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Step 1.

Non-Bio-degradable Material

Polystyrene is another non-biodegradable material that can be

observed for its decay. It is commonly used in packaging materials,
disposable food containers, and insulation. The issue with polystyrene
is that it can persist in the environment for hundreds of years, as it
does not readily biodegrade or break down into simpler compounds.
Polystyrene is also a source of pollution, particularly in marine
environments. Due to its lightweight and buoyant nature, it can easily
be carried by the wind and water to remote locations, including the
ocean. Once in the ocean, polystyrene can cause harm to marine life
by being ingested or becoming entangled. It can also break down into
smaller particles called microplastics, which can be ingested by
smaller organisms and enter the food chain.
In addition to environmental concerns, the production of polystyrene
also has negative impacts. It is made from petroleum, a non-
renewable resource, and the manufacturing process itself produces
greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change.
Overall, the persistence of polystyrene in the environment, its
potential harm to wildlife, and the negative impact of its production
make it a significant issue for our environment and ecology.

Step 2. Degradable Material

Degradable materials, also known as biodegradable materials, can be
broken down naturally by microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and
other biological agents. The degree or level of decay of these
materials depends on various factors, such as the composition of the
material, the environment it is exposed to, and the availability of
microorganisms that can break it down.
Here's a breakdown of the level of decay for the items you listed:
a. Apple - Apples are organic materials that can decay naturally. The
decay process begins with enzymes breaking down the apple's cells,
causing it to soften and brown. Over time, bacteria and fungi break
down the remaining organic matter, resulting in the apple's
b. Potato - Potatoes are also organic materials that can decay. They
can become soft and develop sprouts or black spots due to bacterial
and fungal growth. As the potato decomposes, it can release an
unpleasant odor and become slimy.
c. Cauliflower - Cauliflower is a vegetable that can decay when
exposed to air and moisture. The decay process begins with the
breakdown of the cauliflower's cells, resulting in a soft and discolored
appearance. Bacteria and fungi then break down the remaining
organic matter.
d. Lemon - Lemons are organic materials that can decay when
exposed to air and moisture. The decay process begins with the
breakdown of the lemon's cells, causing it to lose moisture and
become softer. Bacteria and fungi then break down the remaining
organic matter.
e. Human Tooth/Flesh - Human teeth and flesh can also decay
naturally. When a person dies, the body's cells begin to break down,
leading to the decomposition of the flesh and bones. Bacteria and
fungi play a significant role in the decay process, breaking down the
organic matter and releasing gases and fluids.
In summary, all the items listed are organic materials that can decay
naturally to some degree. The rate and level of decay depend on
various factors such as the composition of the material, the
environment it is exposed to, and the availability of microorganisms
that can break it down.

Step 3.
Decay induced by a catalyst occurs when a substance, called a catalyst,
increases the rate of decay without being consumed in the process. Salt can act
as a catalyst for decay by drawing out moisture and creating an environment
conducive to decay.
To observe the effect of a catalyst on decay, we can apply white salt and rock
salt separately to the same items taken in step two (apple, potato, cauliflower,
lemon, and human tooth/flesh). Here are some possible observations:
Apple - Applying salt to the apple can accelerate the decay process by drawing
out moisture and creating an environment conducive to bacterial and fungal
growth. The apple may become softer and develop brown spots more quickly
than without the salt.
Potato - Applying salt to the potato can also accelerate the decay process by
drawing out moisture and creating an environment conducive to bacterial and
fungal growth. The potato may become slimy and develop black spots more
quickly than without the salt.
Cauliflower - Applying salt to the cauliflower may also accelerate the decay
process, leading to the vegetable becoming discolored and soft more quickly
than without the salt.
Lemon - Applying salt to the lemon can cause it to lose moisture more quickly,
leading to a faster breakdown of the cells and accelerated decay. The lemon may
become softer and lose its flavor more quickly than without the salt.
Human Tooth/Flesh - Applying salt to human tooth or flesh may also accelerate
the decay process by drawing out moisture and creating an environment
conducive to bacterial growth. The tooth or flesh may break down more quickly
than without the salt.
In summary, applying salt to organic materials can act as a catalyst for decay,
accelerating the breakdown of the cells and the growth of bacteria and fungi.
The exact effect of salt on decay depends on various factors such as the type of
salt used, the concentration of salt, and the environment in which the material is

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