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CoolBeam PAR-38 Lamps

Definition Applications
Coo beam, pressed glass rellector amps for fdoor use, Numerous commerc al, lndustr a and home I ghtinll app icat ons,
des gned to transm t norma rad ated arnp heat backwards aone or n comb nat on w th f uorescent arnps. deal for d sp ays
lthrough a specia ref ector), wh e t a ntalnlng beam umens oi per shab e goods ald where greateT envirorrmenta comfort is
These PAB 38 amps have a iCC-6i coiled co I ament and desired.
rn ed um skirted base. Buicher Shops H onr es
Bakerles Cloth ng Stores
Description Superrnarkets Shop Windows
F or sts Showcas es
H gh I um rance leve s n certa n app ications ead to
Off ces Cosmetlc D splays
nconven ent heat generatlon These amps have been cleslg red
Ha s Exhbtor'rStands
to so ve the heat prob em.
Vluse u m s Depa fiment Stores
A spec a nterna parabo ic reflector consists of many alternate
avers of different mater als This reflectol llafsmits backwards
approxlmate y 75-q; ol tlre heat. n conventiona PAR-38 lamps
the heat s rad ated ln the beam
Advantages trom reduclio r of heat radiat on nc ude m n mum
dlsco orat on and dry ng out of d sp ayed alt cles and greater Dichroic R-^f lector
env Tol'rtaenia comfort. Princ p e
Aval ab e il] three versionsr a Cool Spotw th a st pp ed frot-lt
refractor producing narTow, homogeneous very h gh ntens ty
bearas A Coo F ood, w th a front refractor cornposed of
p. smat c e en'rents provid ng a w der beam than the Coo Spot
anips A Cool W de F ood, with the most pr smat c e ements r-r
1. e'l,tl o 16.t o a-o o qe.o d-, o.aooo: 1o1.
appl cat ons
Due to the heat transr.] tted to the rear, su tab e um naires
shoLr d b-o trsed

Philips Lighting Company
200 Franklin Square Drive. PO. Box 6800
Somerset, NJ 08875-6800.
A D ! s on of No'th Ame'can Ph ps Co' on
P nted n LlSq 4/12 P 255a A

Cool Beam PAR-38 Lamps

Electrical, Technical and Ordering Data
(Sublect to chanqe wlthout not ce)

Dell .I.
8,..m Max B.teo
NAED Sr.i O!e'f Spre.d at Beam Avq Approx
Nlmber Orde' ns P(s 50r" oi e Lrfe I ti.
011-6677 Code Oiy Descrlpt on l\/l BCPt po\,!er. lHoLrrs) LL,mefs
39817 2 7 5PAB38/2 FL l5 12A PAR 38 l',4ed Skt t2 PAR Coo Be:m Food CC-6 24. r500 2000 75c
35582 6 75PAF38/2 FL 75 r30 PAR 38 Ved Slt 12 PAB Coo Food CC 6 21' r500 2000 75c
36365 5 r 5CPAR38/2FL r50 124 DAF:8 Med Sit 12 PAR Coo F ood CCo 21' 3400 2000 r730
36534.6 I50PAR3a/rF 150 r30 PAF 38 [,1ed Skt ]2 PAF Coo Bear F ood CC 6 21' 3400 2000 r730

'Ale16ge | I0' core for I ood. 5' cone ior spot Oper.1 .!l pos t on Anr
rMBCP = lvla\ mLrm Beai Crna epower
nps slroLr d be sh e dedr'o-n mo sllre 1c pre\.,erl bre..kage Fo' lse cn n ' rl!r-.s ,r th a
LF ,,
we veft .lec bacl To3vo d deier orat on of .nrpho der b! heal lse on ! |
porce r anrD I
hooersorf!1!.es stedby3.3ton. \r reco!. zeo e eclr ca lesinllorganzaLonlorlse,rth
ref ecir]r or PAF .-nps

Candlepower Distribution Data

75PAR3A/2FL 15OPAR38/2F L

^3 ^3
lllumination in Footcandles

-2 \
3 ]
9 3 \ 15 60 2
21 21 16 J
t0 15 t4 3
1 l t5 6 2

r50 r35 |0 46
6l 55 6
PAR 33 t0 :4 33 2l I
t5 t5 r4
0102030 0 10 20 30
D€q.ees from Beam Ax s Desrees from Beam Ax s


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