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Angel Moreno

Classroom Management Philosophy

At the beginning of the year, the teacher should create a list of class expectations and

agreements for the teacher and the students to ensure that the class runs smoothly and that both

the teacher and the students know exactly what is expected of them. In case of classroom

management issues, the teacher should refer back to this list and remind students of their initial

agreement to create a safe, fun, and effective learning environment.

Some key expectations are

● Come prepared to class

● Be respectful

● Raise your hand before talking

Other rules and expectations can be added if the teacher and student find them

appropriate. But it should be done at the beginning of the year to set up a foundation for the

rehearsals to come.

As students enter the classroom, they can see the learning goals and agenda for the day

on the board. Students will be expected to unpack their instruments and music, leave their

backpacks underneath their chair, and their cases to the right side of their chair. Students can

warm up and chat until the bell rings. As soon as this happens, the teacher will stand in the front

of the class, wait for students to sit down, greet them, and start a tuning drone.

Tuning should happen quietly, students are to play softly and constantly stop to listen to

the drone. Once they tune their open strings, the teacher will ask them to play each unison and

make adjustments if necessary. No talking, leaving the classroom, or disruptive behavior should

take place during tuning.

Teacher should then give announcements and discuss the agenda for the day. Having a

genuine but brief conversation with students during this time is a good way to connect with them

and create a warmer learning environment.

If students have questions they are expected to raise their hands and wait to be called on

before talking. Talking without permission should not be tolerated by the instructor as it can

easily create a dangerous feedback loop.

Teachers should always have a clear plan for the rehearsal, create a balance between

technique and slow practice and playing fun excerpts or pieces that students would find

engaging. This is to ensure that students grow while having fun and enjoying their musical


If students are disruptive during class, the teacher will address them personally to discuss

the issue, if it persists, it will be discussed with faculty, and if there is no change, with their tutor

or parents.

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