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Cedrick: Hi [learner], how are you?

Learner: Hi Cedrick, doing good.

Cedrick: For today, I will be showing you how to use sparklines in Microsoft Excel. Have you heard
of this feature before?
Learner: No, I used Excel every day, but this is the first time that I am hearing this one.
Cedrick: Sparklines are visual aids, more of like a graph but smaller. So, if you have a lot of
information that you want to present visually, you can use sparklines. Since this is the first
time that you will be using sparklines, feel free to ask anything about this, I will gladly help
you out.

Learner: Sure, thanks!

Cedrick: By the end of this session, you will be able to create and format sparklines in Microsoft
Excel. I bet that you would use them every single time that you have the opportunity to
present data trends and patterns.
Learner: That’s great. I’m really excited to learn this.
Cedrick: Ok, so here’s what we are going to do. I will present the sparklines first so that you can see
the result of it. Then, you will do it together, but I will be walking you through the steps
that you will take. Then You will do it again, but I will no longer be giving instructions.
Learner: Great!
Cedrick: [Discuss sparklines]

Now, it’s your turn to try preparing this one. I have a sample amount here, so I want you to
try preparing the sparklines. Kindly share your screen so that I can see it as well.
Learner: Ok, I will now do it now.

[After finishing the calculation]

Cedrick: Awesome! You are now ready to use sparklines every time you have the opportunity.
Learner: Great! This is very helpful in my current role. I do a lot of presentations, so this changes the
way that I will be presenting data, especially if there are trends and patterns that I want to
visually present.
Cedrick: Great! Just a quick question before we end the call, can you give a general rating on how I
explained this to you, with 1 as the lowest, and 5 as the highest?
Learner: I will give you a 5. The learning activity was explained and the reason behind it, the
objectives were clearly outlined, and the sequence was easy to follow.
Cedrick: Great! Thanks [learner]!

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