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The life history of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.

Cultural background
Hadrat Muhammad (S.A.W) belongs to Hadrat Ismail (A.S)

 Born on 12 Rabi-ul-Awal.22/20 April 571 A.D. Monday
at dawn time.
 His father Hadrat Abdullah died a few weeks earlier
before his birth. Abdul Mutalib his grandfather named
him Muhammad and arranged grand feast on 7th day
after the birth. He was nursed first by Thawbiyah, the
slave girl of Abu Lahb. Then by Bibi Halima wife of
Harith and daughter of Zuhaib. He lived with her for five
At the age of six Bibi Amina went to Madina alongwith her
son. She died at the place called “Abwai” while returning
back to Makkah. Umma Eman who was with Bibi Amina
brought Muhammad (S.A.W) at Makkah. Then Hadrat
Abdul Mutalib cared Muhammad (S.A.W). After two years
Hadrat A. Mutalib also died. Then he was cared by Hadrat
Abu Talib, who used to take care of Muhammad (S.A.W).

Shepherd & Trader

At the age of 12, he used to go with goats and sheep to
graze them upon. He also went to Syria in the same year
with his uncle Abu Talib. He met with priest named Baheria
who predicted about his prophethood.

When he was of 15 years a war started between Quresh
and Qais tribes. It continued about 3 years. Muhammad
(S.A.W) didn’t take active part in the war.

After the end of war, a welfare organization was founded to
help the victimized people. Muhammad (S.A.W) took active
part in it. He became very famous in the city and people
used to call him “Al-Sadiq” and “Al-Ameen”.
At the age of 25 years married with Bibi Khadijah a widow
lady. She was rich and noble lady. She had a servant
named Maysarh. She was impressed from the honesty of
Muhammad (S.A.W) and married with him.

Religious Consciousness
After 35 years he started to live in isolation to think about
Reality and Truth. For this purpose he selected cave Hira in
Jabal-e-Noor for meditation and worship. In 605 A.D. he
settled the dispute of Hajr-e-Aswad during reconstruction of

Revelation comes
At the age of 40, he received revelation in cave Hira. The
revelation came in the month of Ramdan at dawn time. The
holy spirit said “Read”. He showed his unability to read.
Angel Jibrail repeated three times the same word, then he
started reading. Soon after holy spirit vanished. Then he
came in his house and narrated the story to his wife Bibi
Khadijah who took him to her relative named Warqa bin-
Naufil. It was confirmed by that person that God has
selected him as the Prophet. He started preaching secretly
among his close relative and friends in the beginning
because it was difficult task to preach openly.

Preaching Mission
During first three years only 133 people accepted Islam.
Then clear directives came to preach openly. The Prophet
(S.A.W) climbed up to mountain Safa and called Quresh.
He got opinion from the audience about his truthfulness.
They admitted. He then preached about Oneness of God.
People went away and didn’t give ear to his speech.

Darul Akram
After the revelation of open preaching Muslims prayed
openly in Ka’ba. The non Muslims started to laugh on the
mode of worship of Muslims. Therefore the Prophet (S.A.W)
converted the house of Hadrat Arkam into preaching centre.
This house was built near mountain safa. This house is first
preaching centre of Islam where Muslims used to come and
learnt about Islam. In sixth year of Nabuwat Hadrat, Hamza
and Hadrat Umer accepted Islam. After then Muslims
started to pray openly in Ka’ba.

Social boycott
During the seventh year of Prophethood, Quresh people
decided to boycott with whole clan of Banu Hashim. The
whole family of the Prophet (S.A.W) stayed away from
Makkah at the place called Shuib Abi Talib. There was
complete boycott by Quresh. Food supply was stopped. It
was very miserable life for Hashmi tribe. This boycott
continued about two and half years. Then some relatives of
Banu Hashim clan restored contacts with the Prophet’s
family and in this way all people came back to Makkah.

Year of Sorrows
It was 10th year of Nabuwat when the Prophet received two
shocks. His uncle Abu Talib died in this year who helped
Muhammad (S.A.W) for forty years. After few days in the
month of Ramdan his wife Khadijah also died at the age of
65 years. It was personal loss to the Prophet (S.A.W) in this
year. Therefore in Islamic history it is called the year of

Mission of Taif
It was 11th year of Nabuwat when the Prophet (S.A.W)
thought to go to Taif to deliver the message of Islam
because Makkan people were strongly opposing the
Prophet (S.A.W) in his mission and no one was ready to
accept religion Islam.
Muhammad (S.A.W) went to Taif along with his faithful
servant Zaid bin Harith. He met with Umayer who was noble
man of Taif but he didn’t give him positive response
Muhammad (S.A.W) stayed there for ten days and
preached religion Islam. The people of Taif did not turn their
ear to the message of Islam. They started to joke with
Muhammad (S.A.W). When Muhammad (S.A.W) was
returning back some children who were motivated by the
people of Taif, threw stones to Muhammad (S.A.W). Zaid
bin Harith was facing the stones to protect Muhammad
(S.A.W). But some stones hit in the head of Muhammad
(S.A.W) and bleeding started which went upto his feet. In
such condition he left the city and after walking few miles
away he got rest in the orchard of grapes. It was the garden
of Utbah and Shybah, two brothers who were Jews. When
they saw Muhammad (S.A.W) in such condition and resting
in the garden, they sent a tray of grapes as a gift.
Muhammad (S.A.W) accepted it. The tray of grapes was
brought by the servant of Jews whose name was Addas.
He was very much impressed by the behavior and dialogue
of Muhammad (S.A.W) and accepted religion Islam. In this
way Muhammad (S.A.W) returned back without any result.
Then in next year when Muhammad (S.A.W) was of 52
years went on Maraj (Ascension).

Migration (Hijrat)
Muslims at Makkah were facing troubles of Non-Muslims of
Makkah. It had become difficult for them to live in Makkah a
peaceful life. So some Muslims started migration with the
permission of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). This is how
Muslims were leaving the city and within short span of time
all quarters of the city were vacated. This situation aroused
hostility in Quresh. Therefore Quresh of Makkah made a
plan to assassinate Muhammad (S.A.W). Abu Jahel was
the chief who decided that one, one young man from each
tribe should be selected to kill Muhammad (S.A.W) during
night time. On the other side Muhammad (S.A.W) was
informed in advance about the plan, by Almighty Allah.
Muhammad (S.A.W) consulted Hazrat Abu Bakr for
company. Hazrat Abu Bakr felt happy to accompany
Muhammad (S.A.W) in migration to Madina. He went to his
house and asked his daughter Asma to prepare a bag of
meal for the journey. On the other side Muhammad (S.A.W)
called Hazrat Ali and handed over all trusts of the people to
him and also said to lay on his bed during night time. After
handing over trusts, Muhammad (S.A.W) left the city
alongwith his faithful companion Hazrat Abu Bakar.
According to the plan of Quresh some young men who were
assigned the task to assassinate Muhammad (S.A.W)
surrounded the house and whole the night they were alert
and waiting for Muhammad (S.A.W) to come out. At last at
dawn time they rushed in the house and saw that Hazrat Ali
was lying on his bed. Then they were furiated and searched
Muhammad (S.A.W) in all corners of the city but all their
efforts went into vain.
Muhammad (S.A.W) had left the city after walking some
distance got protection in cave Thaur. He stayed there for
three days. During his stay in the cave two persons were in
contact with Muhammad (S.A.W). Amir bin Fuhayrah who
was servant of Hazrat Abu Bakr used to bring milk in the
cave. Another person was Abdullah s/o Abu Bakr who used
to bring information about the planning of the Quresh
people. After three days stay in cave Thaur, Muhammad
(S.A.W) started his journey towards Madina alongwith his
campanion Hazrat Abu Bakr. He used to travel during night
time and rested during day time because it was very hot
season. The Quresh had announced reward for the person
who will bring back Muhammad (S.A.W). In the grudge of
reward one young man, named Siraq bin Jasham followed
Muhammad (S.A.W) but failed. On the other side people of
Madina knew that Muhammad (S.A.W) is coming to
Madina. They were looking daily to welcome the noble
guest. The children used to come out of the city and were
singing songs in the praise of the honorable guest. At last
one day Muhammad (S.A.W) reached in Madina. Everyone
was ancious that Muhammad (S.A.W) should be my guest.
Therefore Muhammad (S.A.W) decided where ever my
she-camel will sit, I will the guest of that person. In this way
camel walked through the street of Madina and sat infront
the house of Hazrat Abu Ayoub Ansari where he remained
for seven months then shifted to his own apartments which
were built by the side of Masjid Nabavi.

Mithaq Madina: It is a pact between Muslims and Jews.

When Muhammad (S.A.W) migrated from Makkah to
Madina, he felt it necessary to have pact with Jews. In
Madina and in the vicinity of Madina some tribes of Jews
were living. For better relation and healthy atmosphere
Muhammad (S.A.W) made a pact between Jews and
Muslims. For the welfare and betterment of both the parties
they agreed on the following points.
1. There will be freedom of religion to every sect.
2. The blood compensation will remain same as in the
3. Jews will contribute in the cost of war so long they are
fighting alongwith Muslims.
4. Both parties will not give protection to Quresh.
5. Both parties will fight together in defense of Madina if
any foreign attack.
6. Neighbors will be looked upon like ones own self.
7. Both parties are bound to help eachother in war time
and will develop mutual friendship.
8. If any dispute arises between the parties, it shall be
referred to Muhammad (S.A.W).

Muwakhat (Brotherhood)
It is a pact between Muhajirs and Ansars of Madina. After
the treaty of Mithaq Madina an other agreement was made
between Muslims. Those Muslims who migrated from
Makkah were called Muhajirs. They came with empty
hands. They had left their home, land and other property at
Makkah. The Muslims who helped them were called
Ansars. The Prophet (S.A.W) declared that;
1. Believers should not leave any one destitute. They
should help eachother.
2. A believer shall not kill his brother.
3. Believers may not help to the criminal.
4. When believers differ any matter, must refer to Allah
and Muhammad (S.A.W) His messenger.

Treaty of Hudaybiah

In the sixth year of Hijrah, Muhammad (S.A.W) saw a dream

in which he was performing all ceremonies of pilgrimage
alongwith his followers. When this was informed by the
prophet (S.A.W) to the faithful companions, they felt a great
joy to perform this sacred ceremony in this company.
Fifteen hundred Muslims (Muhajirs & Ansars) started their
journey under the leadership of the Prophet (S.A.W) to
Makkah. The Prophet (S.A.W) took seventy camels for
sacrifice (Qurbani).
When Muslims reached near to Makkah, they wore Ihram
for sacred ceremony. But Makkan people came out of the
city and blocked the way of Muslims. Due to such situation
Muhammad (S.A.W)turned a side to the place of Hudaybiah
on the border of Makkah territory and encamped there. The
prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) started talks with Quresh that
Muslims have come only to perform pilgrimage and will go
back. For negotiation with Quresh people the Prophet
(S.A.W) sent Hadrat Usman to convince them. He went
there to talk with Quresh. He took more time in talk with
Quresh people therefore he was late. Disinformation spread
in the Muslims camp that Hadrat Usman has been martyred
by Quresh people. Therefore Muhammad (S.A.W) took
pledge from his companions that they will take avenge of
Hadrat Usman. That pledge in Islamic history is called
“Bayat Rizwan”. But soon after Hadrat Usman came in the
camp and Quresh people also agreed to have a treaty
which was written by Hadrat Ali from Muslims side and
Suhail from Quresh side. Following are the terms agreed by
both parties.
1. Muslims will not perform pilgrimage this year, they will
come next year to do so.
2. Muslims will not stay more than three days in Makkah.
3. Muslims will not bring any arm except one sword.
4. There will be liberty to every tribe to join whether
Muslims or Quresh in the treaty.
5. Any one from Makkah will go with Muhammad (S.A.W)
without the permission of the guardian will be returned
back but any one follower of Muhammad (S.A.W)
returns to Quresh will not be sent back.
6. War should be suspended for ten years.
Apparently terms of treaty were distasteful to Muslims but
Muhammad (S.A.W) agreed on such bitter terms. After the
treaty it was very shocking situation for Muslims when Abu
Jandal son of Suhail who had come in the Muslims Camp
was returned back to the Quresh. He was fastened with
chains and forcely drawn back to the Makkah. There was
wisdom of the Prophet (S.A.W) behind the treaty. After
agreement Muhammad (S.A.W) slaughtered all the camels
which were brought for sacrifice and returned back to
Madina. When the Prophet (S.A.W) was coming back he
received revelation. Surah Fateh (Victory) was revealed in
which the information of success was given to him. In this
way within short span of two year Makkah was conqured
and then Islam spread rapidly throughout the world.

Conquest of Makkah
The terms of treaty were violated by Quresh. Banu Bakar
tribe who was in alliance with Quresh attacked on Banu
Khuza tribe who joined with Muslims. According to peace
treaty it was fault of Banu Bakar tribe. Therefore Prophet
Muhammad (S.A.W) wrote a letter to Abu Sufyan who was
the chief of Quresh that either compensation of loss be
given to Banu Khuza tribe or treaty may be declared null
and void Abu Sufyan declared that the treaty is null and
void. Therefore the Prophet (S.A.W) ordered to muslims for
preparation of war. Troops were prepared and allies were
asked to join in the war. On the other hand Abu Sufyan the
chief of Quresh realized his fault and tried for renewal of the
pact but all his efforts went into vain. The Prophet (S.A.W)
along with his 10,000 soldiers marched to Makkah. When
Muslims army reached near to Makkah, encamped at the
place called Marr-al-Zahran. It was the plan of the Prophet
(S.A.W) that there should be no blood shed in the sacred
city. The holy Prophet (S.A.W) distributed his army into
small groups and ordered them to lit fire during night time
from all sides of Makkah. The idea behind that was that
Quresh may be warned and do not dare to fight with
Muslims. On the other side Abu Sufyan the chief of Quresh
in the darkness of night came out to watch the position of
Muslims army. He was caught up by Muslims soldiers and
was brought before the Prophet (S.A.W). Abu Sufyan with
the advise of Hazrat Abbas accepted religion Islam. In this
way on 10th of Ramzan in 8th Hijri Makkah was conqured.
Muslims army entered into the city with the announcement
that whoever will lock his door will be safe, whoever will get
protection in the house of Abu Sufyan will be safe, whoever
will get protection in the House of Allah, will be safe. The
army entered gently and peacefully in the city. No house
was robed, No women was insulted. Enemies were
pardoned, No one took revenge of the past. It was grand
peaceful victory in the history of mankind. It was not show
of power but to establish supremacy of Allah, the Exalted
power. The Prophet (S.A.W) offered prayer of thanks to
Almighty Allah and broke all idols which were kept in the
House of Allah and recited the verse: “Truth has come and
falsehood has disappeared. Surely falsehood is bound to
disappear” (17:81).

Last Hajj and Farewell Sermon

It was sixty third year of the Prophet’s (S.A.W) life that he
decided to perform last Hajj. He knew that his mission has
been completed and he has to go to the blessed world.
Therefore he wanted to give final touches to his work. When
it was announced, people from all borders started to reach
at Makkah to perform all ceremonies of Hajj in the company
of Muhammad (S.A.W). There were about 114,000 pilgrims
in that last Hajj. The Prophet (S.A.W) started his journey in
the end of Zul-Qaid. When he reached near to Makkah at
the place called Dhul-e-Hulaifa, he passed night there. On
next day he and his followers put on Ihram and entered in
Makkah reciting Talbia (Labaik Allahum Labaik). First the
Prophet (S.A.W) made Tawaf and offered two Rakat prayer
at Maqam-e-Ibrahim and then ran between Safa and
Marwah. On 8th Dhul-Hajj the Prophet (S.A.W) left Makkah
for Mina alongwith his followers. He passed night over
there. Next day after Fajir prayer Muhammad (S.A.W) rode
on his she camel Qaswa and Muslims followed him to
Arafat. It was 9th of Dhul-Hajj, 10th Hijri, 633 A.D, he
delivered the historical sermon.
Following are the main striking points of the sermon.
1. Prophecy about the departure
O people listen to my words because I do not know whether
I shall ever meet again here after this year.
2. Equality and brotherhood
O people listen! you are created from male and female
hence you are brothers. All mankind belong to Hadrat Adam
and Adam is made of dust. There is no race superiority in
Islam. All are equal. Neither Arab is superior over Ajam nor
Ajam is superior over Arab. Superiority lies in piousness
3. Usury and blood revenges are abolished
O people listen! Practices of the past are under my feet.
Blood revenges are remitted and usury and interest is
4. Rights of Women
O people listen! You have certain right over your women
and your women have certain right over you. A women is
guardian of the house and helper so treat gently to women.
5. One responsible for ones action
O people listen! Every one will be responsible for ones
actions on the Day of Judgment. Neither father will be
responsible for son’s action nor son will be responsible for
father’s action.
6. Obedience of the leader
O people! Obey your leader (Amir) though he may be negro
provided he follows the teachings of Al-Quran.
7. Life, Property and honour sacred
O people! Your life, property and honour is sacred to each
other until you appear before Allah.
8. Finality of Prophet hood
O people listen! I am the last Prophet of Allah. There will be
no prophet after me. I am leaving two things, Al Quran and
my Sunnah. If you will hold fast it, you will never be
As soon as the Prophet (S.A.W) completed his sermon, the
last revelation came.
“Today I have perfected your religion for you and completed
my blessings upon you and chosen religion Islam for you”

Sources of Islamic Law

There are three sources of Islamic law:
(i) Al-Quran
(ii) Sunnah
(iii) Jurisprudence

(i) Al-Quran
Al-Quran is fundamental source of Islamic law. Al-
Quran is complete in its contents which include all
decrees of Allah revealed to the Prophet (S.A.W).
This Book has explained and expounded every
directive of Allah. Everything is clear complete and
conclusive. The Book that is free from all doubt is the
first basic source of Islamic law to be followed by
(ii) Sunnah
Sunnah is second important source of Islamic law.
The word sunnah means, a way, customs, behavior
of life or manners. Sunnah was the common law of
Arabs before Islam. After the rise of Islam the term
Sunnah came to mean, the sayings, actions and
silent approval of the Prophet (S.A.W). As such
Sunnah is divided in three kinds.

(i) Sunnah Qauliyah (Sayings)

(ii) Sunnah Failiyah (Actions)
(iii) Sunnah Taqriryah (Silent approval)

(i) Sunnah Qauliyah (Sayings)

Sunnah Qauliyah means sayings of the Prophet
(S.A.W). All such utterance which he
communicated to mankind come under the
heading of Sunnah Qauliyah.

(ii) Sunnah Failiyah (Actions)

It means practical actions or deeds done by the
Prophet (S.A.W). All actions related to worship
or social setup of life come under the heading of
Sunnah Failiyah.

(iii) Sunnah Taqriryah (Silent approval)

Sunnah Taqrirah means silent approval of the
Prophet (S.A.W). Any action done or said about
some matter by the companion in the presence
of the Prophet (S.A.W) and the Prophet (S.A.W)
remained silent. Such silent approval also
comes under the heading of Sunnah.

(iii) Hadith
The word Hadith means any kind of news or verbal
communication. In Islamic terminology it means sayings,
doings and silent approval of the Prophet Muhammad
(S.A.W). As such Hadith is also divided in three kinds (i.e
Quali, Faili & Taqriri).
Basically both the terms Sunnah and Hadith are identical
and co- extensive in sense and usage. There is no
difference between Sunnah and Hadith. It can be defined
that sunnah is substance of the report and Hadith is text of
the report.
Importance of Sunnah
Sunnah is second important source of Islamic law. Sunnah
is regarded as explanatory to the Quran because in some
religious matters there is need of Prophet’s (S.A.W) orders.
The obedience of the Prophet (S.A.W) is also greatly
insisted by the Quran. The holy Book says, “Obey Allah and
obey the Prophet (S.A.W)”. It has also been said that.
“Whoever obeyed the Prophet (S.A.W) surely he obeyed
The Quran clearly states that;
 Obedience of the Prophet’s teaching is incumbent on
every Muslim, Any one who disobeys the Prophet
(S.A.W) will be liable of punishment (04 : 42).
 Obedience of the Prophet (S.A.W) will bring reward of
blessings (04 : 13).
 Obedience of the Prophet (S.A.W) will save from the
severity of the Last Day.

The Obedience of the Prophet (S.A.W) is also necessary

because in some matters there are not clear orders about
modes of worship. For example about purity, prayer, Hajj
and other matters related to social life of Muslims there is
no clear orders about performance of such acts. All such
acts the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) has explained with
his practical actions. Therefore Sunnah is second important
source of Islamic law. It is essential for every Muslim to
follow the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
Surah Hujrat
Surah Hujrat is Madani Surah. It contains eighteen ayat
(verses). It is in 26th para of the holy Quran. It is forty nineth
Surah in the series of Surah. It was revealed in 9th year of
Hijra. This Hijri year in the Islamic history is called ”year of
deputation” because people from all borders were coming
in group form to Madina to embrace religion Islam.

The word Hujrat is plural of Hujra which means room or

dwelling or apartment. In this Surah it means the residential
accommodation of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). The
word Hujrat has been used in ayat #04.

Historical perspective:
This Surah was revealed because people who were coming
to meet Muhammad (S.A.W) were not well acquainted with
manners and morals of civilized society. They belonged to
country side. In many matters related to social life they were
unaware about morals and manners. Therefore this Surah
was revealed to teach etiquettes and manners to the
The Surah teaches moral code to Muslims. In the first five
ayat there are directives for the believers to respect
Muhammad (S.A.W) because people who were coming
from outside didn’t know how to talk and behave with the
Prophet (S.A.W). Some people who were coming from
outside they were calling Muhammad (S.A.W) like an
ordinary man. When Muhammad (S.A.W) used to go for
rest in his dwellings those nomad people used to go there
and call him. This was out of etiquettes because Prophet
Muhammad (S.A.W) was not an ordinary man. He was an
extra ordinary personality and chosen Prophet of Allah.

Moral teachings:
(i) First two ayat teach to Muslims that one should not step
forward in the presence of the Prophet (S.A.W) nor talk
aloud in his presence. People used to talk with the
Prophet (S.A.W) loudly and in an ordinary way. They
were unaware of such noble personality. They were
told to low their voices in the presence of the Prophet
(S.A.W) and pay respect to such great person.
(ii) In fourth ayat it was advised that one should not
call the Prophet (S.A.W) when he is in rest in his room.
It was better to wait till the Prophet (S.A.W) may come

Surah Hujrah also teaches following morals so that there

should be peace and harmony in the society.

(i) The believers of Islam may not trust on the statement

of a liar person. The statement may be ascertained. In
either case there is danger of fight between the people.
(ii) It teaches to make peace based on justice because
all Muslims are brothers.
(iii) It teaches to avoid following unethical actions.
(a) One may not laugh to other person to scorn.
(b) One may not defame to other person.
(c) One may not call with nicknames to others
(d) One may not be suspicion.
(e) One may not spy.
(f) One may not back bite.

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