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Ger, Seeuolity , Gender Relahens « + sue and ginder on relaleel Heme which peeple We Inkrchangcably + Set - brslogical charnctnshes af women and me thal teludis pnmmy sex charnchences ke Chromosomes gonads. genital. tonstant cies hme = canstmt cris difPerant Geereies or calars + Gmder Relabens ("bendy") “Piurmbaked wiles, buharters. eapnethit .and Tnlulleekeal amokonal and social chara chy ches athibuicd 4 & given calhue fo wine mad mer. = Socially -depkenined i cuilhwnlly ~ defined = hat crs hme and tid + dn dient, all ete differimees bettas ebtoHy brologtenl * Seeuale ~Proplt's Mert mer altrnolron others, as wall ag Their eapacdy & hee cashe eperiences and rgponsic “covms a brad spechum md enn be canctdved egy ‘pisenal * Some crpats ace push finvrrd fre dea nat Inman "supply cots fhe Pali oF 0 pucon's phusteal, teling and wen epmtral Lentils tacluding thonghls_andFeelings. — # Suenal oritatahon san mbuunf or immutable endur tnt emotronal, Yomanhe oF Letual allachon tb ober peopl «binder tAinbt ~ one's “Imnannect concept oF calf ag male Fur. a blend of fete or nether - Wow individuals Percerve tnemetins and what thy ell theme: One's gendr tcenty can be he Same or difFuant trom ner con” ascighed at birth, “Conder ron - evlernal appearance of one's fender 'dnbly a4 na * Soot “Teamig mdr ~ am ainbnlla fer fir whose gunder idehiy and Jor eyprecsion ‘16 differnt fon cult cinkons bated oy fhe so mg Moe assigned iat berth. Being trmnag ender does hot mel cing epecine coat aon “Lendir Trancihion ~~ pwcese by which gome People shire fe ynoa aese align their inkyna] ouldge of gundir wth outward appearance, “Gender dysphoria clinically Sgnifieant dechse Canstd hing peon'c assigned af ‘eth Qunder mt he ome as fre oh wthh which te) iden ope Why de tray nomen and mon com fo Centirm by seetehy'« gendtred expectatons 7 ~The antivir Wes th the process called Jendir coutalizakon te Soctnteaten of persons in a givin qendee . calted gindeang 4 wr “Process Im gundend soclalenbw 1, Manipilahon - handing girs and boys differ 4 Canalizahon ~ diechng children's be gender -appiopnale 3. Verbal Malate « dling chrldren uhak thy an an what eppestahons chars hot gf them, cabin hon ob jects. 4. Acting ep ure ~ Failing eden ata qe tr apprprinle nck ‘Some Inslihakons Mal ensure gendered sedaltzahon °F gendering * Fam * Formal” educa + mass medra Gendeing prccises insure Tre pracha af* + guadlir yoles _~Soetal nt _behavioniel—pore Gender Arash & labor ~The allocation oF aefFeraka) inaks, ols, respnctiitns ord actinic wonter and mun aetording be what ( conctchend Sectally and” oultrally appropriate, & Repmdnchve Werk | Caw Werk - child beoning / Weaning and domashe tasks dane by woken Tare thd matnbinance oF tne work Fore Unale parne ard working children) and tin Fiature workRre (infants and cehoel ~ fom ehildten) =prodtichy nork ~ work Aone by bell women and mon Far pay m cast or kind. “Community Work, = communi manageimat = undwtaken paiman' by Womens on telmgish Of their Fprauctie 16 unpaid ¥ oninmunrty polities ~underlaken primanl wy wl i yaniing at tre firmal politcal lard, shin framaulk of iealrnal pele. pard Gender Denecon of Labor leads bo the phenomeren of bulhple burden, (aie + commen sIntecstchon ality © the intertonneckebress and ovirlapping™ OF dicerimmnaten ancl op Precran inane) people espeniemee chialenges mm FFE inat are roe in oppHssion and dsceniminaltee Cerber resveg ~binder pols = voles Inal ve sit all when Apig claseFicalyy 5 budlogreat “the pa bien onic phn gander ales ae defined 1 Koms OF prslagy ek anf the genoralienhen comes afer clasihtd by Sot, feta and pak third) 1S ho AFFérince qq MOS th AL hatSeheld and Coutly whin TT coms fy women ana mie Chcept if “it is Conntced They pioltgrcd cher cbengns swine we keep ar gensraleng gincler whe thc will lend by gen eneiped tite ginwalzed BEE In Ine ohardilensti(s pf a pasa pared cnpy on thar gender. © baied Ga nems) bt norm Horns ow Pinl . leeld er propagated my the fam sche), ehurcny media, communtiy, sccicly 1 gore ~ teed fy Lalestlag. clase seaitovele «rule bursty of woe Geviner BUND / sexu LONEUREE ene ghosld tetonn ender sree be cunse ib pts Ham Bam canning Sect) = agnind ng fe gulf delermaniea OBRen -conoy People ye Seen! Aird a Faker han tame ng and A gnvay fi eon Kael fe “ Qenelér iscvammanon ~ ebiFteysabal tentnced of marred on the bas of they yertcler * dimer gulvordinahon - Atsonions “ne ce candorn) mn that ima occupy iN : felaren nny, “gtedir Based sholen — valent exgninal Pesos othe Mus ther gander = child andes = aynale gunk matinhar “rape = Femicr bende “bad yitee ~ inlets faba AF per Zuntgtal pope riahashps a uphitd o aused. 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F mar © be incotpurale the pnuple oF equa fporale the pinup sonny, and womeat in thar legal Ym, drscimnaloy Igug catebith Mbumals andl other public inshtuhons bb tna He effechve. pwolechon oF nomen. against dtcormnatyon © ensure ebminanon of all acts of decenm/naton agacnst homo by persons camanioatine or enkopnsts agen arin oF ‘women Ginpichinsiet women's human AGH law that coeks te shat earn gh “nro, Filminl + nd ptshon oF ‘The rights. of rpms wapectauy trast n he mevgnaioad semen ume InRage Lew 0m ast capanding tH cfinten he cnme oF rapes veslesciRjing bre came ac a enme gain person’. 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