Modul Kelas 7 New Semester Genap 22.23

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A. Term meeting : 3 x meeting
B. Learning Objectives :
Through this learning, students are able to :
KD 3.2 : Analyzing social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements in identity
presentation texts, according to the context of their use.
KD 4.2 : Compose spoken and written texts to describe, ask, and respond to self-
disclosures, taking into account social functions, text structures, and linguistic
elements that are correct and in context.
C. Keywords
Students read, study and understand the dialogues that have been provided. Where the
dialogues contain pronouns. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. A pronoun
is used to avoid repeating information that has already been made clear. There are three
types of pronouns: subjective pronoun, objective pronoun and possessive pronoun.

D. Evaluation

1. Essay Assessment Rubric

Aspect Score

Right answer 2

Wrong answer and no answer 0

Score = Right score X 2

2. Multiple choice assessment Rubric

Aspect Score

Right answer 5

Wrong answer and no answer 0

Score = Right score X 5



Read and analyze these dialogue!

Dialogue 1:
Aisyah : Siti, is this your book?

Siti : Yes, this is mine.

Aisyah : May I borrow your book?

Siti : That's fine.

Aisyah : May I borrow your magazineas well?

Siti : It doesn't belong to me.

Aisyah : Whose magazine is it?

Siti : It is Rudy's magazine.

Dialogue 2:
Ahmad : Whose bag is that?

Abdul : That is father's bag.

Ahmad : Just take it to his room.

Ahmad : Ok. Is this mother's wallet?

Abdul : No, it isn't. This is my wallet.

Ahmad : What about the books? Whose books are those?

Abdul : Those books belong to father.

Ahmad : There are still many stuffs in the living room.

Abdul : Yes. I am going to clean it up. This is my loud speaker. Is that your mobile phone?

Ahmad : Which one?

Abdul : The black one.

Ahmad : Yes, this is my mobile phone. (Anyway whose fan is that?

Abdul : That is Hasyim's fan.

Ahmad : Ok, I will take it back to his room.


A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. A pronoun is used to avoid repeating information
that has already been made clear. There are three types of pronouns: subjective pronoun, objective
pronoun and possessive pronoun.

1. Subjective pronoun

A subjective pronoun is used as the subject of a sentence to replace a person’s or thing’s name or
description, particularly after the subject has already been introduced. Subjective pronouns are I, you,
he, she, it, we, and they.

Person Subjective Pronouns Subjective Pronoun

(Singular) (Plural)

1st person I We

2nd person You You

3rd person He/She/It They


 We gave them a head start in the race.

 She lost weight by cutting out junk food.

 She is my cousin from Jepara.

2. Objective pronoun

An objective pronoun is used to replace a person or thing that is acted upon or receives the action of
the verb in a sentence. Objective pronouns are me, you, him, her, it, us and them.

Person Objective Pronouns Objective Pronoun

(Singular) (Plural)

1st person Me Us

2nd person You You

3rd person Him/Her/It Them


 Will you please tell them to come in?

 David talked to her about the mistake.

 The magazine is on the sofa. You are sitting on it.

3. Possessive Pronoun

Possessive pronoun show ownership. They do not need apostrophes. Possessive pronouns are mine,
yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, and theirs.

Person Possessive Pronouns Possessive Pronoun

(Singular) (Plural)

1st person Mine Ours

2nd person Yours Yours

3rd person His/Hers/Its Theirs


 I like your flower. Do you like mine?

 I didn’t bring my book, so Dila lent me hers.

 I got one pencil from Jane, and Bill also gave me his.


Activity 1

Choose the appropriate pronouns from the box to fill in the blanks and make the story easier to read.

His – it – his - them – his – they – his – his – his

He – it – his – she – him – his – his – he - his

Sammy went to the park with …… 1) mother and …… 2) father. ….. 3) ran on the grass. Then …… 4)
father pushed …… 5) on the swings while …… 6) mother smiled and watched. Then …… 7) spread out a
blanket on the grass and read a book while Sammy and …… 8) father played catch with a ball. Sammy
threw …… 9) too hard, and …… 10) father had to chase after …… 11). Sammy did some somersaults,
rolling forward on …… 12) head and kicking …… 13) feet up over …… 14) head. …… 15) giggled and laid
on the grass until …… 16) father come back. All three of …… 17) ate sandwiches together before ……
18) went back home.

Activity 2

Fill this blank with the correct pronoun !

1. This is … new laptop, I bought this last week

2. These are ... cars. They will use these to go to Medan.
3. Don’t give .... a chance to be governor. Because he is so radiculuos.
4. We give ... a good jacket. Because He doesn’t have jacket
5. ... radio is very good. So Can I borrow from you?
6. We never give up to reach ... victory.
7. It’s time to forgive ,,,. Because I asked forgive to you,
8. Will you kick .... ? because he hates you
9. Ardi tell ... to study, because they will get exam.
10. Does ... go to Tarakan next month?. Because she will visit Amal Beach.

Activity 3: Evaluation test

Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d.
1. She has a new doll, ______doll is very big

a. his

b. her

c. our

d. its

2. They will buy some foods,_______foods are so delicious

a. his

b. him

c. her

d. their

3. Diana calls me,_______voice is so loud

a. his

b. him

c. her

d. their

4. My name is yona and______name is Sinta

a. his

b. him

c. her

d. their

5. They love…… so much because I am their daughter

a. me

b. her

c. his

d. your

6. _______book is so interesting, Nana buys it in the bookstore

a. his

b. him

c. her

d. your

7. Diana loves Alex, because _____ attitude is very good.

a. his

b. her

c. its

d. their

8. My name is Yona May Rahayu, _______ from my father.

a. his

b. her

c. its

d. their

9. He loves______so much, because I am very kind

a. me

b. his

c. her

d. their

10. They love______, because I never hurt them

a. me

b. him

c. her

d. our

11. I am so proud with______, she is so kind with me

a. him

b. her

c. their

d. our

12. My book is so expensive, _______ needs much money

a. their

b. our

c. its

d. your

13. Diana is so beautiful, ____likes to make up

a. he

b. she

c. her

d. his

14. I like a doll, ______is very cute

a. she

b. they

c. it

d. he

15. I love my house, ______ window is very big

a. their

b. her

c, his

d. its

16. My life is so beautiful, ______is so interesting life

a. they

b. his

c. it

d. her

17. _____friends are so smart, I like them so much.

a. I

b. my

c. me

d. mine

18. Dina is a girl, _____likes to play a doll

a. he

b. her

c. she

d. it

19. They like to eat an apple, and so do______

a. me

b. I

c. her

d. him

20. Tiara was sleepy, _____needs to sleep.

a. her

b. his

c. him

d. she

A. Term meeting : 3 x meeting
B. Learning Objectives :
Through this learning, students are able to :
KD 3.5 : Understanding the social function, text structure, and linguistic elements in the
text to express the number of animals, objects, and public buildings that are close
to students' daily lives
KD 4.5 : Compose spoken and written texts to ask for names of animals, objects, and public
buildings that are close to students' daily lives, taking into account social
functions, text structures, and linguistic elements that are correct according to

C. Keywords
Students read and study the pictures that have been provided. Where the pictures contain
nouns in the students surrounding. Nouns are words that are used to name or refer to
people, things, places, and ideas. In other words, this word refers to physical objects and
abstract concepts.
D. Evaluation

1. Essay Assessment Rubric

Aspect Score

Right answer 2

Wrong answer and no answer 0

Score = Right score X 2

2. Multiple choice assessment Rubric

Aspect Score

Right answer 5

Wrong answer and no answer 0

Score = Right score X 5


Look at the picture and analyze it!

Picture 1

Picture 2

Nouns are words that are used to name or refer to people, things, places, and ideas.
In other words, this word refers to physical objects and abstract concepts.
Physical objects: table, house, telephone, water, …..
Abstract objects: time, ideas, opinions, ages, difficulties, …..
1. Concrete And Abstract Nouns
 Concrete Noun: Noun that is observed by the senses. Example : books, flowers, etc.
 Abstract Noun: Noun that is not observed by the five senses. Example : happiness, spirit, etc.
2. Countable and Uncountable Nouns
 Countable noun: noun that can be counted. Example : book, pencil, table, etc.
 Uncountable noun: Noun that cannot be counted. Example : rice, sugar, coffee, etc.
 Mixed nouns: nouns that can become countable and uncountable nouns depending on the
3. Common and Proper Nouns
 Common nouns: nouns that refer to things that are still common, so they don't use capital
letters. Example : person, city, etc.
 Proper noun: hyponym of common noun. Example : John, July, Semarang.
4. Collective Nouns
Collactive nouns are nouns that indicate a combination, be it a person, place or thing. Example :
army, committee, pair.
Activity 1

Complete the sentences by choosing the words below in the box!

Glass – bottle – piece – bar – cup – plate – bowl – slice – package – bucket
1. I only ate a _________ of pizza last night and I got stomachache.
2. I will buy a _________ of chocolate for my little sister.
3. The little girl cannot bring a full _________ of water to the garden.
4. Bimo always drinks a _________ of milk in the morning everyday.
5. My mother made a _________ of fried rice for my dinner.

6. It is very nice to have a _________ of tea in the evening with your favorite person.
7. He brings me a _________ of spicy chips and a lollipop for my little sister.
8. Amara likes to drink a _________ of fresh water after running or having an exercise.
9. Someone usually loves to eat a ________ of chicken soup when he is sick.
10. My sister is having a birthday party and she gives a _______ of her birthday cake to everyone.

Activity 2

Look around to your class, then fill in the following table based on real in your class.



Activity 3 : Evaluation Test

I. Choose the best answer from the option a, b, c, or d!

1. We must call the ______ to catch the robber.

a. Hospital
b. Post office

c. Police
d. Ambulance

2. My father is reading ______ in the office now.

a. A newspaper
b. A television
c. A speaker
d. A radio

3. My grandmother always tell me to wash my _______ before eating something.

a. Teeth
b. Face
c. Feet
d. Hands

4. _____ is a spicy food from Indonesia.

a. Cake
b. Rendang
c. Pudding
d. Chocolate

5. We cancel having dinner at the restaurant because all _______ are booked.
a. Tables
b. Rooms
c. Chairs
d. Foods

6. We need _____ to bring our school books.

a. Uniform
b. Bag
c. Pencil case
d. Wallet

7. Before entering someone’s house, we must _______ on the door.

a. Cry
b. Scream

c. Hit
d. Knock

8. Will you go with me to the _____ to watch a movie?

a. Stadium
b. Cinema
c. Hospital
d. Theater

9. We buy a book in a _______ .

a. Supermarket
b. Fruitstall
c. Bookstore
d. Music studio

10. _____ is the place for students to study.

a. Library
b. Classroom
c. Teacher’s office
d. School canteen

11. My apple tree has many _____ .

a. Leaf
b. Leaves
c. Leafs
d. Leavs

12. Do not play with the ______ in the kitchen!

a. Knife
b. Knifes
c. Knive
d. Knives

13. For the experiment in the laboratorium, we are asked to bring two _____ .
a. Froges
b. Frog

c. Frogs
d. Frogues

14. There are many beautiful ________ in her garden.

a. Lilies
b. Lily
c. Lilys
d. Lilis

15. The ________ in that empty house are so many.

a. Mouse
b. Mouses
c. Mice
d. Mices

16. My little cousin broke three ______ in my grandmother’s house.

a. Vase
b. Vas
c. Vass
d. Vases

17. Yesterday we went to Atlantis and saw many ________ .

a. Fishes
b. Fish
c. Fisher
d. Fishs

18. We need many _______ to make french fries.

a. Potatoes
b. Potatos
c. Potato
d. Potatoe

19. The police officer catched three ______.

a. Thief
b. Thievs

c. Thiefs
d. Thieves

20. I have no idea their names or their ______.

a. Address
b. Addresses
c. Addreses
d. Adresses

A. Term meeting : 3 x meeting
B. Learning Objectives :
Through this learning, students are able to :
KD 3.4 : Understand the social function, text structure, and linguistic elements of identity
presentation text, according to the context of its use
KD 4.4 : Capturing the meaning of short and simple oral and written self-exposition

C. Keywords
Students read, study and analyze the sentences that contain adjective. Adjectives are words
that are used to describe nouns. Adjectives are usually placed after nouns, for example
diligent, beautiful, handsome, smart, brave, strong and fast. In general, the purpose of an
adjective is to describe a noun or pronoun and provide more information about it.

D. Evaluation

1. Essay Assessment Rubric

Aspect Score

Right answer 2

Wrong answer and no answer 0

Score = Right score X 2

2. Multiple choice assessment Rubric

Aspect Score

Right answer 5

Wrong answer and no answer 0

Score = Right score X 5


Please read and analyze these sentences below !

1. The water was clean.

2. The sun is high in the sky.

3. She has long hair.

4. The walkway was small.

5. Dad had a bald head.

6. No one liked the cold pizza.

7. The hot waiter boiled.

8. Watching out, the table is heavy!

9. It is dry in the desert.

10. Stay in a big area.


Adjectives are words that are used to describe nouns. Adjectives are usually placed after nouns, for
example diligent, beautiful, handsome, smart, brave, strong and fast. In general, the purpose of an
adjective is to describe a noun or pronoun and provide more information about it. Adjectives provide
answers to questions such as “What kind?” “Which one?” and “Whose is it?”
Adjectives function are :
1. Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives are adjectives that show the meaning of possessive pronouns. The words
included are my, your, our, their, her and his.
For example: Her girlfriend is beautiful.
2. Descriptive adjectives
Descriptive adjectives are adjectives that describe or characterize humans, animals or objects.
For example: Tiger is very strong.
3. Quantitative adjectives
Quantitative adjectives are adjectives that describe a certain number of things or a few.
For example: The goat ate whole food in the basket.

4. Numerical adjectives
Numeral adjectives are adjectives that show the meaning of a number or amount, either a certain
or an unspecified number.
An example of a specific number is: Today is the first we meet.
An example of an indefinite number: I shall visit her a few days.
5. Demonstrative adjectives
Demonstrative adjectives are adjectives that explain the meaning of nouns.
For example: The home is hers.
6. Interrogative adjectives
Interrogative adjectives are adjectives that show the question "which" or (which) or what (what).
For example: Which book did you borrow from the library?
7. Distributive adjectives
Distributive adjectives are adjectives that show things in a divided or separate sense.
For example: The two teachers had each a red hat.
8. Proper adjectives
Proper adjectives are adjectives that show the self-name of an object, such as language, nation, or
so on.
For example: The Turkish empire is very strong.
Activity 1

Read the sentence then identify the adjectives in the sentences and underline it below each of

1. The musician played an expensive violin.

2. My friends invited me to a fancy party.

3. The furry cat made the boy sneeze.

4. The hungry man lived under the bridge.

5. He was afraid to talk to his teacher.

6. The perfume in the room is fragrant.

7. The shiny window caught people’s attention.

8. The mathematics was very difficult.

9. I didn’t want to play on the wet ground.

10. My aunt who lives in England is elderly.

11. The professor taught a fascinating material in the outdoor class.

12. This one is dirty.

13. Her sister is an amazing artist!

14. The textbook for the class was cheap.

15. The lion purchased by the zoo is enormous.

16. The adorable kid smiled at his father.

17. The valuable sculpture was purchased by a billionaire from Australia.

18. The yellow banana was used to make baby porridge.

19. Please turn the light on. It’s very dark in here.

20. Can I have a clean plate, please?

Activity 2

For each sentence, choose the adjective that makes the most sense to complete the sentence.

1. The chicken soup is very ………. . (tasty/floppy)

2. My mom’s spaghetti is ………. . (delicious/sharp)

3. The birthday party is ………. . (ugly/fun)

4. The ………. Children has no place to sleep. (poor/fluffy)

5. My shoes are ………. . (soft/angry)

6. My sister’s body mist is ………. . (frilly/smelly)

7. Andi Rianto’s music is ………. . (generous/energizing)

8. The theatre shows is ………. . (dramatic/furry)

9. Their home is very ………. . (challenging/comfortable)

10. Our school is ………. . (salty/large).


1. Those students are…

a. Friendly

b. Chilly

c. Fashionable

d. Intelligent

2. The village library is…

a. Useful

b. Brown

c. Fashionable

d. Intelligent

3. My father has a…horse.

a. Useful

b. Brown

c. Fashionable

d. Intelligent

4. He doesn’t seem… in your offer.

a. Interested

b. Interesting

c. Exciting

d. Excited

5. The musician played an expensive violin.

a. The musician

b. Played

c. Expensive

d. Violin.

6. My friends invited me to a fancy party.

a. My friends

b. Invited

c. Fancy

d. Party

7. The furry cat made the boy sneeze.

a. Furry

b. Cat

c. Made

d. Sneeze

8. The hungry man lived under the bridge.

a. Hungry

b. Lived

c. Under

d. Bridge

9. He was afraid to talk to his teacher.

a. Afraid

b. Talk

c. Teacher

d. Was

10. The perfume in the room is fragrant.

a. Perfume

b. Room

c. is

d. Fragrant

11. The shiny window caught people’s attention.

a. Shiny

b. Window

c. Caught people’s

d. Attention

12. The mathematics was very difficult.

a. Mathematics

b. Was

c. Very

d. Difficult

13. I didn’t want to play on the wet ground.

a. Didn’t

b. Want

c. Play

d. Wet

14. My aunt who lives in England is elderly.

a. Aunt

b. Who

c. Lives

d. Elderly

15. The chicken soup is very…

a. Tasty

b. Delicious

c. Fun

d. Poor

16. My mom’s spaghetti is…

a. Tasty

b. Delicious

c. Fun

d. Poor

17. The birthday party is…

a. Tasty

b. Delicious

c. Fun

d. Poor

18. The… children has no place to sleep.

a. Tasty

b. Delicious

c. Fun

d. Poor

19. My shoes are…

a. Soft

b. Smelly

c. Energizing

d. Dramatic

20. The news of her death… us.

a. Stunning

b. Stunned

c. Stunded

d. Stundeses

A. Term meeting : 3 x meeting
B. Learning Objectives :
Through this learning, students are able to :
KD 3.7 : Comparing social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of several
spoken and written descriptive texts by giving and asking for information related
to descriptions of people, animals, very short simple objects, according to the
context of their use.
KD 4.7 : Descriptive text
C. Keywords
Students read and study the pictures that have been provided. Where that pictures will
describe in descriptive text. Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing
is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

D. Evaluation

1. Essay Assessment Rubric

Aspect Score

Right answer 2

Wrong answer and no answer 0

Score = Right score X 2

2. Multiple choice assessment Rubric

Aspect Score

Right answer 5

Wrong answer and no answer 0

Score = Right score X 5


Activity 1 : Let’s learn and analyze these picture!

Picture 1 :

Picture 2 :

Picture 3 :

Picture 4 :


Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and
reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

When writing descriptive text, there are some generic structures (actually not mandatory) for our
writing to be true. The arrangement is:

 Identification: contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be
 Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by
describing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describes.

Purpose of Descriptive Text

 To describe person, thing or place in specific

 To describe a particular person, thing or place.

Language Feature of Descriptive Text

 Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example:
Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim
 The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a
handsome man, the famous place in Jepara, etc.
 The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the
fact of the object described.
 Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut etc.)

Adverb frequency of descriptive text is always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never, every.

Example of Descriptive Text – Istiqlal Mosque

Istiqlal Mosque is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia . This mosque is a pride for the nation of
Indonesia, as a manifestation of an expression of gratitude to Allah SWT for the outpouring of His
grace , the nation's Muslim -majority Indonesia can successfully fight for independence and the
formation of the State of RI . Hence it is called Istiqlal mosque means freedom .

After the transfer of sovereignty from the Dutch colonial government to the Republic of Indonesia in
1949, the building was an idea Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta by Mr KH . Wahid Hasyim ( Minister of Religion
in 1950) and Mr. Anwar Tjokroaminoto , hereinafter designated as the Chairman of the Istiqlal Mosque

In 1953 the committee was formed for the construction of the Istiqlal Mosque , which is headed by
Mr. Anwar Tjokroaminoto . He expressed the idea of the construction of the Istiqlal Mosque to the
President DR . Ir . Sukarno and has received rave reviews , even the President will fully support the
construction of the Istiqlal Mosque .

In 1954 , DR . Ir . Sukarno appointed by Committee as Head of Technical Development Istiqlal Mosque

, and since then he is active in the activities of the Istiqlal Mosque , among others, as Chairman of the
Jury to judge the contest mockups Istiqlal .


Activity 1

Fill in the blank with suitable words in the box!

Favourite – believe – bad – poem – love – cover – pages – pictures – secret - colours

My Diary

I have a new diary. It soon became my favourite thing. I like writing about my days in the diary.

The diary has a blue (1) …… . Blue is my (2) …… color . There are a hundred (3) …… inside the diary. The
pages are in different (4) …… . Each page has a washed – out background. The backgrounds are the (5)
…… of the super league heroes. Another special thing about my new diary is that it has a lock to keep
the diary a (6) …… .

On the first page, there is a beautiful (7) …… . The poet tells about the importance of keeping memories.
It says “(8) …… memories are to learn and good memories are to entertain”. I (9) ….. the poem. It
encourages me to keep a diary. By doing so, I (10) …… I can improve my English.

Activity 2

Answer the following question based on the text above in activity 3 !

1. What is the color of the writer’s diary?

2. Why does the writer like the diary?
3. How many pages does the diary have?
4. What are the pages like?
5. What picture is on each page?
6. What makes the diary a secret?
7. Who says that keeping memories is important?
8. How does the writer improve her English with the diary?
9. What can we take from bad memories?
10. What can we take from good memories?

Activity 3 : Evaluation test

This text for number 1 - 10

Istiqlal Mosque
Istiqlal Mosque is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia . This mosque is a pride for the nation of
Indonesia, as a manifestation of an expression of gratitude to Allah SWT for the outpouring of His
grace , the nation's Muslim -majority Indonesia can successfully fight for independence and the
formation of the State of RI . Hence it is called Istiqlal mosque means freedom .

After the transfer of sovereignty from the Dutch colonial government to the Republic of Indonesia in
1949, the building was an idea Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta by Mr KH . Wahid Hasyim ( Minister of Religion
in 1950) and Mr. Anwar Tjokroaminoto , hereinafter designated as the Chairman of the Istiqlal Mosque

In 1953 the committee was formed for the construction of the Istiqlal Mosque , which is headed by
Mr. Anwar Tjokroaminoto . He expressed the idea of the construction of the Istiqlal Mosque to the
President DR . Ir . Sukarno and has received rave reviews , even the President will fully support the
construction of the Istiqlal Mosque .

In 1954 , DR . Ir . Sukarno appointed by Committee as Head of Technical Development Istiqlal Mosque

, and since then he is active in the activities of the Istiqlal Mosque , among others, as Chairman of the
Jury to judge the contest mockups Istiqlal .
1. What is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia?

a. Istiqlal mosque

b. Al Jabbar mosque

c. Suriansyah mosque

d. Al-Imam mosque

2. Where is the istiqlal mosque located?

a. Jakarta

b. Bandung

c. Surabaya

d. Medan

3. Whose idea was it to build the Istiqlal Mosque?

a. K.H Wahid Hasyim and Anwar Tjokroaminoto

b. K.H Wahid Hasyim and Ir. Sukarno

c. Anwar Tjokroaminoto and Ir. Sukarno

d. Ir. Sukarno and Muhammad Hatta

4. To whom was the idea of building the istiqlal mosque conveyed?

a. Ir. Sukarno

b. K.H Wahid Hasyim

c. Anwar Tjokroaminoto

d. Muhammad Hatta

5. What year was Ir. Sukarno appointed head of the istiqlal mosque development committee?

a. 1951

b. 1950

c. 1953

d. 1949

6. What year After the transfer of sovereignty from the Dutch colonial government to the Republic of

a. 1949

b. 1950

c. 1951

d. 1953

7. What year did K.H Wahid Hasyim become Minister of Religion?

a. 1949

b. 1950

c. 1951

d. 1953

8. When was the Istiqlal Mosque committee formed?

a. 1949

b. 1950

c. 1951

d. 1953

9. What is the meaning of Istiqlal?

a. Freedom

b. Opportunity

c. Individualism

d. Narrowness

10. What mosque is the pride of the Indonesian nation?

a. Istiqlal mosque

b. Al Jabbar mosque

c. Suriansyah mosque

d. Al-Imam mosque

This text for question no 11 - 20

Medina City

Madina is one of the two holiest cities in Islam, making is the main desnitation for million of Hajj
and Umroh pilgrims. The city of medina is centered around the nabawi mosque which was built by the
prophet Muhammad saw. This city is often called “Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah” which means the city
of light because of its important role in the life of the prophet saw and the spread of Islam.

History of Medina is located 453 km from Mecca, the city of Medina is surrounded by the barren
hills of the Hijaz mountains, with Mount Uhud as the highest peak. Before being named Medina this
city was known as Yasrib. It is not clear when the beginning of life in Medina. However, Jewish
settlements have been detected there in pre-Christian times.

The main influx of Jews is believed to have occurred as a result of their expulsion from Palestine
by the Romans in 135 AD. Some of the prominent Jewish tribes that inhabited the area were the Bani
Qaynuqa', Bani Qurayza, and Bani Al-Nadir, quoted from Al Jazeera. After the collapse of the Marib
Dam in Yemen, several Arab tribes arrived in Medina, including the Aws and Khazraj. The arrival of the
Arabs certainly brought discord with the Jews. However, the two groups agreed to protect Medina
from outside attacks.
Prophet Muhammad SAW migrated or moved from Mecca and became a new milestone in the
history of Medina. In the same year, the Prophet SAW made the Medina Charter (Mitsaq al-Madinah)
which regulated social, economic and political life in the city. With this constitution, residents of
Medina who come from several tribes and religions can live fairly and harmoniously.
The city of Medina became the administrative capital of the center of Islamic government until
661 AD. In the City of Medina, there are three important sites that witness the journey of Islam, namely
the Nabawi Mosque, Quba Mosque, and Mount Uhud.
11. what city that making is the main desnitation for million of Hajj and Umroh pilgrims other than
a. Medina
b. Riyadh
c. Jeddah
d. Mecca

12. What is the meaning of Al Madinah Al Munawwarah?
a. The city of light
b. The city of dark
c. The city of clean
d. The city of strong
13. How far is the city of Medina from the city of Mecca?
a. 452 kilometers
b. 453 kilometers
c. 454 kilometers
d. 455 kiloeters
14. Before the name Medina, this city was known as?
a. Quba
b. Yasrib
c. Jeddah
d. Riyadh
15. What hills surround the city of Medina?
a. Mount Tsur and Mount Uhud
b. Mount Tsur and Mount Hijaz
c. Mount Hijaz and Mount Uhud
d. Mount ‘Air and Mount Hijaz
16. What year were the Jews expelled from Palestine by the Romans?
a. 133 AD
b. 134 AD
c. 135 AD
d. 136 AD
17. Name the tribes that inhabit the Yasrib area?
a. Al Karim, Kathiri and Khawaja
b. Bani Jabar, Al Jaidi and Bani Judham
c. Al Mahri, Al Mahara and Mazari
d. Bani Qaynuqa', Bani Qurayza, and Bani Al-Nadir
18. What is a new milestone in the history of Medina?
a. Prophet Muhammad SAW migrated or moved from Medinah
b. Prophet Muhammad SAW migrated or moved from Yasrib
c. Prophet Muhammad SAW migrated or moved from Palestina

d. Prophet Muhammad SAW migrated or moved from Mecca
19. Who made the medina charter?
a. Nabi Muhammad SAW
b. Abu Bakar Assidiq RA
c. Utsman Bin Affan RA
d. Ali Bin Abu Thalib RA
20. Until what year did the city of Medina become the administrative center of the Islamic
a. 660 AD
b. 661 AD
c. 662 AD
d. 663 AD

A. Term meeting : 3 x meeting
B. Learning Objectives :
Through this learning, students are able to :
KD 3.6 : Applying text structure and linguistic elements to carry out the social function of
stating and asking for actions/events that are carried out/occurred routinely or
are general truths, according to the context.
KD 4.7 : Compose spoken or written texts to state and inquire about actions/events that
are carried out/occurring routinely or are general truths, taking into account
social functions, text structures and linguistic elements that are correct and in
C. Keywords
Students read, study and understand the sentences that have been provided. Where the
sentences contain simple present tense. the simple present tense as the simplest form of
the verb from other types of tenses. This verb is used to express daily, repetitive activities
such as routines or habits.
D. Evaluation

1. Essay Assessment Rubric

Aspect Score

Right answer 2

Wrong answer and no answer 0

Score = Right score X 2

2. Multiple choice assessment Rubric

Aspect Score

Right answer 5

Wrong answer and no answer 0

Score = Right score X 5

Please read and analyze these sentences!

1. We go to school by bus.

2. She goes to school by bicycle.

3. My friend lives in Bandung.

4. Sonia says everything is going to be alright.

5. Dad buys new console game.

6. Budi studies so hard for national examination.

7. Mom carries the baby with stroller.

8. Tiger tries to eat the deer.

9. She goes to the market every 7 p.m.

10. He watches TV after working.


We can interpret the simple present tense as the simplest form of the verb from other types of
tenses. This verb is used to express daily, repetitive activities such as routines or habits.
The pattern of Nominal Sentence :
(+) S + to be (am/is/are) + C
(-) Subject + to be (am/is/are) + not + C
(?) To be (am/is/are) + S + C?
Example sentence of nominal sentence :
(+) He is very patience
(-) He is not/isn’t very patience
(?) Is he very patience?
The pattern of Verbal Sentence
(+) S + verb 1 (+ s/es) + C
(-) S + do/does + not + V 1 + C

(?) Does/Do+ S + V 1 + C?
Example of Verbal Sentence:
(+) She goes to school.
(-) She does not go to school.
(?) Does she go to school?
The function of the Simple Present Tense
1. Stating daily activities (Daily activity).
Example: I go to school everyday.
2. Stating events that are common and cannot be disputed.
Example: The sun rises from the east.
3. Stating requests or orders to the other person
Example: Please sit down, Ana!
4. Expresses an event that is certain to occur or is scheduled.
Example: My father will go home once a month.
5. Shows the ability, character and nature of a person.
Example: Ana and Ani speak English fluently.
6. Quoting news or information
Example: The announcement warns us not to gather and always keeps our distance.
Special Features of the Simple Present Tense
1. The predicate tense is always a bare infinitive.
Specifically, the subject is in the third person singular. Like: she, he, it, cat, Steven, Susi. The verb
will definitely end in -s/es/ies.
Example: Jerry often plays the guitar.
2. Question sentences.
In interrogative sentences, it will be formed by adding the word do/does for verbal sentences. As
for to be (am, is, are) we use it to make non-verbal sentences in front of the subject.
3. Negative sentences.
Whereas for negative sentences, you will get the word do not (don't) or does not (doesn't) in verbal
sentences. Likewise for to be am, is, are in non-verbal sentences behind the subject.
Adverb Of Time : Every year, Every month, At seven, Here/there, Every week, In the morning, Every
day, Twice a day.
Adverb of Frequency : seldom, always, sometimes, as a rule, often, ever, nowadays, frequently, one in
a while, normally, commonly, generally.
The spelling for the verb in the third person differs depending on the ending of that verb:

1. For verbs that end in -O, -CH, -SH, -SS, -X, or -Z we add -ES in the third person.

 go – goes

 catch – catches

 wash – washes

 kiss – kisses

 fix – fixes

 buzz – buzzes

2. For verbs that end in a consonant + Y, we remove the Y and add -IES.

 marry – marries

 study – studies
 carry – carries

 worry – worries

NOTE: For verbs that end in a vowel + Y, we just add -S.

 play – plays

 enjoy – enjoys

 say – says


Activity 1 : Choose the correct verb from the box for the below sentences, and change it to the correct
form if needed.

Wake up – open – speak – take – do – cause – live – play – close – drink

1. Ann …… hand ball very well.

2. I never …… coffee.
3. The swimming pool …… at 7.00 in the morning.
4. It …… at 9.00 in the evening.
5. Bad driving …… many accidents.
6. My parents …… in a very small flat.
7. The Olympic games …… place every four years.
8. They are good students. They always …… their homework.

9. My students …… a little English.
10.I always ….. early in the morning.

Activity 2 : Choose the correct options to complete the sentences in simple present tense.

1. My father …… a teacher. (is/am/are)

2. My mother …… music (teach/teaches)
3. He …… at a bank. (work/works)
4. Rohan …… singing. (enjoy/enjoys)
5. …… you live with your parents? (Do/Does)
6. …… she know anything about manners? (Do/Does)
7. No, she …… not know anything about manners. (do/does)
8. You …… English very well. (speak/speaks)
9. He …… very nice and cool. (is/am/are)
10. She …… his guitar and we sing songs. (play/plays)

Activity 3 : Fill in the blanks with positive, negative or interrogative forms.

No Positive Negative Interogative

1 I go to school everyday.

2 Do they learn English once a


3 The dog barks every night.

4 She doesn’t speak English.

5 Ratna plays piano


6 Farhan and Dira are not

brother and sister

7 Do Joko and I go to the same

school every day?

8 You read the newspaper in

the morning.

9 She doesn’t eat lunch at home.

10 Do they work in a store?

A. Term meeting : 3 x meeting
B. Learning Objectives :
Through this learning, students are able to :
KD 3.8 : Interpreting social functions and linguistic elements in song lyrics related to the
lives of junior high school/MTs youth
KD 4.8 : Capturing meaning contextually related to social functions and linguistic elements
of song lyrics related to the lives of junior high school/MTs adolescents
C. Keywords

Students can answer with real about a music. Song is a composition of tone or voice in
sequence, combination and temporal relation to produse a musical compositian that has
unity and continuity.

D. Evaluation

1. Essay Assessment Rubric

Aspect Score

Right answer 2

Wrong answer and no answer 0

Score = Right score X 2

2. Multiple choice assessment Rubric

Aspect Score

Right answer 5

Wrong answer and no answer 0

Score = Right score X 5


Answer these following question according to yourself!

1. Do you like music?

2. What kind of music do you like?
3. Do you listen to English song?
4. What is your favourite song?
5. What is your favourite singer?
6. What is the title of the song that you like?
7. Who make the song popular?
8. Why do you like the song?
9. Do you know if in a song has a message?
10. Can you sing a song in front of the class with your favourite song ?


Song is a composition of tone or voice in sequence, combination and temporal relation to produce a
musical composition that has unity and continuity.

Purpose of the song:

Songs are used to express feeling and idea in an entertaining world. Songs can be used to deliver social
criticism. The moral values are hidden in the lyrics.

Language features of the song:

1. Imagery. Imagery describes about feelings and emotions.

2. Rhythm. Rhythm is used to create moods.
3. Figures of speech, such as :

Metaphor : Comparing two things that are not a like to suggest that they actually have something in


 Heart of stone.
 Time is money.
 The world is a stage.
 She’s a night owl.
 He’s an ogre.

Simile : Compares two things using “like” or “as’’. Example : My love is like a red rose.

Hyperbole : a dramatic language. Big exaggeration, usually with humor.


 I’ve told you to stop a thousand times.

 That must have cost a billion dollars.
 I could do this forever.
 She’s older than dirt.
 Everybody knows that.

Personification : An object appear like a person.


 The flowers nodded.

 The snowflakes danced.
 The thunder grumbled.
 The frog crept in.
 The win howled.

Despite being red, Mars is a cold place

Alliteration : The repetation of the same beginning sound in a series of words.


 The wild walrus waits and wonders when we’ll walk by.
 She sells seashells.
 Walter wandered where Winnie was.
 Blue baby bonnets bobbed through the bayou.
 Nick needed new notebooks.
 Fred fried frogs’ legs on Friday.
Structure of song :

 Intro is a brief introductory passage to a piece of popular music like a musical passage, a short
section of a musical composition.
 Verse is a group of lines that form a unit in a song.
 Refrain is repeated line or number of lines in a song, typically at the end of each verse.
 Chorus is a repeated section that contains the primary musical and lyrical motifs of the song.
 Bridge is used to connect two places together , so too can a musical bridge connect two sections of
a song. In this use, a bridge often comes before or after an instrumental solo.

Activity 1
Go around in your class to find five people in the class and ask to them about her favorite song,
favorite singer, in Indonesia and in the world .
Activity 2
Let’s sing the song together (Mother how are you today)
Mother, how are you today?
Here is a note from your daughter
With me everything is OK
Mother, how are you today?

Mother, don't worry, I'm fine

Promise to see you this summer
This time there will be no delay
Mother, how are you today?

I found the man of my dreams

Next time you will get to know him
Many things happened while I was away
Mother, how are you today?

After we read and song the sing of “Mother how are you today” by Maywood. Find the meanings of
the familiar words.
No Unfamiliar words Meaning


Activity 3 : Evaluation test

This song for question no 1 - 5

Songs for A Dying Planet by Joe Walsh
Is anyone out there?
Does anybody listen or care anymore?
We are living on a dying planet,
We’re killing everything that’s alive,
And anyone who tries to deny it
Wears a tie

And gets paid to lie

So I wrote these songs for a dying planet,
I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth,
And for everybody trying to save it
These songs are for you, too.
Is anyone out there?

1. What kind of planet are we living now?

A. Dying Planet
B. good planet
C. beautiful planet
D. nice planet
2. Who are people who deny that they have killed living things?
A. People who wear a tie and get paid to lie
B. People who listen that song
C. People who live near the singer

D. people who work in the town
3. “And gets paid to lie”. The word “gets paid” means….
A. Receive money for work completed
B. Pay someone
C. buy with money
D. sell with low prices
4. For whom does the singers wrote that song?
A. For the dying planet
B. For people out there
C. For people who work hard
D. for people who study hard
5. Why does the singer feel sorry?
A. Because he tells the truth
B. Because he does not tell the truth
C. Because he lies
D. Because he can not speak
This song for questions no 6 - 10
SPRING: A Poetry

In the early part of spring

You will hear, many birds sing
They are just letting, the rest of us know
Winter is over, spring melted the snow

You will notice, a beautiful scene

The trees will slowly, begin to turn green
Chipmunks and bunnies will come out and play,
Bears will no longer, sleep during the day

It’s exciting, when spring finally arrives

Bees will make honey, inside their hives
So much to do, so much to see
Insects and animals are happy and free

6. What is the poetry about?

a. School life
b. Home
c. Love
d. Nature
7. How many stanzas does the poem have?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
8. What is ‘spring, sing, know, snow’ (stanza 3) called?
a. Assonance
b. Alliteration
c. Diction
d. Rhyme
9. The animals told in the poem is, except ….
a. Birds
b. Bee
c. Bears
d. Butterfly
10. What is able to melt the snow?
a. Spring
b. Winter
c. Trees
d. Bunnies
This song for questions no 11 - 20
Children of The Sea by Black Sabbath
In the misty morning, on the (11)…. of time
We’ve lost the (12)…. sun, a final sign
As the misty morning (13)…. away to die
Reaching for the stars, we (14)…. the sky

We (15)…. across the air before we learned to fly

We thought that it (16)…. never end
We’d glide above the ground before we learned to run, run
Now it (17)…. our world has come undone

Oh they (18)…. that it’s over
And it (19)…. had to be
We’re (20)…. children of the sea, oh

11. ….
a. Edge
b. bottom
c. center
d. inside
12. ….
a. ascending
b. growing
c. increasing
d. rising
13. ……
a. Rolls
b. cycle
c. gyration
d. reel
14. ……
a. Blind
b. curtain
c. blinker
d. cloak
15. ….
a. Sailed
b. cross
c. cruise
d. drift
16. ….
a. Could
b. keep
c. bottle
d. put up

17. ….
a. Seems
b. look
c. watch
d. know
18. ….
a. Say
b. speak
c. tell
d. wish
19. ….
a. Just
b. equitable
c. aloof
d. blameless
20. ….
a. Lost
b. absent
c. hidden
d. invisible


A S Hornby . 1975.Guide to Pattern and usage in English. Set in great Britain by The Pitman Press,
Bath printed in Hongkong.

Drs. Djamaluddin Darwis, 2000. M.A. English for Islamic studies. PT Raja Grafinda Persada Jakarta.

Kenneth W. Amet, Rina Dwi Indriastuty. 2016. Interactive English 1 Junior High School Year VII.
Yudhistira Dunia Buku Sekolah, Jakarta Timur.

Nur Zaida, 2016. Bright An English Course For Junior High School Students For SMP/MTs Grade VII.
Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.

Otong Setiawan Djuharie, 2005. Intisari dan Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTs. Kelas VII, VIII,
dan IX. Yrama Widya Bandung.

Rd. Yuke Hilma Ambarini, Ratna Juwita Ningsih, Debi Karmila. 2017. Intisari & Bank Soal Bahasa
Inggris Belajar Bahasa Inggris menyenangkan dan asyik untuk memperoleh nilai 100
SMP/Mts Intisari Materi Kelas VII, VIII, dan IX. Yrama Bandung.


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