violist, whom I love and respect as a true brother and servant of the Lord, that I feel to send it on almost in its entirety to you, hoping it will cause us to seek the Lord with all of our hearts for cleansing and dedication to His purposes and turning from everything that still keeps us captive. May it be so! Yours, Jan Willem van der Hoeven, Director International Christian Zionist Center


Nov 24, 2005 And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write? I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then, because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew (vomit) thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white rainment that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eye-salve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. ( Revelation 3:14-22) As I was reading and meditating on this scripture, the Lord said to me: I am sending my refining fire into the church. I am separating My bride from the Laodicean church of today. I am preparing her. I am purifying her. She will be without spot and without blemish. I will return for her in the midnight hour. Only those that are watching and praying; only those who are embracing the message of the cross and holiness; only those that walk in the power of My spirit in moment by moment obedience; only those who are overcomers will be a part of My bride. Most of those in the church will not be ready for Me when I come for My bride. Many think they are saved, but they are not at all. They are

serving pleasures, lusts, and are in love with themselves. They are consumed with this present world and its selfish ways. They are in love with money, success, and covet fame, position and power. They do not want to deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Me. They refuse to forsake all. Therefore, they will not be ready and will be left behind to face the great judgments that are about to come upon the world. Warn those that are lukewarm and have left their first love for Me, that if they do not repent, I will vomit them from My body. I am preparing My bride. This is her hour of glory! I am purifying her. I am adorning her with My crowns and My jewels and My beautiful gowns. She shall be without spot or blemish. She will be dressed in My robes of righteousness, pure, clean and white. Who will come to Me and buy from Me what they so desperately need? It still is not too late. Repent, and return to Me with all of your hearts, so that you do not perish with this evil world. I am sending a mighty army from mainland China along the old silk trade routes and into the unreached nations that have been called the 10/40 window. When they finally reach Jerusalem, THEN KNOW that the wedding day is upon you. Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh. I will then come in the clouds and meet you in the air! But, the remaining nations must still hear my gospel of grace. This will be the final and greatest harvest that the world has ever seen. Many hundreds of millions are waiting to hear the good news in China, in India, and in the other Buddhist and Muslim dominated regions of Asia, the near east and the middle east, as well as the poorest of nations in Africa and central and South America, as well as the hundreds of islands in the oceans of the earth. I am shifting my focus to them. But you, O church of America and the West have prostituted yourself at every opportunity before every high place and idol shrine. You have substituted religion for My Presence. You shall surely perish when the fullness of My wrath comes upon Babylon. You shall be utterly burned with fire. You have heard and received the fullness of My love and grace, America. Still, you spit in My face and harden your hearts and refuse to turn back to Me. Europe, you rejected Me and threw Me out. For hundreds of years you provoked Me to wrath. You despised My people Israel and slaughtered them in a rage that reached to heaven after robbing the Jewish people and throwing them out of nation after nation. You did this all in My Name!! How can you escape the wrath to come?! You cannot. Therefore, you shall receive and drink the fullness of My cup of wrath. Prepare to meet your God, O Europe! Europe, you shall receive the king that you desire to worship instead of Me. He is soon to come forth. When you receive his mark, you will be eternally damned.

[Note from website owner: Please note the IF word of the Lord God 7 paragraphs down. These judgments depend on no repentance between

now (December 5, 2005) and the specified time of their occurrence. Prayer by Gods people can delay judgment, and repentance of a nation can end it. See Ezekiel 33:11-16. Thomas S. Gibson]
O Babylon, You drove My people from their homes in Gaza, and then started upon Judea and Samaria in Israel. Therefore, I will drive you from your homes in direct proportion, as you have seen in New Orleans, Louisiana, and the Gulf Coast. There will follow two more judgments one in a major city of Europe and one in the Arab nations in the middle east before the end of this year. I will shake California in a warning, and then there shall finally come the earthquake that I have mercifully withheld for so many years. Millions shall perish in the ensuing floods and the west coast of America shall be removed and fall into the ocean. Boston shall experience a major attack upon a great school that once preached My gospel in ages past but has left the faith of their fathers never to return again. It will never be rebuilt again. There shall be 5 terrorist attacks that will hit America in ever increasing destruction upon the major cities. Before the end of 2007, a nuclear dirty bomb will blow up in a major city in the south of America. New York City will receive 3 major judgments before the end of 2008. Each one will be more devastating than the last. One will shake the entire financial world and cripple the once invincible financial power of America. Millions will lose everything in a moment. It will make the crash of the stock market in 1929 look like a little thing in comparison. America will no longer be the financial leader of the world. Another judgment will destroy a major stadium during a sports event. Yet another explosion will destroy nearly an entire Borough of New York. But for the sake of the Jewish people in New York, I will supernaturally spare them. After this, I will cause the largest aliyah (return) of My people (the Jewish people) from New York (and other regions throughout the developed world to Israel) in all of history. But only after the entire financial system that they are dependant on collapses will they all return to the land that I have promised them. Tokyo, Japan. Hong Kong, China. Johannesburg, South Africa. Calcutta, India. Sidney, Australia. Chicago, Illinois. Los Angeles, California. Paris, France and many other cities will experience major catastrophies in the next five years. Millions upon millions will perish. The aids epidemic will devastate the population in Africa to half of its present size in the next 4 years. Many other incurable diseases, famine, drought and starvation will soon devastate the under-developed nations of the world in a way that has never occurred before. North Korea will launch a sudden nuclear attack and then be completely destroyed. Only the prayers of South Korea can stop it. Pakistan will become a leading center for world terrorism and will experience a nuclear attack, also.

Israel is soon to once again send their planes and blow up the nuclear plants of Iran. Syria will soon collapse economically and be replaced by a fanatical Islamic government. A major coordinated Al Qaeda terrorist attack will blow up many historic places in Europe that were once bastions of true Christian faith, worship, art and music. If America does not stand up now and defend Israel instead of forcing Israel from their land, we will continue to face the devastating consequences here.

This is but a fraction of what is soon to come IF there is not repentance and turning back to Me.
I will shake all the nations, and then after each disaster, I will pour out My grace and bring in a mighty harvest of souls for My kingdom. As birth contractions happen with a pregnant woman, so will these events happen ever faster and greater. Each one will be more devastating than the last one, and each one will come closer and closer together. Havent I said exactly this in My Word? Each disaster will judge and smash an idol that is worshipped by the world system of Babylon. I will then show Myself as the one true God over them all. I will judge Hollywood and the entire movie industry for the millions upon millions of souls that they seduced and sent to hell. I will judge the news media and the television industry. I will judge the music industry. I will overturn the whole music industry in such a way that they can never pollute the world ever again. I will judge the internet pornography industry. Whole internet computer systems will be permanently shut down. I will judge the abortionists and their supporters. I will judge and reverse the Supreme Court. For a short time they shall change the laws to fear and honor Me. There is coming a revival of morality and religion in America as a result of these calamities, but it will be a false one for the most part. God will become popular in the culture, but not the Bible and My name (Jesus). It will be a false gospel message. Not many will truly be born again. Only a remnant in My church will truly stay in right relationship to Me. When you see me take Billy Graham and Oral Roberts home, you will know that America and the West have received their last call. As I said in My Word, unless the Father would shorten these days, even the elect would not be saved. The deception of Christian religion will grow so great, that it will be nearly impossible to recognize the true prophets and teachers from the false ones. Counterfeit miracles and false signs and wonders will come and deceive many. Churches will preach a success and personal achievement gospel. Even false healing meetings will come and actually produce real miracles, but they will not bring the people to Me. The preaching of My supreme Lordship, the cross, My blood, holiness, and the fear of the Lord will become more and more rare, even more than it has become during the last 35 years. Nevertheless, I have supernaturally preserved and kept My bride pure and faithful to Me. I will continue to do so. Most of My bride is in mainland China

now. Many are in Asia, and Korea and India and Brazil and Russia and Kenya and Nigeria and throughout Africa. Most of My bride is hidden away in their prayer closets and have been persecuted and driven out of the churches by abusive pastors and false prophets, ministry leaders, and oppressive government leaders. Many are in prison. Some are daily dying of starvation and disease. Most of My bride has been beaten and left by the side of the road by the religious wolves in sheeps clothing. They have been forgotten by the blinding greed of those hoarding their money and riches. Only the Good Samaritans can even spot them and see them. The rest are blinded. Only a few really love My bride the way that I do. My bride is being purified through the fire of many trials of afflictions and persecutions at this present hour. Those that walk in My love and embrace the cross are being separated and persecuted by the Laodicean church. Those that are truly anointed and bringing the pure Word from My throne are being thrown out of the pulpits of the land and off of Christian Television in favor of the confession of the Laodicean church: I am rich, I am increased with goods and have need of nothing. I am healed. I am blessed. Really???? Are you???? It doesnt look that way from My throne in heaven! Beware of any teaching that is selfish and appeals to your lusts and feeds the love of money in your lives. THAT teaching does not come from heaven. That is not My voice. My blessings come through seeking first the Kingdom and My righteousness, not from heaping riches upon yourself while the rest of the world starves to death and dies and goes to hell because of your selfishness and greed. You will see when you stand before Me what the TRUE RICHES are. The souls of the lost are the jewels in the crown of My bride. My worshippers and musicians, artists and those that carry special anointings have been almost systematically removed from ministries and church leaders in favor of what is popular and can bring in the most money and please the people. This is an abomination in My sight. Watch and pray that you may be accounted worthy to escape the things that are coming upon this earth. Receive My grace through the refining fire of the Holy Spirit so that you can be a part of that beautiful lady and bride. I am preparing her! It still isnt too late! Join with her and take up your cross and deny yourselves and follow Me. That is how to be TRULY blessed and healed and delivered and fulfilled in life! That is the only way that My gift of eternal life can shine into the darkness of the world around you. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty? Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. (1 Corinthians 6:17-18, 7:1)

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her (Babylon), my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. (Revelation 18:4) Love in Our Messiah, Maurice Sklar
INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN ZIONIST CENTER P.O. Box 49063 91490 Jerusalem, ISRAEL Telephone: +972 (0)2 581 9701 Fax: +972 (0)2 540 0133 Email Address: Web-site: Cheques can be made payable to ICZC, P.O. Box 49063, 91490 Jerusalem, ISRAEL Europe Registered Organization: Israel Economic & Trade Center B.V.; Chamber of Commerce nr. 35257, Amersfoort, Netherlands

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