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Read this Case Study and answer the following questions:

A A&A that runs a chain of hospitals in Karachi has decided to start a new computer program
to manage patients, admit-in, and discharge of patients. Currently, A&A has software that can
carry out these tasks for an individual hospital. This is problematic since, for example, if one
hospital is full and receives a new patient request, the A&A tries to locate a suitable bed in
another of its hospital; it is then necessary for hospital management to ring around the other
hospitals. Similar problems arise if a patient wants to transfer to another hospital that has better

A&A requires a new web application that should resolve the existing system problem by
implementing a single, common patient admission and discharge system across the whole
chain. Additionally, the A&A wishes to gain a competitive edge with a frequent-guest program
to encourage repeat patient who readmits will be given discounts and other benefits, such as
free medication.

The new system should provide a system admin with the ability to add a new hospital to the
system. Additionally, hospital managers should be able to add and remove rooms and room
types to and from the system in response to activities such as building work.

Currently, each hospital deals only with admission requests made by phone or email, but the
future system must also deal with admission requests made directly from a web browser.
Payments are currently dealt with by each hotel, but a web browser reservation will require the
customer (patient) to enter details of a debit/credit card account and make the admission in the
new system. The amount will be debited automatically on the admission day. In the event of a
late cancellation (less than 24 hours before the patient admits date) or a ‘no show’ the patient
will automatically be charged for a one-day admission charge. The total charges to the patient
with medication via the Web will be recorded weekly.

The admission process begins in a new system when someone contacts the receptionist,
normally by phone. The receptionist will reserve a bed/room in a particular hospital and get
patient details. The receptionist may make confirm the room for the patient. The cancellation
process begins when someone calls from the patient family, and the receptionist will cancel the
admission booking by giving the admission number or the dates, name and address of the
patient. When the patient arrives in the hospital, the patient gives his details to the hospital
receptionist, who enters his/her information into the system. The system stores the details for
that admission so that the receptionist can confirm the patient. The web system allocates an
appropriate bed to that patient and opens a bill file for the duration of the stay and medication.
The receptionist issues a patient card and room access. The patient returns their card to the
reception desk at the time of discharge from the hospital. The software system uses the patient
number to identify and complete the patient bill.
Question 1:
Write down functional and non-functional requirements of new system. Also write
the class/type of non-functional requirements

Functional requirements:

A. Registration

1.Add patients - The system shall allow front-desk staff to add new patients to the system.

2.Assign ID - The system shall allow front-desk staff to give each patient an ID and add it to
the patient’s record. This ID shall be used by the patient throughout his/her stay in hospital

B. Consultation

3.Assign Ward - The consulting nurse shall use system to assign the patient to an appropriate

4.Assign to Waiting List - The consulting nurse shall use system to assign Patient to a waiting
list if no bed is available.

C. Medical matter management

5.AssignDoctor - The administrative staff in the ward shall use system to assign a doctor to a
given patient.

6.Assign Nurse - The administration staff in the ward shall use system to assign a nurse to a
given patient.

7.Inform Doctors - The system shall inform doctors of new patients.

8.Inform Nurses - The system shall inform nurses of new patients.

9.Emergency Case - In an emergency case, the administrative staff shall use system to assign
an emergency room, doctors and nurses to the patient immediately.

10.Surgery case - In a surgery case, the administrative staff shall use system to assign a surgery
room, surgeon and nurses to the patient.

11.Generate Report (normal) - The system shall generate the patient’s situation record every
two hours for normal patients.

12.Generate Report(Severe) - The system shall generate patient’s situation record every half
hour for severe patients.

13.Record procedure - The whole treatment procedure for the patient shall be recorded by the

14.Inform patient - The system shall automatically inform the patients who are on the bed
waiting list of available beds whenever they become available.

D. Check Out

15.Delete Patient ID - The administrative staff in the ward shall be allowed to delete the ID of
the patient from the system when the patient checks out.

16.Add to beds-available list - The administrative staff in the ward shall be allowed to put the
beds just evacuated in beds-available list.

E. Report Generation

17.Patient information - Every six hours the system shall generate reports on patients about the
following information: patient’s PHN, patient’s name, ward name, bed number and the doctor’s

18.Bed Availability - Every six hours the system shall generate reports on bed availability about
the following information: ward name, bed number, occupied/unoccupied
19.Staff Schedule - Every six hours the system shall generate reports on staff schedule about
the following information: staff ID, staff name, staff type, duty shift.

F. Database

20.Patient Mandatory Information - Each patient shall have the following mandatory
information: first name, last name, phone number, personal health number, address, postal
code, city, country, patient identification number.

21.Update Patient Information - The system shall allow the user to update any of the patient’s

22.Search for Patient - The system shall allow the user to search for patient’s information by
last name or PHN or patient ID.

23.Staff Mandatory Information - Each staff in hospital shall have the following mandatory
information: identification number, first name, last name, phone number, address, postal code,
city, country, employee type, duty schedule.

24.Update Staff Information - The system shall allow the user to update any of the staff’s
information as described in SRS023.

25.Employee Information - The system shall allow the user to search for employee information
by last name, or ID number.

26.Ward Types - The ward is categorized into four types: Maternity, Surgical, Cancer and

27.Ward Information - Each ward in system shall include the following mandatory information:
ward name, ward number, list of rooms in ward.

28.Room Information - Each room in system shall include the following mandatory
information: room number, list of beds in room, full/not full.

29.Bed Information - Each bed in system shall include the following information: bed number,
occupied/unoccupied, patient PHN.
G. Design Constraints

30.Database - The system shall use the MySQL Database, which is open source and free.

31.Operating System - The Development environment shall be Windows 2000.

32.Web-Based - The system shall be a Web-based application.

Non-Functional Requirements:

A. Security

1.Patient Identification - The system requires the patient to identify himself /herself using PHN

2.Logon ID - Any user who uses the system shall have a Logon ID and Password.

3.Modification - Any modification (insert, delete, update) for the Database shall be
synchronized and done only by the administrator in the ward.

4.Front Desk staff Rights - Front Desk staff shall be able to view all information in system, add
new patients to system but shall not be able to modify any information in it.

5.Administrators' Rights - Administrators shall be able to view and modify all information in

6.Nurses' Rights - Nurses shall only be able to view all information in system.

7.Doctors Rights - Doctors shall only be able to view all information in system

B. Performance Requirements

8.Response Time - The system shall give responses in 1 second after checking the patient’s

9.Capacity - The System must support 1000 people at a time.

10.User-interface - The user-interface screen shall respond within 5 seconds.

11.Conformity - The systems must conform to the Microsoft Accessibility guidelines

C. Maintainability

12.Back Up - The system shall provide the capability to back-up the Data

13.Errors - The system shall keep a log of all the errors.

D. Reliability


The system should be available all the time.

1. All hospitals in the chain should be able to use the system to handle patient admission,
discharge, and transfer.
2. Requests for admittance made over the phone, by email, or through a web browser
ought to be handled by the system.
3. It should be possible for the system to handle payments made via debit or credit card
4. The system needs to enable the system administrator to include new hospitals.
5. In response to building work, the system should enable hospital management to add
and delete certain room types.
6. The system should provide a single, common patient admission and discharge system
across the whole chain of hospitals.
7. The system should allow the A&A system admin to add a new hospital to the system.
8. Hospital managers should be able to add and remove rooms and room types to and from
the system.
9. The system should handle admission requests made by phone, email, and web browser.
10. The system should record weekly charges to the patient with medication via the web.
11. The system should allocate an appropriate bed to each patient.
12. The system should open a bill file for the duration of the stay and medication.
13. The system should issue a patient card and room access.
14. The system should identify and complete the patient bill using the patient number.
Non-functional requirements

1. Performance: The system should be capable of handling many concurrent users and
transactions without experiencing any lag.
2. Usability: The interface should be simple to use, with error warnings and instructions
that are straightforward and to the point.
3. Security: The system should make sure that patient and payment information is kept
confidential and accurate.
4. Reliability: There should be little to no downtime for maintenance, and the system
should be accessible and running always.
5. Scalability: The system needs to be able to handle future hospital chain development.
6. Performance: The system should be able to handle a large number of requests from
multiple sources in a timely manner.
7. Security: The system should ensure the privacy and security of patient data and
debit/credit card details.
8. Usability: The system should be user-friendly and easy to navigate for hospital staff
and patients.
9. Availability: The system should be available 24/7 to handle admission requests and
10. Reliability: The system should be reliable and minimize the risk of system failure or

Class of non-functional requirements: Performance, Usability, Security, Reliability, and

Scalability are the classes of non-functional requirements
Type of Non-Functional Requirements:
➢ Performance: Response Time, Throughput, Capacity
➢ Security: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Accountability
➢ Usability: Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, Error Prevention and Recovery,
User Satisfaction
➢ Availability: Reliability, Maintainability, Scalability
➢ Reliability: Availability, Recoverability, Data Integrity, Data Consistency.
2. Write two user stories for a ‘Receptionist’ role in a new system.
User Story 1:
As a receptionist, I want to reserve a bed/room for a patient in a particular hospital and obtain
patient details in order to facilitate the admission process.
The receptionist is responsible for initiating the admission process when a patient contacts the
hospital. To facilitate this process, the receptionist needs to be able to reserve a bed or room
for the patient in a particular hospital and gather necessary details about the patient. This feature
will enable the receptionist to efficiently handle the admission process by quickly reserving a
bed or room and gathering patient details such as name, address, phone number, and medical
history. The receptionist needs to be able to perform these tasks quickly and accurately to
ensure a smooth admission process.
User Story 2:
As a receptionist, I want to issue a patient card and provide room access at the time of
admission so that the patient can easily access their room and other facilities during their stay.

When a patient arrives at the hospital, the receptionist needs to issue a patient card and
provide room access to the patient. This feature will enable the patient to easily access their
room and other facilities during their stay. The patient card will also contain the patient's
identification number, which will be used to identify the patient during their stay and for
billing purposes. The receptionist needs to be able to issue patient cards quickly and
accurately to ensure that the patient can access their room and other facilities without any
delay. Providing room access at the time of admission will ensure that the patient can settle in
quickly and comfortably.

Answer the following questions based on the new System.

a. What are the actors in the above case study?

b. What are the use cases in the above case study?

c. Draw the use case diagram of the above case study ?


a. Actors in the above case study are:

A&A Chain of Hospitals: It is the primary actor who owns the system and requires a new
web application to manage patient admission, discharge, and transfer across all of its

System Admin: It is the secondary actor who is responsible for adding new hospitals to the
system, managing hospital details, and monitoring the system's overall performance.

Hospital Manager: It is the secondary actor who is responsible for adding and removing
rooms and room types in response to activities such as building work.

Receptionist: It is the secondary actor who is responsible for managing the admission
process, confirming room booking, collecting patient details, and issuing patient cards.

b. What are the use cases in the above case study?

The use cases in the above case study are:

Add Hospital: This use case allows the System Admin to add a new hospital to the system.

Manage Hospital Details: This use case allows the System Admin to manage hospital
details such as hospital name, location, contact details, and performance metrics.

Manage Room Details: This use case allows the Hospital Manager to manage room details
such as room type, availability, and price.

Manage Patient Admission: This use case allows the Receptionist to manage the patient
admission process, confirm room booking, collect patient details, issue patient cards, and
store patient information in the system.
Manage Patient Discharge: This use case allows the Receptionist to manage the patient
discharge process, collect patient cards, and calculate the total charges for medication and
other services.

Manage Patient Transfer: This use case allows the Receptionist to manage the patient transfer
process across hospitals and update the system with relevant patient information.
c. Draw the use case diagram of the above case study ?


Answer the following question.

a. When Dr. Aisha and I read the above case study, we both have a conflict to select the
right methodology. According to Dr.Aisha Scrum is the right software development
method for the above case study. However, according to me, phase or prototype is the
correct method. As a software engineer, guide and explained to us the right software
development method (scrum, phase, or prototype). What are the advantages and
disadvantages (at least two) of the selected methodology?
When it comes to selecting the right software development methodology for a project, there
are several options to choose from, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In the
case of A&A's new hospital management system, Dr. Aisha suggested using the Scrum
methodology, while the software engineer suggested using either the phased or prototype

Scrum is an Agile software development methodology that emphasizes iterative and

incremental development. It involves a series of sprints, where small portions of the overall
project are completed in short cycles. The advantage of using Scrum is that it allows for more
flexibility and adaptability to changing requirements, and it encourages collaboration and
communication among team members. However, it requires a dedicated team and a
significant amount of planning and coordination, which can be challenging for smaller teams
or projects with limited resources.

On the other hand, the phased approach involves dividing the project into distinct phases,
each with its own goals and deliverables. Each phase must be completed before moving on to
the next, and changes are limited once a phase has been completed. This approach is useful
for projects with well-defined requirements and a fixed timeline, as it provides a clear
roadmap for development. However, it may not be as flexible or adaptable to changing
requirements as the Scrum methodology.

The prototype approach involves developing a basic, working version of the system as
quickly as possible, and then refining it through several iterations based on feedback and
testing. This approach is useful for projects with unclear or rapidly changing requirements, as
it allows for rapid prototyping and experimentation. However, it can be challenging to
maintain consistency and quality over multiple iterations, and it may not be suitable for larger
or more complex projects.



• Iterative development: Scrum allows for iterative development, which means that the
project can be delivered in increments, providing regular opportunities for feedback
and adaptation.
• Flexibility: Scrum is flexible, which makes it easier to accommodate changes in
project requirements or customer needs.

• Requires experienced team members: Scrum requires experienced team members who
are able to work independently and make decisions quickly.
• May not be suitable for all projects: Scrum may not be suitable for projects with fixed
budgets, timelines, or requirements.



• Provides a structured approach: Phase-based development provides a structured

approach to software development, allowing the project to be delivered in defined
• Easier to plan: Phase-based development makes it easier to plan the project, as each
phase can be planned separately.


• Limited flexibility: Phase-based development is less flexible than other

methodologies, making it harder to accommodate changes in project requirements or
customer needs.
• High risk: Phase-based development can be high risk, as each phase builds on the
previous one. If there are issues in an earlier phase, they can affect the entire project.



• Faster development: Prototype development can be faster than other methodologies,

as it allows for quick feedback and iteration.
• Provides a tangible product: Prototype development provides a tangible product that
can be tested and refined.


• Limited scope: Prototyping is best suited for smaller projects or specific features, as it
may not be suitable for larger projects.
• May be costly: Prototyping can be costly, as it requires the development of multiple
prototypes to refine the design and functionality.

In summary, the Scrum methodology is a good choice for the A&A hospital management
system if the project team is dedicated and willing to commit to the planning and
coordination required. The phased approach may be a better choice if the requirements are
well-defined and the project has a fixed timeline. The prototype approach may be more
suitable if the requirements are unclear or rapidly changing, and the focus is on rapid
prototyping and experimentation. Ultimately, the choice of methodology depends on the
specific needs and constraints of the project.



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