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OVERVIEW General information My rehab start Getting legal Admit form Resource binder Cautions Feeding Foods Tools

Tools Mealtime Caging Infants Juveniles Release Next - GENERAL


My intro into rehabbing Getting legal You are sub-permittee on someone elses permit (Mentor) Can only Xport and temp handle species auth by permit Permit holder does all reporting, you provide your data After a period, you make own application Admit form For every possession or Xfer A record for annual reporting Resource binder (tabbed) Panic ?????? Cut & paste topics from various sources Contents Admit forms Rehabber list Hydration Feeding Injury MBD Constipation Aging Weaning Caging Release NEXT: CAUTIONS

Note: first priority is warmth and fluids

Never feed a cold squirrel Dont panic Babies should be totally warmed; 95-100 deg Heating pad regulated Supplemental heat no longer needed when eyes open (general guideline) Hydration do not flood with fluids Kidney damage or failure Most are dehydrated upon arrival Go slow, small amounts, frequently Pedialite, Gatorade, home mixture Note: pedialite only good for 48 hours Control feeding: amount and schedule Too much/too often bloat and diarrhea Too fast lung inhalation/pneumonia Too little no weight gain Sterilize feeding utensils First 5 week of life Guards against enteritis a fatal intestinal infection


Stimulation (til eyes open-generally) At every feeding Hold their waste, painful, affects eating Sometimes in middle of feeding Always have a buddy By time eyes open same species Prevents bonding with humans Cant develop social skills If cant find one, best to pass it on Be ready !!! Have everything on hand Feeding supplies Food Caging Instruction, scale Scale Thermometer Heating pad Resource binder



FOOD Puppy Milk Replacement Formula

Esbilac: Most common Powder available in some pet stores Better to order; various sizes Freezes well; keeps long time Mix with distilled water Fox Valley: Powder Rodent Chow (block) Mouse & Rat diet: LM Farms, Spring Creek store Zupreen Monkey Biscuits: The Parrot Store FM 1960 Fruits and Veggies: If fresh and in fridge, theyll eat it

Nuts and seeds Walnuts, pecans, almonds gray stripe sunflower seeds (not black oil)


Tools Gram scale Syringes & nipples Water dispensers Ceramic bowls Daily chart

Meal time New acquisition Hydrate first Next 3 feedings, mix 1 part formula, 1-1 part extra water Next 3 feedings, mix 1 part formula, part extra water Then, normal strength formula (2 to 1) Always warm to touch or slightly warmer


Meal time Infants (eyes closed) Sched depends on age Amount depends on weight 5% rule for 5 daily feedings (7% max) Ex: wt=100 gr, 5 daily feedings: 100 X .05 = 5cc each feeding (25cc/day) Ex: wt=100 gr, 7 daily feedings: 5% rule = 35cc/day (too much) .25 rule makes adjustment (wt X .25) / # feedings. Ex: 100 X .25 = 25cc. 25/7 = 3.6cc per feeding Use gram scale use daily Mealtime Juveniles (eyes open: Fox-4 wks, Gray-5 wks) Continue formula per schedule Introduce rodent chow Introduce veggies one or two at a time Introduce nuts and seeds sparingly Keep fresh water available Eventually feed thru cage wire


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