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Global Citizen

A global leader is someone who has the capability to combine global thinking with local
problems to create a solution. In ASGL, I have seen the effects of my surrounding peers and
faculty who have cared for me, and influenced me with like mindedness. This like-mindedness is
the vision that ASGL holds: the ability to think and acknowledge world problems in order to
create initiation with people from different backgrounds. The primary goal of ASGL is to not
only prepare me for college, but to adapt to the changing world around me. These values are
intrinsically linked to the IB learner profiles which have guided me through my four years in
highschool and have prepared me to become the best ambassador possible.

To be a Global citizen means to have an awareness for the wider world as well as taking
action by serving my community or actively working with others to better society. Someone who
has been a beacon for this, in my opinion, is Mr. Givens. Mr. Givens is someone who
demonstrates a complex understanding of how our world functions and the steps taken to
succeed. Whether taking time out of his lunch to discuss books we both enjoy or helping me
better understand how the economy circulates, Mr.Givens challenges me to be a thinker. Every
Friday, Mr.Givens gives us a real world assignment in which we are to buy a house with the
budget of our career choice. This has given me the opportunity to not only think in a broad
perspective but pay attention to the details of how my income is used. Mr. Givens is also a prime
example of why balance is important. He balances out his work with the physical activities he
participates in, not only for his health but his mental well-being. Through this, Mr.Givens has
shown me that it is okay to not submerge myself with studies but to also balance it with the
camaraderie I share with family and friends..

My Personal growth has played a vital role in my life, it has helped me become a better
communicator as well as solidifying my principles. I have been able to experience and learn how
to be a growing Leader through ASB. I was given the opportunity to be in charge of decorating
the Christmas talent show as well as the October pep rally. With this experience I have learned to
express my ideas to my teammates by communicating what my vision for these events were. I
know that communication will play a key role in my future because it not only helps me but it
affects the people around me by creating reliability and security. Being in a leadership role has
also helped me ground my principals. I believe leadership is the ability to harness other people's
energy and use it for a positive momentum. This value is not possible without a strong principled
leader. I remember before joining ASB I was easily swayed and tugged in many directions but
through reflection I have grown to stay rooted to my corner stones. Through the opportunities
given to me I have inched closer to becoming the best Global Citizen I could be as well as
learning skills that will assist me in any future I choose.
One dream that I have always kept in my back pocket is opening a bakery cafe in Los
Angeles, and even though the competition in this densely populated city is fierce, it is the risk I
am willing to take. I know that this ambition of mine will take hard work and discipline to
achieve, but I am reassured through the habits I have grown through ASGL. ASGL has
encouraged me to be a risk taker not only academically but in my personal life. Running has
been a consistent hobby of mine, and I am constantly pushing my boundaries whether trying to
focus on my breathing to distract me from the discomfort or being attentive to my foot placement
to get better strides. These attributes will help me accomplish anything I envision making me a
competent leader for the world I stand on and my community.

Now as I reflect on memories and experiences, I have ecstasy and reassurance in

knowing that Asgl has been preparing me for a bright future. My understanding of the world
around me will help ensure that I am aware of the problems we face globally, but more
importantly the need for solutions through unity. The learner profiles will help me approach
those problems as well as guide me throughout my life essentially becoming a bedrock to my
path in becoming a leader. The world needs leaders more than ever and Asgl has helped me
realize that anyone could make a positive impact and change because it always starts with one.

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