Handouts For Personal Fitness Test

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Handouts for Personal Fitness Test

Physical Fitness can be defined as being in good cardiovascular condition, having good levels of
muscular strength, endurance and flexibility, and having proper amount of body fat.

Components of Physical Fitness

1.Cardiovascular Endurance
7.Balance and;

1. Cardiovascular Endurance – is the ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time.
2. Strength – is the amount of force the muscle can produce. It is often how much weight one
can lift.
3. Agility – is the ability to change body position quickly.
4. Flexibility – is the ability to use the joints fully through a wide range of motion.
5. Speed –ability to cover a distance quickly.
6. Power – is the ability to release maximum force very quickly.
7. Balance – the ability to maintain an upright position while standing or moving.
8. Coordination – involves the ability to link various movements together with the senses, such
as using the eyes with the hands or feet.

Physical Fitness Test- Is a test designed to measure strength, agility and endurance to
determine one’s level of physical fitness.

Test for Flexibility (Have a video for each physical test to serve a guide of the students.)

A. Sit and Reach-Test for flexibility of the hamstring muscle (back of the high). The purpose of
this test is to determine a healthy back and prevent hypertension of the knees
B. Zipper Test- Is a test of upper and shoulder girdle flexibility intended to parallel the strength
and endurance assessment in the part of the body.
Test for Cardiovascular Endurance

A. 3 Minute Step Test- test for the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen
to working muscles and tissues as well as the ability of those muscle to do repeated work
without fatigue.

Test for Muscular Strength

A. Curl – ups- test for abdominal muscle strength and good posture, making the hips are
properly aligned.
B. 90-Degree Push-ups-test for the upper body muscles and arm strength and endurance.

Test for Speed

A. 40- Meter Sprint-Administered to measure running speed.

Test for Power

A. Standing Long Jump- test for leg strength and power.

B. Basketball Pass-Measure upper body strength and power or the ability to exert a forceful
movement utilizing the muscles of the arm and upper body.

Test for Agility

A. Hexagon Agility Test-to measure the ability to move quickly while maintaining balance.

Test for Reaction Time

A. Stick Drop Test-measure the time as to how fast a person can respond to a stimulus.
The higher the score, the faster the reaction time.

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