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Seminar Report

Submitted by

Omkar Ravindra Sangale


Under the guidance of

Mohini Mehta

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University,

This is to certify that the Project entitled “Nanotechnology” submitted by

Omkar Ravindra Sangale (Roll no. 2130331372083) is record of bonafide work
carried out by her under my guidance in the partial fulfilment the requirement for
the award of Degree of B.Tech. in Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering course of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University,
Lonere (Dist. Raigad) in the academic year 2022-2023.

Miss. Mohini Mehta Dr. Sanjay. L. Nalbalwar

(Seminar Guide) ( Professor and Head of
Department of Electronics
& Telecommunication

External Examiner

1. …………………….

Nanotechnology is the science of the nanoscale: objects around a nanometer in size. Our
capacity to construct large, intricate structures with nanometer precision is rapidly changing,
and consists of top-down reductive approaches and bottom-up additive approaches.
Alternatively, nature has perfected an array of biological machinery that functions at the
nanoscale, structures which typically self-assemble driven by the molecular chemistry of
subunit interactions. Here we outline recent developments in nanofabrication and biological
assembly, and introduce methods of super resolution microscopy by which nanoscale
biological systems can be investigated. Nanotechnology includes the development of manmade
or engineered particles and molecular structures that have dimensions in the nanometer range
(typically between 1 and 100 nm in at least one dimension). When combined with
biotechnology components, nanotechnology becomes a powerful new platform with a vast
number of potential applications across a very wide number of practical applications including
agriculture, diagnostic devices, new pharmaceuticals, medical imaging, biological sensors, and
many others. At present, the number of potential forms of nanomaterials available for use in
biotechnological applications includes a growing list of nanoparticles, nanowires, nanofibers,
nanostructures, and nanomachines. The potential for toxicity of nanomaterials is emerging and
showing that there are some materials that have characteristics that may require some degree
of redesign to eliminate the possibility of adverse effects and an exposure risk. Despite the
challenges, the commercialization of nanobiotechnological products appears to have a bright
future, and within 10 years many new products of this nature are likely to be approved and in
use in worldwide markets.









5.1 Improved Transportation 7

5.2 Nanocomposites 7

5.3 Atom Computers 8

5.3.1 High Memory Storage Capacity 8

5.4 Molecular Electronics 9

5.5 Military Applications 10

5.6 Smart Furniture 10

5.7 Solar Energy 10

5.8 Medical Uses 11


6.1 Coherence with Other Science and Engineering Megatrends 13





Fig 1.1 Fullerene Nanogears 2
Fig 2.1 K. Eric Drexler 4
Fig 2.2 Dr. Richard Feynman 4
Fig 3.1 DNA tetrahedron 5
Fig 4.1 Nanoscale 6
Fig 5.1 A nanocomposite structure as viewed under a microscope 8
Fig 7.1 Dye Sensitized Solar 14
Fig 7.2 Nanobots 14
IMB International Business Machines Corporation
NEC National Electrical Code
M-S Junction Metal Semiconductor Junction
MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
FinFET Fin field-effect transistor
UC Berkeley University of California, Berkeley
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
GPS Global Positioning System
US United States
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ESA European Space Agency
RAM Random Access Memory
R&D Research and development


Molecular nanotechnology or Nanotechnology is the name given to a specific sort of

manufacturing technology to build things from the atom up, and to rearrange matter with
atomic precision. In other words, we can say that nanotechnology is a three dimensional
structural control of material and devices at molecular level. The nanoscale structures can be
prepared, characterized, manipulated, and even visualized with tools.
“Nanotechnology is a tool-driven field.”

Other terms, such as molecular engineering or molecular manufacturing are also often applied
when describing this emerging technology. This technology does not yet exist. But, scientists
have recently gained the ability to observe and manipulate atoms directly. However, this is
only one small aspect of a growing array of techniques in nanoscale science and technology.
The ability to make commercial products may yet be a few decades away.

“Nanotechnology is Engineering, Not Science.”

The central thesis of nanotechnology is that almost any chemically stable structure that is not
specifically disallowed by the laws of physics can in fact be built.
Theoretical and computational models indicate that molecular manufacturing systems are
possible — that they do not violate existing physical law. These models also give us a feel for
what a molecular manufacturing system might look like. Melting pot of science combining
applications of physics, chemistry, biology, electronics and computers. Today, scientists are
devising numerous tools and techniques that will be needed to transform nanotechnology from
computer models into reality.

Nanotechnology is often called the science of the small. It is concerned with manipulating
particles at the atomic level, usually in order to form new compounds or make changes to
existing substances. Nanotechnology is being applied to problems in electronics, biology,
genetics and a wide range of business applications.

Matter is composed of small atoms that are closely bound together, making up the molecular
structure, which, in turn determines the density of the concerned material. Since different
factors such as molecular density, malleability, ductility and surface tension come into play,
nanosystems have to be designed in a cost effective manner that overrides these conditions and
helps to create machines capable of withstanding the vagaries of the environment.

Let us take the case of metals. Metals, solids in particular, consist of atoms held together by
strong structural forces, which enable metals to withstand high temperatures. Depending upon

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Lonere-Raigad (402103)

the exertion of force or heat, the molecular structure bends in a particular fashion, thereby
acquiring a definite space in the form of a lattice structure. When the bonding is strong, the
metal is able to withstand pressure. Else it becomes brittle and finally breaks up. So, only the
strongest, the hardest, the highest melting point metals are worth considering as parts of

The trick is to manipulate atoms individually and place them exactly where needed, to produce
the desired structure. It is a challenge for the scientists to understand the size, shape, strength,
force, motion and other properties while designing the nano machines. The idea of
nanotechnology is therefore to master over the characteristics of matter in an intelligent manner
to develop highly efficient systems.

The key aspect of nanotechnology is that nanoscale materials offer different chemical and
physical properties than the bulk materials, and that these properties could form the basis of
new technologies. For example, scientists have learned that the electronic—and hence
optical—properties of nanometer-size particles can be tuned by adjusting the particle size.
According to a recent study by a group at Georgia Institute of Technology, when gold metal is
reduced to nanosize rods, its fluorescence intensity is enhanced over 10 million-fold. The study
found that the wavelength of the emitted light increases linearly with the rod length.

Fig 1.1 Fullerene Nanogears

Scientists currently debate the future implications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology may be

able to create many new materials and devices with a vast range of applications, such as in
nanomedicine, nanoelectronics, biomaterials energy production, and consumer products. On
the other hand, nanotechnology raises many of the same issues as any new technology,
including concerns about the toxicity and environmental impact of nanomaterials, and their

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Lonere-Raigad (402103)

potential effects on global economics, as well as speculation about various doomsday

scenarios. These concerns have led to a on whether special regulation of nanotechnology.

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Lonere-Raigad (402103)

History of Nanotechnology

The term “nano-technology” was first used by Norio Taniguchi in 1974, though it was not
widely known. Inspired by Feynman’s concepts, K. Eric Drexler used the term
“nanotechnology” in his 1986 book Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology,
which proposed the idea of a nanoscale “assembler” which would be able to build a copy of
itself and of other items of arbitrary complexity with atomic control. Also in 1986, Drexler
cofounded The Foresight Institute (with which he is no longer affiliated) to help increase public
awareness and understanding of nanotechnology concepts and implications.

The emergence of nanotechnology as a field in the 1980s occurred through convergence of

Drexler’s theoretical and public work, which developed and popularized a conceptual
framework for nanotechnology, and high-visibility experimental advances that drew additional
wide-scale attention to the prospects of atomic control of matter. In the 1980s, two major
breakthroughs sparked the growth of nanotechnology in the modern era. First, the invention of
the scanning tunneling microscope in 1981 which provided unprecedented visualization of
individual atoms and bonds, and was successfully used to manipulate individual atoms in 1989.
The microscope’s developers Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer at IBM Zurich Research
Laboratory received a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986.Binnig, Quate and Gerber also invented
the analogous atomic force microscope that year.

Second, fullerenes were discovered in 1985 by Harry Kroto, Richard Smalley, and Robert Curl,
who together won the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. C60 was not initially described as
nanotechnology; the term was used regarding subsequent work with related carbon nanotubes
(sometimes called graphene tubes or Bucky tubes) which suggested potential applications for
nanoscale electronics and devices. The discovery of carbon nanotubes is largely attributed to
Sumio Iijima of NEC in 1991,[14] for which Iijima won the inaugural 2008 Kavli Prize in

A nanolayer-base metal–semiconductor junction (M–S junction) transistor was initially

proposed by A. Rose in 1960, and fabricated by L. Geppert, Mohamed Atalla and Dawon
Kahng in 1962. Decades later, advances in multi-gate technology enabled the scaling of metal–
oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) devices down to nano-scale levels
smaller than 20 nm gate length, starting with the FinFET (fin field-effect transistor), a
threedimensional, non-planar, double-gate MOSFET. At UC Berkeley, a team of researchers
including Digh Hisamoto, Chenming Hu, Tsu-Jae King Liu, Jeffrey Bokor and others
fabricated FinFET devices down to a 17 nm process in 1998, then 15 nm in 2001, and then 10
nm in 2002.

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Lonere-Raigad (402103)

In the early 2000s, the field garnered increased scientific, political, and commercial attention
that led to both controversy and progress. Controversies emerged regarding the definitions and
potential implications of nanotechnologies, exemplified by the Royal Society’s report on
nanotechnology. Challenges were raised regarding the feasibility of applications envisioned
by advocates of molecular nanotechnology, which culminated in a public debate between
Drexler and Smalley in 2001 and 2003.

Fig2.1 K. Eric Drexler

Fig 2.2 Dr. Richard Feynman

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The nanomaterials field includes subfields which develop or study materials having unique
properties arising from their nanoscale dimensions.

• Interface and colloid science has given rise to many materials which may be useful in
nanotechnology, such as carbon nanotubes and other fullerenes, and various
nanoparticles and nanorods. Nanomaterials with fast ion transport are related also to
nanoionics and nanoelectronics.
• Nanoscale materials can also be used for bulk applications; most present commercial
applications of nanotechnology are of this flavour.
• Progress has been made in using these materials for medical applications; see
• Nanoscale materials such as nanopillars are sometimes used in solar cells which
combats the cost of traditional silicon solar cells.
• Development of applications incorporating semiconductor nanoparticles to be used in
the next generation of products, such as display technology, lighting, solar cells and
biological imaging; see quantum dots.
• Recent application of nanomaterials include a range of biomedical applications, such
as tissue engineering, drug delivery, antibacterials and biosensors perimentally and

Fig 3.1
This DNA tetrahedron is an artificially designed nanostructure of the type made in the
field Of DNA nanotechnology. Each edge of the tetrahedron is a 20 base pair DNA
double helix, And each vertex is a three-arm junction.

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Lonere-Raigad (402103)


The nanoscopic scale (or nanoscale) usually refers to structures with a length scale applicable
to nanotechnology, usually cited as 1–100 nanometers. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter.
The nanoscopic scale is (roughly speaking) a lower bound to the mesoscopic scale for most

For technical purposes, the nanoscopic scale is the size at which fluctuations in the averaged
properties (due to the motion and behavior of individual particles) begin to have a significant
effect (often a few percent) on the behavior of a system, and must be taken into account in its
analysis.[citation needed]

The nanoscopic scale is sometimes marked as the point where the properties of a material
change; above this point, the properties of a material are caused by ‘bulk’ or ‘volume’ effects,
namely which atoms are present, how they are bonded, and in what ratios. Below this point,
the properties of a material change, and while the type of atoms present and their relative
orientations are still important, ‘surface area effects’ (also referred to as quantum effects)
become more apparent – these effects are due to the geometry of the material (how thick it is,
how wide it is, etc.), which, at these low dimensions, can have a drastic effect on quantized
states, and thus the properties of a material.

On October 8, 2014, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Eric Betzig, William
Moerner and Stefan Hell for “the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy”,
which brings “optical microscopy into the nanodimension”. Super resolution imaging helped
define the nanoscopic process of substrate presentation.

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Lonere-Raigad (402103)

What Will We Be Able To Make?

5.1 Improved Transportation

Strength-to-weight ratio over 40 times that of aerospace aluminum. Diamond is expensive, we
can’t make it in the shapes we want, and it shatters.

Nanotechnology will let us inexpensively make shatterproof diamond (with a structure that
might resemble diamond fibers) in exactly the shapes we want. This would let us make a
Boeing 747 whose unloaded weight was 40 times lighter but just as strong.

Pensive and reserved for an elite few. Nanotechnology will dramatically reduce the costs and
increase the capabilities of space ships and space flight. The strength-to-weight ratio and the
cost of components are absolutely critical to the performance and economy of space ships: with
nanotechnology, both of these parameters will be improved. Beyond inexpensively providing
remarkably light and strong materials for space ships, nanotechnology will also provide
extremely powerful computers with which to guide both those ships and a wide range of other
activities in space.

5.1.1 Intelligent Cars

In a few decades your car will know the freeway conditions on your favourite route to home.
The GPS installed would take the easiest route possible and the computer system would
calculate the instantaneous speed and history of every vehicle between you and your
destination. The car could be set on auto mode allowing you to read your favorited novel. On
the auto mode, the car would be smart enough to avoid any collisions with other vehicles and
take safety measures if you happen to sleep off.

You won’t have to hunt for the parking space. The car would find and reserve a parking space
for you. Many prototypes of such cars have been tested in Europe, the US and Japan.

5.2 Nanocomposites
A plastic Nanocomposites is being used for “step assists” in the GM Safari and Astro Vans. It
is scratch-resistant, lightweight, and rustproof, and generates improvements in strength and
reductions in weight, which lead to fuel savings and increased.

18 nanotechnology longevity. And in 2001, Toyota started using nanocomposites in a bumper

that makes it 60% lighter and twice as resistant to denting and scratching impact: Will likely
be used on other GM and Toyota models soon, and in other areas of their vehicles, as well as

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Lonere-Raigad (402103)

the other auto manufactures, lowering weight, increasing mileage, and creating longer-lasting
autos. Likely to impact repair shops (fewer repairs needed) and auto insurance companies
(fewer claims). Will also likely soon be seen everywhere weight, weatherproofing, durability,
and strength are important factors. Expect NASA, the ESA, and other space-faring
organizations to take a serious look, soon, which will eventually result in lower lift costs, which
will result in more material being lifted into space.

[Fig 5.1 a Nano composite structure as viewed under a microscope]

5.3 Atom Computers

Today, computer chips are made using lithography -- literally, "stone writing." If the computer
hardware revolution is to continue at its current pace, in a decade or so we'll have to move
beyond lithography to some new post lithographic manufacturing technology. Ultimately, each
logic element will be made from just a few atoms.

Designs for computer gates with less than 1,000 atoms have already been proposed -- but each
atom in such a small device has to be in exactly the right place. To economically build and
interconnect trillions upon trillions of such small and precise devices in a complex three-
dimensional pattern we'll need a manufacturing technology well beyond today's lithography:
we'll need nanotechnology.

With it, we should be able to build mass storage devices that can store more than a hundred
billion billion bytes in a volume the size of a sugar cube; RAM that can store a mere billion
billion bytes in such a volume; and massively parallel computers of the same size that can
deliver a billion billion instructions per second.

5.3.1 High Memory Storage Capacity

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Lonere-Raigad (402103)

The first application that comes to mind is a very high -density memory. The minimum spot-
size demonstrated in the new work is 10 angstroms, though a somewhat larger size might be
required in practice. If we assume that a single bit can be read or written into a 10 angstrom
square, then a one square centimeter surface can hold 1014 bits. That's one hundred terabytes.
The 100 nanosecond pulse time sets a 10.

megabit/second maximum write rate, though this might be degraded for other reasons. At this
rate, it would take several months to a year of constant writing to fill a one square centimeter
memory. Access times will probably be limited by the time needed to move the needle--which
might be a significant fraction of a second to travel one centimeter--giving access times similar
to those on current disk drives. The manufacturing cost of such a system is unclear, but the
basic components do not seem unduly expensive. It seems safe to predict that someone in the
not-too-distant future is going to build a low-cost very large capacity secondary storage device
(disk replacement) based on this technology.

The larger implication of this work, however, is that it may put us on the threshold of controlled
molecular manipulation. The great virtue of this technique is that we need not imagine it at all-
-it is real and is being pursued in Bell Laboratory and at IBM Almaden.

5.4 Molecular Electronics

Molecular electronics is a revolutionary idea to a tend maximum miniaturization, instead of
using transistor’s ‘on’ and ‘off’ states for implementing ones and zeros respectively, the
characteristics of electrons may be used for the same. Positive and negative spins can be used
to implement one and zero respectively.

The idea is new and it will be take time for its implementation. But this will be the ultimate
destination in the quest for miniaturization.

Molecular electronics is based on a new organic material that lead to a biological or chemical
computer. A new radical information processing systems is being thought where organic cells
or the bacteria will act as basic components.

Living organisms are made up of organic compounds. And as such, thinking functions can be
easily realized in such a system. Due to biological level scale the high density circuits may be

One example of a natural molecular device is the bacterial photo reaction center. Analogous
devices have been successfully made through the synthesis of single and complex molecules,
which release charge on photo excitation.

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Lonere-Raigad (402103)

5.5 Military Applications

Today, "smart" weapons are fairly big -- we have the "smart bomb" but not the "smart bullet".
In the future, even weapons as small as a single bullet co20ld pack more computer power than
the largest supercomputer in existence today, allowing them to perform real time image
analysis of their surroundings and communicate with weapons tracking systems to acquire and
navigate to targets with greater precision and control.

We'll also be able to build weapons both inexpensively and much more rapidly, at the same
time taking full advantage of the remarkable materials properties of diamond. Rapid and
inexpensive manufacture of great quantities of stronger more precise weapons guided by
massively increased computational power will alter the way we fight wars. Changes of this
magnitude could destabilize existing power structures in unpredictable ways. Military
applications of nanotechnology raise a number of concerns that prudence suggests we begin to
investigate before, rather than after, we develop this new technology.

5.6 Smart Furniture

Doctors warned against the way many people sit for hours together, and recommend a little bit
of exercise. But what if the furniture itself changes its shape to accommodate us comfortably.

The concept of adaptive furniture have caught the fancy of many designers who value the
aesthetic design and the overall getup and feel of furniture. Smart furniture of the future could
be fitted with microchips that help the furniture concerned to behave and changed accordingly
depending upon the posture of the person. Nanotechnology would be the enabler of adaptive
structures in furniture.

Today we have furniture that adapts to the human body, but it does so in awkward and
incomplete manner. A chair adapts because it is a hinge contraption that grudgingly bends and
extends in a few places to suit the preferred position.

5.7 Solar Energy

Nanotechnology will cut costs both of the solar cells and the equipment needed to deploy them,
making solar power economical. In this application we need not make new or technically
superior solar cells: making inexpensively what we already know how to make expensively
would move solar power into the mainstream.

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Lonere-Raigad (402103)

5.8 Medical Uses

It is not modern medicine that does the healing, but the cells themselves: we are but onlookers.
If we had surgical tools that were molecular both in their size and precision, we could develop
a medical technology that for the first time would let us directly heal the injuries at the
molecular and cellular level that are the root causes of disease and ill health. With the precision
of drugs combined with the intelligent guidance of the surgeon's scalpel, we can expect a
quantum leap in our medical capabilities.

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Lonere-Raigad (402103)

A Role For Engineering
Physical, chemical, biological, materials and engineering sciences have arrived to nanoscale
about the same time. Engineering plays an important role because when we refer to
nanotechnology we speak about ‘systems’ at nanoscale, where the treatment of simultaneous
phenomena in multibody assemblies would require integration of disciplinary methods of
investigation and an engineering system approach. The manipulation of a large system of
molecules is equally challenging to a thermodynamics engineer researcher as it is to a single-
electron physics researcher. They need to work together. Engineering needs to redefine its
domain of relevance to effectively take this role in conjunction with other disciplines.

Several reasons for an increased role of engineering are:

 Nanotechnology deals with systems at nanoscale which are hierarchically Integrated in

architectures at larger scales.
 Multiple phenomenon act simultaneous. Nanotechnology requires the Integration of
the methods of investigation from various disciplines in order to understand
macroscopic phenomena, define transport coefficients, optimize processes and design
 Nanotechnology implies the ability to manipulate the matter under control at the
nanoscale and integrate manufacturing along scales. Main challenges are creation of
tailored structures at the nanoscale, and combination of the bottomup and top-down
approaches to generate nanostructured devices and systems.
 Development of tools and processes to measure calibrate and manufacture the
engineering community needs to redefine the role of engineering from analysis, design
and manufacturing mainly at the macro- and micro- scales towards the ‘nanoscale
engineering’; improve education and training of engineers to better understand
phenomena and processes from the atomic, molecular and macromolecular levels; and
address problem-driven and interdisciplinary nanotechnology R&D where engineering
plays an important role.

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Lonere-Raigad (402103)

6.1 Coherence With Other Science And Engineering Megatrends

Six increasingly interconnected megatrends in science and engineering are perceived as
dominating the scene for the next decades:

 Information and computing.

 Nanoscale science and engineering.
 Biology and bio-environmental approaches.
 Medical science and eventually enhancing human.
 Cognitive science concerned with exploring and enhancing intellectual.

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Lonere-Raigad (402103)

Advantages Of Nanotechnology
 Suitability for low cost, high volume production.
 Reduce size,mass and power consumption.
 High functionality
 Improve reliability and robustness

The applications of nanotechnology, commonly incorporate industrial, medicinal, and

energy uses. These include more durable construction materials, therapeutic drug delivery,
and higher density hydrogen fuel cells that are environmentally friendly. Bein that
nanoparticles and nanodevices are highly versatile through modification of their
physiochemical properties, they have found uses in nanoscale electronics, cancer
treatments, vaccines, hydrogen fuel cells, and nanographene batteries.

Nanotechnology’s use of smaller sized materials allows for adjustment of molecules and
substances at the nanoscale level, which can further enhance the mechanical properties of
materials or grant access to less physically accessible areas of the body.

Fig 7.1 Fig 7.2

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Lonere-Raigad (402103)

The work in nanotechnology is being carried out not just on the materials of the future, but also
the tools that will allow us to use these ingredients to create products.

Experimental work has already resulted in the production of scanning tunneling microscope,
molecular tweezers, and logic devices. Theoretical work in the construction of nano-computers
is progressing as well. Taking all of this into account, it is clear that the technology is feasible.

Nanotechnology is expected to have a profound impact on our economy and society in the 21 st
century, from the development of better, faster, stronger, smaller, and cheaper systems.
Nanotechnology provides a far more powerful capability. We cannot make powerful
computers, defense, environment and medicine, but also in a higher standard of living for
everyone on the planet.

Nanotechnology- the science is good, the engineering is feasible, the paths of approach are
many, the consequences are revolutionary-times-revolutionary, and the schedule is: in our

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Lonere-Raigad (402103)


1. Drexler, K. Eric (1986). Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology.

Doubleday. ISBN 978-0-385-19973-5.

2. Drexler, K. Eric (1992). Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and

Computation. New York: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-57547-4.

3. Cho, Hongsik; Pinkhassik, Eugene; David, Valentin; Stuart, John; Hasty, Karen (31
May 2015). “Detection of early cartilage damage using targeted nanosomes in a post-
traumatic osteoarthritis mouse Model”. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology
and Medicine. 11 (4): 939–946. doi:10.1016/j.nano.2015.01.011. PMID 25680539.

4. Kerativitayanan, Punyavee; Carrow, James K.; Gaharwar, Akhilesh K. (May 2015).

“Nanomaterials for Engineering Stem Cell Responses”. Advanced Healthcare
Materials. 4 (11): 1600– 27. Doi:10.1002/adhm.201500272. PMID 26010739. S2CID

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Lonere-Raigad (402103)

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