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Teaching-Learning Materials: Significant in

Facilitating the Teaching-Learning Processes

Dr. Radhika Kapur


The teaching-learning materials are the materials that are made use of by the
instructors in imparting information in terms of academic subjects and concepts to the
students. These are regarded as not only fundamental in enriching the teaching-learning
processes, but also in leading to the overall functioning of the educational institutions in an
effective manner. They are put into practice by the students as well to augment their
knowledge and understanding. In the present existence, the use of technologies and internet
has acquired prominence. The instructors as well as the students are making use of them to
prepare themselves well. When they are prepared well, they will be able to render a
significant contribution in the implementation of job duties in a well-organized manner and
achievement of desired goals. Apart from technologies, there are numerous types of modern,
scientific and innovative methods in facilitating the teaching and learning processes. The
teaching and the learning processes will be able to take place in a regimented manner, when
there are availability of appropriate teaching-learning materials. Therefore, within the course
of time, it is of utmost significance to bring about changes and improvements in the teaching-
learning materials. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are,
characteristics of teaching-learning materials, types of teaching-learning materials and
benefits of teaching-learning materials.

Keywords: Awareness, Classroom Settings, Information, Instructors, Learning,

Teaching-Learning Materials, Understanding

Teaching-learning materials are the materials, which render a significant contribution

in facilitating the teaching and learning processes. In the past, the materials were made use of
to teach the students in class. But in the present existence, there have been changes taking
place in the materials. There has been a change in the emphasis from teaching to learning in a
learner-centred approach. The learners need to generate information in terms of more
materials of various types to enhance their capacity to learn in groups or on an individual
basis. Hence, the learning materials can be recognized as teaching aids. They are used by the
students in learning and understanding. Whereas, instructors make use of them to impart
information to the students. Therefore, these are known as the teaching and learning
materials. When the individuals are in teaching jobs or they are pursuing education, in such
cases, it is of utmost significance for them to be well-equipped in terms of teaching and
learning materials.

When research is to be conducted on the teaching-learning materials, it needs to be

found out that how these would be effective and meaningful to the instructors in performing
one’s job duties well, facilitating student learning, achieving academic goals and objectives
and up-grading the overall system of education. The implementation of teaching-learning
materials need to be in accordance to various factors, i.e. grade levels of students, age groups,
professional needs and requirements, academic goals and overall system of education. The
instructors and the students need to augment their knowledge and be well-equipped in terms
of utilization of teaching and learning materials. The instructors do not find their job duties
tedious and learning of new concepts become manageable for the students, if they are
informative in terms of teaching-learning materials. It is the integral job duty of the
instructors to present the learners with new information. In addition, they impart them
information in terms of utilization of teaching and learning materials in acquiring an efficient
understanding of subjects and concepts. Therefore, when adequate and satisfactory
information is possessed in terms of the teaching-learning materials, up-gradation will be
brought about in the overall system of education.

The teaching-learning materials vary at different levels of education (Unit 6, n.d.). For
instance, in the stage of early childhood education, elementary education, secondary, senior
secondary and higher educational institutions, the teaching and learning materials are
different. The various materials relating to the desired objectives can play a vital and a
positive role in breaking down the monotony of the teacher-centred classrooms, which in
most cases put emphasis on rote learning. The presentation of these materials by the
instructors before the students, enables them to utilize them in learning. In understanding a
lesson plan and the associated concepts, the teaching and learning materials are required to
play an important part. Therefore, the meaning and significance of teaching and learning
materials is recognized, when the instructors incur the feeling of job satisfaction and the
students too are able to acquire an efficient understanding of the lesson plans and academic
Characteristics of Teaching-Learning Materials

The characteristics of teaching-learning materials are, attractiveness, familiarity,

novelty, utilitarian, multiple utility and ease of handling. These are stated as follows: (Unit 6,


Attractiveness is regarded as one of the main characteristics of teaching-learning

materials. When they will be attractive, the students will develop interest and enthusiasm and
their mind-sets will get stimulated towards learning. In some cases, when they are obtained,
they are attractive, whereas, in other cases, they are made attractive by the instructors and the
students. For example, in the geography lesson on the states of India, the instructor asks the
students to work on a map and colour the states using different colours. When the political
map is prepared using different colours for different states, it usually looks attractive. Hence,
this shows that teaching-learning materials can be prepared by the students through obtaining
directions by their instructors. In the same manner, other teaching-learning materials are also
made attractive such as, charts, pictures, images and so forth. One of the important feature of
attractiveness is, it not only makes the teaching-learning materials attractive, but also arises
the attention among students. Hence, emphasis needs to be put upon this characteristic on a
regular basis. Therefore, it can be stated, attractiveness is regarded as characteristics of
teaching-learning material, which would enable them to use them in a well-organized manner
and they will not find learning monotonous.


Familiarity is a characteristic of teaching-learning materials, which puts emphasis

upon the fact that they need to be made use of in order to augment professionalism, expertise,
fluency and understanding. The students need to be professional, expert and fluent in terms of
various types of teaching-learning materials that are made use of. It is the integral part of the
job duty of the instructors to develop the familiarity among students in terms of various types
of teaching and learning materials. When they experience any problems, they are required to
make provision of support and assistance to them. On the other hand, in some cases, the
students are familiar and they do not need help and support from their instructors. For
example, in higher educational institutions, when they are pursuing, Bachelors, masters or
doctoral programs, they need to be well-equipped in terms of usage of computers. When they
are well-equipped in terms of computers as well as other forms of technologies, they will be
able to contribute in an efficacious manner in generating information as well as in preparing
assignments, projects and reports. Therefore, it is comprehensively understood, familiarity is
a characteristic of teaching-learning material, which would enable the students to make use of
them in a satisfactory manner, do well in tasks and activities and achieve their academic goals
and objectives.


It is comprehensively understood, with advancements taking place and with the

advent of modernization and globalization, it is necessary to make use of modern, scientific
and innovative methods in the teaching-learning processes. In the present existence at all
levels of education, the instructors need to make use of new, original, modern and pioneering
methods in the facilitation of teaching and learning processes. When the teaching materials
introduced by the instructors are new, it is apparent that the students will experience
problems. Hence, it is the job duty of the instructors to gain familiarity with them. The
instructors are understanding in terms of the academic needs and requirements of the
students. When they will form the viewpoint that certain teaching-learning materials will
prove to be beneficial to the students, only then they will introduce them. Within the course
of time, there is a need to bring about transformations in the teaching and learning materials.
Furthermore, it needs to be identified, changes need to be favourable to the overall system of
education. Therefore, it is well-understood, novelty is a characteristic of teaching-learning
materials, which would enable the students to augment their knowledge and understanding in
terms of modern, scientific and innovative methods.


The teaching-learning materials need to have the utilitarian value. This material does
not possess any positive or negative characteristics. But it is the utilitarian value that
determines the positive or negative characteristics. When the instructors for teaching and the
students for learning are making use of them on a frequent basis, in such cases, they are
regarded as positive and advantageous. On the other hand, when they are not made use of on
a frequent basis and is not clear to the students, then it is usually not regarded as worthwhile
and favourable. In accordance to the research studies, the teaching materials that are put into
operation by the instructors in imparting information to the students have a high utilitarian
value. The reason being, they help them in acquiring an efficient understanding of the
subjects and concepts and achievement of academic goals. On the other hand, the learning
materials that are put into practice by the students in facilitating learning have a high
utilitarian value, as they are able to acquire an efficient understanding of lesson plans and
perform well in their tasks and activities. Therefore, through the characteristic of utilitarian,
the instructors and students are able to understand, how effectual and useful they are in
achieving academic goals and enriching the overall system of education.

Multiple Utility

In some cases, the teaching-learning materials does not have one utility but multiple
utilities. Hence, multiple utility is regarded as one of the significant characteristics of the
teaching-learning materials. For example, technologies and internet are not only made use of
in case of one particular subject, but they are made use of in case of all the subjects. The
instructors and the students are making use of technologies and internet to prepare
assignments, projects, reports and so forth and acquiring knowledge in terms of various
subjects and concepts. Hence, technologies and internet are regarded to be of multiple utility.
The instructors and the students need to inculcate the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and
conscientiousness. In addition, they need to depict efficiency in making use of these
materials. Hence, multiple utility is a characteristic of teaching-learning materials, which is
acknowledged on comprehensive basis. Therefore, it is well-understood, multiple utility is a
characteristic of teaching-learning materials, which would enable the instructors and the
students to augment their knowledge and understanding in terms of ways that the teaching as
well as the learning materials are not just made use of in terms of one subject or concept, but
can be used for various subjects and concepts.

Ease of Handling

In some cases, the teaching-learning materials are easy to handle, whereas, in other
cases, they are difficult to handle. The various types of technologies such as, lap-tops, I pads,
mobile technologies can be carried by the individuals when they are transferring from one
place to another. On the other hand, desk-top computers are not easy to carry, particularly,
when individuals are transferring from one place to another. The teaching-learning materials
such as, graphs, charts, pictures, diagrams, images, maps, books, articles and other reading
materials are manageable to carry. When the students are making use of these materials to
complete their homework assignments, they can easily take their projects and assignments to
educational institutions. Whereas, in some cases, the audio-visual aids are manageable to
handle, whereas, in other cases, they are not easy to handle. When these are difficult to
handle by the instructors, students as well as the other members of the educational
institutions, in such cases, it is the job duty of the heads, directors or principals to provide
them. Therefore, it is comprehensively understood, when the teaching-learning materials are
light or when they are heavy weight, they are put into practice on a regular basis to facilitate
the teaching and the learning processes.

Types of Teaching-Learning Materials

The teaching-learning materials are primarily the materials, which are made use of in
educational institutions at all levels and training centres. These are made use of by the
instructors as well in order to impart information to the students and students also make use
of them to up-grade their learning. In some cases, they are manageable to be made use of,
whereas, in other cases, the individuals may experience problems and challenges. In some
cases, they can be obtained in a manageable manner, whereas, in other cases, they are
difficult to obtain. For the benefit of acquiring, storing and utilizing different materials within
the classroom settings with the main objective of putting into practice the teaching and the
learning activities, it is of utmost significance to classify the types of teaching-learning
materials. The instructors are mainly vested with the job duties of classifying and making
selection of the appropriate teaching and learning materials in order to facilitate the teaching
and learning processes. The various types of teaching-learning materials are stated as follows:

Books, Articles and Other Reading Materials – Books, articles and other reading
materials are regarded as the most common types of teaching-learning materials that are put
into practice at all levels of education. These are regarded as fundamental in facilitating the
education processes. When the instructors and the students are to prepare themselves and
when they need to understand the lesson plans and academic concepts, they make use of these
materials. The instructors make use of books, articles and other reading materials in
imparting knowledge to the students in terms of concepts. On the other hand, the students
make use of them in facilitating better understanding. When the students experience problems
or are doubtful in terms of a concept, they make use of internet and technologies. Therefore,
it can be stated, books, articles and other reading materials are regarded as indispensable in
facilitating the teaching and the learning processes in a well-organized manner.

Models – Models have numerous meanings, i.e. reproductions, replicas, copies,

representations, facsimiles, prototypes, simulations and mock-ups. At all levels of education,
these need to be utilized to facilitate the teaching processes and to promote student learning.
These are utilized by the teachers in nursery, elementary, secondary, senior secondary as well
as in higher educational institutions. The utilization of various types of models in an effective
manner contributes in achieving academic goals. The teaching model puts emphasis upon
teaching and learning. It is based on the principles of psychology, which enables the teaching
and the learning processes to be carried out in a well-ordered and regimented manner.
Furthermore, in order to facilitate the learning process, there are four models of blended
learning, i.e. rotation model, flex model, ala carte model and enriched virtual. The models are
made use of in accordance to the subjects and concepts. Therefore, it is comprehensively
understood, models are regarded as one of the useful teaching-learning materials.

Charts – A chart is a graphical representation of data. The data is represented by

symbols. The various types of charts are, bar chart, line chart and pie chart. A chart represents
the data in a tabular, in a numerical form and in some form of quality structure. Charts are
frequently used to ease the understanding of large quantities of data and the relationships
between parts of data. It is usually easier for the individuals to read and understand the charts.
These are made use of in the variety of fields. These can be created manually or through the
use of computers. Certain types of charts are regarded as more useful for presenting data as
compared to other types of charts. For example, the data that is represented in percentages are
often displayed through pie charts. A chart can take variety of forms, however, there are
common features that provide the chart with the features to generate meaning from the data.
Therefore, it is comprehensively understood, charts are regarded as one of the valuable
teaching-learning materials.

Maps – A map is referred to as the symbolic depiction, putting emphasis upon the
relationships between the elements of some space, i.e. objects, regions and themes. There are
number of maps that are static, fixed on paper or some other durable medium, whereas, others
are dynamic or interactive. Although the most commonly used maps are used to depict
geography. Furthermore, maps represent space, real or fictional without any regards to
context and scale, such as, brain mapping, DNA mapping, or computer network typology
mapping. The space being mapped is regarded as two-dimensional, such as the surface of the
earth, three-dimensional, such as, the interior of the earth or even more abstract spaces of any
dimension, such as, arising in the modelling phenomenon having many independent
variables. The maps are of various types, i.e. physical, political, general reference,
topographical, thematic, navigation charts, cadastral maps and plans. Therefore, one is able to
understand, maps are regarded as one of the worthwhile teaching-learning materials in
primarily the social science subjects of geography and history.

Pictures and Images – Pictures and images are regarded as teaching-learning

materials, which are of utmost significance. Within books, when there are pictures and
images, the students develop motivation towards learning. When the individuals are making
use of technologies to acquire information in terms of a particular concept, then too they will
be able to understand well, when there are pictures and images. The viewing of pictures and
images enables the individuals to understand the concepts in a clear manner. Their perplexity
in terms of lesson plans and academic concepts usually get alleviated. When the individuals
are working on projects or assignments or presentations, then apart from putting in theoretical
information, they put in pictures and images as well. These contribute in making the project
or assignment of presentation attractive. Therefore, it can be stated, pictures and images are
regarded as essential teaching-learning materials in facilitating the teaching and the learning
processes in an appropriate manner.

Diagrams – A diagram is referred to the symbolic representation of information

through making use of visualization techniques (Antofina, n.d.). The term diagram is used in
a sense that signifies a specific meaning. These are pictorial and yet abstract representations
of information. In primarily science subjects of physics, chemistry and biology, the students
need to learn how to draw diagrams. In some cases, they are complicated. But through getting
engaged in regular practice, the students will be able to augment their understanding in terms
of diagrams. They are a part of the lesson plans. Hence, when the instructors are imparting
information in terms of academic concepts and lesson plans, they need to put emphasis upon
diagrams as well. When the students are taking exams, then too they are required to draw
diagrams and it is regarded as a vital teaching-learning material. Therefore, it is well-
understood, drawing of diagrams contributes efficiently in facilitating the teaching and the
learning processes.

Technologies – In the present existence, the usage of technologies has gained

prominence. The instructors and the students at all levels of education are making use of them
in facilitating teaching and learning processes. Hence, they are able to carry out their job
duties well. On the other hand, the students are making use of technologies to prepare
assignments, projects, reports and so forth. Internet is rendering a significant contribution in
making provision of knowledge to the individuals in terms of various topics. Within the
classroom settings, teaching through giving presentations is regarded as one of the common
methods of teaching. In formal schools and in higher educational institutions, the instructors
normally have computers and projectors within the classroom settings and they teach through
giving presentations. On the other hand, in nursery schools, computers are made use of to
show pictures, shapes, and other concepts to the students. Therefore, it can be stated,
technologies are regarded as crucial in facilitating the teaching and the learning processes in a
well-ordered manner.

Television and Videos – Television and videos are primarily regarded as the sources
of entertainment. The individuals, belonging to all age groups, categories and backgrounds
take pleasure in watching television and videos. But these are not only regarded as the
sources of entertainment, but promote teaching and learning as well. The research studies
have indicated that in educational institutions at all levels, the instructors sometimes show
videos to the students, related to the lesson plans. When they see the videos, they are able to
up-grade their learning and understanding. Sometimes learning does not get facilitated
through reading books, articles or browsing the internet as through watching television and
videos. Normally, when the students are watching television and videos, they take down
notes, just as they do in the lecture methods of teaching. Therefore, it can be stated, television
and videos are regarded as teaching-learning materials, which makes the teaching and the
learning processes worthwhile and meaningful.

Audio-Visual Aids – Audio-visual aids are the devices, which are made use of within
the classroom settings to make the teaching and the learning processes effectual and
meaningful. The teaching methods need to be put into operation in such a manner, that
students should take pleasure in learning. Hence, audio-visual aids are regarded as the most
favourable tools that are made use of for making the teaching processes meaningful. These
are primarily utilized to communicate messages through sound and visuals. In addition, they
help in stimulating the sensory organs such as, ears and eyes and facilitate the rapid
comprehension of the message by the audience. These are made use of for providing
education to literates and non-literates. Audio aids are instructional devices, in which the
message can be heard and not seen. Whereas, visual aids are instructional devices, which can
contribute effectually in enabling the message to be seen and not heard. Therefore, audio-
visual aids are regarded as teaching-learning materials, which makes the teaching and the
learning processes meaningful (Meaning of Audio-Visual Aids, 2011).
Slide Projectors - Slide projectors is an opto-mechanical device for displaying of
photographic slides. In other words, it is a machine that shines light through a photograph
made into a slide to produce a larger image on the screen (Slide Projector, 2020). When these
are used, the students are able to view the information clearly, which is on computer and it
can be viewed only by the speaker. The slide projectors are the direct descendants of the
larger-format magic lantern. It first came into the widespread use during the 1950s, as a form
of occasional home entertainment. Furthermore, slide projectors were used in educational
institutions as well. In primarily higher educational institutions and training centres, the
instructors make use of them in imparting knowledge and understanding to the students in
terms of lesson plans and academic concepts. On the other hand, when the students are
encouraged to give presentations as part of course requirements or it is an assessment strategy
as well, then slide projectors are made use of. Therefore, slide projectors are regarded as
teaching-learning materials, which makes the teaching and the learning processes significant.

Benefits of Teaching-Learning Materials

The benefits of teaching-learning materials are stated as follows:

Supports the Learning of Students – It is apparent that through the efficacious use of
various types of teaching-learning materials, the learning of the students will be supported. In
some cases, when the students are preparing academic assignments or working on projects,
they may express their viewpoints and perspectives, arising out of their experience. But the
use of teaching-learning materials will contribute effectively in promoting student learning.
They are able to up-grade their knowledge and generate information in terms of various
aspects. Therefore, it is well-understood, supports the learning of students is regarded as one
of the comprehensively acknowledged benefits of teaching-learning materials.

Facilitates Impartment of Instructions – The instructors are making use of these

materials in imparting knowledge and understanding to the students in terms of lesson plans
and academic concepts. Hence, facilitates impartment of instructions is regarded as one of the
most apparent benefits of teaching-learning materials. The instructors in most cases make use
of books, articles and other reading materials, models, charts, maps, pictures and images,
diagrams, technologies, audio-visual aids and slide projectors in providing explanation to the
students. The grade levels of the students, subjects and concepts, and academic goals and
objectives are the primary aspects that need to be taken into consideration. Therefore,
facilitates impartment of instructions is regarded as one of the indispensable benefits of
teaching-learning materials.

Generating Awareness in terms of Advantages of various Teaching-Learning

Materials – The instructors and the students are able to augment their understanding in terms
of advantages of various teaching-learning materials. All the teaching-learning materials such
as, books, articles, other reading materials, models, charts, maps, pictures, images, diagrams,
technologies, television and videos, audio-visual aids and slide projectors are advantageous to
the instructors and students, if they learn how to make use of them in an efficacious manner.
Therefore, it can be stated, generating awareness in terms of advantages of various teaching-
learning materials is a crucial benefit of teaching-learning materials.

Promoting Differentiation of Instruction – In some cases, the students are not able to
understand the concepts through one method of instruction or just one teaching-learning
material. For example, the students are unable to acquire an efficient understanding of the
lesson plans through utilizing textbooks, articles and other reading materials. Hence, in order
to promote student learning and enable them to understand the concepts in an appropriate
manner, the instructors make use of technologies, audio-visual aids and other teaching and
learning materials, which may prove to be beneficial to the students. Hence, differentiation in
instruction is promoted. Therefore, promoting differentiation of instruction is regarded as one
of the meaningful and favourable benefits of teaching-learning materials at all levels of

Facilitates making Investments in Good Teaching – Through the implementation of

teaching-learning materials in an effective and worthwhile manner, the instructors are making
investments in good teaching (The Importance of Learning Materials in Teaching, 2019).
Good teaching is regarded as the key in leading to up-gradation of the overall system of
education. The important factors that need to be taken into account in promoting good
teaching are, generating awareness in terms of teaching and learning methods, teaching and
learning materials, needs and requirements of the students, subjects and concepts and
academic goals and objectives. Therefore, facilitates making investments in good teaching is
a benefit of not only teaching-learning materials, but this is augmented through possession of
awareness in terms of teaching-learning methods, needs and requirements of the students,
subjects and concepts and academic goals and objectives.
Leads to Increase in Motivation Levels – When the learning materials are put into
practice in an efficacious manner and the students are able to acquire an efficient
understanding of the subjects and concepts through them, they are able to develop motivation
towards their studies. On the other hand, the instructors too are able to develop motivation
towards their job duties, when they are well-equipped in terms of the use of various types of
teaching materials. Leading to an increase in the motivation levels will enable the instructors
and the students to focus upon the implementation of tasks and activities in a well-organized
manner, acquire an efficient understanding of the lesson plans and academic concepts and
achieve academic goals and objectives. Therefore, leading to an increase in motivation levels
is an important benefit of teaching-learning materials.

Promotes Pleasurable Learning – When the teaching-learning materials are made use
of in a well-organized and efficacious manner, the instructors and the students leads to
formation of an amiable and pleasant learning environment and promotes pleasurable
learning. All the members of the educational institutions need to form constructive
viewpoints in terms of their job duties, other individuals and the overall working
environmental conditions. When pleasurable learning is promoted, the instructors and
students are able to contribute in generation of the desired outcomes. Therefore, it is well-
understood, promoting pleasurable learning is regarded as one of the vital benefits that is
augmented through the utilization of teaching-learning materials.

Leads to Enrichment in Academic Goals and Objectives – Within the course of time,
the educational institutions need to introduce new academic goals and objectives or bring
about transformations in the existing academic goals and objectives. Through the
implementation of teaching-learning materials, enrichment is brought about in the academic
goals and objectives. Through technologies and internet, the individuals conduct research and
generate information in terms of academic goals and objectives. Therefore, it is well-
understood, leads to enrichment in academic goals and objectives is regarded as one of the
key benefits that is recognized in educational institutions at all levels through the utilization
of teaching-learning materials.

Leads to Up-gradation of Decision Making and Critical Thinking Skills – The

instructors are required to make wise and productive decisions in terms of various aspects in
terms of teaching and learning processes. The instructors and the students need to up-grade
their critical thinking skills, as these need to be put into practice in carrying out tasks and
activities and achieving academic goals. When appropriate teaching and learning materials
are required to be used, then decision making and critical thinking skills needs to be put into
practice. Therefore, leads to up-gradation of decision making and critical thinking skills is
also regarded as essential benefits, as these are utilized in making selection of them.

Facilitates Application of Concepts in Personal Lives – The subjects and concepts,

which the students are learning needs to be applied in personal lives as well. They need to
ensure they make use of their educational qualifications, skills and abilities in not only
achieving professional goals, but personal goals as well. Furthermore, they are able to bring
about improvements in their overall quality of lives. Therefore, it can be stated, when the
students are able to facilitate application of concepts in personal lives, they are able to benefit
not only from the implementation of teaching-learning methods but also from the teaching-
learning materials.


Teaching-learning materials are the materials, which render an important contribution

in facilitating the teaching and learning processes. The learning materials are used by the
students in learning and understanding. On the other hand, instructors make use of them to
impart information to the students. It is important for the individuals to understand that how
these would be operative and useful to the instructors in performing their job duties well,
facilitating student learning, achieving academic goals and objectives and up-grading the
overall system of education. The characteristics of teaching-learning materials are,
attractiveness, familiarity, novelty, utilitarian, multiple utility and ease of handling. The
various types of teaching-learning materials are, books, articles and other reading materials,
models, charts, maps, pictures and images, diagrams, technologies, television and videos,
audio-visual aids and slide projectors.

The benefits of teaching-learning materials are, supports the learning of students,

facilitates impartment of instructions, generating awareness in terms of advantages of various
teaching-learning materials, promoting differentiation of instruction, facilitates making
investments in good teaching, leads to increase in motivation levels, promotes pleasurable
learning, leads to enrichment in academic goals and objectives, leads to up-gradation of
decision making and critical thinking skills and facilitates application of concepts in personal
lives. Finally, it can be stated, possessing of adequate information in terms of teaching-
learning materials will render an important contribution in the tasks of promoting student
learning, achieving academic goals and in leading to up-gradation of the overall system of
Antofina, V.R. (n.d.). Teaching and Learning Materials. Retrieved October 10, 2020 from

Meaning of Audio-Visual Aids. (2011). Retrieved October 11, 2020 from

Slide Projector. (2020). Retrieved October 11, 2020 from

The Importance of Learning Materials in Teaching. (2019). Ministry of Education, Guyana.

Retrieved October 09, 2020 from

Unit 6. (n.d.). Teaching and Learning Materials. Retrieved October 10, 2020 from

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