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Title: The Effect of Packaging on Consumers’ Buying Behavior of Third Year Marketing
Students in Batangas State University The NEU-Lipa

Rationale: The role of packaging has changed due to increasing self- service and changing
consumers‟ lifestyle. Packaging can be defined as the container which is necessary to convey a
product to the ultimate consumer, as contrasted with packing (cartons, crates, etc.) that is
required for bulk shipment. Also, packaging is the art of enclosing or protecting products for
distribution, storage, sale which is bought by the consumer. In an attempt to get more
customers to purchase their products, companies have engaged in different innovations so as to
make their product compete with that of competitors, the packaging form is one way to gain
consumer notice. On the other hand, Consumer behavior is an activity in which people engage
in actual or potential use of the various products of market including good, services, ideas and
the environment of stores.

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of packaging on consumer's buying
behavior, to examine the essential factors, which are driving the success of a brand. As well as
identifying the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. This research
will also attempt to ascertain how changes in the packaging of products can change the buying
behavior of consumers and identify most important aesthetical factors of packaging that attracts
the consumers to purchase the particular product. Therefore, this empirical study will be helpful
for marketers to regard these findings and also in the implementation of this plan, creating and
choosing appropriate design factors and characteristics for their packaging of product.

Conceptual Framework
Independent Variables

Packaging Color

- Colors play a vital role in the consumer’s decision making and they attract customers
towards any product. Different colors have different meaning and can help to draw
attention according to the consumer’s mood.

Packaging material

- Packaging material have great influence on consumer’s purchasing decision. High

quality packaging attracts the consumers than the low-quality packaging.

Design of Wrappers

- The design of the wrapper also plays an important part to attract consumers. Companies
use creative designs to attract customers.

Printed information

- Printed material is one of the easiest and most effectual ways to provide information.
The consumer can change his decision on the basis of information printed on the
packaging. Printed information can be easily handed out and accepted away. It is
significant at all levels of participation.

Dependent Variable

Consumer’s Buying Behavior

- The Consumer’s buying behavior is the sum total of the attitudes, preferences and
decisions regarding the purchasing of any product or service.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the effect of packaging on consumers’ buying behavior among
third year marketing students in Batangas State University The NEU- Lipa. Thus, this sought to
answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Sex;
1.2. Status; and
1.3. Occupation?
2. How does the packaging affect the consumers’ buying behavior in terms of:
2.1. Color;
2.2. Packaging Material;
2.3. Design and Font Style; and
2.4. Printed Information?
3. Does packaging significantly affect the consumers’ buying behavior?
4. Based on the results of the study, what are the plans of action or recommendations to
improve products' packaging in order to positively affect consumers' buying behavior?

Survey Questionnaire

Title: Influential factors of Advertisement affecting Product Preferences of First Year

Students in Batangas State University The NEU-Lipa

Rationale: Advertisement is one of the major components of a business that can affect business
retention of customers in the long run. It has a variety of influence to consumer product
preferences. As the advertisement evolved, so did the consumer product preferences. The
priorities of advertising have changed from just selling the product to understanding consumer
needs and increasing awareness about the product. People tend to buy products with eye-
catching advertisements that are dynamic and positive.

Consumers are more likely to buy a product based on trend and popularity especially when it is
bought by many people. It is important for consumers to identify the nature of advertising. Every
piece of advertising attempt to seek the attention of audiences towards a product or services. In
line with this, the purpose of this study will focus on determining how the influential factors of
advertisement affects the product preferences of the respondents. Particularly, this is intended
to provide structure and guidance for business owners as well as to communicate with the
consumer expectations and standards to be able to identify their product preference.

Conceptual Framework

This study will give knowledge regarding to the advertisement influences on product
preferences of ABM students. It will show the different influences of advertisement on product

Advertisement Influences
 Awareness
 Purchasing decision Product Preferences

 Creativity of promotion
 Quality

Figure 2: Sample PC Model for the Relationship of Advertisement Influence on Product

The formulated hypothesis of our research is directional hypothesis.
The consumers who seen the advertisement will be informed, entertained and aware of
the product being advertised.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the influential factors of advertisement that affects the product
preferences among first year students in Batangas State University The NEU- Lipa. Thus, this
sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Sex;
1.2. Program;
1.3. Status; and
1.4. Occupation?
2. How does advertisement influences affect the product preferences of the respondents in
terms of:
2.1. Awareness;
2.2. Purchase Decision;
2.2.1. personal taste,
2.2.2. culture,
2.2.3. social pressure,
2.2.4. price of the goods, and
2.2.5. budget;
2.3. Creativity of promotion; and
2.4. Quality?
3. Do the influential factors of advertisement significantly affect the product preferences of
the respondents?
4. Based on the results of the study, what are the plans of action or recommendations to

Survey Questionnaire
Dear Participants,

I am inviting you to participate in this research by completing the following survey. The research
will investigate the influential factors of advertisement on product preferences of accountancy,
business and management students. The following questionnaire will inquire 30 minutes to
complete. Thank you for taking the time to assist me with this research. Under no circumstances
you are obliged to answer any of the questionnaire, however doing so will greatly assist me in
completing my research and enhancing my understanding of this research focus. The data
collected will remain confidential and used solely for academic purposes.

Name (Optional) ______________________________

The following items will test the influential factors of advertisement product preferences, mark
(✓) the response that best describe the influence of advertisement in businesses, where,

5= Strongly Agree 3= Neutral

4= Agree 2= Disagree

1= Strongly Disagree

Items Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

(5) (1)
(4) (3) (2)

1. How does advertisement influence the product preference of ABM students in terms

A. Comprehensiveness 5 4 3 2 1

Consumers are more likely to buy

products that are easy to

Consumers prefer buying detailed


Recognizable advertisements could

entice consumers.

B. Creativity of promotion 5 4 3 2 1

Consumers prefer creative


Creativity raises the perception of

brand messaging and boost the
sales of the product.

Creativity could positively affect the

impact of advertisement.

C. Visual Appeal 5 4 3 2 1

Has stylish brand that emphasize

their products.

The visual is easy to see and not


Consumer tends to buy products

based on their preferred traits

It raises the level of visual


It is essential to recognize the


2. What kind of modern advertising attracts more students?

A. Television 5 4 3 2 1

It conveys a message promoting

and aiming to market a product
service or idea.

Consumers spend a lot of money

when the product they seen on an
advertisement is convincing.

Flamboyant advertisement tends to

attract consumer.

B. Billboard 5 4 3 2 1

It captivates consumers’ attention.

It builds brand awareness and

broadcasting to many people as

It is more readable and use formal


C. Magazine 5 4 3 2 1

It gives more informative than


It attracts more customers


It gives more sales because of its


D. Flyers 5 4 3 2 1

It is more attracting when you see it


It is versatile and affordable.

Flyers does not have impact on


E. Newspapers 5 4 2 3 1

It contains information that is

It can reach rural areas.

It is effective way to market a


It effectively shares information and

gives knowledge about variety of

3. What will be the further suggestions in order to enhance the influence of

utilizing advertisements through:

A. Length of advertisement 5 4 3 2 1

The length of advertisement should

be short and concise.

Advertisement should not be long

as it will cause boredom.

B. Mode of advertisement 5 4 3 2 1

Advertisements should be made

through accessible media.

Advertisements should be
introduced easily.

C. Usage of catchy soundtrack 5 4 3 2 1

The use of catchy soundtrack could

further include of advertisement.

The use of sound elements is

important in using advertisement.

D. Concept of advertisement 5 4 3 2 1

The concept should be trendy.

The concept of advertisement
should appeal to the consumers.



Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to know and determine the factors affecting panic buying behavior on fast
moving consumer goods (FMCG) in Lipa City. Thus, this sought to answer the following

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age;
1.2. Sex;
1.3. Civil Status;
1.4. Educational Attainment; and
1.5. Average Monthly Income?
2. How do the respondents assessed the factors affecting panic buying behavior on fast
moving consumer goods terms of:
2.1. Herd Behavior;
2.2. Social Media Exposure;
2.3. Anxiety;
2.4. Price; and
2.5. Product Availability?
3. Is there a significant difference on the assessed factors affecting panic buying behavior
on fast moving consumer goods when group according to profile?
4. Based on the findings of the study, what action plan may be proposed to deal with influx
of consumer of fast-moving consumer foods during panic buying times?

Survey Questionnaire

Title: Factors Affecting Online Shopping Behavior among Batangas State University The
NEU-Lipa Students


Theoretical Framework

Online Shopping Behavior

Online shopping, as defined by Mokhtar et al. (2020), is a form of digital commerce in which
customers utilize a web browser to instantaneously purchase goods or services from a vendor
over the Internet. With the use of a shopping web browser, which shows the availability and
costs of the same products at other websites, customers can either explore the retailer's
website to find the item they want or conduct research among other suppliers.

Consumers who shop online are frequently younger than those who shop in traditional
locations, according to research in the journal. As a result, people are more likely to buy things
or hunt for products from internet firms, regardless of their financial resources and allowances
(Mokhtar et al., 2020).

Perceived Ease of Use, Convenience, Time, Price and Trust

Anushka Chelvarayan et al. (2021) define ease of use of technology as a website or online
resource that is simple to use in the eyes of the user, which is typically a student. The younger
generations believe that using technology is simple when they shop online, which is related to
perceived ease of use (Vasantha Ganesan, October 20, 2021). An easy electronic payment
process, online security and privacy guarantees, a variety of payment and shipping options,
among other things, make the website user-friendly and attractive. Online shoppers evaluated
online shopping as simple to use if it offers adequate product information, aids in
product/service comparability, is simple to understand and utilize the application system, and is
a versatile site to connect with, according to Appiah-Nimo et al. (2019).

Dos-Santos et al. (2021) assert that convenience is encroaching on product penetration and
expertise, which may encourage customers to purchase items via the internet. Since it offers
benefits and enables customers to purchase at any time and have items delivered to their
preferred location, convenience is of utmost significance to online shoppers. Online shopping
convenience directly affects the purchasing decisions of customers (Dos-Santos et al., 2021).
Customers can save time and money on travel because a variety of products are readily
available online and are accessible every day of the week (Dos-Santos et al., 2021).

Research identified that ordering things online was the fastest way to get what customers
wanted because people could avoid standing in long lines and pay for our purchases right away
(Kasuma et. al., 2020). Online browsing and product searching can save a ton of time and effort
compared to traditional shopping, which takes more time to find stuff (Kasuma et. al, 2020).
Numerous technological advancements in recent years have accelerated the process, including
the installation of a rapid purchase button that enables account holders to make purchases with
just one click (Rashaduzzaman, 2020). Rashaduzzaman (2020) also stated that customers will
no longer need to submit their details each time they make an online purchase thanks to
automated account details, and the computer now has the ability to save your information in its

Price level, as judged to be the most significant component of the four independent factors, has
the most impact on young people's online purchasing behavior in Malaysia, according to the
article by Mokhtar et al., (2020). Generally speaking, respondents believe that goods purchased
online are less expensive than those purchased in physical locations, making them more
accessible because of the ongoing incentives offered by online retailers (Zou, 2020). Students
are enticed to shop at the online store by the lower prices offered by online shops (Zou, 2020).

If students think a website offers reliable data, a broad selection of products, and clear
information, they have a positive perspective on shopping online. According to Mahliza (2020),
students' expectations for security are that any third parties will not see, retain, or alter the
personal information they provide on the seller's website. Students are concerned about
security when utilizing the internet to make purchases because the majority of transactions take
place online and customer information is transmitted over an insecure environment (Mahliza,

From the literature and findings discussed above, the theoretical framework in Figure 2 was
developed. This theoretical framework is based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) that
was developed by Icek Ajzen in an effort to forecast behavioral patterns in people (Ajzen, 1991).
According to the TPB, behavioral intention is influenced by attitudes toward the behavior,
subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.

The first theoretical construct is behavioral intention, which refers to the driving forces behind
conduct (Ajzen, 1991). The likelihood of performing a specific behavior increases with the
strength of the intention to do so. The second component is attitude toward the activity, which
measures how positively or negatively a person views a specific behavior. Beliefs about conduct
and assessments of results make up attitude. The third construct is the subjective norm, which
refers to societal pressure to engage in a particular action or refrain from doing so. Subjective
norm is made up of normative views and compliance desire. The TPB places a lot of emphasis
on perceived behavioral control, which is people's perceptions of how easy or difficult it is to
carry out the activity of interest (Ajzen, 1991). These constructs have been adapted in this
research and the following theoretical framework was developed.

Statement of the Problem

Survey Questionnaire

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