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Weekly Lesson Plan Outline

Professional Development Committee (PDC)


Instructions: Complete the ‘Weekly Lesson Plan Outline’ for

the entire week. Each lesson should have clear measurable ‘higher order thinking skills’ (HOTs) objectives. Once completed, email
the WLP to your Supervisor before your first session of the week. (A weekly lesson plan sample is available on the portal for
guidance in completing this form. Also, the PDC Lesson Planning Induction PPT is on the portal.)

** Note: The fields will expand as you type your lesson plan. Please adjust the print range before printing. **

Week No. Enter Dates for this week Beginning Date: 8-Jan-23 Ending Date: 12-Jan-23
Teacher’s ELSD ID
M224513 Course Logistics
Teacher’s Name Section No. Course ID Time Class Begins:
Wael Mustafa Elsawy Mustafa 61798 ENG112 1:30 p.m.

Building Classroom No. Textbook Category Time Class Ends:

Humanities 2717 QSkills5 B 03:05 p.m.

Virtual Class Back Up Link (Zoom): (Copy & Paste; resize font to 9) This week’s ELSD Curriculum Pacing Schedule:
(Refer to pacing schedule on portal.)
Week No. Unit No. Page Nos.
6 1 2-33


SUNDAY’S LESSON: DATE: 8 / 01 / 2023

Lesson Skill: Vocabulary & Reading Unit No. 1 Page(s) 2-10
(What Concept are you teaching? Refer to the skill box in your textbook.)
Lesson Aim: (Overall purpose for your lesson- refer to textbook.)
Main: Reading for main ideas.
Subsidiary: Gather information for the unit assignment.

Lesson Objective: (Lesson activities/stages that will achieve meeting your lesson aim – use measurable HOTs action words).
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Read for main ideas.
2. Understand and use new vocabulary.
A brief account of learning activities: (What interactive activities are you doing – online apps, technology, etc.?)
Lead-in & Presentation:
-Teacher introduces the target language by eliciting the answer on “Is learning languages important?”
-Is there a relationship between learning a language and tolerance?
Practice Exercises: (Controlled and Semi-controlled)
 Textbook- SS will answer Unit questions (Ex. A) pp. 3 (whole class)
 Textbook- SS will listen and answer questions (Ex. B) pp.3 (individual)
 Textbook- SS will read the title and the first paragraph of the article and answer (Ex. A) pp.4 (individual)

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Weekly Lesson Plan Outline
Professional Development Committee (PDC)

 Textbook- SS will write for 5-10

minutes (Ex. B) pp.4 (individual)
 Textbook- SS will check the new words in the dictionary (Ex. C) pp.4 (pair work)
 Textbook- SS will match the words with their definitions (Ex. B) pp.7. (individual)
 Textbook- SS will check the correct ideas (Ex. C) pp. 9. (individual)
 Textbook- SS will write evidence for each statement (Ex. D) pp.9. (individual)
Productive Activities:
 Textbook- SS will read and decide if the sentences are true or false (Ex. E) pp. 10. (individual)
 Textbook- SS will discuss questions (Ex. E) pp. 10. (G.W)

Reflection (POS/NEG): __________________________________________________________________________________

Carryover: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

MONDAY’S LESSON: DATE: 9 / 01 / 2023

Lesson Skill: Reading Unit No. 1 Page(s) 11- 19
(What Concept are you teaching? Refer to the skill box in your textbook.)
Lesson Aim: (Overall purpose for your lesson- refer to textbook.)
Main: Distinguishing main ideas from details.
Subsidiary: Reading for details.

Lesson Objective: (Lesson activities/stages that will achieve meeting your lesson aim – use measurable HOTs action words).
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Distinguish main ideas from details.
2. Read for details.
3. Make inferences.

A brief account of learning activities: (What interactive activities are you doing – online apps, technology, etc.?)
Lead-in & Presentation:
-Teacher leads in by asking and eliciting “What is the difference between the main idea and the details”
-What is the importance of the main idea?
Practice Exercises: (Controlled and Semi-controlled)
 Textbook- SS will decide the genre of writing and main ideas (Ex. A) pp. 12. (individual)
 Textbook- SS will discuss their answers (Ex. B) pp. 13. (individual)
 Textbook- SS will write for 5-10 minutes (Ex. B) pp.14 (individual)
 Textbook- SS will read the title and the first paragraph of the article and answer (Ex. A) pp.14 (individual)
 Textbook- SS will check the new words in the dictionary (Ex. C) pp.14 (pair work)
 Textbook- SS will complete the sentences (Ex. B) pp.18. (individual)
Productive Activities:
 Textbook- SS will complete the chart (Ex. C) pp.19. (individual)
 Textbook- SS will identify the writers for each argument (Ex. D) pp.19. (individual)
Reflection (POS/NEG): __________________________________________________________________________________
Carryover: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

TUESDAY’S LESSON: DATE: 10 / 01/ 2023

Lesson Skill: Reading& Vocabulary Unit No. 1 Page(s) 20-26
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Weekly Lesson Plan Outline
Professional Development Committee (PDC)

(What Concept are you teaching? Refer to

the skill box in your textbook.)
Lesson Aim: (Overall purpose for your lesson- refer to textbook.)

Main: Reading for main ideas and details.

Subsidiary: Gather information for the unit assignment.

Lesson Objective: (Lesson activities/stages that will achieve meeting your lesson aim – use measurable HOTs action words).
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Read for main ideas.
2. Read for details.
3. Understand and use new vocabulary.

A brief account of learning activities: (What interactive activities are you doing – online apps, technology, etc.?)
Reflection (POS/NEG):
Lead-in & Presentation:
-What do you need to form a generalization?
-What is meant by “Overgeneralization”?
Practice Exercises: (Controlled and Semi-controlled)
 Textbook- SS will discuss statements in groups (Ex. E) pp.20. (G.W)
 Textbook- SS will discuss information in groups (Ex. F) pp.21. (G.W)
 Textbook- SS will answer the video question (Ex. A) pp.22 (G.W)
 Textbook- SS will watch the video and take notes (Ex. B) pp.22 (Individual)
 Textbook- SS will discuss questions in groups (Ex.) pp.23. (G.W)
 Textbook- SS will complete sentences (Ex. A) Pp.24. (Individual)
Productive Activities:
 Textbook- SS will complete the chart (Ex. A) pp.26 (individual)
 Textbook- SS will decide which appeals would be effective (Ex. B) pp.26 (pair work)
Carryover: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

THURSDAY’S LESSON: DATE: 12 /01 / 2023

Lesson Skill: Writing Unit No. 1 Page(s) 27-33
(What Concept are you teaching? Refer to the skill box in your textbook.)
Lesson Aim: (Overall purpose for your lesson- refer to textbook.)
Main: Making generalizations.
Subsidiary: Using a thesaurus.

Lesson Objective: (Lesson activities/stages that will achieve meeting your lesson aim – use measurable HOTs action words).
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Make generalizations.
2. Work with the video.
3. Use a thesaurus.

A brief account of learning activities: (What interactive activities are you doing – online apps, technology, etc.?)

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Weekly Lesson Plan Outline
Professional Development Committee (PDC)

Lead-in & Presentation:

-Is there a difference between a personal email and a business email?
-How do we express contrast in writing?
Practice Exercises: (Controlled and Semi-controlled)
 Textbook- SS will read the email and answer the questions (Ex. C) pp.27. (individual)
 Textbook- SS will the best connector to complete the sentences (Ex. A) pp.29 (individual)
 Textbook- SS will connect sentences using connectors in parentheses (Ex. B) pp.29 (individual)
 Textbook- SS will answer questions in groups (Ex. A) pp. 30. (G.W)
 Textbook- SS will complete the outline (Ex. B) pp.31 (Individual)
 Textbook- SS will write a persuasive email (Ex. C) pp.31 (Individual)
Productive Activities:
 Textbook- SS will read their partner's emails then use the peer review worksheet (Ex.) pp.32. (P.W)
 Textbook- SS will discuss questions in groups (Ex. D) Pp.32. (G.W)
Reflection (POS/NEG): __________________________________________________________________________________
Carryover: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

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