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TE eee ae) \ AWWA Standard Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Fittings, 4 In. Through 65 In. (100 mm Through 1,650 mm), for Waterworks Effective date: Nov. 1, 2021. Fistedtion approves by Boor rd of Directors June 21, 1990, June 10, 2021, pone aa by American National Standards Insitute dune 15,2021. A a ~ ‘american Water Works Asrociaton AWWA Standard ‘Thsdocurentisan American Water Works Assccation AIWWA) standard. kis not a specification. AMWA standards describe minimum requirements and do nec contain all of te engineering and adminisiretve informactn normally contained In {pecticatons The AVIWA standards sual ertan aprons at mut be avauatad ty the user the ctandard ntl #94 Optional feature spacfied by te user the product ar carice isnot fully defined. AWWA publication of a standard doa: not constitute endorsement of any produc: er preduct typa, nor does AWWA test, cori, or approve any product. The Use of AWWA standards is entirely Voluntary, This stander does nat supersede or toxe precedence over of Space any sppliablelan, regulation or cade of any governmental euthorty. ANWA standards are tended te representa corsersus ‘tthe water indusiry that te product described wll provce slisfacory service. Wher ANWA reuse oF withdraws (his Standard, an ofa notice of action wil be placed in the Oficial Notice sation of urmo! AMWA. The action becomes taffociveon the fist day ofthe month following the month ofJeurmal AMWA publication ofthe oficial notice, American National Standard ‘An American National Standard implies a coreencus of those substartlly concerned with ts scone and provisions. An ‘American National Standard is intended os o guide to sid the manufactur, the consumer, ong the general pubic. The texstence of an American National Standard does rat in any respect prechice anyone, whether that person has approved the standard or net fom manulacturing, marketing, purchasing. oF Using procul, processes, oF procedures not Conforming tothe standard, American Nationa Standards are subject o penocc review, and uses are cautioned to obiain the latest esibons, Procucers ef goad made in conformity with an American Natenal Standard are encouraged te stato tn their on cesponsiblity in sdverising and promotional materials 0° on tags oF labels tat the goods are produced in conformity with aariculer American National Standarc, Ccamou Norce: The American National Standards instar (NSD approval date onthe ont cover af his Stanard encatas completion ofthe ANSI approval procate. This Amenican National Stancrd maybe reused oc withdrawn at arytime. ANSI procedures require that action bataten to raaifir, cevise, or withdraw tis standard ata than fiveyaars trem the date DF ANSI approval. Purchasers af American National Standards may eceive current nformetion on all stancords ey cling ‘r writing the American Neticnel Stondardsinsttuee, 25 West 4rd Street, Fourth Flor, Nen York,NY 10036; 212.582.4900; bremaling nfoaans. org, All rights reserved. Neo part of this publcaton may be repreduced or tranemtted in ony form er by any means electors or mechanical, ncadng scanning, recordin, oan Information or reel syste. Reproducton and commerce Uuseef his materials prohio ted, capt wih wrtten permission ‘rom the publish. Plaace send any raguets cr questions to permissions@awaacog, ISBN-13, print 9784-64717-061 5 150-13, electronic: 978-1.61300597-2 DO}: itp. dol.ore!10.12999/A¥WWA 906.21 All rights resorved. Ne part of thi publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including sconning, recording, et any information oF retrieval system, Reproduction and ‘commercial use of this materials prohibited, except mith written permission from the publisher. Copyright © 2021 by American Watar Works Assacistion| Printed in USA Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Association Committee Personnel ‘The following personnel contributed input to the AWWA Standards Subcommittee on C906 in developing this revision: Camille G. Rubeiz, Subcommitzee Chair ‘M. Boyce, East Bay Municipal Utilities District, Oakland, Calif, AJ]. Ciechanowski, NSF International, Ana Arbor, Mich. D.D. Kelles, LyondellBasell Industries, Cincinnati, Ohio J.S. Johnston, MeFlroy Manufacturing Inc., Tulsa, Okla. ‘A. Marner, US Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo, S.D. Sandstrum, Borealis Compounds, Ine., Port Murray, NJ G. Scoby, Crossbore Consultants, Los Gatos, Calif S.C. Williams, HDR, Atlanta, Ga The AWWA Scandards Committee on Polyolefin Pressure Pipe and Fittings, which reviewed and approved this standard, had the following personnel at the time of approval: John F. Fishburne, Chair Camille G. Rubeiz, Secretary General interest Members 1. Aguiar, Hazen and Sawyer, Coral Gables, Fla E.A. Ambler, AM Tienchless, Sanford, Fla. J.L. Beaver, Simpson Gumperce & Heger Inc., Waltham, Mass. J.P. Castronovo, Blue Ridge, Ga. A. Chastain-Howley (liaison), Standards Council Liaison, Black 8 Veatch, Camden, Maine K.C. Choquette, Des Moines, Lowa AJ]. Ciechanowski, NSF International, Ann Arbor, Mich. D.E. Duvall, Engineering Systems Inc., Aurora, IIL J.E. Fishburne, Freese & Nichols Inc., Charlotte, N.C. D.L. McPherson (alternate), HDR, Charlotce, N.C. n, AWWA, Denver, Colo. G. Scoby, Crossbore Consultants, Las Gatos, Calif, PJ. Olson (Liaison), Standards Engineer L Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation D.A. Stewart, Stewart HDPE Consulting, LLC, Lago Vista, Tex. S.C. Williams, HDR, Atlanta, Ga. S. Ziobro, FM Approvals, Chepachec, RL. Producer Members S. Boros, Pipeline Plastics LLC, Geneva, Il. G. Garcia, JM Eagle, Los Angeles, Calif. LJ. Gill, IPEX Management Inc., Oakville, Ont. R. Houle, Reliance Worldwide Corp., Atlanta, Ga, J.S. Johnston Jr., McElroy Manufacturing, Inc., Tulsa, Okla. , Cedar City, Utah Pipe Institute, Ashburn, Va D. Langston, WL Plastics Corp. L. MacNevin (alternate), Plast CG. Rubeiz, Plastics Pipe S.D. Sandscrum, Borealis Compounds, Inc., Port Murray, NJ. J. Wright, Georg Fischer Central Plastics LLC, Shawnee, Okla. ute, Fairfax, Va User Members M. Boyce, East Bay Municipal Utilities District, Oakland, Calif. H. Link, Colorado §; A. Marner, US Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo. R. McKaskle, City of Tulse ~ Engineering Services Dept., Tulsa, Okla N. Perez-Jacome, City of Miami Beach, Miami Beach, Fla J. Stein, Arlington Water Department, Adlington, Tex. M.A, Wirtz, City of Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, Ind. gs, Colo, v Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation Contents All AWWA standards follow she general format indicated subsequently Some variations from this format may be found in a particular standard. sec, Foreword 1 Introduction LA Background... 1B History. LC Acceptance I Special Issues. TA on Product Application sons Advisory Informat TLB Design and Installation Information. TC. Considerations for HDPE Oxidative Resistance, I Use of This Standard TILA Purchaser Options and Alternatives IILB_ Modification to Standard IV Major Revisions. V_ Comments Standard 1 General 11 Scope. 1.2 Purpose 1.3. Application... 2 References 3 Definition: 4 Requirements Aol Permeation secnnsmnsnnnncnn PAGE 9 v sec Pace ee | 4.3 Pipe Requirements. Wn 44 Fittings Requirements. 18 45 Pipe Classification and Working Pressure Rating.cnnnnnnemae 19 5 Verification 5.1 General. 20 5.2. Material Testing Requirements a 5.3. Qualification of Materials and Manufacturing Processes by Flovated-Temperarure Sustained Pressure Testing, a 54 Pipe Testing Requirements . a1 5.5 Fitting Testing Requirements. 22 5.6 Provision for'Test Sample Failure... 23 7 Plant Inspection by Purchaser....u. 23 5.8 Basis for Rejection wiunnnnnnnnuns 23 6 — Marking and Shipping GoD Matking sco 4 6.2 Shipping 25 6.3 Affidavit of Compliance wensnnnues 26 Appendixes A Recurring and Occasional Surge Pressures, Fatigue Life, and Flow Capacity nnn soon 29 B Bibliography of Sources for Additional Information Regarding Permeation of Pipes 31 Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation sec C Bibliography of Additional Information Regarding HDPE Pipe 33 PAGE Figures 1 Cross Section of PE Flange 18 Assembly. 2 Mechanical Joint Adaprer.. Tables 1 PE4710 Compound—Property Values and ASTM 13350 Cell Classification Values... 2 Elevated-Temperature Sustained 13 Pressure Test Requirements PAGE ODS and Tolerances for IPS Outside Diameter Pipe (ANSI B36.10). nine ODS and Tolerances for Ductile- ron Outside Diameter (DIOD) Pipe.. Standard Pipe Pressure Classes (PCS) at s80°F (27°C)... 20 Minimum Wall Thickness, in, (mm), for IPS Outside Diameter Pipe 26 jum Wall Thickness, (onm), for Ductile-tron Ourside Diameter (DIOD) Pipe... PE4710 Standard Dimension Ratio, Surge Pressures, Fatigue Life, and Flow Capacity at <80°F ero 29 vi Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation Foreword This foreword is for information only and is not a part of ANSTYAWWA C906, L Introduction. LA Background. "This standard describes outside diameter (OD) controlled polyethylene (PE) pressure pipe and fivings in diameters ranging from 4 through 6 water distribution and eransi (100-1,650 mm) for use primarily in the construction and rehabilitation of iom systems. This document describes pipes and fittings made from PE materials with standard PE material designation code PEA710. Pipes are classified in accordance with pipe dimension ratios (DRs) ranging from 7.0 to 21. ‘The resultant combinations of PE4710 and DRs yield pipe with pressure classes (PCs) ranging from 100 co 335 psig, (690-2,310 kPa) for water, wastewater, and reclaimed water at 80°F (27°C) and lower temperatures. PC ratings are reduced for higher service temperatures. See AWWA M55 for information about the use of PE pipe at higher service temperatures. Consul with the Special Issues section (Sec. H.C) about the use of PE pipe with different disinfectant typesand concentrations, and refer to AWWA M75 for use of elastomers in waterworks pipes, valves, and fittings. Three standard pipe-diameter systems are described, as fellows: 1, Inch OD in accordance with iron pipe size (IPS) system (ANSI B36.10). 2. Inch OD equivalent to ductile-iron pipe OD (DIOD) in accordance with the ductile-iron pipe sizing system (ANSUAWWA C150(A21.50). 3. Metric OD equivalents. This standard also includes a provision for specifying pipe with custom diameters, wall thicknesses, and dimension ratios. LB. History. In 1984, the Seandards Committee on Thermoplastic Pressure Pipe appointed 2 subcommirtee to prepare a standard covering 4 in. (100 mm) and larger-diameter polyethylene (PE) pressure pipe and fi igs. The firse proposed draft was submicted to the Thermoplastic Pressure Pipe Committee by eter ballot in May 1986. The Thermoplastic Pressure Pipe Committee was subsequently dissolved. and its standards responsibilities were divided between two new AWWA standards committees: the PVC Pressure Pipe and Fittings Committee and the Polyolefin Pressure Pipe and Ficcings Committee. ‘The Polyolefin Pressure Pipe and Fittings Committee assumed "American National Sundasds Insite, 25 West 431d Succ, Fourth Hoos, New York, NY 10036. vil Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation the responsibility for developing this standard in the fll of 1988. The first edition ‘of ANSVAWWA C906 was approved by the AWWA Board of Directors on June 21, 1990. Subsequent editions were approved on June 20, 1999; Jan. 21, 20073 and Jan, 24, 2015, This edition was approved June 10, 2021. LC. Acceprance. In May 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF Inter ‘al (NSF) to develop voluntary third-party consensus standards and a certification program for direct and indirect drinking wateraddicives. Other members of inal consortium included the Water Research Foundation (formerly AwwaRF) and the Conference of State Health and Environmental Managers (COSHEM). AWWA and the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASD WA) joined later. the or In the United States, authority to regulate products for use in, or in contact with, drinking water rests with individual states.’ Local agencies may choose to impose requirements more stringent than those required by the state. ‘To evaluate the health effects of products and drinking water additives from such products, state and local agencies may use various references, in ding: 1, Specific policies ofthe state or local agenc 2. Two standards developed under the direction of NSF: NI CAN’ 60, Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals—Health Effects, and Ni CAN 61, Drinking Water System Components—Health Effects. 3. Other references, including AWWA standards, Food Chenaicals Codex, Water Chemicals Coder’, and other standards considered appropriate by che state or local agency. Various certification organizations may be involved in certifying products in accordance with NSF/ANSI/CAN 61. Individual states or local agencies have authority 10 acceptor accredit certification organizations within their jurisdictions, Accreditation of certification organizations may vary from jurisdiction to jus Annex A, “Toxicology Review and Evaluation Procedures,” to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 does nor stipulate a maximum allowable level (MAL) of a contami nt level (MCL). The MALs of an, unspecified list of “unregulated contaminants” are based on vosicity vesting guidelines nit for substances not regulated by a USEPA final maximum contam "Persons outside the United States should contact che appropriate authority having jurisdiction, * NSF International, 789 North Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor; MI 48105, 5 Standards Council of Canada, 95 Mecelfe Street, Site 600, Oxtawa, ON KP 615 Canad * Boch publications available from National Academy of Seiences, $00 Fifth Street. NW. Washington, DC 20418, vil Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation (noncarcinogens) and risk characterization methodology (carcinogens). Use of Annex A procedures may not always be identical, depending on the certifier. ANSIAW'WA C906 does not address additives requirements, Users ofthis standard should consult the appropriate state or local agency having jurisdiccion in order to: 1. Determi auddicives requirements, including applicable standards. 2. Determine the status of certifications by parties offering to cert products for contact with, or treatment of, drinking wacer: 3. Determine current i IL. Special Issues. ILA. Advisory Information on Product Application. his standard presents criteria related to the manufacture and purchase of polyethylene pressure pipe to be formation on product certification. used in the distribution and transmission of potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water in either buried or aboveground applications. Pipe provided according to the provisions of this standard may also he suitable for insercion into existing pipelines for rehabilitation and for the cransmiss n of other liquids TLB. Design and Installation Information. This seandard describes the requirements for the production of pipe and fittings. This standard does not include information about PE pipe design and installation, AWWA M55, PE Pipe—Design and instalation, provides dexailed information on polyethylene engineering properties, manufacturing, testing, inspection, hydraulics, pressure rating, external loads, heat fasion and mechanical joining, Fittings, transportation, handling, storage, installation (open cut, trenchless, and marine), hydrotesting and commissioning, maintenance and repairs, model specifications, earthquake applications, case studies, and PE4710 pipe data, Purchasers may write specifications that exceed the requirements of this standard to accommodate a specific application. Consultation with PE pipe manufacturers is recommended for appli 38°C). TLC Considerations for HDPE Oxidative Resistance. Cons practice of other pipe and maverial standards, strength ratings in this standard are not jons where the service temperature is greater than 100°F stent with the reduced for potential in-service degradation mechanisms such as internal or external corrosion and oxidation, ASTM" F263 is che mandatory test method used to assess che long. term internal oxidative stability of PE materials in potable water applications based on accelerated testing and modeling. ASTM F2263 was updated in 2014 to reflect how testing is "ASTM International, 100 Bast Hasbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428, & Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation currenely being performed, ASTM F2263 vest results are used to project the relasive performance of various PE pipe compounds in chlorinated water applications ASTM F2263 is a test method and does not include performance eriteria for PE tubes, ASTM 3350 vas updated in 2014 vo provide for the classification of PE resin performance under oxidative conditions. Consistent wich ANST/AWWA C901 (2017 and 2021), the materials requirements incorporating ASTM F263 and D3350 have breen added in Sec. 4 For potable water applications, the standard spexifies PE compounds with oxidative resistance classification CC3, which ensures adequate design life under the vast majority of disinfectant applications where chlorine and chloramine are used as secondary disinfectants as shown in PPI TN-44 and (Nore: This standard does not include consideration of chlorine dioxide as a secondary disinfectant, which is estimated to be used in less than | percent of North American utilities. Seek additional guidance from the pipe supplier if chlorine dioxide isthe planned disinfectant practice, See Jana Laboratories, Usage and Effects of Chlorine Diexide on PEX Plumbing and Water Disrribution Systems in North America, prepared for the Plascics Pipe Insticute, July 2010.) TIL. Use of This Standard. I is che responsibility of the user of an AWWA standard to determine chat the produets described in that standard are suitable for use in the particular application. Refer to AWWA M55 for details. ILA. Purchaser Options and Alternatives, Some items in this standard are ‘optional, requiring identification of the selected option(s) such as material type, color, and size, When specifying products described in this standard, the purchaser should provide specific information regarding the following: 1. Standard used—that is, ANSVAW'WA C906, Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Fittings, 4 In, Through 65 In, (100 mm Through 1,650 mm), for Waterworks, of latest edition 2. Whether compliance with NSF/ANSV/CAN 61, Drinking Water System Components—Health Effects, is required. 3. Relevant details of federal, state, provincial, tertitorial, and local requirements (Sec. 4.2.1). 4, When specifying pipe described in chis standard, the purchaser should provide specific information regarding the following: ‘a, Standard materials designation code PEA710 (Table 1).. b. Color or color coding. x Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation c. Nominal size, OD basis (IPS, DIOD, or metric equivalent), DR, PC, length of individual pieces, and total linear feet for each different iter to be provided. For custom sizes, the purchaser should establish, in consultation with the pipe manufaccurer, the actual OD, the actual DR, and the aetual wall shickness 5. When specifying firsings described in this standard, the purchaser should i a. Standard materials designation cocle PE4710 (Table 1). provide specific information regarding the follo b, Description of fitting (c.g. tees elbow), nominal size(s) at point of fusion, whether molded or fab 6. Fusion joining: ‘To ensure optimum efficiency of heat Fusion or lectrofusion, aed, and Pt the purchaser should request and comply with the recommenced fusion parameters, recommended product and environmental conditions for joining, and documentation that these parameters and conditions have been validated by appropriate testing. If the purchased piping is to be fused with existing PE piping, the purchaser should inform the manufacturer of the cell classification or materials designation code of the existing, PE pipe (see prior edisions of AWWA C906 and ASTM 13350) and obcain from the manufacturer a list of the validated fusion paramevers that may be used to join the purchased piping to the existing piping. Additional information on fusion joining and operator qualification is available in ASTM F2620 and F3190; similarly, information oon electrofusion joining and operator qualification is available in ASTM F1290, ASTM F1055, MAB-1*, and MAB-2. 7. The following additional requirements may also be specified in the purchase contract: a Quality-assurance testing (Sec. 5) Plant inspection by purchaser (Sec. 5.7). Special markings (See. 6.1). 4. Shipping (See. 62). €. Affidavie of compliance (Sec. 6.3). TILB. Modification so Scandard. Any modification ofthe provisions, definitions, or terminology in this standard must be provided by the purchaser, © Municipal Adhisory Board J The Plastics Pipe Instrure, 105 Decker Cour, Suite 825, Irving, Texas 75082. xi Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation TV. Major Revisions, Major changes in this revision include the following: 1, Non-PEA710 resins have been removed from the scope (See. 1.1) and throughout the standard, Other resins are no longer used in the manufacture of pipe fior the water sector 2. The foreword Special Issues section on oxidative resistance was rewritten (See. ILC). 3. The definitions for design factor, hydrostatic design basis (HDB), standard sion ratio (SDR), and virgin PE. compound have been updated. Definitions for PEA710, PE compound, potable water, reclaimed water, safety factor, sample, specimen, and wastewater have been added (Sec. 3) 4, Addition of chlorine category requirement CC3 for potable water applications in the materials section (Sec. 5. UV stabilizer information has been updated (Sec. 4.2.2). 6. Pipe sizes of 5, 7, 13, and 21.5 in, have been removed from Tables 3 and 6, and DRs 32.5, 26, 19, 15.5, 9.3, and 7.3 have been removed from Tables 5, 6, and 7. 7. Tensile vests have been grouped and clarified (Sec. 4.3.7). 8. Ductility tests have been grouped and clarified (Sec. 4.3.8). 9. AWWA Basis of Rejection language has been added (See. 5.8) 10, Requited markings related to cell class designation and oxidative resistance lassification for pipe (Sec. 6.1.2) and fittings (Sec. 6.1.3) have been updated. 11, End caps or other suitable prevention has been added to shipping requirements (Sec. 6.2). 12, The appendix on surge pressures, fatigue life, and flow capacity has been rewritten (Appendix A). 13. Additional bibliographic sources regarding permeation have been included (Appendix B) 14, Bibliographic sources for additional HDPE pipe information have been °. added (Appendi V. Comments. If you have any comments or questions about this standard, please call AWWA Engineering and Technical Services at 303.794.7715 write to the department at 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-3098; or email at xi Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation ANSI/AWWA C906-21 é (Revision of ANSI/AWWA (906-15) American Water Works Association Dedicoted tothe World's Most Important Resoures® AWWA Standard — Oe t™s—SK| Figure 1 Pipe (To Be Fused to Flange Adapter) ‘Gross section of PE flange assembly Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation POLYETHYLENE (PE) PRESSURE PIPE AND FITTINGS 19 ostet Glog Re wa c153 - Compact Fits \ - Povetvene Mt DIPS/1FS oF DIFS/CIS { Figure 2 Mechanical joint adapter 44.5 Physical requirements. The PC of a Sting shall be the same as or greater than the pipe to which the fitting will be joined, including a surge allowance «qual t or greater than the pipe. Fabricated fittings shall meet and shall be testec in accordance with the requirements of ASTM 2206 and Sec. at the testing frequency in Sec. 5.5.2, Refer to ASTM F2620 or consult the manufacturer for applicable butt fusion procedures for joining HDPE pipes and fittings with different wall thicknesses. Sc. 4.5 Pipe Classification and Working Pressure Rating 4.1 Pressure clast. This standard classifies pipe in accordance with ics pressure class (PC), Pressure classes are established! based on the hydrostatic design stress (HDDS) rating for the macerial. E4710 pressure classes range from 100 psi (690 kPa) to 335 psi (2,310 kPa) for a 1,000-psi (6.9-MPa) HDS rating. Pressure class (PC) ratings for pipe described in chis standard are given in Table 5 or as determined by the following formula In accordance with Sec. 4.3.4, PE pipe may be made to a PC other than ones recognized by Table 5, provided chac the product complies with all she requirements specified by that section, The required DR forachieving a desired PC is determined by means of the following equation: Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Association 20 AWWA 906-21 Table 5 _ Standard pipe pressure classes (PCs) a <80°F (27°C) Pressure Class (PO), in psig, asa Function off Hydrostatic Design Stress (HDS) and Pipe Diameter Pipe Material Ratio (DR) Designation DRA DRI? _DRISS DRIl_DR9_DR7 PEATIO 100125160200 250335 pr ~ 2125) . 1.9 6) PC 4.5.2 Applicarions. When temperatures higher than 80°F (27°C) are anticipated in a specific application, the pipe’s PC and working pressure rating (WPR) should be reduced by an appropriate temperature-compensating factor (F7). as described in Chapter 4, “Working Pressure Rating,” of AWWA MSS, PE Pipe Design and Installation, AM brief discussion of transient (surge) pressure conditions affecting the pressure class (PC) classification is given in Appendix A. A more complete discussion of surge pressure and consideration of service cemperacures appears in AWWA M55. WPR accounts for the parameters that control che design of PE pipe (as opposed to the manufacture) for specific applications in water, wastewater, and reckimed water distribu on and transmission systems. For the current design ing of PE pipe, see AWWA M35, guidelines for determining che working pressure Chapter 4, “Working Pressure Rating” SECTION 5: _ VERIFICATION Sec.5.1 General 5.1.1 Quality-control progam. ‘The manufacturer shall check incoming ‘materials and shall produce pipe and fittings that comply with the requirements of this standard. The following tests relative co qualification of compounds and manufacturing processes and for quality assurance shall be conducted at or more ofien than the indicated intervals. The actual frequency at which each of chese tests is conducted should be determined in the manufacturer's quality control program, which shall be designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of this standard. Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation POLYETHYLENE (PE) PRESSURE PIPE AND FITTINGS 21 5.1.2 Quality-control records. The manufactuter shall maintain records of all quality-control tests for a period of not less than wo years and shall subaie the pertinent quality-control rest information to the purchaser when requested, Sec. 5.2 Material Testing Requirements 5.21 Incoming material, For each lot of commercial PE material delivered, the resin supplier shall provide to the manufacturer certification of melt flow index, density, and chermal stability per Sec. The manufacturer shall sample and test each incoming lot of PE material for cleanliness, melt flow index per ASTM 11238, and density per ASTM D792 or 11505. 5.2.2 Rework material Rework macerials shall meet the requirements of See. 4.2.3 of this standard, Sec. 5.3 Qualification of Materials and Manufacturing Processes by Elevated- ‘Temperature Sustained Pressure Testing For the PE material designation code per Sec. and Table 1 used to produce pipe in accordance with this standard, elevated-temperacure sustained pressure tests per Sec. 4.3.6 and Table 2 shall be conducted on one generally representative size of pipe, taken fom the same production run, and produced from that PE material ac the manuftcturer’ produ n facility im each size range, 4-12 in, (100-300 mm), greater than 12 in. co less than 24 in, (2300 -<600 mm), and 24 in, and larger (2600 mm). Elevated-temperature sustained pressure tests shall be conducted for each PE compound on one pipe size from each of the above ranges when the PE compound jon) is first used in the manufacturer's facility to manufacture (material design pipe meeting this standard, Sec. 5.4 Pipe'Testing Requirements 5.4.1 Workmanship. Pipe from cach extrusion line shall be inspected for workmanship per Sec. 4.3.2, end cut per Sec., and markings applied per See. 6.1 at the beginning of production of a particular material or size, and once per hour or per length or coil of pipe, whichever is less frequent. 5.4.2. Dimensions and tolerances. Dimensions and tolerances shall be _measured once per hour or once per length or coil of pipe, whichever is less frequent. 5.4.3. Ductility. To ensure thar the pipe meets the appropriate ductility requirements, either hend-back (per See. or elongationcat-break tests (per Sec. shall be performed on pipe produced from each extrusion line ‘Testing shall be performed daily or at least once per production run, whichever Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation 22 AWWA C906-21 is more frequent. A sufficient number of specimens shall be tested 10 ensure that representative samples of the entire inside surface of the pipe have been cesced. If production is interrupted for a period of 8 h or mote, testing shall recommence afier che interruption as though production were atthe beginning of production. 5.4.4 Temile sirength, To. ensure that the pipe meets the approp! te strength requirements, either the quick-burst test (per Sec., the five- second pressure cest (per Sec., or the ring-tensile strength apparent tensile-strength-at-yield) test (per Sec. shall be performed. Testing shall be performed at least once per production run, 545 Color concentrate and carbon black content. Color concentrate content shall be verified daily per Sec. 4.3.9. Tests for carbon black content per Sec. 4.3.9 shall be conducted daily on samples taken from pipe production from each extrusion line or for each production run of pipe, whichever is more frequent. 5.46 Melt flow index. “This test shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D1238 on samples from the pipe at least once per production run or once per day, whichever is more frequent. 547 Density This vest shall be run on samples from the pipe ar lease once per production run or once per day, whichever is less 54.8 Marking. Bach length of pipe shall be visually examined and checked for marking accuracy and legibility. 549 Thermal stability Vor cach PE material designation code, thermal stability testing shall be conducted on one representative size of pipe manufactured at the facility in each size range, 4-12 in. (100-300 mm), greater than 12 in. to Jess chan 24 in. (300 to <600 mm), and 24 in. and larger (2600 mm) according. to Sec. 4.3.12 at the beginning of initial production and semi-annually thereafer. Sec.5.5 Fitting Testing Requirements 55.1 Workmanship and dimensions, “Tests and inspections to verify ‘workmanship per Sec. 4.4.3 and dimensions per Sec. 4.4.4 shall be conducted for each fitting, 5.5.2 Fine-second pressure test. Where the fitting standard does not require testing according to ASTM 1D1599, the fist fitting of a particular OD and style and every fiftieth (50ch) ficting of the same OD and style thereafter shall he resred in accordance with Sec, For molded futings produced in accordance with ASTM 12683, D3261, or F1055, the fittings shall be tested at least once per production run in accordance with ASTM D1599. Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation Sec. 5.6 Sec. 5.7 Sec. 5.8 POLYETHYLENE (PE) PRESSURE PIPE AND FITTINGS 23 Provision for ‘Test Sample Failure When a PE pipe or fitting fails co mect a requirement of this or & referenced standard, tests shall be initiated and continued until all nonconforming products from the particular extrusion line or fitting production run have been identified. Pipe or fittings that fail co meet any specified requirement shal be rejected. All purchasers of rejected products shall be notified. Plant Inspection by Purchaser 5.7.1 Production notice. hen plant inspection is required by the purchaser, the manufaccurer shall provide the purchaser with adequate advance notice of when and where production of ordered macerials will begin. 5.7.2 Compliance requirements. Plant inspection o* the omission of plant inspection by the purchaser shall not relieve the manufacturer of the responsibility to provide materials complying with the applicable requirements of this standard and requirements of the purchaser. 5.7.3. Plane acces. ‘The purchaser shall have access to those parts of the manufacturer's plant that are necessary to ensure that products comply with requirements. The manufacturer may require the purchaser to execute @ nondisclosure agreement if proprietary manufacturing or other processes cannot be reasonably excluded ftom disclosure during the purchasers plant inspection, 5.7.4 Inspection aid: During plant inspection, the manufacturer shall make available for use by the purchaser, without charge, che assistance necessary for che inspection and handling of materials. While at che manufacturer's plant, the purchaser shall be subject to the manufacturers safety and personnel rules and regulations. Product inspections, sampling, rests, and approvals by che purchaser while at the manufactui ’s plant shall be conducted by appropriate manufacturer personnel as designated by the manufacturer. Basis for Rejection Material nor complying with the requirements of this standard and the purchaser's documents may be rejected. Repaits, eeplacements, and sectesting shall bbe accomplished in accordance with the purchaser's documents. Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation 24 AWWA C906-21 SECTION 6: _ MARKING AND SHIPPING Sec. 6.1 Marking 6.1.1 General Marking the product with the designation “AWWA C906” affiems thar che product has been manufactured, inspected, sampled, and tested in accordance with this standard and meets its requirements, Markings shall remain le and installation, The markings shall be applied in a manner thae will not reduce the ble during normal handling, storage, strength or otherwise damage the pipe or decrimencally affect joining with devices that seal to the ou 6.1.2 Required markings fr pipe. Pipe marking shall include the following and shall be applied so that intervals between markings are no greater than 5 f (1.5 e surface ofthe product. 1m). Exceptions to these requirements may only be made with the mutual consent of the manufacturer and the purchaser. Nominal size and OD base (such as 12 in, DIOD) or custom size per Sec. Dimension ratio (such as DR 17) or custom wall Manufacturer's name or trademark. 6.1.24 Standard material designation code (i.e.. PE4710). For potable water applications, markings shall include PE compound oxidative resistance classification per ASTM D3350 (ic., CC3). Pressure class per Table 5 (such as PC 125) or custom PC per See. 4.5. AWNWA designation for this standard, “AWWA C906." Manufacturer's production code per Sec. 6.1.4, including the date of manufacture. ‘The mark of the certifying agency per Sec. 4.2.4 for pipe invended for potable water service Additional information if applicable (such as coil number and sequential footage). Marking for custom sizes. For custom sizes of pipe (Sec. 4.3.4), the required markings shall be as determined by the mutual consent of the purchaser and the manufactures. Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation POLYETHYLENE (PE) PRESSURE PIPE AND FITTINGS 25 6.1.3 Required marking for fitting. Unless otherwise specified, each ficting shall be marked or labeled to include the following informacion: Nominal size and OD base (such as 12-in. DIOD) or custom size per Sec. Dimension ratio (such as DR 17) or custom wall thickness or DR perSec. Depending on the style and type of fitting, this information shall be provided as a marking or on a label on the fitting o° on an informacion sheet that is included with or attached to the fitting at the time of shipment. Manufacturers name or trademark, 4 Standard material designation code (PEA710). For potable water applications, include PE compound oxidative resistance classification per ASTM D3350 (ive., CC3), Pressure class per Sec. 44.5 (such as PC 125). Depending on the style and type of fitting, this information shall be provided as a marking or on a label on the fitting or on an information sheet that is included with or attached to the fitting ac the time of shipment. AWWA designation for this standard, “AWWA C906” and the designation for the reference fiting standaed (such as ASTM 13261). Manufacturers production code per Sec. 6.1.4, including the date of GL. intended for potable water service. 8 The mark of the certifying agency per Sec. 4.24 for fittings 6.14 Manufacturer production code, The manufacturer's production code shall be a coded marking that will allow the manufacturer to determine the location of manufacture, PE compound lot information, pipe or fiting production lot, and the date of manufacture, The date of manufacture may be a numeric code 0° 4 combination of text and numerals but shall be readily recognizable as a date, Upon request, the manufacturer shall provide decoding information to the purchaser Sec. 6.2 Shipping Pipe and ficcings, unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, shall be prepared for scandard commercial shipment and include end caps or other suitable sealing devices to prevent contamination during shipping. Care shall be aken during shipment to prevent cuts, scratches, and other damage Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation 26 AWWA C906-21 Sec.6.3 Affidavit of Compliance The purchaser may require an affidavit from the manufacturer that macerials delivered comply with the requirements of this standard, Table 6 _Minimum wall chickness, in. (mm),* for IPS outside diameter pipe on Ratt Size a0! va! 135! 0 so! 70 a 40 CD14) 02656730) 0555 (RAGD) OAD 110890) 0500 7D) AS (16.380) 60 G315(8000) 9.380 (8.910) BAIL 2470) 0.6N215.290) 0.736 (18.590) 0.946 24.030) 80 0411 (10-440) 6.507 (12880) 0463916230) 0.784 (10.910) 0.958 24330) 1.252 31.290) 10.0 01512 (13.090) 6.632.(16.050) 0796(20.220) 0.977 (24820) 1.194 30.330) 1.536 (39.010) 12.0 0607 (15-420) 6.750(19.050) 0.944 23.980) 1.159 (29.440) 1.417 (5.990) 1.821 (46.250) 14.0 0.667 16.940) 0,824 (20930) 1.087 5.340) 1.556 (39.520) 2,000 50.800) 160 0762(19.390) 6.941 23.900) 1.185 0.100) 1.455.196.3960) 1.778 45.160) 2.286 (8.050) 180 0857(21.770) Los @ssoR) —1.359.38.860) 1.66141.550) 2600 30.800) 2.571 65.300) 20.0 085224180) 1.176.(29870) LAB G7.620) L818 146.180) 2222 (56.840) 2.857 02570) 22.0 1.048 (26620) 1.294 2870) 1.630(41.400) 2.000 50.800) 2.444 62.080) | 3.148 (79.830) 240 1.143,(29.030) 1461285860) 1.779 (45.160) 2.182 (55.420) 2667 67.740) 342087100) 26.0 1.238 (31.450) 152998840) 1.926(48920) 2.364 (60.050) 2.889 (73.380) 3714 (94.340) 280 1.333(53.860) 1.647 41830) 207462680) 2.545 4.640) 3.411" 79020) 0.0 142836300) 1.765 (44.88) 2.222065440) 2.727 60.270) 3.883 94.650) 32D 152438710) 1.882 (47800) 2370660200) 2.909:73.890) $556 80.520) 340 1.619 (41.120) 2.000 (50.80) 2.519 (63.980) | 3.091" (78510) 3.778 (05.960) 3601714 (43.540) 2.118 63800 2.667 7.740) 3.273 (83130) 42.0 2000 (50.800) 2.471 (62.760) | R.I11F(79.020) 3.818 (96980) 450° 2.286 (38050) 2824071730) 3.536000.20) S40 2571 (sn) /S.i76" @ALG7O) eo 285772570) 3529089640) 63.0 3.000/(76.200) 3.706 (94.130) 65.0) 30957861) _ 3.824 07.130) Nore: Nominal inside clamor (1D) maybe eximated a fellowss Nominal ID = Nominal OD — 2» (siniqnum wall thickness 1.00), Actual HD sll sar + Soft metic convertion Those DR are iom the standard dimension aco (SDR) seis esablshed by ASTM P12. Shad aca: Comal pipe manfactree Gr wal dickacas peste dha 3a (76 mn). SOD net inched in ANSTB36.10, Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Association POLYETHYLENE (PE) PRESSURE PIPE AND FITTINGS 27 niet vos! at 90! 70 ome oa) ~~ —~SC SC SC 40592 7.860) 9.040) .07H) 3.540) 72D) Pa rd (8200) 0.1) 4298) 15990) 19480) ——@.040 ee 12 80 assy asi) 7920) @n900) 25550) G84 | 1586 (344) 659) @O.R)_—@SGD).—GII29——— 40.280 no OOH TR am 1886 assay as71) 4840) GBD) —«G7260)——_ 47.900) 079 oso tas) 40 4852 @2.86 ATED — G30) IRD) GSS2M eo O88 vom 128) SR] 1G @10sy — eoIN —Ga7Km) —ADIRD) 49.100) (.AAO eo 083 Ly Lh TST 2786 e360 — GSK) Ge) — A505) S040) G7 so 1029 1am 600 1h sn | 5.0 614) 2.20 0.6K) —4IAND)—_(D9G60) 38D aa 1223 isis Hs 36808 G12 GH.S5)—BSHD)—_GD80) 63.2 son 1524 ise 2g70 2908 (871 47.800 (60297389) 520) i re ee 36046330) 67.230) 72.060) RAKO) ao B28 a 3229 som) 700) 24s 2883783 #0 uaa 5995580 aya 33868 a» 690 254 3.604 “ 7452) (62.050) Nort: Nominal ine dloreter (ID) may be etimted as fllow: Norsinal ID = Nominal OD 2 (minimum wall ehicenoe 1.06). Actual 1D wl wary + Sat metic comerion. "These DR are om the sandal dmcasion rio (SDR) seis cabled by ASTM BALD * Shaded ares: Consul pipe manafactae for wall hchnes rece than 3 in. 76 nm Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Association This page intentionally blank. Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation APPENDIX A Recurring and Occasional Surge Pressures, Fatigue Life, and Flow Capacity This appendisis for information only and is nota part of ANSUAWWA C906, Pressure class (PC) is the design capacity co resist working pressure up to 80°F 27°C) maximum service temperature with specified maximum surge pressure allowances above working pressure. Surge pressure is the maximum positive transient increase (commonly called waier Jammer) that is anticipated in the system as the result of a change in velocity of the ‘water column. Surge pressure allowances are integral to che PC and are added co the PC fe transient surge pressures up to a numeric value of 50 percent of the PC for recurring (regularly occurring) surge pressure events such as pump stop- to accommodate posi start oF control valve operation, and up to a numeric value of 100 percent of the PC for occasional surge pressure events such as ite flow or “breaks” in the system. Refer to Table A-1, AWWA M55, and the following references for additional information on HDPE surge pressure and fatigue life. ‘Table AL PEA710 standard dimension capacity at <80°F (27°C) io, surge pressures, fatigue life, and flow ‘SDR 2 7 bs U9 7 Pressure dass, PO* "pl 100125 «16020025085 Recurring surge pressure, psi 150 188-240-300, 375 503 Occasional surge presure's psi 200-250, 320400500670 100 year fatigue life Refer to Flow capacity* Refer © “ Maching the ID of other pipe mata co che ID of HOPE for flow and PC wil yd income reas, Use to evaluate ow capaci and PC of HIDPE to over materia For PEA710, the PC caleulacionsinclade a sey Fcror grater than 2 relative wo he ellowed opeaing srt (i, ‘minimum cen stenggh at yield per ASTM 9350 /FIDS = 3,001,000 = 3.5) For P4710, the SF for acesonal age presse i grater than 2 (., highspeed bare ses occasional sarge ness = 4350/2,000 = 2.2), See Reo (2013), Table 2 29 Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation Bibliography AWWA M55—PE Pipe—Design and Installation. Craburee, A. and Oliphant, K, 2012. Resistance of PE4710 Piping to Pressure Surge Events in Force Main App! Jana Laboratories. 2012, Fatigue of Plastic Water Pip. Recommendations for PE4710 Pipe Design Fatigue. Najafi, Mas Habibian, A and Sever, E2015. Durability and Reliability of Large Diameter HDPE Pipe for Water Main Applications, Denver, Colo: Water Research Foundation. Oliphant, K.; Conrad, Ms and Bryce, W. 2012. Fatigue of Plastic Water Pipe: A Technical Review with Recommendations for PE4710 Pipe Design Fatigue. Proc. ASCE Pipelines 2012. Pecroff, L. 2013, Occasional and Recur HDPE Pipe. Proc. ASCE Pipelines 2013. UK Water Industry. Design Against Surge and Fatigue Conditions for Thermoplastic Pipes, IGN 4-37-02, London, UK: Water UK. ions. Plast Pipes XVI. Bareelona, Spain. A’Technical Review With ng Surge Design Considerations for 30 Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation APPENDIX B Bibliography of Sources for Additional Information Regarding, Permeation of Pipes This appendisis for information only and is nota part of ANSUAWWA C906, Gla, E.C. and Park, JK. 1992. Permeation of Organic Contaminants Through Gasketed Pipe Joints. Journal AWWA, 84(7):92—100. Holsen, Ts Park, J-Ks Jenkins, Ds and Selleck, R.E. 1991, Contamination of Potable Water by Permeation of Plastic Pipe. Journal AWWA, 83(8):53-56. Koo, D. 2012. Assessmene and Calculation of BTEX Permeation Through HDPE Water Pipe. Koo, D. 2013. Development of a BTEX Permeation Calculator for High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Water Pipe. Proc. ASCE Pipelines 2013 Olson, A.J; Goodman, Dy and Pfau, JP 1987. Evaluation of Permeation of Organic Solvents Through PVC, Asbestos/Cement, and Ductile Iron Pipes. Journal of Vinyl Tectmology 9(3):114-118. Ong, S.Ks Gaunt, JA; Meo, Bs Cheng, C.-L Esteves-Agelet, Ls and Hurburgh, CR. 2008. Impace of Hydrocarbons on PE/PVC Pipe and Pipe Gaskews. Denver, Colo.: AwuaRF, Plastics Pipe Institute. 2009. PPL Comments on Permeation of Water Pipes and on the AWWA-RF Report on Hydrocarbons. [rving, Tex.: Plastics Pipe Institute, Veenendaal, G.s Vethefjen, Ls and Vonk, M.W. 1985. Eifets of Soil Contaminants cand Piping Materials on Drinking Water Quality (Pub #87). The Netherlands: KIWA. Vonk, M.W. 1985. Permeation of Organic Compounds Through Pipe Materials (Pub # 85). The Netherlands: KIWA. 3 Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation This page intentionally blank. Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation APPENDIX C Bibliography of Additional Information Regarding HDPE Pipe This appendis is for information only and is not a part of ANSHAWWA C906. Ambrose, M.; Burn, S.; DeSilva, D.; and Rahilly, M. 2012. Life Cycle Analysis of Water Networks. CSIRO, Plastics Pipes XVI, Barcelona, Spain. ASTM F1962—Si Drilling for Placement of Polyethylene Pipe or Conduit Under Obstacles, Including land Guide for Use of Maxi-Horizontal Directional River Crossings. ASTM F585—Standard Guide for Insertion of Flexible Polyethylene Existing Sowers. ASTM E7L4—Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (DR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter. Davis, Ps Bur, $.s and Gould, S. 2007. Long-Term Performance Prediction of PE Pipes. Denver, Colo: CSIRO Water Research Foundation. EPRI 1018351—2008, Tensile Testing of Cell Classification 445474C High Density Polyethylene Pipe Material. Palo Alco, Calif: Electric Power Research Institute. Gemperline, M. and Rinehart, R. 2018. Soil-Pipe Interface Friction Coefficients _for Buried PES710 Pipe. Denver, Colo: MCG Geovechnical Engineering and Bureau of Reclamation, Lever, Es and Lever, O. 2016, PE4710 Mitered Flbow Finite Element Analysis. Des Plaines, Ill: Gas Technology Institute, MAB-1—Generic Electrofusion Procedure for Field Joining of 12 Inch and Smaller Polyethylene (PE) Pipe. MAB-2—Generie Electrofusion Procedure for Field Joining of 14 Inch to 30 Inch Polyethylene (PE) Pipe. MAB-3—MAB Model Specifications for PE 4710 Buried Potable Water Service, Distribution and Transmission Pipes and Fittings. MAB-4—MAB Basic HDPE Repair Options MAB-5—MAB Guidelines for P4710 Pipe Bursting of Potable Water Mains MAB-6—MAB Gu ine Inspection. MAB-7—MAB Guidelines for Use of Mini-Horizon nt of HDPE (PEA710) Pipe in Mu MAB(clitenchless. Into. Directional Drilling for Place ipal Applicat 33 Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation Petrofl, L. 2010. Directional Drilling Design with ASTM F1962: A Decade of Success, Proc. ASCE Pipelines 2010. Plastics Pipe Institute ANSI/AWWA PE4710 Safety Factors Exceed 2.0. Plastics Pipe Institute—PPI and MAB Position Paper on HDPE (PE4710) ibution Pocable Water Pipe Sizes and Pressure Clases Di Plastics Pipe Institute—Polyethylene Piping Systems Field Manual for Municipal Water Applications. Plastics Pipe Inscitute—Handbook of Polyethylene Pipe Plastics Pipe Institute—PPI TN-38 Bolt Torque for Polyethylene Flanged Joints Plastics Pipe Institute—PPI 'TN-44 Long ‘Term Resistance of AWWA C906 Polyethylene (PE) Pipe to Potable Water Disinfectants. Stewart, H.E. and Bilgin, ©. 2020. Thermal Stresesin HDPE Water Pipes. living, Tex.: Plastics Pipe Institute. 34 Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation This page incentionally blank. Copytight 2021 American Wter Werks Assoctation X\ American Water Works Association 556 lest Quincy avenue Denver, C0 86235-3098 7.000.926.7337 wornewne.ore 1P aS 4390621 11/211 Dedicated to the world's most important resource, ‘AWWA sets the standard for water knowledge, management, and informed publicpolicy. AWWA members provide solutions to improve public health, protect the environment, strengthen the ‘economy, and enhance our quality o life. “To access AWWA Standards online, vist awa org/envo: envoi ‘your resource For ater knowledge I

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