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For use from May/November 2022
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Candidate personal code: knz026 Session: May 2023

Theory of knowledge - Planning and progress form

Completion of this form The completion of this form by each candidate and their teacher for theory of knowledge is a
mandatory requirement. This will strengthen the process of writing the essay and support the authenticity of a candidate's
work. Each completed form must be submitted to the IB, but will not be marked.

Candidate This form must be completed during the planning and progress of your essay. It is a record of three interactions
with your teacher. The first interaction should focus on discussing the prescribed titles and choosing the title for your essay. In
your second interaction you should discuss initial explorations into your chosen title, and you may present to your teacher an
exploration of those ideas in some written form. This will allow you to create a plan for the structure of your essay. For your
final interaction you are encouraged to present to your teacher a full draft of your essay. The teacher is permitted to
provide oral or written comments on your draft, but will not mark or edit your draft.

Teacher You must have at least three interactions with each candidate; one early on in the process to discuss the prescribed
titles, an interim session to discuss progress and a final session at which the candidate should present a full draft. Other
interactions are permitted, but only these three should be recorded on this form.

Prescribed title:

Do you Agree that It is “Astonishing that so Little Knowledge can Give us so Much Power” (Bertrand Russell)?
Discuss with Reference to the Natural Sciences and One Other Area of Knowledge?

Planning and Candidate's comments

progress You are advised to include your comments soon after each interaction
This title seemed hard initially, but I began to delve deeper into its nuances and found it to be the most
interesting. I linked this topic back to my study related to flat earth theory and abstract art to analyze the
TOK title. This was through rational pejoratives and the use of color as an insult. I contrasted the Natural
Sciences and Art for this topic, as I thought that this was the most appropriate juxtaposition, given their January 15
First interaction: heavy reliance on labels in different contexts. My teacher provided me with feedback on my prescribed title. 2023
She suggested examples such as the ecology system and the sun's orbit theory, in order to provide evidence
for my use of labels as a necessity in a flat earth. Hence, she also encouraged me to look at the painting of a
child and collage paintings as an example of how labels can depict knowledge accuracy from the knower.
After this interaction, I developed arguments on these examples, and also looked at Samuel Rowbotham's
theory and psychological stressors.
The second interaction consisted of discussions about my draft. I decided to divide my essay into 4
components: Affected / Disaffected Natural Sciences aspects, and Affected / Disaffected Art aspects. I used
the examples outlined in my introduction to doing so. For the Natural Sciences, I decided to look at how
labels influence the sharing of knowledge, with regard to the sun's orbit theory and Samuel Rowbotham's
Second interaction: theory with first one standardizing knowledge and making it possible for scientists to collaborate using a January 27
universal system, and the second which divided astronomist and accused of being a hoax. I looked at the 2023
methodology aspects of the Natural Sciences in order to understand how flat earth perception can be formed
and there is photo evidence. For the Art, I explored stimulation of someone's thinking in drawing abstract art,
and psychological approachment in order to see how labels are used to ostracize on the basis of old
Finally, for my third interaction, I would like to reflect and talk about my progress. The hardest elements of this assignment
was being concise and meeting the word-count. I was forced to go back and make multiple revisions to get my argument across
in a succint manner, which felt deeply frustrating. At the same time, I enjoyed delving into some topics that I wondered about,
such as the refusal to use people pronouns as an element of free-speech. This subject was controversial, and I was anxious
Third interaction: explain the flat earth theory which is clearly proven wrong at this time, but with the little knowledge possessed by assuming March 30
the flat earth has great power to influence one's knowledge about the shape of the earth itself and many people also believe in 2023
this theory. The arguments presented by those who favor a theory claim stance seemed to resonate with me, as did those that
did not favor such a stance. As a result, I gained a more nuanced perspective, and learned to analyse such sitations in more grey
terms. A challenge I was not able to overcome to the degree I wanted, was the refining of my introduction. Even with the help
of my peers, it was a struggle, and perhaps not done to the extent it could have been.

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International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®

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Teacher's comments:

Completed declarations:
I confirm that my comments above are accurate

Candidate's name:

Candidate session number: Date:

Teacher's name: Date:

School name: School number:

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2020

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