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Unit 8 Assignment: Practicing Argumentation

First, review Reading #3:

This article presents three different argumentation styles. After reading about the three styles, try writing one of each! Use this
template to do so. Please note, you only need to type 1-2 sentences per box in this template. So, this does not have to be a full
essay! You are just practicing the components of argumentation. You do not need to do any research for this assignment. It can be
tricky, so don’t worry. I’ll provide feedback to help.

Toulmin Method

Section Description Example from Purdue Your Example:

Claim In this section, you explain your overall Hybrid cars are an Write a claim about
thesis on the subject. In other words, you effective strategy to fight public transportation in
make your main argument. pollution. Massachusetts (For
example, Boston should
update the bus system
to better meet the needs
of parents and

Data You should use evidence to support the Driving a private car is a Provide some type of
(Grounds):  claim. In other words, provide the reader typical citizen's most air- evidence to support
with facts that prove your argument is polluting activity. your claim:
Warrant In this section, you explain why or how your Due to the fact that cars Explain why your
(Bridge):  data supports the claim. As a result, the are the largest source of evidence supports your
underlying assumption that you build your private (as opposed to claim:
argument on is grounded in reason. industrial) air pollution,
switching to hybrid cars
should have an impact on
fighting pollution.

Counterclaim:  You should anticipate a counterclaim that Instead of focusing on State why someone else
negates the main points in your argument. cars, which still might disagree with your
Don't avoid arguments that oppose your encourages an inefficient claim:
own. Instead, become familiar with the culture of driving even as it
opposing perspective.  If you respond to cuts down on pollution, the
counterclaims, you appear unbiased (and, nation should focus on
therefore, you earn the respect of your building and encouraging
readers). You may even want to include the use of mass transit
several counterclaims to show that you systems.
have thoroughly researched the topic.

Rebuttal In this section, you incorporate your own While mass transit is an State why they are
evidence that disagrees with the idea that should be wrong to disagree with
counterclaim. It is essential to include a encouraged, it is not you:
thorough warrant or bridge to strengthen feasible in many rural and
your essay’s argument. If you present data suburban areas, or for
to your audience without explaining how it people who must
supports your thesis, your readers may not commute to work. Thus,
make a connection between the two, or hybrid cars are a better
they may draw different conclusions. solution for much of the
nation's population.
Rogerian Method 

Component of the Description of this Example from Purdue Your Own Example
Argument Component OWL
Introduction Introduce the issue to the The issue of whether Write a claim about
audience, striving to remain children should wear school whether companies
as objective as possible uniforms is subject to some should require employees
debate. to get vaccinated:

Opposing View Explain the other side’s Some parents think that Explain what some people
position in an unbiased requiring children to wear might believe instead of
way. When you discuss the uniforms is best. you:
counterargument without
judgement, the opposing
side can see how you do
not directly dismiss
perspectives which conflict
with your stance.

Statement of Validity This section discusses how Those parents who support Explain why you think
(Understanding):  you acknowledge how the uniforms argue that, when someone else might have
other side’s points can be all students wear the same that belief:
valid under certain uniform, the students can
circumstances. You develop a unified sense of
identify how and why their school pride and
perspective makes sense in inclusiveness
a specific context, but still
present your own argument.
Statement of Your By this point, you have Students should not be Explain why you believe
Position demonstrated that you required to wear school what you do about
understand the other side’s uniforms. Mandatory vaccines:
viewpoint. In this section, uniforms would forbid
you explain your own choices that allow students
stance. to be creative and express
themselves through
Statement of Benefits You should conclude by Though both sides seek to Explain the benefits of
explaining to the opposing promote students' best your beliefs regarding
side why they would benefit interests, students should vaccines:
from accepting your not be required to wear
position. By explaining the school uniforms. By giving
advantages of your students freedom over their
argument, you close on a choice, students can
positive note without explore their self-identity by
completely dismissing the choosing how to present
other side’s perspective. themselves to their peers.

Classical Method 

Component of the Description of this Example from Purdue Your Own Example
Argument Component OWL
Introduce the issue and Millions of workers are paid Write a sentence about
Introduction (Exordium):  explain its significance. You a set hourly wage your experience in online
should also establish your nationwide. The federal learning:
credibility and the topic’s minimum wage is
legitimacy. standardized to protect
workers from being paid too
little. Research points to
many viewpoints on how
much to pay these workers.
Some families cannot afford
to support their households
on the current wages
provided for performing a
minimum wage job.

Statement of Background Present vital contextual or Currently, millions of Write a sentence about
(Narratio):  historical information to the American workers struggle why online learning is
audience to further their to make ends meet on a happening this year:
understanding of the issue. minimum wage. This puts a
By doing so, you provide strain on workers’ personal
the reader with a working and professional lives.
knowledge about the topic Some work multiple jobs to
independent of your own provide for their families.

Proposition (Propositio):  After you provide the reader The current federal Write a claim about
with contextual knowledge, minimum wage should be whether you think online
you are ready to state your increased to better learning is useful to you
claims which relate to the accommodate millions of or not:
information you have overworked Americans. By
provided previously. This raising the minimum wage,
section outlines your major workers can spend more
points for the reader. time cultivating their
Proof (Confirmatio):  You should explain your According to the United Provide a reason for why
reasons and evidence to States Department of Labor, you believe it is/isn’t
the reader. Be sure to 80.4 million Americans work useful to you:
thoroughly justify your for an hourly wage, but
reasons. In this section, if nearly 1.3 million receive
necessary, you can provide wages less than the federal
supplementary evidence minimum. The pay raise will
and subpoints. alleviate the stress of these
workers. Their lives would
benefit from this raise
because it affects
multiple areas of their lives.

Refutation (Refuatio):  In this section, you address There is some evidence that Acknowledge why
anticipated raising the federal wage someone else might
counterarguments that might increase the cost of disagree with you:
disagree with your thesis. living. However, other
Though you acknowledge evidence contradicts this or
the other side’s perspective, suggests that the increase
it is important to would not be great.
prove why your stance is Additionally,  worries about
more logical.   a cost of living increase
must be balanced with the
benefits of providing
necessary funds to millions
of hardworking Americans.
Conclusion (Peroratio):  You should summarize your If the federal minimum wage Write one concluding
main points. The conclusion was raised, many workers sentence:
also caters to the reader’s could alleviate some of their
emotions and values. The financial burdens. As a
use of pathos here makes result, their emotional
the reader more inclined to wellbeing would improve
consider your argument.   overall. Though some argue
that the cost of living could
increase, the benefits
outweigh the potential

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