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Reviewwer for PE

By: John Lawrence A. Meking

1. How does one start a Side of Hip and Hamstring Stretch.

A. Bend left leg, cross left foot over, place outside right knee
B. Sit on floor with right leg straight out in front
C. Pull left knee across body toward opposite shoulder
D. Repeat on other side
2. How does one start a Front thigh or quadriceps stretch.
A. Pull hell toward buttock
B. Standing straight, grasp top of left foot with right hand
C. Stand a little away from wall and place left hand on wall for support
D. Hold 10 to 20 seconds
3. Second step on doing a Side of Hip and Hamstring Stretch.
A. Bend left leg, cross left foot over, place outside right knee
B. Sit on floor with right leg straight out in front
C. Hold 10 to 20 seconds
D. Pull left knee across body toward opposite shoulder
4. Which of these choices is First step in Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch.
A. Take a small step forward with the leg closest to the wall
B. Knell on your affected leg and bend your leg out in front of you, with that foot flat on the
C. Keep the elbow straight and shift your weight slightly forward
D. Pull hell toward buttock
5. Which of these choices is Second step in Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch.
A. Knell on your affected leg and bend your leg out in front of you, with that foot flat on the
B. Take a small step forward with the leg closest to the wall
C. Keeping your back straight, slowly push your hips forward until you feel a stretch in the upper
thigh of your back and hip
D. Use a towel if you cannot easily reach your feet
6. What are the benefits of stretching?
A. Improve your performance in physical activities
B. Decrease the risk of injuries
C. Enable your muscles to work most effectively
D. All of the Above
7. All of these are reasons why you should stretch, which one isn't a reason?
A. Decreased stress
B. Reduced pain and stiffness
C. It Tightens the muscles
D. Improved function
8. When does it become over excessive exercise
A. When your muscle soreness last longer
B. When your body doesn’t function properly a day after exercising
C. A & B Are both correct
9. In the Physical Activity Pyramid there are _______ Layers
A. 4
B. 5
C. 2
D. 8
10. One of the Fitness Principles is Progression, what does it mean?
A. Be in a constant phase of activity
B. Proper training or exercise interval is very important
C. Engage with different kinds of exercise or training
D. Having a balanced training program is very important

II. True or False, Encircle the True if the statement is true and False if false.

11. Stretching helps prepare the body for activities.

12. It is not dangerous to start an Exercise without any prior Stretching.
13. The third step in Side hip Hamstring Stretch is done by Pulling the left knee across body toward
opposite shoulder.
14. The “I” in F.I.T.T stand for Intensity
15. Having a goal can help in shaping yourself to who you want to be
16. Overload Fitness Principle says that you have to increase the intensity, duration, type, or time of
a workout progressively in order to see adaptations
17. One of the Fitness Principles is Variety, it means to Engage with different kinds of exercise
or training is this statement true or false?
18. Having a balanced training program is very important.
19. It is fine to be inactive when following the Fitness Principle Pyramid
20. Proper training or exercise interval is very important, this is the Fitness principle
21. For Teens At least 40 Minutes of Vigorous Activity is recommended.
22. To Achieve your fitness goals, you must Divide your time anyway you want throughout the day.
23. The F in F.I.T.T stand for Frequency
24. The 1st T in F.I.T.T stand for Toughness
25. The 2nd T in F.I.T.T stand for Type
26. Intensity is the amount of effort or work completed in a specific exercise
27. Time is simply the duration of the exercise session
28. Frequency means how Strong you do the Exercise
29. Having a Healthy Diet can Help in Keeping yourself in shape
30. The Rest and Recovery Principle is critical to achieving gains in fitness. The body simply cannot
tolerate too much stress, and over time will instead “shut down” in order to protect itself.
31. Taking Short breaks isn't important
32. It is safe overworking your body to be more fit
33. Step 5 of the Physical Activity Pyramid is doing Flexibility Exercises.
34. Step 4 of the Physical Activity Pyramid is Vigorous Aerobatics
35. Step 2 of the Physical Activity Pyramid is Muscle Fitness Exercise

III. For 36-50 Match column a to Column B

A. Moderate physical Activity

B. Vigorous Activity
C. Muscle Fitness Exercise
D. Vigorous sports and recreation
E. Flexibility Exercise

(Light Or Vigorous)

F. Slow Walking

G. Fishing

H. Cooking

I. Washing Dishes

J. Folding Laundry

K. Gardening

L. Slow Biking

M. Basketball

N. Dancing

O. Jogging

P. Brisk walking

Q. Running

R. Swimming

S. Fast Biking

T. Carrying heavy loads

Column B

36. Step 1 ____

37. Step 2 ____
38. Step 3 ____
39. Step 4 ____
40. Step 5 ____

(Light Or Vigorous)

41-45 Light

45 - 50Moderate


50 - 55 Vigorous
1. Asnwer Sheet
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. B
10. A
11. True
12. False
13. True
14. True
15. True
16. True
17. True
18. True
19. False
20. True
21. False
22. True
23. True
24. False
25. True
26. True
27. True
28. False
29. True
30. True
31. False
32. False
33. True
34. False
35. False
36. A
37. B
38. D
39. C
40. E
41. F
42. G
43. H
44. J
45. I
46. K
47. L
48. N
49. O
50. P
51. M
52. Q
53. S
54. R
55. T

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