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English Language Skills Department

Professional Development & Activities Committee

Weekly Lesson Plan

Complete the Weekly Lesson Plan outline for the entire week. Each lesson should have clear measurable ‘higher order thinking skills’
(HOTs) objectives. Once completed, email the Weekly Plan to your Supervisor before your first session on Sundays of each week.
Note: The fields will expand as you type your lesson plan. Please adjust the print range before printing.

Enter Dates for this week Beginning Date: 11-Dec-22 Ending Date: 15-Dec-22
Teacher’s ELSD ID
Course Logistics
Teacher’s Name Section No. Course ID Time Class
Wael Mustafa El-Sawy Mustafa 61798 ENG112 Begins:
1:30 PM
Building Classroom No. Textbook Category Time Class Ends:
Science 1386 QSKills 4 B 3:05 PM

STRAND: READING AND WRITING This week’s ELSD Curriculum Pacing Schedule:
(Refer to pacing schedule on portal.)
Week No. Unit No. Page Nos.
2 2 32-61


Lesson Skill:
 Reading skill: Highlighting and annotating a reading text.
 Vocabulary skill: use collocations with nouns.
Lesson Aim: (Overall purpose for your lesson- refer to textbook.)

Main: Read the articles and gather information and ideas to write a descriptive essay.
Subsidiary: use definite and indefinite articles.
Lesson Objectives: (Practice and productive activities that will achieve meeting your lesson aim – use specific and measurable
HOTs action words).
Read the articles and gather information and ideas.
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Highlight and annotate a reading text o enhance the understanding of, recall of, and reaction to the text.
2. Use collocations and nouns appropriately.
Brief account of learning activities:
(How are you going to present the language point/skill you are teaching?)
(What practice exercises as well as productive activities your students are going to do during your lesson?)
(What interactive/online Apps/technology are you using?)

Lead-in & Presentation:

 Ss will do Ex. A-B/p.34 Preview Reading – Circle the correct explanation. (Whole class)
 Ss will do Ex. C/p.34 vocabulary building – Circle the correct word. (Individually and pair check)
 Ss will read the passage p. 35-36– read the article and gather information. (Whole class)
 Ss will do Ex. B-F/p. 37-39 questions on reading One and its vocabulary. (Individually and pair check)
 Ss will do Ex. A-B/p. 40-41 how to highlight and to annotate a reading text (Whole class)

Practice Exercises: (Controlled and Semi-controlled)

 Kahoot- Ss will participate in a Kahoot quiz. (group)
 Socrative Quizzes- Ss will participate in a Socrative quiz. (individual)

1 PDAC WLP rev 01/09/22

English Language Skills Department
Professional Development & Activities Committee
Weekly Lesson Plan

Productive Activities:
 Padlet: used by Sc and T post notes on the topic of the lesson using links, videos, images and document files.
Reflection (POS/NEG): Rereading was extremely effective for students to be able to guess the meaning of unknown
vocabulary. Some students stopped while reading to ask what the meaning of some of the words were, but after encouraging
them to reread a few times, they managed to identify the context clues and guessed the meaning of the descriptive

Lesson Skill:
 Reading skill: Highlighting and annotating a reading text.
 Vocabulary skill: use collocations with nouns.
 Writing skill: organizing and developing a descriptive essay.

Lesson Aim: (Overall purpose for your lesson- refer to textbook.)

Main: Read the articles and gather information and ideas to write a descriptive essay.
Subsidiary: use definite and indefinite articles.
Lesson Objective: (Practice and productive activities that will achieve meeting your lesson aim – use specific and measurable
HOTs action words).
Read the articles and gather information and ideas to write a descriptive essay.

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Highlight and annotate a reading text o enhance the understanding of, recall of, and reaction to the text.
2. Use collocations and nouns appropriately.
Brief account of learning activities:
(How are you going to present the language point/skill you are teaching?)
(What practice exercises as well as productive activities your students are going to do during your lesson?)
(What interactive/online Apps/technology are you using?)

Lead-in & Presentation:

 Ss will do Ex. A-B/p.42 Preview Reading – Circle the correct explanation. (Whole class)
 Ss will do Ex. C /p.42 vocabulary from reading Two. (individually and pair check)
 Ss will read the article/ p. 43-44 read the article and gather information. (Whole class)
 Ss will do Ex. B /p.45 on vocabulary from reading Two. (individually and pair check)
 Ss will do Ex. C- E /p.46-47 on Reading Two. (Whole class)
 Ss will learn how to discuss their ideas and do Ex. G /p. 47. (Whole class)
 Ss will do Ex. A-C /p.48 on working with the video. (Whole class)
 Ss will do Ex. A-B /p.49-50 on how to use collocations with nouns. (Whole class)
Practice Exercises: (Controlled and Semi-controlled)
 Kahoot- Ss will participate in a Kahoot quiz. (group)
 Socrative Quizzes- Ss will participate in a Socrative quiz. (individual)
Productive Activities:
 Padlet: used by Sc and T post notes on the topic of the lesson using links, videos, images and document files.
Reflection (POS/NEG): Rereading was extremely effective for students to be able to guess the meaning of unknown
vocabulary. Some students stopped while reading to ask what the meaning of some of the words were, but after encouraging
them to reread a few times, they managed to identify the context clues and guessed the meaning of the descriptive


2 PDAC WLP rev 01/09/22

English Language Skills Department
Professional Development & Activities Committee
Weekly Lesson Plan

Lesson Skill:
 Reading skill: Highlighting and annotating a reading text.
 Vocabulary skill: use collocations with nouns.
 Writing skill: organizing and developing a descriptive essay.
Lesson Aim: (Overall purpose for your lesson- refer to textbook.)

Main: Read the articles and gather information and ideas to write a descriptive essay.
Subsidiary: use definite and indefinite articles.
Lesson Objectives: (Practice and productive activities that will achieve meeting your lesson aim – use specific and measurable
HOTs action words).
Read the articles and gather information and ideas to write a descriptive essay.
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Highlight and annotate a reading text o enhance the understanding of, recall of, and reaction to the text.
2. Use collocations and nouns appropriately.
3. Write a descriptive essay.
Brief account of learning activities:
(How are you going to present the language point/skill you are teaching?)
(What practice exercises as well as productive activities your students are going to do during your lesson?)
(What interactive/online Apps/technology are you using?)

Lead-in & Presentation:

 Ss will learn how to organize, develop and write a descriptive essay P. 51 (Whole class)
 Ss will do Ex. A/p.52-55 on reading writing model of a descriptive essay. (Whole class)
 Ss will learn how to use a cluster diagram to organize ideas in writing /p.56. (Group work)
 Ss will go online to practice writing a descriptive essay. (Whole class)
Practice Exercises: (Controlled and Semi-controlled)
 Kahoot- Ss will participate in a Kahoot quiz. (group)
 Socrative Quizzes- Ss will participate in a Socrative quiz. (individually and pair check)
Productive Activities:
 Padlet: used by Sc and T post notes on the topic of the lesson using links, videos, images and document files.

Reflection (POS/NEG):
Rereading was extremely effective for students to be able to guess the meaning of unknown vocabulary. Some students
stopped while reading to ask what the meaning of some of the words were, but after encouraging them to reread a few times,
they managed to identify the context clues and guessed the meaning of the descriptive adjectives.

Lesson Skill:
Lesson Aim: (Overall purpose for your lesson- refer to textbook.)

Subsidiary: OFF
Lesson Objective: (Practice and productive activities that will achieve meeting your lesson aim – use specific and measurable
HOTs action words).

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Brief account of learning activities:
(How are you going to present the language point/skill you are teaching?)
(What practice exercises as well as productive activities your students are going to do during your lesson?)
(What interactive/online Apps/technology are you using?)

3 PDAC WLP rev 01/09/22

English Language Skills Department
Professional Development & Activities Committee
Weekly Lesson Plan

Lead-in & Presentation:

Practice Exercises: (Controlled and Semi-controlled)

Productive Activities:

Reflection (POS/NEG):


Lesson Skill:
 Reading skill: Highlighting and annotating a reading text.
 Vocabulary skill: use collocations with nouns.
 Writing skill: organizing and developing a descriptive essay.
 Grammar: using definite and indefinite articles.
Lesson Aim: (Overall purpose for your lesson- refer to textbook.)

Main: Read the articles and gather information and ideas to write a descriptive essay.
Subsidiary: use definite and indefinite articles.
Lesson Objective: (Practice and productive activities that will achieve meeting your lesson aim – use specific and measurable
HOTs action words).
Read the articles and gather information and ideas to write a descriptive essay.

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Highlight and annotate a reading text o enhance the understanding of, recall of, and reaction to the text.
2. Use collocations and nouns appropriately.
3. Write a descriptive essay.
4. Identify and use definite and indefinite articles.
Brief account of learning activities:
(How are you going to present the language point/skill you are teaching?)
(What practice exercises as well as productive activities your students are going to do during your lesson?)
(What interactive/online Apps/technology are you using?)
Lead-in & Presentation:

 Ss will learn how to identify and use definite and indefinite articles/p.57 (Whole class)
 Ss will do Ex. A /p.58 on definite and indefinite articles. (group work)
 Ss will go online to practice with definite and indefinite articles (individually and pair check)
 Ss will do Ex. A-C/p.59 on writing a descriptive essay. (individual work)
Practice Exercises: (Controlled and Semi-controlled)
 Kahoot- Ss will participate in a Kahoot quiz. (group)
 Socrative Quizzes- Ss will participate in a Socrative quiz. (individual)
Productive Activities:
 Padlet: used by Sc and T post notes on the topic of the lesson using links, videos, images and document files.

Reflection (POS/NEG):
Rereading was extremely effective for students to be able to guess the meaning of unknown vocabulary. Some students
stopped while reading to ask what the meaning of some of the words were, but after encouraging them to reread a few times,
they managed to identify the context clues and guessed the meaning of the descriptive adjectives.

4 PDAC WLP rev 01/09/22

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