The Hound of Baskervilles: Unit Six

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Insertcommaswherenecessary. About the origin of the Hound of the Baskervilles there have been numerous statements. Yet as I Charles Baskerville come in the direct line fromHugoBaskervilleandasIhadthestoryfrommyfatherwhoalsohadit fromhisIhavewrittenitwithallbeliefthatitoccurredexactlylikeIhave writtenit.Learnfromthisstorynottofearthefruitsofthepastbutrather to circumspect in the future that those foul passions whereby our family suffered so grievously may not again be let loose to our undoing. Know thenthatinthetimeoftheGreatRebellionthisManorofBaskervillewas heldbyHugo. About the origin of the Hound of the Baskervilles, there have been numerousstatements.Yet,asI,CharlesBaskerville,comeinthedirectline fromHugoBaskerville,andasIhadthestoryfrommyfather,whoalsohad itfromhis,IhavewrittenitwithallbeliefthatitoccurredexactlylikeIhave writtenit.Learnfromthisstorynottofearthefruitsofthepast,butrather tocircumspectinthefuture,thatthosefoulpassions,wherebyourfamily suffered so grievously, may not again be let loose to our undoing. Know then,thatinthetimeoftheGreatRebellion,thisManorofBaskervillewas heldbyHugo. Using oil revenues Saudi Arabia launched a massive development programme so that its towns were bustling with foreigners: contactors immigrant workers business representatives from all over the world and

tourists.Townsandportsweretransformedintomajorcommercialcenters withmodernofficeblocksfactoriesandhousingestates.Riyadhthecapital Jeddah the main port on the Red Sea and Damman the oil centre of the Gulf were among the major centres of change. Yet despite change its traditionisstillstrong.

Dividethefollowingwordsinto8groupsbasedonthepronunciationofthe underlinedconsonants: 1.looked 2.Hugo 3.end 4.undoing 5.belief 6.runs 7.wild 10.mentally 11.many 12.line 14.certain 16.pressing 13.legend 17.wish 18.have 19.replied 20.Holmes 21.high 22.yeoman 23.reading 24.whereby, X.SPEAKING RolePlay: Enactthefollowinginyourclassingroups 1. Inviteafriendtoafunctionandhavethatfriendacceptyour invitation. 2. Inviteafriendtoafunctionandshowhowhe/sherefusespolitelyto attend. XI.WRITINGDescription a. Describeyourvillage b. Describeyourcollegecampus c. Describeyourfavouritesportoryourfavouriteperson.


CaseStudy 1. Dr. Mortimer comes to Holmes to solve the problem of the mysterious death of Charles Baskerville. Why does he then read fromthemanuscriptinsuchdetail? 2. The kidnapped girl has a problemshe has to escape from the evil men. How does she do so? Once she escapes from Hugo and his friends it becomes their problem to find her and bring her back? WhatdoesHugoplantodoandhowfarishisplansuccessful? 3. Recollectanyprobleminyourcampus /hostel/ classroom/home. Wereyouabletosolvetheproblem?How?Ifnot,thenwhydidyou failtosolveit?


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