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In the Service of God and the Poor!


Midterm Examination

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Section: Date:

1. Read the specific instructions carefully for each part, and choose the correct answer for the
following questions.
2. Erasures are allowed provided that you write your final answer LEGIBLY.


Direction: Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer by encircling the letter of your
choice. (1 point each)

1. It is a systematic process wherein the individuals interact through symbols to create and interpret
a. Interaction b. Communication
c. Discourse d. Conversation
2. Which is NOT a part of a successful communication process?
a. The speaker encodes an idea.
b. The speaker generates an idea.
c. The receiver sends a feedback.
d. The receiver sends no feedback.
3. This is an element of communication that interferes in the process of communication.
a. Barrier b. Context
c. Feedback d. Channel
4. ________ ensures that the message sent by the sender has been received and understood.
a. Barrier b. Context
c. Feedback d. Channel
5. Among the five functions of communication, this is considered to be the most basic function.
a. Motivation b. Emotional Expression
c. Social Interaction d. Information Dissemination
6. This talk is used when a person wants to break the ice or the awkwardness between another person
or group of people.
a. Search talk b. Small talk
c. Light-control talk d. Straight talk
7. This model of communication puts more emphasis on persuasion rather than mutual understanding.
a. Linear Model b. Transactional Model
c. Interactive Model d. Schramm Model
8. This model of communication has the concept of time as it views communication to have evolved
from the very beginning until the existing moment.
a. Linear Model b. Transactional Model
c. Interactive Model d. Schramm Model
9. Failure to exchange information because of lack of communication results to ___________?
a. Communication Fall b. Communication Breakdown
c. Communication Anxiety d. Communication Trouble
10. When a person has biases and prejudices towards other people, what barrier to communication is
a. Attitudinal barrier b. Dysfunctional feedback
c. Jumping to an immediate conclusion d. Using generalizations and stereotypes
11. It is a skill that can be acquired and improved by fully focusing on what is being said rather than just
‘hearing’ the message of the speaker.
a. Active listening b. Constructive response
c. Patience towards others d. Use common language
12. To enhance interpersonal future communications, feedback is given by the receiver to ensure
furthering the abilities of the speaker. It encourages the use of:
a. Active listening b. Constructive response
c. Patience towards others d. Use common language
13. In communication, it is easy to repeat what has been spoken. However, the degree of its first
utterance will never be the same when it is uttered the second or third time around. What feature
of communication is describe in this statement?
a. Communication is irreversible. b. Communication is inescapable.
c. Communication is unrepeatable. d. Communication is verbal or non-verbal.
14. Jasmine was feeling dizzy lately so, she cannot focus on what the teacher is saying even though
she wanted to listen and participate in the class. Based on the given situation, what interferes in
the process of communication?
a. Physical noise b. Psychological noise
c. Physiological noise d. None of the above
15. As part of your research, you are expected to gather data from your participants. What kind of talk
is the most appropriate one to use?
a. Small talk b. Light-control talk
c. Search talk d. Straight talk
16. Fatima and Angela did not realize their conversation lasted for two hours because they were able
to relate to each other’s experience. This situation is under what model of communication?
a. Linear Model b. Transactional Model
c. Interactive Model d. Shannon-Weaver Model
17. Why does communication breakdown happen?
a. Because people can handle pressure and stress.
b. Because people can listen for a long period of time.
c. Because people share too much information to the right people.
d. Because there are senders who use words with double meaning.
18. Communication is irreversible, which means that whatever you say, the effect of that can never be
taken back. As a responsible communicator, which should you NOT do?
a. Choose the right words.
b. Be straightforward all the time.
c. Pause and try to control oneself before speaking.
d. Think of the possible consequences of the thoughts that you wish to say.
19. Which of the following features of communication is being referred to by this statement, “We
cannot not communicate?”
a. Communication is irreversible. b. Communication is inescapable.
c. Communication is unrepeatable. d. Communication is verbal or non-verbal.
20. What does it mean when a communication is considered to be a cycle?
a. Communication is circular.
b. Communication is a never-ending process.
c. Communication takes place between the sender and the receiver.
d. Communication stops once the message has been received already by the receiver.


Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Write TRUE if the answer is correct; whereas,
if the statement is false, then write the CORRECT ANSWER. The underlined word is the one that you
need to change accordingly. State your response on the space provided before the number. (1 point

__________1. Decoding is the process of converting the message into words or actions.
__________2. Barrier is anything that interferes in the process of communication.
__________3. Man can survive without communication.
__________4. To seek for clarification, channel is needed.
__________5. In the communication process, the first step is to encode the idea.
__________6. Schramm model of communication is the “mother of all models.”
__________7. Transmission model of communication is bidirectional.
__________8. Communication breakdown is a result of lack of communication.
__________9. Conciseness is when a speaker uses simple and specific words in communicating.
__________10. When too much information is shared to the right people, communication breakdown


Direction: Identify the barrier in communication that is present in the given situations below. Write
your answer on the space provided before the number. (1 point each)

_______________1. Adrian was thinking twice whether to confess his feelings to Ara. One day, he just
saw Ara with another guy.
_______________2. Edmark was stating his point during the class discussion, but Hillary kept on
interrupting in the middle of his sentence.
_______________3. Jofine was late in their practice for the talk show, but instead of letting her
explain, Angel inferred that she must have went somewhere else first.
_______________4. Rameses grew up in a family of teachers. During their family reunion, his aunts
were insisting that he should get a Master’s degree after graduating, without
even asking what the program that he wants to pursue in College.
_______________5. Ceelin was suggesting something to Marga about their group project. However,
Marga was closed to any changes because she firmly believes that it was already
great as it is.
_______________6. The teacher is discussing and a group of people, who were all talking in loud
voices, passed by the hallway. Hence, the students only heard the first line stated
by the teacher.
_______________7. Trixie excused herself in the conversation because her stomach was growling.
_______________8. Rachelle attends her classes, but every time the teacher calls her, her mind seems
to be clouded with thoughts.
_______________9. The man scratched his head when the lawyer told him that he should not commit
_______________10. In the middle of the discussion, the teacher asked Pepito to close the door
because the other section was having a loud presentation.


Direction: Create a sample situation for each function of communication. Write your answer on the
space provided after the number. (1 point each)

1. Emotional Expression-

2. Information Dissemination-

3. Motivation-

4. Control/Regulation-

5. Social Interaction-
Direction: Differentiate the three (3) standard models of communication. (5 points)


If you must cheat, then you must have not learned enough. Be the person with integrity.

Prepared by:


Oral Communication 11 Teacher

Checked by:


HS Coordinator


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