A Survey On Hostel Facilities

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A survey on hostel facilities at Politeknik Seberang Perai

Instruction : this survey is carried out to find information about the survey of facilities among the
students of politeknik seberang perai. Please take time for you to answer the question below. Your
response will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Part 1 : background information

1. Gender

male female

2. Department

commerce civil engineering

Electrical engineering mechanical engineering

3. Hostel :

Part 2 : hostel facilities

Please tick where necessary.

4. Is the closet in your room too small ?

Yes No

5. Are the toilet on your level / your block flushable ?

Yes No

6. Are the windows in your room rusty ?

Yes No

7. Is your door or doorknob loose ?

Yes No

8. Does your level / block bathroom have a showerhead ?

Yes No
For statement, 9-15 please respond to the statement by using the scale below.

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5
9 I think the furniture in the hostel to be changed by the

10 The hostel needs to modify the showerhead in each

toilet block of the hostel.

11 Cleaners have to clean toilets and garbage in each

block twice a week.

12 I think the windows so that they can open wider.

13 Loose doors need to be replaced.

14 Loose doorknob should be screwed firmly.

15 I think the hostel management needs to take care of

the inventory form, which is the hostel form about
the condition of the furniture and so on in the hostel.

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