The Sound Machine.... MCQ - Google Forms

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7/17/22, 4:52 PM The Sound Machine

The Sound Machine

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MCQ....20 mks

3. 1.Dr, Scott came to see Klausner because he had sickness in his 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 ear

Option 2 throat

Option 3 tongue

Option 4 eye

4. 2. Which of the following about Klausner is not true? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 he was a tall man

Option 2 he was a small man

Option 3 he wore glasses

Option 4 he moved his fingers quickly 1/7
7/17/22, 4:52 PM The Sound Machine

5. 3. The woman on the other side of the fence----- 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 had gloves on both hands

Option 2 was holding an umbrella

Option 3 had a flower basket in her arm

Option 4 laughed loudly as she looked at Klausner

6. 4. 'Cut another, one! Please cut another one quickly!' Who is the speaker? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 Scott

Option 2 Mrs. Saunders

Option 3 a neighbour

Option 4 Klausner

7. 5. Mrs. Saunders was of the opinion that Klausner was a ..... man 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 intelligent

Option 2 harmless

Option 3 interesting

Option 4 selfish

8. 6. Klausner was obsessed with---- 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 noise

Option 2 feelings

Option 3 sights

Option 4 sounds 2/7
7/17/22, 4:52 PM The Sound Machine

9. 7. Physically Klausner is---- 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 small. hairy, fat

Option 2 small. pale, ugly

Option 3 small. pale, thin

Option 4 small, pale, fat

10. 8. Dr, Scott is.... 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 calm, self assured, tolerant

Option 2 nervous, sceptical, inquisitive

Option 3 nervous, selfish, intolerant

Option 4 calm, self centered, lazy

11. 9. Where is Klausner's workshop? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 the doctor's shed

Option 2 a hospital

Option 3 his garden shed

Option 4 a prison yard

12. 10. What does the narrator compare the shape of a sound machine to? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 an artillery case

Option 2 a child's coffin

Option 3 a briefcase

Option 4 a shoebox 3/7
7/17/22, 4:52 PM The Sound Machine

13. 11. What does Klausner do while tinkering with the wires? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 talk softly to himself

Option 2 listen to music

Option 3 look at the plants

Option 4 shout at his neighbour

14. 12.What is the mood in the workshop when the Doctor asks Klausner 1 point

about his bo/

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 haunting

Option 2 frightening

Option 3 tense

Option 4 drab

15. 13. What does Klausner say is the upper limit of the human range hearing? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 20,000 vibrations a second

Option 2 15,000 vibrations a second

Option 3 5,000 vibrations a second

Option 4 he does not say anything 4/7
7/17/22, 4:52 PM The Sound Machine

16. 14. What does the Doctor believe there is ' immeasurable distance' 1 point


Mark only one oval.

Option 1 reality and fantasy

Option 2 Klausner's body and mind

Option 3 forces of good and evil

Option 4 garden shed and the park

17. 15. What does Klausner hear that makes a shriek? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 lily stems being cut

Option 2 his neighbour

Option 3 rose stems being cut

Option 4 the tall tree being axed

18. 16. The black box with lots of wires inside was about----- 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 3 metres long

Option 2 3 metres high

Option 3 3 feet long

Option 4 3 feet high 5/7
7/17/22, 4:52 PM The Sound Machine

19. 17. '..... he jumped and caught hold of the edge of the table'. Why did he do 1 point


Mark only one oval.

Option 1 a sudden wind blew towards him

Option 2 he heard a terrible scream

Option 3 his neighbour shouted at him

Option 4 the sound machine fell on him

20. 18.'Its alive, isn't it?' Here the speaker is referring to..... as 'it' 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 a rose plant

Option 2 an insect

Option 3 a child

Option 4 a small white flower

21. 19.  Who says this and why? ' I had to run for my life'. 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 Klausner, the sound machine had falling on him

Option 2 Klausner, a huge branch of a tree was falling right towards him

Option 3 Scott, a huge branch of a tree was falling right towards him

Option 4 Scott, the sound machine was damaged

22. 20.The story has the aspects of 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 shock, interest

Option 2 intrigue, mystery

Option 3 clarity, astonishment

Option 4 supernatural, fear 6/7
7/17/22, 4:52 PM The Sound Machine

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