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Good morning every one!

I am ERWIN G. LABADAN an accredited competency assessor for


I would like to acknowledge the presence of

Mrs. Perla Gundaya, one of the members of Provincial Competency

Assessment Committee,

Mr.Juniver Arellano, our representative from TESDA provincial office

Good morning sir.....good morning maam...

They are here to oversee the conduct of competency assessment and to

check if the conduct is in accordance with the prescribe competency
assessment methodology and procedures. So do not be bothered by their
presence. They will not assess you.

Before we start, let me first check your attendance. Please present to me

your admission slip. As I call your name please acknowledge by raising your
hand , and please sign the attendance sheet. Mr Erwin Baranggan , Ok.
Mr. Jerushua Reserba please sign your attendance!

I have here with me your accomplished Application form and self-

assessment guide from our Competency Assessment processing officer. This
is an indication that you know how to perform all the units of competency
enumerated for Horticulture NCII.

Context and purpose of assessment:

Once again, welcome to GCCNHS an accredited assessment center for

HORTICULTURE NC II under Agri-Fishery sector. All tools and materials will
be provided for your use and they are now set at the practical areas.

The purpose of this assessment is to check the level of your qualification,

and to know if you meet all the requirements.

Qualification of competencies to be assessed

Today I am going to administer the competency assessment for Horticulture

NC II. This qualification Horticulture NCII compose of basic, common and
core competency. We have five units for our Core Competencies namely;

1. Conduct pre-horticultural farm operations

2. Produce Vegetable Crops
3. Produce Fruit-Bearing Crops
4. Perform post –harvest operations of major tropical fruits
5. Perform post-harvest operations of major lowland and semi-temperate
vegetable crops.

A person who is competent in this qualification will be soon become;

 Horticultural Farm Aide

 Horticultural Farm Caretaker
 Coffee Farmer
 Fruit Tree Farmer
 Cacao Farmer
 Vegetable Farmer

Assessment procedures to be undertaken

For our assessment procedures you will undergo written exam and oral
questioning for me to evaluate your underpinning knowledge and Skills

You will be rated on the comparison of your performance against the

standard performance criteria, for the purpose of making the evaluation
consistent and fair among all the candidates.

Task to be performed and the evidence to be collected

The different task to be perform for Horticulture NCII are the following:

 Identification of farm tools, farm implements , equipment , and

materials, (Moving test)
 Naming of vegetables and fruits samples (moving test)
 preparing growing media.
 Perform asexual propagation specifically on cleft grafting and
 Perform over head spraying on fruit bearing crops
 Perform box binding as one of post harvest operations both for
vegetables and fruit bearing crops.

The evidence to be collected is through demonstration, oral questioning

and written test.

By the way, my role here as your assessor is:

 To support the assessment environment
 To give you feedback after the assessment
 To maintain confidentiality of the flow of the assessment

Allowable/ reasonable adjustments in the assessments procedures

By the way, is there anybody here find difficulty in understanding English

instruction? If you fell hard to understand, don’t hesitate to approach me, I
will translate it to vernacular, or into bisaya, Ok.

For your information and guidance candidates, supposed if you are not
COMPETENT and you disagree with the result, then you can file an appeal
towards the decision of the assessor to TESDA provincial office, it must be
done in writing stating your reasons why you’re not satisfied with the
assessment result.

Needs of the candidates to be considered during assessment

For those who want to buy snacks our canteen is located adjacent to this
room. For our comfort room it is located at the end of the hall way. You may
go now.... Any body here, have special concerns when it comes to religion?
Just tell me, so that we can address your concern before we start. Because
you will not be allowed to go out from the assessment area when the
assessment formally starts.

Please turn off your cellphone to avoid disturbance to your co-candidate.

Please don’t forget to wear your PPE or Personal Protective Equipment and
always observe safety. If ever I will notice that you are doing unsafe practice
during your demonstration which could lead an accident. I have the right to
stop the demonstration. Is that clear?

Do you have other concerns or clarifications?

If none, I will now distribute the competency assessment agreement sheets.
And If you need assistance, I will be willing to assist you.

After the candidates are through with accomplishing the assessment

agreement sheet, retrieve the agreement sheets, review the answers and give
feedback to the candidates.

Ok, are you ready for the assessment? It seems that you are ready,
Please follow me at the institutional assessment area for your written
I have 50 items, but it is a moving test and you are required to get 80% of
these for you to passed. You are given 30 minutes to answer.

( go back to orientation room)

Since you’re 10, I’ll be assigning number for every candidate, from 1 to 10. I
will give you 5 minutes to prepare yourselves. Now always remember to wear
PPE appropriate to the task you will perform. Always follow safety
procedures in performing the task.

Assign numbers(1,2,3)

Mr. Baranggan , you will be the candidate no 1. And Mr Reserba you will be
Candidate no. 2. And so on....

C1 will be the first one to enter the assessment area.

Candidate no. 1, this is your assessment area.

Ok before you will start your demonstration please wear your PPE for your
own safety.

Provide the candidate with the tools and materials required to complete the

( Grafting, marcotting, spraying, preparing growing media and box binding

Give specific instructions

Give specific instructions

1. Using the tools, equipment, and materials you are required to perform
cleft grafting, marcotting, spraying, preparing growing media and box
binding within one hour. Each task to perform you are given 25
minutes. I will be observing you while you are performing the tasks.
2. After your demonstration, I will be asking you some questions related
to your demonstration.
3. You may call me when there is a need for me to translate or explain
items for clarification
4. After the questioning portion I will give you feedback about your
5. Any questions or clarifications? If there is no questions, you may
start now.
(After the demonstration)
Please follow Mr. Baranggan to the Institutional Assessment Area for
Oral questioning.

Sample oral questions:

 To avoid accident, what is the proper way to do before operating
the assigned task?
 Why we should wear PPE during the skills demonstration?
.Why we should know first the manufacturer’s instructions, before
using the equipment?

Give feedback:

Mr. Baranggan , Erwin you have done the task within the standard
requirement of the qualification. And you answer correctly all the oral
questions with confidence. For your written test you have only 2 mistake
aswers. So by this evidences I, found out you are COMPETENT.
Congratulations. Please sign the Rating sheet And Competency Assessment
Result Summary. So, you can get your National Certificate from TESDA
provincial office located at Don Gregorio Pelaez Sports complex in front of
Polymedic hospital in Velez St, within 5 working days.. I give you a copy of
your CARS bring it with you when you get your national certificate from

Mr. Reserba, please sit down. How do feel the assessment? You have passed
the written examination, infact you’ve got more than 80 %of the required
passing score, however you were not able to demonstrate properly the
correct procedures in asexual propagation. And for oral questions, some of
your answer are incorrect, and it seems you lack self confidence in
answering the questions. So, by this observation, you are NOT YET
COMPETENT.But don’t be frustrated, all you need to do is to review and
practice the skills you failed to demonstrate properly. You come back when
you feel confident enough that you have acquired the necessary skills. You
will only be reassessed on the task that you were found not yet competent.
Please sign the rating sheet also the Competency Assessment Result

Before we will end up, I would like you to please answer the evaluation form
for you to evaluate my performance during the assessment. Please answer it
honestly. Thank you.

And will now endorse this assessment result to the assessment center

Candidates, thank you so much for coming here.. and for those who are
competent, congratulations. Good luck to your journey and may you find a
good job .And for those who are not yet competent, don’t be discourage . You
still have more chances to be competent. Thank you so much.

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