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Comprehension Skills Test; March 18, 2009

23 Questions | Attempts: 504 Share


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Comprehension Quizzes & Trivia

Read each of the questions, carefully, then select the correct answer.

Questions and Answers


The Caribbean sun looked brilliant in the perfect light-blue sky. The wind blew softly as the waves
lapped at the shore. The soft sand was just the right temperature as it slipped through my toes. As I lay
on my blanket, I exhaled and turned another page. Today couldn’t be any more perfect. In fact,
everything with this trip had gone so well. I had never been out of the country before, much less on a
plane. However, I got my passport without any hitches, and I didn’t get motion sickness on the flight.
The resort limo was at the airport waiting to whisk me away. Lying here on a tropical beach with a
glass of ice-cold water in one hand and my favorite novel in the other is my idea of a getaway. Just then,
a seagull swooped down and disturbed my serenity. The bird grabbed my book right out of my hands
and took off. I chased it as far as I could before the seagull dropped my beloved paperback into the deep
blue sea. All I could do was sigh. I knew this day was too good to be true! Which of the following
statements is best supported in this selection?


The narrator is at the movies watching a film about the beach.


The narrator is sailing on a boat with her family and friends.


The narrator is in the Caribbean for her first trip out of the country.


The narrator is at a beach to watch birds and catch up on reading.


Sixteen-year-old children do not know what they are doing when they are behind the wheel of an
automobile. I don't mind if they drive with a parent in the car, but they shouldn't drive by themselves,
and they certainly shouldn't be driving with their friends in the car. They have no attention span, and
because of that, they do not have the ability to concentrate in the way that a person who is driving a car
needs to concentrate. A person cannot safely operate a vehicle if, like 16-year-old children, he or she is
distracted by passing cars, billboards, or the radio. Don't even get me started on cell phones. I cannot
count the number of kids who look and drive like they are fresh out of driver's education I've seen
barreling down a crowded highway while talking on their cell phones. Who is going to stop these
children from making our roads more dangerous? I think the government should. I think it should pass a
law that makes it so that children cannot get their driver's licenses until they are 18 years old.What can
you infer about the author of this passage?

He or she is a parent of a 16-year-old


He or she is a police officer.


He or she does not like children.


He or she is over 16 years old.


Before a big game, Brandon’s hockey coach always gave him and his teammates a pep talk.
“Gentlemen, remember, I want you to go out there and play your best game,” Coach Powell said. “I
know you can do it. Now let’s show this team you’re the best!” “After that talk in the locker room, I
feel like I have to do my best out here, no matter how nervous I am,” Brandon told his teammates.
When they won the game, Coach Powell took them out for ice cream to celebrate. “Scoops on me for
everyone,” he said, and the team cheered in response. The team didn’t always do so well. However,
the coach still took them out for ice cream and told each player the good things he did during the game.
“Hey Brandon, you’re getting better and better at blocking shots,” Coach Powell said. Or “Tommy, that
was a great pass.” By the time he made it around to everybody, the boys almost forgot they were the
losers. Coach Powell had a way of making them feel better. During the next practice, the team
watched footage of the last game, and Coach Powell pointed out areas they needed to improve in. “It
seems like Coach really believes in us. I’m going to work harder,” Brandon said. The team kept getting
better until one year they won a championship. The boys picked Coach Powell up and carried him on
their shoulders to show their appreciation. “Great game you played there, team. Great game,” he said.
What does this passage tell the reader about Brandon's coach?


He only cares about winning.


He doesn't like his players.


He likes to play soccer, too.


He tries to inspire people.


Today I was late for my volleyball game. Mom pulled the car over several times to study the map she
had printed off the Internet. Mom even made me go into a convenience store to see if I could get some
help in there. When we finally got to the gym, the girls on my team were almost finished warming
up.Which of these conclusions can you draw based on the passage?


The girl was not an important player on her team.


The girl and her mom had car trouble on the way to the game.


The girl and her mom got lost on the way to the game.


The coach was angry when the athlete showed up late.

Saul and his brother Nick are crazy about sports. They are constantly playing, though never the same
sport. Saul loves tennis. He plays on his school team and has won several tournaments. He loves to
watch Pete Sampras play. In the summer, when he's not in school, Saul plays tennis for ten hours a day.
Nick, on the other hand...What words might come next?


Spends his time playing football


Likes Andre Aggasi better than Sampras


Plays twelve hours of tennis a day


Has only won two tennis tournaments


The skies darkened. Long-dormant windshield wipers swiveled into action. A few puddles formed. But
the scattered showers that fell in the Austin area Friday morning didn't dent the drought. Camp Mabry
recorded only 0.01 inches of rain; Austin-Bergstrom International Airport didn't even get that. Total
rainfall since the start of the year is 8 inches below normal. And May is on track to rank as the second-
driest since record-keeping began in 1856, with 0.08 inches recorded so far at Mabry and 0.04 at Austin-
Bergstrom. In 1886, just a trace fell in May. What's a trace? "Just enough to move dust around a little
bit," said Christy Mitchell, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service.from an article by Ralph
K.M. HaurwitzWhat conclusion can you draw based on the information in the passage?


The Austin-Bergstrom International Airport has received more rainfall than the rest of the area.

People in the Austin area are having to drink bottled water.


Many people have moved away from the Austin area because it is too dry.


The Austin area has not had significant rainfall in a long time.


They pulled up to the bungalow-style house, and Rory turned to Laura with a smile and said, “You
ready to go in?” The real estate agent’s warm brown eyes were so reassuring that Laura had no choice
but to say yes. The car door clicked open. She took a deep breath and stepped onto the slate-gray
driveway. The pair slowly approached the front door, and Laura couldn’t help but notice the front
lawn. The grass is so perfectly manicured, she thought. It’s like a lush green welcome carpet. This place
was already starting to feel like home. Rory slid her key into the lock and the door clicked open. Once
they stepped inside the foyer, the house took Laura’s breath away. “Look at these beautiful, gleaming
hardwood floors and floor-to-ceiling windows,” she said. “Feel free to take a look around, and if you
need help with anything, let me know,” Rory said as she closed the door. As Laura walked around the
kitchen, she noticed the shiny marble counters and the stainless steel appliances. "This view from the
window near the stove is absolutely gorgeous," she said. The refrigerator had six shelves and a huge
freezer. Laura was in love. What can be inferred from this passage?


Laura has been homeless for six days.


Rory doesn't like Laura very much.


Laura and Rory are best friends.


Laura is looking to buy a house.


Shuttle Endeavour will thunder into orbit this week with an American flag on its right wing. The ship will
carry its most international crew ever launched. The spaceship is headed for the International Space
Station. Four Americans are on board, along with Russian, Canadian, and Italian astronauts. This
multinational crew will be symbolic of those who will work and live on the growing outpost. The station
is a joint project of 16 nations on four continents. This paragraph is mainly about


The brand new International Space Station.


The American flag on the space shuttle's wing.


The cultural crew aboard the space shuttle.


The Russian aboard the American space shuttle.


No one should go through life wasting the Earth's resources, and one important resource is fresh
water. Fresh water comes into our homes, and we use it to drink, cook, wash, and water plants.
Everyone should be careful to not waste water. First, take shorter showers to keep less water from
pouring down the drain. Also, wash only full loads of laundry and dishes. Washing machines and
dishwashers use many gallons of water even when washing a small load. In addition, be careful when
watering your lawn. Do not forget to turn off the sprinklers or leave them on too long. If everyone would
follow these suggestions, we could save more water and be sure we have plenty of water for
everyone.What is this paragraph mainly about?

How dishwashers work


The places to find water


Finding natural resources


How to conserve water


Dear Editor, Who can be in favor of folks running red lights? No one. But before we legalize cameras
at red lights, let's look at a much simpler plan: On intersections where there's a problem, make the
yellow signal one second longer. People will see the yellow light sooner and have more time to stop
instead of trying to "beat the light." Then continue to keep statistics and see if accidents go down.
What will happen if the law passes that allows the use of hidden video cameras at traffic lights? The
companies that sell the cameras will approach cities and offer to install the cameras for free, in
exchange for a percentage of the ticket proceeds. And by the way, the companies that sell the cameras
will require that the yellow lights be shortened on intersections where the cameras are installed. The
first paragraph of the letter is mostly about


Traffic accidents at intersections.


Making the yellow signal longer.

Giving tickets to red light runners.


Purchasing red light cameras.


Before weight machines, stationary bikes, and step aerobics, people practiced yoga for spiritual and
physical health. Yoga's origins predate written history. Archaeologists have found stone carvings that
show figures in yoga positions. These stones, from the Indus Valley, are at least 5,000 years old! Yoga
might not produce the rapid results that fast-paced aerobic exercises do. It can still contribute plenty to
your weight loss program in the 21st century.Which statement best describes the main idea of this


Everyone should try yoga.


Yoga originated in the Indus Valley


Aerobics are always fast-paced.


Yoga promotes good health.


Fossilized remains of a dinosaur were found in a desert oasis in Egypt. The site was long ago a lush
coastal paradise. The remains were of a gigantic plant-eating dinosaur. It was the second most massive
animal ever to walk the earth. The dinosaur has been named Paralititan stromeri. The discovery was
made by Joshua Smith. Smith is a 31-year old doctoral student at the University of Pennsylvania. He
went on a dinosaur hunt at a remote site. The site had had spectacular finds in the first half of the 20th
century. Those expeditions were led by German paleontologist Ernest Stromer von Reichenbach.What is
the main idea of this passage?


The discovery site was once a lush coastal paradise.


Egypt has had many archeological discoveries.


Joshua Smith made a very important discovery.


A discovery of dinosaur fossils was made in Egypt.


Carl was the most miserable he'd ever been. For a split second after the bullet struck, the deer stood
motionless. Then his body shot straight upward, twisting in pain, then fell silently to the ground. Carl ran
to the deer. The moment he thought would be so exciting, turned out to be one of the saddest moments
of his life. To this day, it still haunts him.What is the main idea of this paragraph?


Deer hunting is illegal.


The sadness of death makes hunting easy.

Hunting as a sport is old fashioned.


Killing a deer has forever affected Carl.


When school let out, he was scheduled to join a wilderness adventure group to camp and experience
the outdoors in Wyoming. Hiking, bicycling, mountain climbing, swimming, and camping were among his
favorite activities. Which would be the best opening sentence for the paragraph above?


Jamie enjoyed visiting Wyoming in the fall and winter.


Jamie expected this summer vacation to be his best ever.


Jamie loved to camp and enjoy the outdoors in the fall.


Jamie had been camping with his family since he was a child.


Which of the following statements is an opinion?


Every person should make a commitment to recycling.


During World War I and II, shortages of materials led to collection drives for silk, rubber, and other


Recycling is the process of recovering and reusing waste products.


Landfills are filling up, and disposal of wastes in them has led to environmental problems.


The Border Collie is a medium-sized dog of athletic appearance. It originated in the border country
between Scotland and England. Its hard, muscular body has a smooth outline. It's known as the world's
premier sheep herding dog. It is energetic, alert, and eager. In personality, the Border Collie is highly
intelligent, alert, and responsive. It is always receptive to training. To its friends, it is affectionate; to
strangers, reserved. Its ability and eagerness to learn are legendary. Intelligence is what it's known for.
Border Collie puppies have a short, soft, dense, water-resistant coat. This coat becomes the undercoat in
adult dogs. This is the most beautiful coat in any dog.The Border Collie was recognized by the American
Kennel Club in 1955. Open Registration for the Border Collie will end on January 1, 2006. The AKC will
accept dogs registered with the American Border Collie Association (ABC), the American International
Border Collie (AIBC), and the North American Sheepdog Society (NASD). adapted from of the following statements is an opinion from the passage?


The Border Collie is a medium-sized dog of athletic appearance.


It is always receptive to training.


Border Collie puppies have a short, soft, dense, water-resistant coat.


The AKC will accept dogs registered with the American Border Collie Association (ABC), the American
International Border Collie (AIBC), and the North American Sheepdog Society (NASD).


The Border Collie is a medium-sized dog of athletic appearance. It originated in the border country
between Scotland and England. Its hard, muscular body has a smooth outline. It's known as the world's
premier sheep herding dog. It is energetic, alert, and eager. In personality, the Border Collie is highly
intelligent, alert, and responsive. It is always receptive to training. To its friends, it is affectionate; to
strangers, reserved. Its ability and eagerness to learn are legendary. Intelligence is what it's known for.
Border Collie puppies have a short, soft, dense, water-resistant coat. This coat becomes the undercoat in
adult dogs. This is the most beautiful coat in any dog.The Border Collie was recognized by the American
Kennel Club in 1955. Open Registration for the Border Collie will end on January 1, 2006. The AKC will
accept dogs registered with the American Border Collie Association (ABC), the American International
Border Collie (AIBC), and the North American Sheepdog Society (NASD). adapted from of the following statements is an opinion from the passage?


It is energetic, alert, and eager.


The Border Collie is a medium-sized dog of athletic appearance.


The Border Collie was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1955.


Border Collie puppies have a short, soft, dense, water-resistant coat.

Life in the CitySkyscrapers tower over the city,Casting tall shadows when it is sunny.A smattering of
trees adds some colorAmid steel bricks one after another.Car horns sound loudly as rush hour
nears.Streetlights flicker as the sun disappears.You may detest the urban life you see,But there’s no
other place I’d rather be.Which best states a theme of the poem?


Peace and comfort is impossible to find in the city.


What is ugly to one may be beautiful to another.


It is important to experience life in the city.


Nature should be appreciated and protected.


The Girl In the Picture I loved to look at the old photographs, especially the ones with me in them. I
suppose that was bad of me and proved I was stuck on myself, but I couldn't help it. The pictures with
me in them were just more interesting. Every stage of my life was there, snapped by the camera and
stamped on a glossy piece of paper. I loved seeing myself at three, standing with my brother Donald in
front of the house in our matching cowboy and cowgirl outfits, or standing on a chair in front of the
kitchen counter, mixing a birthday cake for Mother. The pictures reminded me that I was real, that I
always had been real and always would be real, and that I wasn't just some girl someone had made
up.The narrator's family is portrayed as being


A family that often fought.

A very unhappy family.


A close, loving family.


A wealthy family.


After eight years together, Andre Agassi and Brad Gilbert have decided to end one of the most
successful player and coach relationships in tennis history. With Gilbert as his coach beginning in
March, 1994, Agassi won six Grand Slam titles, a gold medal at the 1996 Olympics, and held the No. 1
ranking in the world at the end of 1999. Agassi is the only man to have won all four Grand Slam titles as
well as an Olympic gold medal. "Brad is clearly the greatest coach of all time," Agassi said in a joint
statement. "I have been lucky to have him as my guiding force during the past eight years of my career.
More importantly, I am lucky that I have been able to call him friend for eight years and that our
friendship remains intact."Which definition for intact is correct?


Not well-thought-of


Very public


In contact


Whole; not broken or missing pieces


The cowbird is the bird that bird-lovers hate. The male, with its chocolate hood and glossy green-black
plumage, is rather handsome, even if its "song" offends the human ear. What is the meaning of the
word plumage in the selection above?


Noisy songs


A nest


The covering of feathers on a bird


Green-black leaves


American scientist Benjamin Franklin invented the glass harmonica, also known as the Franklin
harmonica, in the early 1760s. It is a mechanical version of the much simpler musical glasses that were
popular at that time. These were a set of glass bowls of different sizes that were arranged from smallest
to largest to produce distinct pitches. The bowls were fine-tuned by filling them partially with water. In
the Franklin model, shallow glass basins are attached to a horizontal spindle that is revolved by a crank
attached to a pedal. The spindle is placed in a trough of water so that the glasses are kept wet. The
shimmering, bell-like sound is produced by touching the fingers to the wet edges. This instrument was
popular in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.What is the meaning of the word pitches as it is used in
this passage?


Frequencies of sound waves reaching the ear (musical)


Short, lofted shots in golf


Baseball tosses


The distance between adjacent threads on a screw


Read the following fable. In a paragraph using 2 supporting details and SEE, explain the meaning that the
author wants us to get from this fable. The Man and the Serpent A Countryman's son by accident trod
upon a Serpent's tail,which turned and bit him so that he died. The father in a ragegot his axe, and
pursuing the Serpent, cut off part of its tail.So the Serpent in revenge began stinging several of the
Farmer'scattle and caused him severe loss. Well, the Farmer thought itbest to make it up with the
Serpent, and brought food and honey tothe mouth of its lair, and said to it: "Let's forget and
forgive;perhaps you were right to punish my son, and take vengeance on mycattle, but surely I was right
in trying to revenge him; now thatwe are both satisfied why should not we be friends again?" "No, no,"
said the Serpent; "take away your gifts; you cannever forget the death of your son, nor I the loss of my

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