Week 3 Lesson Plan RW ENGL 112

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English Language Skills Department

Professional Development & Activities Committee

Weekly Lesson Plan

Complete the Weekly Lesson Plan outline for the entire week. Each lesson should have clear measurable ‘higher order thinking skills’
(HOTs) objectives. Once completed, email the Weekly Plan to your Supervisor before your first session on Sundays of each week.
Note: The fields will expand as you type your lesson plan. Please adjust the print range before printing.

Enter Dates for this week Beginning Date: 19-Dec-22Ending Date: 22-Dec-22
Teacher’s ELSD ID
Course Logistics
Teacher’s Name: Section No. Course ID Time Class
Wael Mustafa 61794 ENG112 Begins:
Building Classroom No. Textbook Category Time Class Ends:
Humanities 2717 Q Skills 4 B 3:05/4:15

STRAND:READING AND WRITING This week’s ELSD Curriculum Pacing Schedule:

(Refer to pacing schedule on portal.)
Week No. Unit No. Page Nos.
3 3 62-91



Lesson Skill: : Unit No. Pages
(WhatConcept are you teaching? Refer to the skill box in your textbook.)
Lesson Aim: (Overall purpose for your lesson- refer to textbook.)

Lesson Objectives: (Practice and productive activities that will achieve meeting your lesson aim – use specific and measurable
HOTs action words).

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

Brief account of learning activities:

(How are you going to present the language point/skill you are teaching?)
(What practice exercises as well as productive activities your students are going to do during your lesson?)
(What interactive/online Apps/technology are you using?)

Lead-in & Presentation:

Practice Exercises: (Controlled and Semi-controlled)

Productive Activities:

Reflection (POS/NEG):
Students enjoy discussing “ What is the best way to study?” and playing Kahoot online games.

1PDAC WLP rev01/09/22

English Language Skills Department
Professional Development & Activities Committee
Weekly Lesson Plan

Lesson Skill: : Reading Unit No. 3 Pages. 62-70
(WhatConcept are you teaching? Refer to the skill box in your textbook.)

Lesson Aim: (Overall purpose for your lesson- refer to textbook.)

Main: Reading an article about the difference between fitting in and belonging.
Subsidiary: Critical Thinking: Relating to the reading.
Lesson Objective: (Practice and productive activities that will achieve meeting your lesson aim – use specific and measurable
HOTs action words). Gather information about what is a good job.

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Read (for gist, scanning and details) about the difference between fitting in and belonging.
2. Recognize and use the new vocabulary included in the text.
3. Relate the information in the text to your own life.

Brief account of learning activities:

(How are you going to present the language point/skill you are teaching?)
(What practice exercises as well as productive activities your students are going to do during your lesson?)
(What interactive/online Apps/technology are you using?)

Lead-in & Presentation:

 Ss will look at the photo in p.62 and answer the question “what important lessons do we learn as a young
 Ss will use the online dictionary to check the meaning, form and pronunciation of the unknown words Ex. c,
p.64. (Whole class noticing)
 Ss will read the article pp.65-66 and gather information about the important lessons do we learn as a young
people (WC)

Practice Exercises: (Controlled and Semi-controlled)
 Ss will discuss the questions. Ex. A , p.63 (Pair work)
 Ss will preview the text and think about the meaning of fitting in and belonging. Ex. A , p.65
 Ss will do Ex. B, p. 67 by competing each sentence with the vocabulary from the box.(Individual and pair
 Ss will identify and circle the correct answer. Ex. D, p.68.(Individual and pair check)
 Ss will discuss the questions. Ex. A , p.71 (group work)

Productive Activities:
 Ss will apply , read the sentences from reading 1 and write how each relates to their own life.( pair work)
Reflection (POS/NEG):
Students enjoy using online dictionaries to look up new words and applying the reading skills through reading the article.

Lesson Skill:: Reading & writing Unit No. 3 Pages. 71-80
(WhatConcept are you teaching? Refer to the skill box in your textbook.)
Lesson Aim: (Overall purpose for your lesson- refer to textbook.)
Main: Vocabulary skill: Prefixes and suffixes.
Subsidiary: Reading skill: Making inferences.
Lesson Objectives:(Practice and productive activities that will achieve meeting your lesson aim – use specific and measurable
HOTs action words).
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
2PDAC WLP rev01/09/22
English Language Skills Department
Professional Development & Activities Committee
Weekly Lesson Plan

1. Discuss ideas and sharing opinions about life lessons I learned from my dad.
2. Recognize and use the new vocabulary clearly.
3. Identify and use prefixes and suffixes properly.
4. Recognize and make inferences effectively.

Brief account of learning activities:

(How are you going to present the language point/skill you are teaching?)
(What practice exercises as well as productive activities your students are going to do during your lesson?)
(What interactive/online Apps/technology are you using?)

Lead-in & Presentation:

 Ss recognize making inferences p.71 and guess what this skill will be about.
 Teacher explains the topic “Prefixes and suffixes.”
 Teacher motivates Ss to read the text pp.73-74 and gather information about important lessons we learned
as young people.
Practice Exercises: (Controlled and Semi-controlled)
 Ss will read the paragraph from Reading 1 and check the statements that can be inferred from the text. Ex.
A, p.71 (Individual and pair check)
 Ss will use the online dictionary to define unknown words. Ex. C, p. 73.(WC noticing)
 Ss will read the sentences then write each bold word next to the correct definition. Ex .B, pp. 75-76. (pair
 Ss will apply and complete the word in each sentence with the correct prefixes. A, p.80

Productive Activities:
 Kahoot. Ss will participate in Kahoot quiz about prefixes and suffixes.
Reflection (POS/NEG):
Students enjoy watch a video about teaching soft skills in school.


Lesson Skill: : Unit No. Pages.
(WhatConcept are you teaching? Refer to the skill box in your textbook.)
Lesson Aim: (Overall purpose for your lesson- refer to textbook.)
Lesson Objective:(Practice and productive activities that will achieve meeting your lesson aim – use specific and measurable
HOTs action words).

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:


Brief account of learning activities:

(How are you going to present the language point/skill you are teaching?)
(What practice exercises as well as productive activities your students are going to do during your lesson?)
(What interactive/online Apps/technology are you using?)

Lead-in & Presentation:

Practice Exercises: (Controlled and Semi-controlled)

3PDAC WLP rev01/09/22

English Language Skills Department
Professional Development & Activities Committee
Weekly Lesson Plan

Productive Activities:

Reflection (POS/NEG):

Lesson Skill: : Reading Unit No.3 Pages. 81 – 91
(WhatConcept are you teaching? Refer to the skill box in your textbook.)
Lesson Aim: (Overall purpose for your lesson- refer to textbook.)

Main: Grammar: past perfect and past perfect continuous.

Subsidiary: Writing a narrative essay.
Lesson Objective: (Practice and productive activities that will achieve meeting your lesson aim – use specific and measurable
HOTs action words).

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Know how to write a narrative essay precisely.
2. Identify and practice past perfect and past perfect continuous.
3. Reflect and discuss the people or things that influenced you when you were younger in groups.
Brief account of learning activities:
(How are you going to present the language point/skill you are teaching?)
(What practice exercises as well as productive activities your students are going to do during your lesson?)
(What interactive/online Apps/technology are you using?)

Lead-in & Presentation:

 Teacher asks Ss to speak about the people that influenced you when you were younger.( group work)
 Teacher reviews writing a narrative essay.
Teacher displays a video about past perfect and past perfect continuous and explaining the difference
between the two tenses.
Practice Exercises: (Controlled and Semi-controlled)
 (Writing model)Ss read the model narrative essay and answer the questions .Activity B, p.83 (Individual and
pair check)
 (Identify)Ss read the sentences then underline the past perfect and past perfect continuous verbs and circle
the simple past verbs in each example.Ex.A, p. 87.( pair work)
 (Restate)Ss combine the sentences using the time expression indicated changing the past simple to past
perfect or past perfect continuous. Act. B, p. 88 (group work)

Productive Activities:

1. Ss will participate in Kahoot quiz about past perfect and past perfect continuous.
2. Ss will also participate in activities whereby they will write narrative sentences.

Reflection (POS/NEG):

Students enjoy doing Kahoot online activities.

4PDAC WLP rev01/09/22

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