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Criminal Justice Review

I. Match the statements in column A with their proper term in column B
Column A Column B
1. ______Classified
d. as serious and violent crimes
2. ______is
z. the killing of one human being by another a. Rule of law
3. ______the legislative body of a country or state. b. Civil law
4. ______
a. is a durable system of laws, institutions, norms, and c. Law
community commitment that delivers: Accountability. d. Felonies
5. ______Written by the United Nations in 1948 include 30articles e. Supreme Court
proclaims people’s rights.
f. Juvenile court
6. ______can
c. be defined as the rules and regulations made and
g. Statues
enforced by government.
g. h. Federal Law
7. ______are written laws enacted by federal and state legislatures.
8. ______ Branches of law dealing with crimes and their punishments. i. Misdemeanors
9. ______
b. Are all law that does not involve criminal matters j. Legislature
10. ______seek
f. to rehabilitate the minor by taking a moralistic k. Criminal Justice
approach and trying to help learn community values. l. parens patriae
11. ______
o. having the power to make laws. m. Supremacy clause
12. ______classified
i. as less serious crimes, less than a year in prison. n. courts-martial
13. ______Is
t. the process in which one country asks another to o. Legislative
surrender a suspected or convicted criminal: p. Universal
14. ______
m. stating that in the event of conflict between state and Declaration of
federal law, the federal law must be applied. Human Rights
15. ______commonly
v. referred to as the World Court, is the principal q. Arbitration
judicial body of the United Nations. r. Criminal law
16. ______
x. Law that applies to the conduct of countries. Often applies s. will
when national governments make treaties other countries. t. Extradition
17. ______
h. laws that affect people in every state. u. Native Americans
q. When both parties to a dispute agree to have one or more
18. ______
persons listen to their arguments and decide for them. v. International Court
19. ______ an appellate court decision on a legal question that guides
of Justice
future cases representing similar legal questions
w. Error of law
20. ______
n. trial for U.S. military members who have violated the
x. International Law
Uniform Code of Military Justice
21. ______ y. Precedent
u. They retain certain legal authority over their respective
reservations. z. homicide
22. ______is
e. the highest court in the land is the of the United States.
23. ______
w. occurs when the judge makes a mistake as to the law applicable in the case.
24. ______The
l. right of the state to intervene in the life of a child
25. ______is
k. a generic term that refers to the laws, procedures, institutions, and policies at play
before, during, and after the commission of a crime.
26. ______
s. is a legal document that explains how a person wants his or her property distributed
after death.
Name: date:
Criminal Justice Review
II. Parties to crime
Define the involvement of each during the committing of a crime. Mention the consequences.

-principal person who commits a crime

-accomplice person who helps the principal commit the crime

-accessory before person who orders a crime or helps the principal commit the crime but is
the fact not present during the crime
-accessory after person who knowing a crime has been committed helps the principal or
the fact accomplice avoid capture or escape
-victim is not a party to the crime but might be called as a witness at the trial

III. Define the meaning of each of the following terms related to crimes against a
1. First degree murder murder is usually defined as the act of killing that is premeditated

2. Second degree murder killing that is done with malice, but without premeditation or deliberation.

3. Felony murder is any killing that takes place during the commission of certain felonies such as arson,
rape, robbery, or burglary.
4. Premeditation is thought about beforehand, deliberate, and done with malice.

5. Involuntary manslaughter killing in which there is no intent to kill at all. It is unintentional killing resulting
from conduct so reckless that it causes extreme danger of death or bodily injury.
6. Negligence is the failure to exercise a reasonable or ordinary amount of care in a situation, thereby
causing harm to someone.
7. Assault any attempt or threat to carry out a physical attack upon another person.

8. Battery any unlawful physical contact inflicted by one person upon another person
without consent.
9. Stalking the act of following or harassing another person, causing the fear of death or injury

10. Sexual assault includes a wide range of victimizations from verbal threats of a sexual nature to unwanted
sexual contact between the victim and the offender.
11. Aggravated rape occurs when the perpetrator uses a weapon or some other form of force to complete
the assault.
12. Statutory rape intercourse with someone under the legal age of consent.

13. Suicide deliberate taking of one’s own life

Name: date:
Criminal Justice Review

IV. Fill in the blank with the word that is associated for each statement.

ilegal beyond a reasonable doubt Human rights Laws UDHR separation Criminal cases House of
representatives fair preponderance of the evidence divorce agreement Annulment federal
government International law senate common-law arbitration Freedom of
ExpressionFault divorce prenuptial agreement neglect marriage

1. The UN _____________________is
UDHR not a binding treaty, but some countries have made
treaties and other legal mechanisms to enforce it.
2. Refugees crossing national borders, ownership of property including copyrights and
patents are examples of ____________________.
International law
3. Law must be _____________________.
4. The ___________________________includes
divorce agreement decisions over children, large sums of
money, property, or anything else substantial obtain during the marriage.
5. In law NOT everything that is immoral is also ______________________
6. Human
rights are rights that all people have simply because they are human beings.
7. ____________have
Laws been presents since the first civilizations to regulate the conduct of
people within a society.
8. A _____________________
prenuptial agreement is a written document made before marriage that sets forth
certain rights and responsibilities of the spouses.
9. ________________________protects
Freedom of Expression the right to make up our own minds, to think
what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people.
10. In a criminal case to convict, you have to prove defendant guilty
beyond a reasonable doubt and in a Civil case, liability is found when evidence is clear
by a __________________.
preponderance of the evidence
11. __________________is
Marriage the legally or formally recognized union of two people as
partners in a personal relationship.
12. ________________
Common-law marriage which does not require a ceremony but is not recognized
in all states.
13. An _______________________is
annulment a court order declaring that a marriage never existed.
Must have grounds for ______________
annulment like bigamy, incest or lack of consent.
14. The _______________________
federal government Has the power to declare war not the state
15. Homicide, robbing a bank and rape are examples of ______________________.
criminal cases
16. During a________________
separation a couple may decide to live apart for a short period, or it
may be permanent.
17. Congress is made up 2 houses: __________________
Senate and _____________.
House of Representatives
18. School disciplinary committee had the authority to take disciplinary action against a
student. This is an example of :_________________________
19. _____________
Fault divorce is when a spouse could show that the other spouse was at fault. Ex:
adultery and abandonment.
Name: date:
Criminal Justice Review
20. A ________________case
neglect occurs when a parent or guardian is charged with failing to
provide basic needs.

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