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Mid-Term Test
Time allowed: 60 minutes

Full Name: ..................................................................... Gender: M / F Score: …………../ 50

Level: 03 Test Date: April 21, 2022` Teacher: Houn Thon

Part 1: Reading B. Translate the words. (5 pts)

0. បង្អួច window
: ............................................
Read the text. Circle True or False. (10pts)
1. សសៀវសៅសរសសរ : ............................................
Everyone in the Smith family is in a hurry. Mr. Smith is a teacher,
2. កន្ត្រៃ : ............................................
and Mrs. Smith is a nurse. They wake up at 6.30 and get dressed.
Then they wake Barbara and Bobby at 7.00. They all eat breakfast 3. សេអំសៅ : ............................................
in the kitchen at 7.15. Now it’s 7.30 in the morning and time to go. 4. ខ្ទឹេបារ ំង្ : ............................................
At 8.00, Mr. Smith is at school, and Mrs. Smith is at the hospital. 5. កង្់ : ............................................
Barbara and Bobby are in school. At home, the family eats dinner
at 7.00. Then they talk and relax in the living room. Mr. Smith reads C. Translate the words. (10 pts)
the newspaper. Mrs. Smith plays with Bobby. Barbara likes to listen
to music. The children go to sleep at 9.30. Mr. and Mrs. Smith 0. mirror
: ...........................................................................
watch TV, and then they go to bed at 11:00. Everyone needs rest 1. bookstore : .....................................................
for another busy day.
2. restaurant : .....................................................
0. Mr. Smith is a doctor. True False 3. post office : .....................................................
1. Barbara and Bobby wake up at 7:00. True False 4. library : .....................................................
2. At 8:00, Mr. Smith is at the hospital. True False 5. firefighter : .....................................................
3. At 7:15, they eat dinner in the kitchen. True False 6. mail carrier : .....................................................
4. Bobby likes to listen to music. True False 7. mice : .....................................................
5. Mr. and Mrs. Smith go to sleep at 11:30. True False 8. tomato : .....................................................
9. potato : ......................................................
Part 2: Grammar 10. get dressed : .....................................................
Complete the sentences. Circle are / is / do / does. (10pts)
0. What doing? is are do does Part 4: Language Structures
1. What ……….he doing? is are do does Write the questions for the answers. (10 pts)
2. Where ………. he work? is are do does
3. Where .......... the squirrel? is are do does Who are you?
0. ..................................................... My name’s Barbara.
4. What .......... you do? is are do does 1. ..................................................... I am a student.
5. When ..........he go to sleep? is are do does 2. ..................................................... I am studying now.
3. ..................................................... I go home at 7. 15.
Part 3: Vocabulary 4. ..................................................... I eat dinner at 8:00.
A. Circle the correct answer. (5pts) 5. ..................................................... I go to sleep at 9: 00.
0. You can buy a book at a …….. bookstore hospital 6. ..................................................... She is my mother.
1. You can buy fruit at a ………….. toy store supermarket 7. ..................................................... She is a teacher.
2. You can buy shoes in a ……… house shoes store 8. ..................................................... She works at a school.
3. My teacher is 50 years old. He’s ….. young old 9. ..................................................... She goes to school at 7.
4. She works in a restaurant. She is a …. cook nurse 10. ..................................................... She goes to sleep at 11:00.
5. I study at school. I am a ………… teacher student

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