Latihan Fluida Dinamis

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Politeknik Negeri Jember

Program Studi Mesin Otomotif

Fluida Dinamis
Alex Taufiqurrohman Zain, S.Si., M.T.
Latihan 1.

Water flows in the pipe as shown in figure. There are two pipes
connected, big pipe (A1) and small pipe (A2). It is known that the diameter
of the big pipe (d1) is 8 cm with the speed of the water flow (v1) is 4 𝑚Τ𝑠.
While the diameter of the small pipe (d2) is 4 cm, then Determine:
a. The speed of water through a small pipe (v2)
b. The rate of flow from water that flows in a small pipe (Q2) every hour.

A1 A2
Latihan 2.

A mountain water pipe installation was

installed with difference pipe size and
height. Water is flowed through a pipe like
in the picture. At point 1 it is known from
the measurement, water velocity (v1) is
0,75 𝑚Τ𝑠 and the pressure is (P1) 12300 Pa
and height (h1) of 0,5 m. At point 2,
smaller pipe has a height (h2) of 1.2 m And
flows at a speed (v2) of 3 𝑚Τ𝑠. If water
density () is 997 𝑘𝑔ൗ𝑚3 . Determine the
pressure in the pipe 2. noted that gravity
(g) is 10 𝑚Τ𝑠2
Latihan 3.

A venturimeter without manometer has a big pipe area

(A1) 10 cm2 and a small pipe area (A2) 5 cm2 is used to
measure the velocity of water flow. If the height difference
of water surface (h) is 15 cm. Calculate the velocity of
water in big area (v1) and velocity of water in small area
Latihan 4.

A pitot tube without a manometer is mounted on

the underside of an aircraft wing. If the air density
() is 1.2 ൗ𝑚3, and the air pressure in pipe 1 (P1)

is 18640 Pa and the air pressure in pipe 2 (P2) is

8640 Pa, then determine the air velocity at the
bottom of the aircraft (v).

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