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Most Essential Topic # 1: Introduction to Media and Information

Prerequisite Content-knowledge:
Information from Various Sources
Communication Process

Prerequisite Skill:
Uses conventions in citing sources
Navigates a website using essential features, e.g., using headings, links, etc.
Researches a topic with support using two or three sources

Prerequisites Assessment:

Let the learners answer the exercise to find out their knowledge of media and information literacy.

Selective Response: Multiple Choice

Choose the letter of the correct best answer for each item.

1. Which of the following terms refers to the capability of a person to work independently or with others to use technology tools to access, manage, integrate and communicate information?

A. Media literacy
B. Reading literacy
C. Information literacy
D. Technology literacy

2. It is the understanding to access, analyze, evaluate, create, reflect and act using various forms of communication.
A. Media literacy
B. Information literacy
C. Technology literacy
D. Reading literacy

3. A set of skills requiring people to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use it effectively is known as ____________________.

A. Media literacy
B. Information literacy
C. Technology literacy
D. Reading literacy

4. Media and information facilitate the flow of communication. Which situation illustrates this?

A. An MIL student saves his files in Google drive.

B. A school administrator prepares his speech for the assembly.
C. A teacher writes an organized instructional activity for the learners.
D. A friend sends you an infographic on energy conservation which you requested.

5. Which act shows proper use of media and information?

A. Copy and paste any information that can help you answer your school essays.
B. Create media presentations to counter those who spread negative information about your friend.
C. Share encouraging or positive posts in support of causes, subjects, and persons you care about.
D. Use social media to express your anger and disappointment for you to have emotional relief.

Pre-lesson Remediation Activity:

1. For Students with Insufficient Level of Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):

● reading activities (limited access to digital resources)

● audio-visual materials (explainer videos, tutorials, etc.)
The learners will be given reading and audio-visual materials depending on the result of the prerequisites assessment.

● article review

Let the learners access the worksheet through this link:

2. For Students with Fairly Sufficient Level of Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):

● reading activities (limited access to digital resources)

● open-ended responses

Let the learners access the worksheet through this link:
The learners will be given reading materials or open-ended questions depending on the result of the prerequisites assessment.


1. Time frame a student is expected to finish learning the lesson (and where to contact the teacher when concerns arise).

The first two (2) hours will be spent on the presentation and discussion of the key concepts in media and information. The next two (2) hours will be allotted for the completion of the
expository essay.

Online and Distance (Online + Offline remote)

Learners can communicate with their teacher via text or call, LMS, or social media messenger.

Blended (Online + In-person On-campus)

Learners can communicate with the teacher during the on-campus meeting and utilize the channels for Distance Learning during off-campus days.

2. The knowledge (RUA) the student is expected to gain from learning the topic/lesson

● describe how media and information affect communication

● identity the similarities and differences between media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy
● cite ways how to use media and information responsibly

3. Context where the student is going to apply his/her learning (In what PAA/EAA and personal use?)

● EAA/PAA: Concept Proposal

● Proper perspective for self-expression through media and judicious use of media and information in communication

4. Overview of the Lesson

The Introduction to Media Information and Literacy discusses the different key concepts, such as media, information, and technology literacies, their similarities and differences that have a
direct impact on the students’ understanding of how media and information affect communication and on how to use them responsibly.

Student’s Experiential Learning: (Note: Use the Flexible Learning Activity Identified for the topic/lesson relative to the General Enabling Teaching Strategy)

Your learners will go through reading activities for them to be able to describe how media and information affect communication, identify the similarities and differences of the key terms in
media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy, and discuss how media and information should be used responsibly.

You may use any Socialized Discussion Board using your LMS or any application (Padlet, Socrative, Flipgrid, etc.) to ensure active engagement. Otherwise, you may opt for written submission or
face-to-face group discussion.

You present the context where can apply their learning. Emphasize to the learners that they will develop the proper perspective for self-expression through media and the judicious use of media
and information in communication. In the long run, this will also facilitate their accomplishment of the Preparatory Assessment Activity (PAA), which is the Concept Proposal.

For the learners to fully grasp the content of the essay, you may have a brief review on communication by accessing this link: Then,
then proceed with the reading of the essay. After that, you can post the formative question to find out what the learners have taken from the topic.

CHUNK 1: How media and information affect communication

Formative question
What is the role of media and information in communication?

You may remind the students that MIL aims to develop students to be creative and critical thinkers as well as responsible users and competent producers of media and information. Emphasize
that for them to identify these skills, they will have to read the next essay.

CHUNK 2: Media, Information, Technology and Media, and Information Literacies

Formative question
What are the similarities and differences between media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy?

Since the learners have a clear understanding of the similarities and differences between these terms: media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy from the expository essay
above. To illustrate their understanding, let them do this simple exercise (Worksheet on Comparison of Media, Information and Technology Literacy)

Similarities Differences
Media Literacy
Information Literacy
Technology Literacy

To further deepen their understanding as media and information users or even producers, let them read the last essay.

Chunk 3: Responsible Use of Media and Information

Formative question
What specific action do you do to show that you are a responsible user of media and information?

Underscore that one way to be a responsible media user is to be able to evaluate the information sources. Then guide them on how to do that using this checklist:


Who is the author(s) and what is their source of authority (e.g., what is
their academic specialism or professional experience)?

Has a systematic and rigorous process been carried out? (e.g., are
references all traceable, is evidence discussed and thoroughly analyzed).

Has the information been peer-reviewed or gone through an editing

(Normally all academic journals include a process of peer-review. You can
usually find out what the process is from the journal’s website. Also,
academic publishers, e.g., Palgrave, Routledge, Methuen, Ashgate, Sage,
Cambridge University Press, and other University Press publishers, also
use peer review before a book is published).
Can you tell when the information was created or last updated? (Does it
matter for your piece of work?)

If it is a website, does it look like it is being maintained?

If it is a website, do the links work?

Does the author provide evidence to support his ideas, views, and
conclusions? What kind of ‘evidence’ is being used? Is there any data or
statistics provided? Has the author undertaken any original research? Is
the information too basic or too advanced for your needs?

Are there accurate references to other sources that you can follow up on?
Is the emphasis of the topic appropriate for your needs? Does the
information relate to countries/groups etc. you are interested in?

If it is online are there links out to other sources?

Is the information too basic or too advanced for your needs? Are there
accurate references to other sources that you can follow up on?

Is the emphasis of the topic appropriate for your needs?

Does the information relate to countries/groups etc. you are interested

Taking your evaluation into consideration, would you feel confident using
this information as part of or in support of your research? Why/why not?


Effective communication can take place best with the use of appropriate media and information. Since communication is a human need, it is expected that he/she develops certain abilities or
literacies: media, information, and technology. With these literacies, he/she definitely uses media and information consciously and responsibly. This leads to him/her to communicate with ease
and confidence specifically in written form such as writing an expository essay.

RUA of a Student’s Learning:

Expository Essay

Let the learners access the link on how to write the expository essay: You may direct them to a simplified version.

Let the learners do Informal Writing so that they can lay down their ideas before they finalize and submit their expository essays. You may let them use a graphic organizer like this:

Post-lesson Remediation Activity:

● additional reading materials

● group discussion (sharing their understanding of the topic)

In the expository essay, the learners are expected to have a full grasp of the key terms in media and information and an understanding of how media and information affect communication and
how media and information should be used responsibly. If these are not met by the learners, you can provide them with additional reading materials. You may also arrange for a group

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