Isabellam Letter

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18, 2022

To Whom It May Concern,

This is a letter of recommendation for Ms. Isabella Moayer. I am very

supportive of her application to pursue an elementary teaching position. I
have had the pleasure of working with Ms. Moayer in the past year at
Michigan State University as her instructor for TE 405: Teaching of Language
and Literacy to Diverse learners. This letter will focus on Ms. Moayer’s
strengths as an educator.

I have witnessed Ms. Moayer demonstrating passion and dedication to the

field of education. She was always prepared for class and showed
professionalism. She had many questions, and it was clear she wanted to
improve her practice as a future teacher. She was very thoughtful with her
lesson planning. She thought about the interests of her students as well as
connected to standards and differentiated her instruction to meet the needs
of the learners. She not only cared about the students but their families as

Ms. Moayer was always collaborative in class. She was also very open to
feedback, which was so important. She had a growth mindset, which is vital
as a teacher. Ms. Moayer has experience in both lower and upper elementary,
providing her the skills to teach across many grade levels.
College of
Ms. Moayer is conscientious, works hard, and shows care to children and
Teacher Education their families. I believe that she will be a highly qualified teacher and an
excellent colleague. She will bring many assets to a school.
Michigan State
620 Farm Lane, It is without hesitation that I recommend Ms. Moayer and I would welcome
313 Erickson Hall talking further with you about any questions you have.
East Lansing, MI 48824

517-353-5091 Sincerely,
Fax: 517-432-5092

Melanie McCormick

MSU is an affirmative-action,
equal-opportunity employer.

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