Bài tập môn Viết 1 3TC

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I. Connect two sentences with “and”
1. Ming Su is 26 years old. Ming Su comes from Taiwan.
2. Amelia eats breakfast in the cafeteria. Amelia eats lunch in the cafeteria.
3. Reiko is 19 years old. Reiko likes music a lot.
4. Salma is married. Salma is a student.
5. Enrique likes soccer. Enrique plays every Saturday.
6. The school offers a good program in business. The school’s recreational
facilities are excellent.
II. Add “also” to the second sentence in each pair below
1. David likes baseball. He likes rock music.
2. Hamid is tall. He is very athletic.
3. In her free time, Maddi plays basketball. She likes to swim.
4. Efraim works part-time. He takes care of his four children.
III. Connect the sentences below with “and”, “but”, or “so”
1. Alberto lives with his sister. She drives him to school every afternoon.
2. He plans to visit the United States next summer. He needs to learn English.
3. Yara can speak English well. She needs more writing practice.
4. She has to work all day. She doesn’t have time to do all of her homework.
5. He likes his English class. He doesn’t think the American students are very
6. Western Adult School is in a beautiful location. It doesn’t have very good
library facilities.
7. Pedro wants to work in Japan. He needs to learn Japanese.
8. Yara’s father is proud of her. He’s happy that she’s studying in Lebanon.
9. She likes academic life. She is homesick for her family.
10. Her company is opening an office in the United States. It needs English-
speaking workers.
IV. Correct each mistake in each sentence.
1. He likes the school, but he don’t like his dormitory.
2. He is 18 years old, and he is comes from a village in the North.
3. He studying business administration, English and accounting.
4. In his free time, he play basketball, and he goes to movies.
I. Change the underlined nouns into correct pronouns
1. He painted Snow Hill and Drum Bridge at Meguro in 1857. Snow Hill and
Drum Bridge at Meguro is a winter scene.
2. Although it is winter, the water in the river isn’t frozen. The water is flowing
3. The people are walking through the deep snow. Some of the people are
carrying heavy loads.
4. The trees are white because the trees are covered in snow.
II. Complete the sentences with a, an, the
There is (1)_____ large tree in the middle. Two children are standing under (2)
______ tree, and two children are climbing in the tree. (3) _______ children are
waving. On the left is a man and (4) ______ woman in a boat. (5)____ man is fishing.
(6) _______ woman is holding (7) ______ child. A large bird is flying over (8)
_______ boat. To the right is (9) ______ smaller tree. Two people are sitting under
the tree at a table. On (10) _____ table is a plant.
I. Combine sentences with appositives
1. A typical Middle Eastern dish is falafel. Falafel is a mixture of fried chickpeas
and spices.
2. We like to eat fajitas. Fajitas are slices of chicken or beef wrapped in a tortilla
with fried peppers and onions.
3. My grandmother is famous for her tempura. Tempura is a traditional Japanese
preparation of shellfish and vegetables.
4. A favorite Iranian dish is fesenjan. Fesenjan is chicken in a spicy pomegranate
5. Spaghetti is popular in North America. It is an Italian noodle dish.
6. Subs are popular in the United States. They are large sandwiches filled with
meat, cheese and vegetables.
7. For lunch, I often have tabouleh. It is a Middle Eastern salad made from
parsley, mint, tomatoes, and wheat.
II. Correct each mistake in each sentence
1. People in North America prepares many special Christmas foods from all over
the world.
2. Fruitecakes and eggnog come from Great Britain.
3. Eggnog, a drink of eggs, milk, and sometimes rum, are a very creamy and
delicious drink.
4. I love the many special Christmas foods.
5. Thais love to eating foods with different tastes such as hot, sour, sweet, and
I. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form
1. There (be) ___are____ many things to do here.
2. There (be) ____is___ a beach very near my home.
3. I (know) ___know______ you like music, and the London Symphony (give) _is
going to give_________ a concert on Saturday afternoon.
4. On Sundays, we usually (go) __go_______ to a park for a picnic.
II. Complete the paragraph below with the prepositions in the box
at for on to
I live in the old part of the city. Take the number 5 bus. Get off (1)___ Franklin
Street. You will see a large church down the street. Walk (2)____ the church and turn
right. Walk two blocks and turn left (3) ____ Smith’s Drugstore. You will be (4)
_____ Ames Avenue. Go straight on Ames (5) ______two blocks. Then turn left (6)
_____ the corner of Ames and Findlay. My house is the third one (7) _____ the left.
III. Correct each mistake in each sentence
1. I’m very glad that you visit me next week.
2. We will to have such a good time.
3. There are a park on the corner.
4. It are number 150.
5. The weather is warm, so we can going hiking and swimming.
6. Please to bring your photo album.
7. I want see the pictures of your family.
8. It is easy finding my house.
I. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct past tense
1. Because I was born a twin, I (have) ______a very different childhood from
most people.
2. When we were young, my sister and I (feed) _____ each other, (play) _____
together, and (cry) ______ when strangers came near.
3. My mother (be) ________always tired because she worked so hard, and my
father (complain) _________ that the house was too noisy with too screaming
4. We did everything together, but life as a twin (not be) _________ always great.
II. Combine sentences below with the words in parentheses. Use a comma
if necessary.
1. I was a good student. I got a scholarship. (because)
2. I graduated from high school. I was 16. (when)
3. I found a job. I finished high school. (as soon as)
4. I always liked biology. I started to read about medicine. (so)
5. We moved to a big city in Pakistan. Life in the country was wonderful to me.
6. My father died. My mother went to work to earn money. (after)
III. Correct each mistake in each sentence below
1. I fall in love with jazz when I was five years old.
2. There I saw a great saxophonist I decided to learn to play the saxophone.
3. My father say he no have money for a saxophone.
4. My brother teach me, and I practiced everyday when I was young.
I. Combine sentences using when or while
1. The king was hunting. He got lost in the forest.
2. The king saw the hut. He decided to ask for help.
3. The miner was talking to the king. His wife was working at home.
4. The miner gave the potatoes to the king. The king was pleased.
5. The king gave the woman the coin. She was surprised.
II. Combine sentences using as soon as
1. The brother heard the story. He decided to give the king a better gift.
2. The king talked to the brother. The king knew that he was a liar.
3. The king ate dinner. He fell asleep.
4. The miner got the farm. He quit his job.
III. Rewrite the following sentences using then
1. The king washed in the river. He thanked the woman and left.
2. The woman gave the king a plate of potatoes. She gave him a blanket.
3. The king gave the woman a coin. He gave the miner a house and a farm.
4. The brother found a bushel of potatoes. He took them to the king.
IV. Completing Sentences with Time Words
when while after before then as soon as
1. ________ the brother heard the story, he got jealous.
2. ________the king met the miner’s brother, he knew he was not sincere.
3. The king left the miner’s house ________ the miner returned home.
4. _________ the miner’s brother got the king’s gift, he was very angry.
5. The king gave the old woman some gold. ______he left.
6. The miner was cleaning the house ________ his wife was cooking dinner.
V. Correct each mistake in each sentence
1. While the miner’s brother ridding home through the forest, he thought of a plan.
2. It took him a half hour getting there.
3. The king knew that this is not an honest gift.
4. When he got to the palace, he ask to see the king.
I. Choose the best topic sentence
Variety of herbal remedies used for different ailments
1. People often make teas with herbs to cure sore throats.
2. People use herbs to treat many different diseases.
3. I don’t think herbs are as good as modern medicines.
Traditional treatments for colds
1. The best cures for the common cold might come from your own kitchen.
2. Lemon juice is a good traditional treatment for colds.
3. I had a horrible cold a year ago.
Different tradtional treatments popular in the United States and Canada
1. One traditional treatment people in the United States and Canada often use is
2. People in the United States and Canada often go to nutritionists.
3. Many people in the United States and Canada are using traditional treatments
instead of modern medicine to treat a variety of health problems.
II. Combine sentences with relative pronouns in the brackets
1. Acupuncture is an ancient treatment. This treatment was developed in China.
2. She is a very skilled acupuncturist. She has cured many people. (who)
3. People look for good acupuncturists. These people suffer from different
diseases. (who)
4. Acupuncturists also use herbs. These herbs help treat health problems. (that)
5. Poor digestion is a common health problem. This problem can be treated with
acupuncture. (that)
III. Complete the sentences below with the words in the box
in addition for example however
1. There are many Chinese acupuncturists in Canada. Many of them studied
acupuncture in China and then immigrated to Canada. ___________, many
Canadian doctors are now giving acupuncture treatments.
2. I often drink herbal teas when I am sick. ________, if I am very sick or have a
fever, I take modern medicine.
3. Some people in California use many traditional treatments from various parts of
the world. ____________, they use remedies and treatments from China and
4. My grandmother often goes to an old lady who gives her very expensive
treatments. __________, these treatments don’t usually help her.
5. I use lemon juice for colds. I put it in a cup of warm water and drink it several
times a day. __________, I take it for sore throats and fevers.
6. Scientists don’t have a modern drug to cure cancer. ________, some people can
cure themselves of cancer with traditional treatments. __________, I know a
woman who cured herself of cancer by fasting. _________, I read about a man
who cured his cancer using a traditional Chinese diet.
words): Viết đoạn văn hoặc viết lá thư (120-150 từ)

1. Write a paragraph from 120 to 150 words to describe one of your best
friends at a university (chapter 1). Your paragraph should include at least
the following ideas.
Viết một đoạn văn từ 120 đến 150 từ để mô tả về một trong những người bạn
thân nhất của bạn ở một trường đại học (chương 1). Đoạn văn của bạn nên bao
gồm ít nhất những ý bên dưới.
 What is his or her name? (Tên của anh ấy/ chị ấy là gì?)
 How old is he/ she? ( Anh ấy/ chị ấy bao nhiêu tuổi)
 Where is he or she from? (Anh ấy/ chị ấy đến từ đâu?)
 Describe his or her appearance, characteristics and hobbies (Mô tả ngoại
hình, tính cách, sở thích của anh ấy/ chị ấy)
 What does he/ she like about his/ her university? What does he/ she dislike
about his/ her university? (Anh ấy/ chị ấy thích và không thích điều gì về
trường đại học của anh ấy/ chị ấy?)
 What are his or her future plans? (Những kế hoạch tương lai của anh ấy/ chị
ấy là gì?)
 What does he/ she do in his/ her free time? (Anh ấy, chị ấy làm gì vào thời
gian rảnh?)

 During my college years, the interval when we have to be away from home
and family, having a close friend can help us a lot. I am fortunate to have such
a best friend in university, his name is Duy, he is 21 years old this year , he
comes from An Giang province. His outward is somewhat romantic, with
slightly curly long hair, but he doesn't like singing or performing arts. He is
very fond of sports, especially badminton which he plays quite well, and this
is something we have in common, making us even closer, with many things to
confide in each other. Of course, the topic we often discuss when we have free
time is badminton, our favorite sport. In the future, he wants to become a
YouTuber about badminton and I fully support him within my capacity.
 I treasure our friendship and hope that it will last forever.

2. Write a descriptive paragraph from 120 to 150 words to describe your

(Viết một đoạn văn mô tả từ 120 đến 150 từ để mô tả quê hương của bạn
 Location: vị trí
 The best time to visit your hometown, why
 Interesting sites (địa điểm thú vị) or famous place (những nơi nổi tiếng) or
landscape (danh lam thắng cảnh)
 Food: thức ăn or specialties: đặc sản
 People: con người or cultures (văn hoá) or festivals (lễ hội)
 Feelings (cảm nhận) or emotions (tình cảm) or plans to develop your
hometown (kế hoạch phát triển quê hương của bạn)
 My hometown is Nha Trang city , so I have a special love for this
city. Nha Trang is a coastal city in Khanh Hoa province.
Referring to Nha Trang, people will immediately think of the
green beaches, the undulating seawater gently pat the white sand
beach. I love going to the beach to play. I have been to all of Nha
Trang’s beaches. What I like most about the beach here is the
blue sea. People in Nha Trang are extremely friendly. People are
ready to help each other when someone is in trouble. Weather in
Nha Trang has 2 seasons: rainy season and dry season. The
temperature here is very comfortable. Due to the impact of ocean
climate, Nha Trang is extremely cool. In Nha Trang there are
many different types of seafood. If you have the opportunity to
come to Nha Trang, do not forget to enjoy the seafood here. A
special dish that you must definitely try is Nha Trang Grilled
Nem. Eating grilled spring rolls in Nha Trang must be called
excellent. I love my city Nha Trang. I will try to preserve the
current beauty of Nha Trang. At the same time, I will also
contribute a little bit to help Nha Trang develop more and more.

3. Write a paragraph from 120 to 150 words to describe your favorite holiday
(chapter 3). Your paragraph should include at least the following ideas:
Viết một đoạn văn từ 120 đến 150 từ để mô tả kỳ nghỉ yêu thích của bạn
(chương 3). Đoạn văn của bạn nên bao gồm ít nhất những ý bên dưới:
 What is your favorite holiday? Why? (Kỳ nghỉ yêu thích của bạn là gì? Tại
 What activities do you celebrate on the holiday? (Bạn tổ chức những hoạt
động gì vào kỳ nghỉ)
 What food and drinks do you enjoy on the holiday? (Thức ăn và thức uống
gì bạn thưởng thức trong kỳ nghỉ?)
 How do you feel about the holiday? (Bạn cảm thấy thế nào về kỳ nghỉ?)

 There is no doubt that Lunar New Year is the most important festival for
Vietnamese people. It marks the start of a New Year and usually falls at
the end of January or the beginning of February every year. Moreover,
many people who work far away from home use this time for family
reunions and unwinding after a long hard-working year. In the south of
Vietnam, people usually buy a branch of yellow apricot blossoms for New
Year decoration because it signifies a happy beginning. There is also a
tradition for adults to give children lucky envelopes to bring good wishes
to children. It’s not really about the money but about the warmth shared
by their loved ones. In addition, people also spend this particular time
honoring their ancestors by having a feast with delicacies and traditional
food like Chung cake and sticky rice cake. 
 To be honest, I am super into this festival because it is a perfect time for
me to turn over a new leaf with many fresh plans.  
4. Write a letter from 120 to 150 words to tell your foreign friend who would
like to visit Vietnam for the first time (chapter 4). Your letter should
include at least the following ideas:
Viết một lá thư từ 120 đến 150 từ để nói cho một người bạn nước ngoài muốn
đến thăm Việt Nam (chương 4). Lá thư của bạn nên bao gồm ít nhất những ý
bên dưới:
 Set the time together and how to pick him or her up
 Where he or she could stay during the trip
 Introduce some famous places in Vietnam (giới thiệu một vài địa điểm nổi
tiếng ở Việt Nam)
 Plan some interesting activities (lên kế hoạch một vài hoạt động thú vị)
 Remind your friend something necessary to prepare before going to
Vietnam (Nhắc bạn của bạn một vài thứ cần thiết để chuẩn bị trước khi đến
Việt Nam)
Dear Tom,
I hope this letter finds you well. I heard that you are planning to visit
Vietnam, and I am thrilled to hear that. Vietnam is a beautiful
country with a rich history, diverse culture, and breathtaking
scenery. I am sure you will have an incredible time here.
Before your visit, there are a few things that you should keep in mind.
First and foremost, make sure you have all the necessary documents
and visas in place. It is always best to check with the Vietnamese
embassy in your country to get updated information about visa
requirements and other travel documents.
When it comes to packing, keep in mind that Vietnam has a tropical
climate, so lightweight clothing is recommended. Don't forget to pack
comfortable walking shoes, insect repellent, and sunscreen.
During your stay, I highly recommend visiting Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh
City, Ha Long Bay, and Hoi An. These are some of the most popular
tourist destinations in Vietnam and offer a unique cultural
Lastly, be open-minded and respectful of the local culture. Vietnam
has a fascinating culture that is deeply rooted in tradition, and it is
essential to respect local customs and traditions.
I hope this information is helpful and that you have a wonderful time
in Vietnam.
Warm regards,
Duy Tân
5. Write a narrative paragraph from 120 to 150 words to tell about the most
unforgettable memory in your life (chapter 5). Your paragraph should
include at least the following ideas:
Viết một đoạn văn tường thuật từ 120 đến 150 từ để kể về một kỷ niệm không
quên nhiều nhất (một kỷ niệm đáng nhớ nhất) trong cuộc đời của bạn (chương
5). Đoạn văn của bạn nên bao gồm ít nhất những ý bên dưới:
 When and where did it happen? (Nó đã xảy ra khi nào và ở đâu?)
 What happened? (chuyện gì đã xảy ra?)
 How did you feel? Or what did you learn from that memory? (Bạn đã cảm
thấy như thế nào? Hoặc bạn đã học được những gì từ kỷ niệm đó?)
Last summer, I went to Nha Trang beach with my family, it was such
the most unforgettable memory in my life. We went there by car, and
when we nearly got there, from the far distance, I could see how wide
and beautiful the beach was.
The weather was so nice that made me want to run directly to
the beach, enjoy the fresh air and clean water. There were a lot of
people swimming, sunbathing, playing volleyball on the shore, and
some children even built sandcastles and flew kites.
We stayed at Edele hotel whose service I found very satisfied
and I had the chance to eat the seafood there, they were very
delicious. I went to Vinpearl Land, Long Sơn pagoda, too. They were
very wonderful. I felt very fun and happy because I also met many
foreigners, they were tourists and I had talked to them a lot.
We stayed in Nha Trang for a week and the last day, I went to
some gift shop near the beach to buy souvenirs for my grandparents
and my friends. When I came back home, I felt very happy but a little
regretted because I wanted to stay there longer. I told my dad I very
fond off Nha Trang and I hoped we can go to Nha Trang again one
6. Write a narrative paragraph from 120 to 150 words to tell about a folktale
that you learned (Chapter 6). What is the moral of the story? How was it
affected your life?

Viết một đoạn văn tường thuật từ 120 đến 150 từ để nói về một câu chuyện dân
gian mà bạn đã từng biết (chương 6). Giá trị đạo đức của câu chuyện là gì? Nó
có ảnh hưởng như thế nào đến cuộc sống của bạn?
7. Write a paragraph from 120 to 150 words about how to live healthily
(chapter 7). Your paragraph should include at least the following ideas:
(Viết một đoạn văn từ 120 đến 150 từ về cách để sống khỏe mạnh (chương 7).
Đoạn văn của bạn nên bao gồm ít nhất những ý bên dưới:
 Balance nutritious diet (cân bằng bữa ăn dinh dưỡng)
 Sleep (Ngủ)
 Exercise, sport or the way to entertain (thể dục, thể thao hoặc hình thức giải
 Periodic health check (check up) (kiểm tra sức khoẻ định kỳ)

Evaluating Your Writing: Đánh giá bài viết (tham khảo ở phần 3 mỗi chương)

 Content: nội dung

 Organization: tổ chức sắp xếp ý
 Vocabulary: từ vựng
 Grammar: ngữ pháp
 Spelling and Mechanics: chính tả và các kết nối
 The end 

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