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Marine Fish

for Beginners
Stock smart when you shop this featured
selection of Marine Fish for Beginners.
We’ve done the work for you. Each one
is carefully selected and recommended
by our aquatic experts for their hardiness
and overall ease of care.

What are the steps to adding beginner

saltwater fish to my aquarium?
Don’t let the facts that saltwater tanks complete, test water parameters
are a larger investment and a little regularly and set up a maintenance
more challenging than freshwater schedule. Once your aquarium
tanks discourage you. For help in is properly set up with saltwater
setting up a saltwater aquarium, our parameters met and the tank has
article on the subject can help “Step by completed the nitrogen cycle, your
Step Reef Aquarium”. In it, hobbyists pumps are circulating the water, and
learn how to set up a marine aquarium you’ve aquascaped, you are ready for
in five simple steps. After set up is your next addition - FISH!

How do I select good beginner saltwater fish?

The experts at LiveAquaria® have that captive-bred fish are typically
thoughtfully created a collection of hardier than wild-caught fish. In
amazing marine fish with easy care addition to these (and perhaps
levels, many of which are captive-bred. most importantly), these fish are
There are many benefits to captive- sustainable, viable options that help
bred fish. One benefit is because the ease the impact on natural reefs.
fish have been raised in an aquarium, After making fish selections,
they will acclimate much quicker than introduce them to your tank slowly
wild caught stock, and will accept while following the LiveAquaria®
an array of foods. Another benefit is Acclimation Guide.
Which fish are good beginner saltwater fish?

All the fish listed below are in This list below is not all-inclusive but
the LiveAquaria® Marine Fish for represent popular choices among
Beginners category. If you are adding beginner saltwater aquarists.
fish to an existing saltwater aquarium,
check each one’s Quick Stats for its
specific requirements and our Marine
Compatibility Chart before making
your selections.
Coral Beauty Angelfish
Coral Beauty
(Centropyge bispinosa)
Common names:
Twospined Angelfish,
Dusky Angelfish

A lot of hobbyists get reach 4” in length at maturity but

into saltwater fishkeeping do require a larger aquarium of 70
specifically to keep an Angelfish. gallons or more. This is to ensure
LiveAquaria® has sourced one that they have a large swimming area
is hardy, has an easy care level, and lots of hiding places. Live
and vivid coloration: the Coral rock should be included, as these
Beauty Angelfish. With colors Angelfish eat algae that forms on
representing both the coolness them. Fulfilling these suggestions
of a deep blue ocean and the should reduce aggression.
warmth of a setting sun, they
display royal blue throughout The Coral Beauty Angelfish is
their body, head, and fins. This difficult to breed in captivity.
royal blue coloration is the base
for an overlay of iridescent orange The diet of the Coral Beauty
color radiating along its pelvic Angelfish should consist of
fins, body, and head. It is hard to Spirulina, marine algae, high-
distinguish males from females. quality Angelfish preparations,
Mysis or frozen shrimp, and other
A smaller marine fish, they only quality meaty foods.
Yellow Watchman Goby
Yellow Watchman
(Cryptocentrus cinctus)
Common names:
Yellow Prawn, Yellow
Shrimp Goby

Yellow Watchman Goby are home. The Goby reacts when it

beginner saltwater fish with a senses danger, and the shrimp will
lot of personality. In addition be alerted.
to vibrant coloration of an all
over yellow-orange color, they To provide this Goby with an
have small bright blue spots on effective saltwater environment,
their heads and fins. Not active the aquarium should be at least 30
swimmers, they like to burrow in gallons in capacity, have a sandy
the substrate and peek out from bottom and plenty of loose coral
behind rocks. rubble for burrowing. They rarely
become aggressive towards other
They have also been known to fish, but are territorial, so will fight
form a symbiotic relationship with their own kind unless they are
with certain Pistol Shrimp. The a mated pair.
Pistol Shrimp will create burrows
or caves underneath live rock The Yellow Watchman Goby will
in the substrate that both the get some nutrition by eating food
Goby and Pistol Shrimp will call they find in the sand but should
home. Because shrimp have poor be fed twice daily. Their diet
eyesight, the Goby may bring should include a variety of Mysis
food home to the shrimp and also shrimp, brine shrimp, and frozen
keep guard at the entrance to their preparations for carnivores.
Firefish Goby
Firefish Goby
(Nemateleotris magnifica)
Common names: Fire
Goby, Magnificent
Goby, Fire Dartfish

Firefish Goby are one of the more they feel threatened. This member
popular fish in the marine hobby. of the Gobiidae family is generally
They are a hardy fish with brilliant not aggressive towards other fish
coloration, a unique body shape, except those of its own species.
and unparalleled personality. This However, a mated pair can live
Nemateleotris magnifica has a peacefully together.
yellow head, white anterior, and
pinkish to orange-red posterior To best recreate their wild habitat,
resembling glowing embers. Not Firefish Goby require a lidded
only beautiful, but they are also aquarium of 20 gallon or larger
heralded as sweet-tempered fish. with moderate lighting and
Because of their small size (3” at
maturity), Firefish Goby make a Along with algae and zooplankton
great addition to the smaller reef growing in the aquarium, their diet
system of 20 gallons or more. should consist of vitamin-enriched
They should be provided with brine fish (live or frozen), Mysis
plenty of hiding places in live rock shrimp, and prepared marine
into which they can dart when foods.
Percula Clownfish
Percula Clownfish
(Amphiprion percula)
Common names:
True Percula, Clown

In nature, Percula Clownfish their likeable personalities make

are normally found on the reefs them a wonderful addition to reef
of Oceania, the Indo-Pacific, aquariums. Growing to 3”, they
and the Great Barrier Reef require an aquarium of 30 gallons
living on anemones. Due to or more.
the popularity of this saltwater
beginner fish, they have been Clownfish form symbiotic
bred in captivity both to satisfy relationships with anemones and
the demand and also to protect are one of the first beginner fish
the world’s resources. What is the hobbyists want to include in their
advantage of captive-bred Percula beginner saltwater aquarium. It
Clownfish? They are hardy and is not mandatory that captive-
more accustomed to conditions bred Percula Clownfish live
found in home aquariums. They with anemones, and since tank
are also easy to breed in captivity. requirements for anemones may
be more difficult than those for
Percula Clownfish are pale orange the Clownfish, you may want to
and white when they are young. establish your Clownfish first and
They mature to a bright orange add anemones at a later date.
color with wide white vertical Omnivores, the Percula Clownfish
stripes outlined with thick black will readily accept most meaty
borders. These striking colors and foods and herbivore preparations.
Royal Gramma Basslet
Royal Gramma Basslet
(Gramma loreto)
Common names:
Fairy Basslet

The Royal Gramma Basslet has hiding places in rockwork, corals,

an easy care level and a peaceful reefs, and caves. An aquarium of
temperament, making it a good 30 gallons is sufficient, as it will
choice for beginner saltwater grow to only 3” in length. The
hobbyists. In addition to those Royal Gramma Basslet will exhibit
benefits, it makes an excellent territorial aggression, so should
choice because it brings a burst of not be housed with other Royal
color to any saltwater aquarium. Gramma Basslets or other cave
Its bright purple-to-violet colored dwelling fish such as Firefish, even
anterior is in stark contrast to its though they are peaceful toward
vibrant yellow posterior. It also other tankmates that are similar
has a black dot that resembles an to them in terms of size and
eye on the front of its dorsal fin, as temperament.
well as a darker line that extends
from its mouth to beyond its eye. Since it is a carnivore, feed Royal
Gramma Basslets a varied diet of
This member of the Grammidae meaty fare, including brine shrimp,
family prefers an environment Mysis shrimp, and quality frozen
with subdued lighting and a lot of preparations.
Longnose Hawkfish
Longnose Hawkfish
(Oxycirrhites typus)
Common names:
Longnose Hawk,
Hawaiian Hawkfish,

The Longnose Hawkfish has a lid. Because they enjoy darting in

lot of characteristics that enable and out of hiding, there should be
them to stand out from other plenty of areas in which they can
marine fish: a plaid red and white do so. A specific requirement of
pattern throughout, long nose, these marine fish is that they have
large eyes, and distinctive cirri at a place to perch. They often live
the end of their dorsal fins. With among Red Gorgonian Sea Fans
great personalities, they are active that will satisfy both the need for
fish growing to about 5”. They hiding and perching, but if a Sea
lack swim bladders, so are able to Fan is not part of your aquarium
change swimming depths easily. environment, arranging décor
This Oxycirrhites typus is the to create hiding and a perch is
only Hawkfish reported to have acceptable.
spawned in captivity. A hardy,
semi-aggressive fish, it can be The Longnose Hawkfish diet
overpowered by larger Hawkfish should include a variety of marine
so take this into consideration meats, frozen preparations, and
when selecting tank mates. live feeder shrimp.

Longnose Hawkfish can be housed

in a 30 gallon aquarium that has a
Flame Hawkfish
Flame Hawkfish
(Neocirrhites armatus)
Common names:
Brilliant Hawkfish,
Brilliant Red Hawkfish

Flame Hawkfish have a bright red Cirrhitidae family requires a 30

body with dark coloration along gallon or larger aquarium with
the bottom of its dorsal fin and plenty of live rock or hard corals
around its eyes. They are a small where it can perch and hide,
(grow to 4”) personable saltwater darting out when they see food.
fish that can be a great addition
to your reef aquarium as long as The Flame Hawkfish carnivore diet
you don’t also house small shrimp, should include a variety of marine
Gobies, or Blennies. meats, frozen preparations, and
live feeder shrimp. Quality food
Hardy saltwater fish, they can not only provides nutrition but can
tolerate slight changes in water enhance the fish’s coloration.
parameters. This member of the
How to start a saltwater aquarium?

LiveAquaria® has many articles beginner saltwater aquarist, you

and resources to assist you may choose to move on to marine
as you begin your saltwater fish and invertebrates with more
aquarium keeping journey. Once challenging care levels. The sky’s
you’ve established yourself as a the limit!
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