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Monday, 5 December 2022 Quarter 1 Vol.1
High School-X


by: Maria Eleonor C. Baňares
Consistent to Republic Act 11480, An Act Amending
Section 3 of RA No. 7797, otherwise known as “An Act
SLPC 2022
to Lengthen the School Calendar from Two Hundred
(200) Days to Not More Than Two Hundred Twenty 5 - KAY AYESSA, MAY
(220) Class Days”, the School Year 2022-2023 formally PAG-ASA!
opened last August 22, 2022, and shall end on July 7, 7 - REAWAKENING: MY
2023. The number of school days shall consist of 203 JOURNEY AS CLASS
days or as may be determined by further issuance/s PRESIDENT
in case of changes in the school calendar due to
unforeseen circumstances.
The face-to-face classes officially began and the
9-Marz students met for the first time as a class. They 13 - NANDITO LANG AKO
were divided into two (2) sets: Set A and Set B. Gusa
Regional Science High School-X hosted an opening NEW CLASS SCHEDULE
program for the students. The teachers and by: Maria Eleonor C. Baňares
administrators were introduced during the program.
Regionalistas were given a new schedule
Week 1 was intended for Psychosocial Activities for
beginning November 7, 2022. For Junior HS students,
students and orientation of the School Policies. Set A
Monday and Tuesday will begin at 7:30 AM and will
students meet every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
end at 5:00 PM while Wednesday, Thursday, and
morning while Set B students meet every Wednesday
Friday will begin at 7:30 AM and will end at 4:30PM.
afternoon, Thursday, and Friday. This set-up lasted
The schedule seemed heavy although a 30-
until September 9, 2022.
minute break is given in the morning and in the
Another schedule was given beginning September
afternoon and a one-hour lunch break. Mrs. Wilma
12 to November 2, 2022. This time, 100% of the students
Famador hinted that staying longer hours in school
go to school from Monday to Thursday. Friday is
might have unforeseen effects on his son such as
intended for modular activities to be done at home.
stress or over fatigue. "Pag-uli ni EJ makatulog siya
Per DepEd Calendar, November 2 onwards was
diretso ug mumata sa tunga sa gabii", she added.
proclaimed as the official beginning of the 5 days in-
According to Esel Dinampo, the new schedule is
person classes mandatory for all public schools. All
"Okay raman, makaya ra, medyo apiki na ang HRGP
students report to school from Monday to Friday.
na 4:30-5:00 especially sa uban na sayo mu-uli."
by: Ma. Samantha F. Lagbas
October 4, 2022, a day dedicated for
teachers, a wonderful celebration filled with
smiles and laughter from students and
advisers. The Marzians were dressed in a
beautiful red attire as they waved and
cheered for their one and only gorgeous
adviser, Ma'am Maria Eleonor Bañares. Felicity
and bliss filled the atmosphere as they
surprised their adviser with heartfelt
After the formal celebration, the class
officers went with their plan, organized by the
Marzians themselves. With careful and
thorough execution, the food on the table, the
class sat down with lights off, and waiting for
the arrival of their lovely teacher. When she
arrived, the Marzians surprised her with a
song, flowers, and warm hugs. The room was
filled with so much love and gratitude that it
made a lot of the 9-Marz students emotional.

A rave happened in front of the stage as

Marzians took the spotlight, dancing happily as if
no one was watching, a beautiful sight to behold.
As the day was coming to an end, certainly
Marzians stayed and sang their hearts out. The
whole day was composed of elated and pleased
souls, a lot of food and joyous hearts. Wishing that
the next class party will be just as delightful and
entertaining as this one.
Gusa Regional Science High School-X was chosen
by the Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation as one of
the schools to undergo NXplorers: Shell's Global Stem
Program on September 29-October 1, 2022.
This program introduces the complex and creative
thinking skills needed to become positive agents in the
process of change and equips the students with the
tools they need to apply them.
The school selected ten (10) Senior High School
students and fifteen (15) Junior High School Students
to participate in the said program. Luckily, six (6)
students from Grade 9 Marz were chosen to undergo
this program. They are:
(1) Alvarez, Ayessa Kena C. (4) Donghil, Isiah Marie C.
(2) De Guzman, Alexis T. (5) Famador, Elthon John C.
(3) Dinampo, Esel Juvic E. (6) Llagas, Jonar Lorenz R.

Photos by: Jonar Lorenz R. Llagas


FIRST PLACE by: Maria Eleonor C. Baňares

Gusa Regional Science High School-X through the

GRSHS-X Press Club hosted the most awaited annual
School Level School's Press Conference last November 4,
All students were encouraged to participate in the
different competitions such as News Writing, Feature
Writing, Editorial Writing, Science and Technology Writing,
Column Writing, Sports Writing, Copyreading and
Headline Writing, Editorial Cartooning, Photojournalism,
and TV and Radio Broadcasting in Filipino and English
Photo by: Esel Juvic Dinampo category.
The students were hyped in doing the tasks in their
chosen category during the one-day SLPC. The campus
was filled with student-photojournalists walking to and
fro, taking pictures from all angles and edges.
After two weeks of waiting, the GRSHS-X Press Club
released the result and fortunately, Allyza Mae M.
Sabellina, Pagsulat ng Isport participant of 9-Marz,
emerged as this year's First Place in her chosen field.
Photo by: Rainne G. Bacarro Photo by: Elthon John C. Famador
The First Quarter commenced and 31 out of 31 Marzians made it to the honors list. The parents came
during the First Quarter E-CARD on November 19, 2022, to receive the honor certificate and report card of
their child. With all the difficulties and challenges that the students encountered in the various subjects, they
finished the quarter with an average of 90 and above.
Here are the top 10 academic achievers:


Passion, Compassion, and Willingness—is what
makes a good leader. These are the aspects of
Ayessa Kena Alvarez, the elected Grade 9
Representative. A strong ally and advocate is what
she is. She is known for her good leadership and
advocacies. She once represented her batch in the
Supreme Student Government organization and has
now earned another chance again as she won the
SSG 2022–2023 elections. Alvarez has gone through
many hurdles in her experience as an SSG officer. But
as they say, experience is the best teacher.
On the 21st Day of September, Ayessa Kena C.
Alvarez of Grade 9–Marz, won the candidacy of
Grade 9–Representative, in the Gusa Regional
Science High School–X’s Supreme Student
Government Elections; SY 2022-2023. Alvarez started
her journey as her grade level’s representative way
back in the SY 2021– 2022, back when she was still in
She stated that her advocacy, which focuses on
8th grade. She was under the term of the Javier-
anti-discrimination, gender-sensitivity, and mental
Allosada tandem. And is now working under the
health awareness; were dedicated to her
Allosada-Abueva tandem. When she first ran as a
batchmates and fellow Regionalistas whom she felt
Grade 8 – Representative, she was an independent
the need to protect and fight for.
Alvarez who is a strong ally and advocate of the
Due to the pandemic, she wasn’t acquainted
minorities, plans to stop the discrimination among
with her fellow Regionalistas which made it difficult
students and their ignorance towards these societal
for her to find a party list. When asked behind the
issues and instead; educate them to help them
reason of her filing for candidacy, Alvarez stated “It
develop and grow. Alvarez plans to continue this
was actually a last-minute decision. Teacher Ellen
advocacy, with the mission to implement this in their
was the one who pushed me to run. I didn’t have the
intention to run as a representative at the moment
Alvarez wishes to inspire her batchmates to lead.
but after a lot of thinking and reflecting, I decided to
She wishes for them to not be intimidated by
go for it. Now I am really thankful to Teacher Ellen for
leadership roles and to be actively engaged in
seeing the potential in me. “
leadership organizations. As she believes that they
Alvarez had a history of being involved in
are the future that will soon lead their peers in the
leadership organizations. She was also her grade
near future. She also wants to continue on amplifying
level’s representative back in elementary, and was
the voices of those unheard Regionalistas and to
an active member of the various clubs she joined in.
give them hope. Because like what she always says
Alvarez had the passion and spirit, which lead her to
“Kay Ayessa, may pag-asa! “
where she is now. Although she isn’t new to the role
of leadership, she also had challenges along the
way. “At first, I was a bit weary in joining the SSG. All
of my co-officers are my seniors (excluding the lower
year level representative) and the new environment
and atmosphere intimidated me. It felt more serious
compared to what I was used to,” said Alvarez.
During their first interactions with her co-officers
in her previous terms, she felt intimidated by how
smart and how they are much older than her. But she
stated that along the term, all those negative
feelings faded quickly as her co-officers were really
welcoming. She expressed how grateful she was for
the lessons they taught her and for their guidance
during the term. She also expressed gratitude
towards her batch mates, whom were really
supportive of her. 9-MARZ students supporting Alvarez's candidacy
S.Y. 2022-2023
PRESIDENT by: Jerricel Y. Avila

In my eighth year, a lot of things happened,

but one of the highlights was being able to
surprise our adviser in person with a classmate. I
was able to use my leadership abilities to
surprise and made our adviser feel her day
amazing. That happened last March 28, 2022.
They contend that the ninth grade is the
most difficult one in high school. Right now, I'm
the 9 Marz class president. My objectives for my
term are for the class (Marzians) to be able to
unite in harmony and love, be able to showcase
their own talents through such endeavors, and
maintain the ideals of propriety and good
behavior. I came to understand that, as a
leader, you must learn to confront challenges
head-on, no matter what may befall you. You'll
be able to learn and develop a lesson as its
given result. I must learn from my faults in this
I have been a leader my entire time in case and ensure that it won't happen again. So,
elementary school, serving as the class when we make a mistake, we are sorry and try
president in grades 4 to 5 and the governing to improve. It was on Teacher's Day celebration
body in grade 6. My position as a leader wasn't that got me soft. Teacher Ellen was upset with
all that simple since, first and foremost, it begins me because I did something wrong, so I went to
with me. I must be accountable enough to be her to apologize once more, but we had
able to lead my fellow classmates, deal with arranged a surprise for her. She was delighted
any challenges that may arise, and give my all when our plans came to fruition. I am happy
to my duties. After a demanding term in charge, that we had succeeded in making her day
I got the thought: What if I decide not to run for better and I've done a good job at leading them.
elected office or participate in leadership There are still many things to do. My position as
activities so that I can take a break? Since I was class president is not over yet. As a leader, I am
previously terrified of and weary of dealing with aware that there is much to learn and do. As this
such obstacles, I don't want to experience them is the reawakening of my ability to serve and
again. guide them, this is your Miss Pres saying that I'll
Pandemic followed that, my grade 7 year. do my best for you Marzians.
No face-to-face lessons; only modular activities My goal as the class president is (1) to be able to
during my seventh-grade year. I had no perform my duties responsively, (2) to share
information outside of my responsibilities as the PIO,
encounters in leadership activities. The
carrying out tasks given to me by our adviser or
reawakening as a class president, but in a
teachers, (3) to work well with others and be open to
blended learning format, began in eighth their thoughts and suggestions in such instances. I
grade. At that point, I had accomplished my want to convey to them as much as possible that
goals of passing along the information from our they can come to me whenever they need someone
adviser, being accountable for the tasks given to talk to, ask questions about, and have a close
to me, taking attendance in our online class, relationship with them. It also applies to my role as
especially when our secretary wasn't around, class president as my character exhibits kindness.
and being a resource for my classmates when But that doesn't imply that by being friendly with
them, they may act badly without consequence. I
they had queries.
don't show tolerance for behavior that I know is
wrong. Above all, my biggest role is (4) to keep the
class together no matter what.
by: Esel Juvic E. Dinampo

I feel incredibly honored to have achieved this And, while it is essential to try hard and work
accomplishment, and I am grateful for all the hard to achieve your goals, it is also important to
support and encouragement I have received from surround yourself with the right people. People
those around me. I want to inspire others and who support you, will help you, and are there for
have a positive influence on those around me. I you are important because the right people can
also want to thank everyone who has encouraged inspire, encourage, and help you bring out the
and helped me in achieving this goal. best in yourself. I would like to thank everyone,
Achieving this accomplishment was not an especially my family, Ma'am Ellen, and the
easy task and the path towards it was filled with people around me, for their encouragement and
challenges that needed to be overcomed. support in reaching this goal.
Through all the stressful weeks, late-night
cramming, and all the “importante buhi”, I am
happy to say that I managed to make it through
while attaining this achievement on the way. It
goes to show that even if the path ahead is tough
and you feel like giving up any moment, if you
persevere until the end, you will reap the fruits of
your labor and go out with much more than what
you were expecting.


by: Maria Eleonor C. Baňares

Esel Juvic E. Dinampo was awarded as the Most

Outstanding Student with a cash prize worth Php The Math Enhancement Program of GRSHS - X
1000 during the Math Enrichment Program was proposed to bridge the learning gap of the
conducted last July 25, 2022 to August 12, 2022 by students who experienced two years distance
Teacher Maria Eleonor C. Baňares. learning as a result of the student-teacher and
parent-teacher conference. This was
participated by 30 students, incoming Grade 8
and Grade 9, divided into two sets, Set A
(8:00AM-12:00NN) and Set B (1:00PM-5:00PM) with
15 students per set.
The teacher gave a pretest. Checking of the
pretest followed. She provided printed self-made
individual learning materials to the learners. She
used explicit teaching method where she
discussed thoroughly the concept. She also
demonstrated how to perform the given
operation. Student-teacher and student-student
interaction were employed. The students were
exposed to individual/group tasks and board
work activities to master the skill/concept.
Games and outdoor activities were also used.
They were given daily speed and accuracy test
as a post test.
by: Jievann M. Adaza

Hi! My name is Jievann. I am 14 years old. I like

to be productive and do my tasks as fast as I can
SO I don't have to worry about it in the future. My
learning style has a set of rules I made for myself
to be more productive, and these are:

(1) Pay attention to the class discussions and take

notes later, because taking notes while the
teacher is discussing can get me preoccupied to
the lessons at hand.

(2) Do the tasks immediately after it is given. I plan

ahead. This is because cramming tasks could
result in sleep deprivation, stress, anxiety and
panic making it harder to do the tasks. I get
enough rest to avoid getting sick, be more active
and go outside. I don't skip meals, I eat healthy
foods, and spend time with family and friends.
After an assignment is given to me, I do it
ahead of time, many days or weeks before the
And lastly (3) DON'T BE LAZY. This was set by my
deadline, even if it is a group assignment. I first
parents because of something they said, "Wala
list or asks my classmates about the
kay mahuman kung magtinapulan ka!". That
assignments and their deadlines and keep them
sentence has been in my head subconsciously up
in mind. After that as soon as I come home from
until now.
school, I change clothes, do chores immediately,
and do the given tasks. I usually do my
These rules are set, merely, to keep me on
schoolwork on gadgets like laptops and
track with my academics and my health. I made
cellphones. Even though these have many
these rules in order to be productive, but the main
applications and sites like Facebook, YouTube,
reason is that I don't want my parents to worry
TikTok, etc. I usually try my best to ignore these
about me. They care for me, and I don't know how
and focus on schoolworks.
I can repay them. I feel useless when I can't do
anything for them while they have done
My logic is that once a task is done there is
everything for me. To do good in my studies and
more than plenty of time to have fun and play
to do my best at school in the hope that I can
without worrying about deadlines knowing that I
make them proud. The motivation for my
am done. I think more of the tasks as a game,
hardships and sacrifices in my study while living in
and that I am just playing to reach the finish line
my grandparents' house is my family. I saw the
and get a reward whether that is time to play
hardships they went through the years, and I
video games or have fun, sleep or anything. We
followed my parents' footsteps.
all have different ways to cope with school and
this is just me sharing my learning style to adapt
The main reason that pushes a person to be
to the hardships given to me. Thank You.
productive is the situation they are in. I have talked
to many people and ask them questions on why
they couldn't do their tasks, and the main reasons
are laziness, chores, and tiredness. I have
encountered these many times, but I will still try to
do everything to finish my schoolwork.
NG ISPORTS by: Allyza Mae M. Sabellina

kadahilanan na walang maluwag na espasiyo

para sa mga naglalaro kaya nakakapinsala na
sa iba tulad ng mga bolang nakakatama sa mga
ulo ng mga estudyante o gurong naglalakad
lamang, nakakasira ng mga kagamitan tulad ng
sasakyan o glass windows ng mga silid-aralan.
Mahigit dalawang taong pinagkaitan ang
mga kabataan sa pisikal na paglalaro ng isports
sa halip ay sumikat ang mga online games sa
pandemya kaya kahit walang maluwag na
espasiyo sa GRSHS-X ay nasisiyahan pa rin ang
Photo by: Esel Juvic Dinampo mga mag-aaral sa paglalaro.
Ang mga mag-aaral ay bumabawi sa mga
panahon na hindi nila ito nagawa dulot ng
pandemya at ang paglalaro ng isports ay
nakakawala ng kanilang stress, nagbibigay ito ng
kaligayahan sa kanila habang naglalaro kasama
ang kanilang kaklase at nagsisilbi rin itong
pampagana sa kanila para sa susunod na klase.
Nagagawa pa ng mga mag-aaral na mag laro
kahit abala sila sa pag-aaral dahil sinusulit nila
ang bawat panahon ng kanilang hayskul
kasama ang kanilang kaklase dahil tiyak na wala
na gaanong oras na maglaro kapag tumuntong
ng kolehiyo.
Photo by: Esel Juvic Dinampo Walang masama sa paglalaro ng isports lalo
na ito ay may benepisyong hatid sa ating
Ang paglalaro ng isports tulad ng balibol,
katawan at isipan, ang dapat ay nasa angkop na
baskeybol, badminton at iba pa ay mahalaga
lugar maglaro tulad ng covered court at hindi na
para sa kabataan. Maraming benepisyo ang
makakapinsala ng iba.
dulot ng isport para sa katawan at maging sa
isipan. Ang paglalaro ng isports ay makakatulong
upang magkaroon ng malusog na
pangangatawan, mapanatili ang malusog na
timbang at magkaroon ng mas mahusay na
lakas ng katawan at mas mahusay na
koordinasyon. Ito rin ay isang magandang
paraan para makabuo ng pagkakaibigan,
magkaroon ng disiplina, respeto at halaga,
matuto ng teamwork at sportsmanship.
Maraming mga Regionalistang estudyante ang
naglalaro ng mga isports sa kampus sa tuwing
may bakanteng oras at ito ay hindi masama. Sa
katunayan, ang pagsali sa isports ay maaaring
magkaroon ng positibong epekto sa paaralan. Sa
lahat ng benepisyo at kaligayahang hatid ng
paglalaro ng isports sa mga estudyante ay
Photo by: Esel Juvic Dinampo
mayroon din itong masamang dulot sa
by: Ma. Samantha F. Lagbas

Mothers, oh our dearest sweetest mothers.

The ones who call out for your name, Can be
scary or sweet. The loving smile and warm
affection they bring to us. Both the ones who
gave birth to us and the ones who stepped
up. The sound of their voice is as sweet as
honey, Their touch is as warm as the sun.
Everything about them, we all adore. And yet,
they are not perfect.

Mothers make mistakes, Mothers may not

always be there, They may say hurtful words,
And teach you lessons through a harsh
method, but we learn from them. We learn
how much they sacrificed for us. We learn
how their words and discipline are only for
the betterment of our future. They pick us up
on our lowest moments. And celebrate with
us on the days where we feel bliss.
Joy T. Mabale
My mother? She reminds me of both the Digital Art by: Rayne Kim T. Mabale
sun and moon. The sun because everything Champion
about her feels warm. The stories she tells at
our dining table, The way I listen to her
intently. The way she always makes me laugh
on the days where my tears were about to
fall, the days where I feared that I wasn't
strong enough, the days where I begin to
succumb to my dark thoughts.

She was the light. She was my light. The

moon because her presence per se, gives me
comfort, the same way the moon gazes
down on me. It is silent, but I know it is
watching, looking at me. Listening to
whatever I have to say.

I thank all the mothers for being a natural

dose of serotonin. Mothers are ethereal
beings. I would give the world to them, do
everything in my power to make them feel
appreciated. As they should.

*Sam won as a Champion with a cash prize of Php

1000 for this piece which was delivered last May 8,
2022 during the Mother's Day Celebration.

Video link: Liliosa A. Jamodiong
222602462337/ Digital Art by: Julia A. Jamodiong
FRIENDSHIP by: Mikaella Faith A. Fernan

The bustling corridors, the busy atmosphere, During the pandemic, I found solace and
and the ridiculous lines from the canteen every friendship in nature. I treat and think of it as a
day was what made me feel alive again. An special kinship even today. So when I first
intense feeling of excitement and hope filled me explored and assessed the 9-MARZ garden, I was
as I saw what this school could do for me and very pleased at the calming and familiar
what I could do for them. I had decided that atmosphere it released.
opening up and communicating with my peers After spending multiple afternoons in the
would be the next healthy thing after spending solace of myself, what I found next made waves
almost 3 years in my own company. I tried my in my views on friendship. I found friendship in
best to fit in and become acquainted with the 9-MARZ garden. My fellow classmates, who I
almost everyone. But I actually found my people think wanted company and relief from the
in the setting of the 9-MARZ garden. academic pressure. I was thrilled and excited!
They all walked across the sharp, knee-length
grass and had fun. Saw shapes in the clouds
and made stories about them. I had never been
I found the best version of myself in group
activities. They appointed me as their leader,
and I was nervous. But I was very confident with
my group mates. I see them as the story I was
trying to portray in all of the performances we
had. At times, it was very frustrating, and I found
my friends telling me not to put too much
pressure on myself. And then I started to see
them as my family. I shared my views and ideas
with them, and we made it happen. Every single
Photo by: John Manuel C. Villacencio

Photo by: Mikaella Faith A. Fernan

ROAD OF HAPPINESS by: Elthon John C. Famador
During the pandemic, my high school life officially
started. My life in seventh grade is not the best
because of the implemented quarantine which
made me study in the comfort of my home rather
than at school. Besides that, I’ve been excited to
meet my new classmates, and when I got the
chance to meet them online, I did not waste even a
millisecond talking and chatting with them.
After those online classes I met a guy who in my
opinion, is so tall and handsome. We became friends
and communicated frequently online. And then
something happened that significantly changed who
I am, different thoughts of mine jumbled in my head;
“Do I want to be with him, or do I want to be him?". I
used the internet to research and find answers to my
questions. I used terms such as “Am I gay?”, “What’s
LGBTQ”, and “Is being gay a sin?” Before discovering
‘Bisexuality’, which is closely related to me.
And then I realized, this is the time when I got into
my denial stage, feelings of confusion to myself are
brewing inside my little brain and causing pain to my
little heart. I started to break down almost every night
because of my insecurities and added the feeling of
disgust to myself because I fell in love with a guy.
Every night I cried myself to sleep because I know
that if anyone knew what’s happening, they will not
accept me anymore it feels like I am forbidden to
feel this way because I know how religious everyone
And then the best moment of my life happened,
around me is.
we are given the task to do a song interpretation and
Fast forward to the present, when face-to-face
present it to the whole class, my group decided that
classes finally happened, I didn’t fully recover from
we will interpret the song “This is Me” which is a good
the trauma that I had in the past. This is when I’m
song, and then we thought of picking what concept
slowly accepting myself for who I am, I’ve made
should we use. Our concept that’s been chosen is
some great friends who understand and feels the
“Self-empowerment”, many days passed we practice
same way as me.
hard and now it's time for the final performance, we
performed our routine and now it's time for the final
blow, part of our routine is me raising the bisexual
flag and walk with it and now I get to do it in front of
everyone. This is my chance to show them who I
really am, so with all my heart I grab the flag from
end to end and performed the routine with it, I waved
and walked into the middle with full confidence. It
was one of the proudest moments of my life and
seeing them cheering at me surprised me because I
grew up thinking being part of the LGBTQ+ is a sin
and now everything changed inside of me, major
confidence boosted inside and now I finally know
who I am, I learned accept and love myself with all
my heart. Until this day (the day I’m writing this) the
feeling of joy is still in me because I’m happy that I’m
part of the LGBTQ+ community and also because of
the thought that I finally accepted myself for who I
am with full confidence, and no one is telling me not
to do so.
by: Papa-P
Sa kadami-daming taong nakikita ko
ba't sayo pa napahinto
Sa kadami-daming taong nakilala ko
ba't sayo pa nagka ganito
Ba't sayo pa nagka gusto
Alam ko lang ay nahulog na,
Sa pag dilat ng mga mata ko
isang diwata ang nakita
Diwatang nababalot nang ganda ,
gandang di ko na maipinta.

Alam mo lagi kong gino-goggle map Photo by: Esel Juvic Dinampo
ang bahay niyo
Diko na sasabihin kung na saan baka
puntahan ka pa nila IKAW ANG LIGAYA KO
Alam mo na ayaw ko nang may kaagaw pa.
by: Papa-P
Sa tuwing naiisip ko ang bahay niyo
Isa lang ang na-iimagine ko,
Sa kwadradong silid ako ay nagmamasid,
kailan mo kaya ako iimbitahan sa bahay niyo, kailan
nakita ang isang dalaga,
kaya ako magiging parte ng buhay mo.

dalagang mala-anghel kung tumawa.

Pero sa tuwing lumalapit ako para Kay ganda ng kanyang mukha
sabihin ang damdamin ko ako ay nabihag at nahulog na.
Merong pumipigil sa akin na Mga mata ay sobrang ganda
nag sanhi sa akin na tumigil Na pati mga kilay ko ay nalalagas na.

Paano kung kaibigan lang? Ano ba ang mahikang ito at nahuhulog na ako,
Paano kung umaasa lang? ano ba ang ginawa mo at nababaliw ako sayo.
Paano kung masasaktan lang? Hindi ko alam pero nung nakilala kita, alam ko na:

kahit paulit-ulit man baliktarin ang mundo

'Yan ang mga salita na tumigil sa akin
ikaw parin ang pipiliin ko.
para damdamin ay hindi sabihin.

Pero paano kung totoo nga, Alam mo para kang musika,

paano kung kaibigan lang talaga. dahil ikaw sa akin ay nagbibigay ligaya.
Alam ko naman na hindi talaga ako pero, Na sa tuwing nakikita kita
mahal, paramdamin mo naman ako na damdamin ko ay hindi maipinta.
“Ikaw na Talaga”. Sa daming babaeng nakilala ko,

biruin mo pinaligaya mo ako.

Ako naman yung malapit, ba't siya pa?

Napapatawa naman kita, puwedeng ako na? Nung una nating pag kikita, diko akalain na
Lahat naman nang ito ay nasa isip ko, magiging ganito ka kahalaga,
pero sinubukan ko namang sabihin sayo, sobrang halaga na sa tuwing malungkot ako
sinabi ko ang nararamdaman ko. hinahanap kita.

Natatakot ako na mawala ka,

At sa huli nga ay nalaman na, paano na ako liligaya kung wala kana.
tama nga ako

tama nga ang hinala ko, Selos na selos ako sa mga taong malapit sayo,
tama nga ang mga iniisip ko hindi sa madamot ako pero baka sumaya kana sa
Tama nga na hanggang kaibigan lang ako. kanila at malimutan mo kung pano kita napasaya.

Masakit man isipin pero tanggap ko na, Hindi man ako mayaman para bilhin ang kahapon
tanggap ko na dito lang talaga, Handa akong utangin ang ngayon
hindi na ako aasa pa, Makasama lang kita buong maghapon.
di na ako aasa na magkakagusto ka Maaari man na hindi ikaw ang unang minahal ko
pero gusto ko lang malaman mo na Pero gusto ko na ikaw na ang huling
kung ano man ang gagawin niya na hahawak ng puso ko
makakasakit sayo. Dahil sa mga oras na'to
Nandito lang ako para sayo. alam ko na IKAW ANG LIGAYA KO.


Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me Lady Gaga - Judas TWICE "TT"

AURORA - Runaway - YouTube Cinderella - CIDERGIRL Lola Amour - Fallen

Mitski- Come into the Water Joji - Die For You Zack Tabudlo - Habang Buhay

Taylor Swift - The Way I Loved You The Weeknd - Die For You The Script - Breakeven
Britney Spears - Lucky IV OF SPADES - Captivated

Keane - Somewhere Only We Know Coyote Theory - This Side of Paradise Official Arctic Monkeys-I Wanna Be Yours Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks NOBITA - IKAW LANG
Photos by: Maria Eleonor C. Baňares
Photos by: John Manuel C. Villacencio
Photos by: Yeriel R. Pantillo
Photos by: Jurel Y. Macarate
Photos by: Elthon John C. Famador
Photos by: Rainne G. Bacarro
Photos by: Esel Juvic E. Dinampo
Photos by: Rayne Kim T. Mabale
by: JL, Rhea, Allyza, and Kziah
by: Reyan Scarlet Carbos and Thyrone Thrieze E. Takindingan


by Teacher Ellen

Describe what happened in the picture.
by: Maria Eleonor C. Baňares



The 9-MARZ HRPTA Officers headed by the With the dedication and hard work of Engr.
strong leadership and powerful tandem of Mr. Dinampo, the electrical installation was made
Conrado Nasol and Engr. Emmanuel Dinampo with ease. Hand-in-hand, the HRPTA Officers, the
and the equal support of the rest of the officers parents, together with the adviser, Teacher
and parents have accomplished a "quite" Maria Eleonor C. Banares, laboriously
ambitious and aggressive classroom project in accomplished the project.
preparation for the opening of face-to-face Moreover, many thanks to the convincing
classes: the electrical and ventilation project. leadership of Mr. Nasol, the parents donated
The officers have accumulated donations electrical materials, wall stickers for the CR,
from the parents with an astounding amount of ceiling fans and Health Kit Boxes (with an
Php 60, 190.50. The project was accomplished in estimated amount of Php 9,900) for the
just two weeks. These were the accomplished students.
tasks: total rewiring, installation of new outlets, With the accomplishment of the project, the
installation of 4 new wall fans and 1 ceiling fan, classroom is ready for the IATF Evaluation for
installation of led lights plus an installation of face-to-face classes in the incoming months.
window blinds, and painting of the wall and


The Homeroom PTA officers attended the
Induction Program at Gusa Regional Science
High School-X Covered Court last November 25,
2022 at 10:00-11:00 AM.
The HRPTA Officers together with the parent-
officers from the other sections were inducted
by Gusa Barangay Chairman Marlo Tabac.
The event was graced by the presence of
the Principal, School PTA Officials, Faculty Club
Officers, Student Government Officers,
Homeroom Officers, Club Officers, and
Organization Officers.
The program ended quarter to 12NN with a
very short and promising words by the Faculty
Club President of GRSHS-X, Mrs. Luzviminda
After the induction program, the HRPTA
officers had a simple lunch at the 9-Marz
Photos by: Maria Eleonor C. Baňares
Photos by: Maria Eleonor C. Baňares
August 15-19, 2022 Photos by: Maria Eleonor C. Baňares
by: Teacher Ellen

kahit saan ako tumingin,

siya pa rin ang hinahanap ko...

Ngano wala nimo gidala

ang materials sa robotics?
hala oi, 4 kabook
dili man ko
iyang crush? Naa kay sa assignment? Feeling relevant
bayot!? Pwd pakopya?!
gikapoy nako ug kaau ka?


kinsa diay ang

dili man jud nako
sure oi? ngano HALA, NGANO perminte nalang spy? #maski ako jud
cya crush oi...
NAGWALK OUT? ko ma-issue...
ga-smile man ka?
mangadto tag canteen
ta kay naa c crush!
muabsent ko ugma!
crush niya reason:selos!
isog kaau among
lider oi, maningka akong crush?

tah, kay magpalit kog

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