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COIMBATORE – 641043, India

Application for Review of Project Proposal by the 

Institutional Human Ethics Committee
For student research projects and non-student, non-clinical trial projects

Note: Read this APPLICATION FORMAT completely before you start filling it. Do not
leave any items blank. If any item is not applicable to your study, write “Not Applicable” or
“NA” against that item. We request you to use the soft copy of this format and submit the
printout of a word-processed application (three hard copies and one soft copy on CD).

I. Background Information

1. Title of your proposed research project (fill in the box below):

Availability and Interoperability of Solar Night Lamp Devices in the

Market and in Selected Families

2. Brief profile of those involved in the project:

2(a) To be filled in for Student Projects :

Name of the Student (Principal Investigator) : Afsha. H

Course of Study and year : I M. Sc, Interior Design and Resource
Management (2021-2023).
Name of the Supervisor : Dr. Sofia Jannet
Contact Number (mobile) : 9843874474

E-mail Id :

For office use only IHEC Application No.

Date of Receipt of application in the IHEC: IHEC SEAL:

Date forwarded to IHEC (Primary

Date forwarded by IHEC to Reviewers:
Date of IHEC Panel Review, if applicable:
Date of despatch of approval letter by IHEC:

2(b) To be filled in for non-Student Projects (within our University):

Name of the Principal Investigator :

Designation :

Department where the study is to be executed :

Is the project funded by external agency? : ⬜ Yes ⬜ No

If yes, Name of the agency :

Contact Number (mobile) :

2(c) To be filled in for non-Student Projects (external members):

Name of the Principal Investigator :

Academic Qualifications :

Designation and Department :

Institution where the study is to be executed :

Reason(s) for submission to our University for ethical clearance:

Is the project funded by external agency? : ⬜ Yes ⬜ No

If yes, Name of the agency :

Contact Number (mobile) :

II. Particulars about the proposed project

3. Background of the project:

3(a) Introduction
Satisfying ever-growing energy demand in a sustainable way has become the world's
biggest challenge. — Tony Hayward

Our future clearly depends on our ability to utilize solar and other renewable
sources of energy.  Expanding technologies, tax incentives, and utility companies adapting to
solar customers are all encouraging developments in the field of solar energy.  Many
households have power outage during the late night period. Without light everyone have
some fear inside, mainly during the night. After doing household survey it is found that, work
rest period has to be considered during this period of the power outage. Every room should
have night lamps majorly which can be used in night. The study on ‘’Solar Night Lamp’’
helps in reducing electricity and during power outage
3(b) Review of literature

a) Need for solar energy

One of the best advantages of solar energy, and the one that is primarily
responsible for the rapid growth of solar installations in Europe over the past
several years is that you can make money from the sun. “It’s time for the
human race to enter the solar system” (Quayle, 2016). If you use the electricity
yourself, instead of buying it from the grid, you can save money, which is just
as good as making money. Solar energy powers the environment and life on
the planet so there's no energy source more earth-friendly.

b) Solar Energy - Basic Principles

Solar energy is created by light and heat which is emitted by the sun, in the
form of electromagnetic radiation. With today's technology, we are able to
capture this radiation and turn it into usable forms of solar energy - such as
heating or electricity . Solar energy is the sun's nuclear fusion reactions within
the continuous energy generated. (Jingcheng, 2010)
c) Solar PV technologies
Solar observed light is transferred to the electrons of the PV cell atoms
existing them and producing the electrical current with the help of a “built-in
electric field” which provides the needed voltage. The “built-in electric field”
is created by two layers of semiconductor material: n- type with excess of
negative electrons and p-type with excess of positive holes. Most commonly
used of semiconductor material is silicon and, when n- and p-type silicon
come into contact, at the p/n junction excess electrons move from the n-type
side to the
P-type side, resulting in a positive charge in the n-type side of the interface
and build-up of negative charge in the p-type side. Two types of
semiconductor (n and p) are created by dropping the silicon with an external
element that has either extra electrons or lack of electrons, respectively.

d) Solar light information

Solar Lights work with the help of photovoltaic effect, Solar cells are an
important part of solar light because, it can only convert sunlight into direct
electrical current. The solar panels absorb energy into the inverter because
that will save energy in its battery for current and later use as well. Solar
Lights work with the help of photovoltaic effect. Basically, the benefits of
solar lighting are numerous. These lights are great because they are,
 Environmentally friendly
 Unlimited energy
 Cost-effectiveness
 Low maintenance

e) Types of solar lights

The two main types of solar lights are:
 Outdoor solar lights
 Indoor solar lights (Solar magazine, 2015)

4. Objectives of the study are: To

Assess the preferences of solar lamp devices in selected households.

Determine the solar devices used by the selected households.
Identify the availability of solar devices in the market.
Feasibility to evolve a model for solar night lamps.

5. Methodology of the study:

5(a) Layout of the study involving human participants / data (Please enclose a flow-chart)

 PHASE 1: Household survey

 PHASE 2: Market survey
5(b) Type of data to be generated in the study:
Are you going to collect data afresh from the study-volunteers?  Yes ⬜ No


Collect pre-existing data from case-sheets/other sources? ⬜ Yes ⬜ No

5(c) Data Collection Tool to be used : Interview schedule

Specimen Copy to be enclosed.

5(d) Area / Location of the study : Coimbatore

5(e) Type of study population : Urban population

5(f) Does the study involve sampling : Yes ⬜ No

If Yes,

Size of study sample : 100

Estimation of study size : NA

Age group of study sample : 18-50

Gender : ⬜ M       ⬜ F   B       ⬜ T

[M-male; F-female; B-both male and female; T-transgender]

Sampling Method : Simple random sampling

Inclusion Criteria:

 Men
 Women
 Adolescence

Exclusion Criteria:

 Aged people
 Children

6. Duration of the study : 4 months

7. Proposed date of commencement of the study : December 2022

8. Evaluation Plan proposed:

When introducing solar night lamp to the people, it will be an alternative night lamb
during night and also in case of power outage. Mainly for the low income family, it will
become very useful for their daily purposes. It is low maintenance and budget friendly.

9. Dissemination of the findings of the study: [Tick as many as applicable]

⬜ Scientific meets (Conferences / Seminars etc.)

⬜ Departmental review meets 
⬜ Doctoral Committee 


⬜ Project report to funding agency
⬜ Other (Please specify)

10. Does the study involve collection of biological material? ⬜  Yes


If yes,

Type of sample to be collected (blood, urine, etc.) :

Quantity of sample to be collected :

Size of the collection : ⬜ From all study volunteers

⬜ From a sub-sample of size _______

Parameter(s) to be estimated in the biological sample:

11. Are you informing the study participants that the biological samples collected will
be used for the stated purpose only?

⬜  Yes ⬜  No   Not applicable

12. Do you anticipate any risk to the study volunteers?

⬜  Yes   No

If yes, what type of risk is anticipated?

13. What are the benefits from this study, if any, to the study volunteers?

This study will make the study volunteers to design more solar usable devices which
conserve energy and low maintenance.

14. Who will fund your project expenses? (Enclose relevant documents) NA

15. Conflict of Interest, if any :


I/We hereby declare that I/We have completed all sections of this application and attached all
the required documents as described in the ‘Checklist of Documents to be attached with
Application for Review by IHEC’. I/We further declare that all information provided in this
application and its attachments are true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. I/We
understand that the approval to this study will be cancelled if I/we have provided any wrong
information or withheld relevant information from this application. I/We assure that my/our
project entitled (write the title of your project) Availability and Interoperability of Solar
Night Lamp Devices in the Market and in Selected Families, if approved by the
Institutional Human Ethics Committee of Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and
Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, will be carried out by adhering to the plan
described in this application, and that any deviation from the same will be communicated to
the IHEC in writing. I/We understand that deviation from the study plan described in this
application without informing the IHEC shall result in the cancellation of approval. 
Name(s) and Signature(s) of the Investigator(s) & Supervisor(s) involved in this project:


Name: Afsha H Signature:

Date: 18/11/2022

Name: J. Sofia Jannet Signature:

Date: 18/11/2022
Head of the Department:

Name: Dr.M.R.Thilagam Signature:

Date: 18/11/2022


(Strike off items that are not applicable)

I / We (write name(s) of the investigator(s) here), Afsha H am / are carrying out a study on
the topic Availability and Interoperability of Solar Night Lamp Devices in the Market
and in Selected Families as part of my / our research project being carried out under the
aegis of the Department of Resource Management.

My / our research guide is: J. Sofia Jannet

(Applicable to students only) 

The justification for this study is:  Introducing solar night lamp which consumes energy.
The objectives of this study are: To

 Assess the preferences of solar lamp devices in selected households.

 Determine the solar devices used by the selected households.
 Identify the availability of solar devices in the market.
 Feasibility to evolve a model for solar night lamps.

Sample size: 100

Study volunteers / participants are (specify population group & age group): 18-50

Location of the study: Coimbatore

We request you to kindly cooperate with us in this study. We propose collect background
information and other relevant details related to this study. We will be carrying out:

Initial interview (specify approximate duration):______ minutes. 

Data collected will be stored for a period of fifteen years. We will / will not use the data as
part of another study.

Health education sessions: Number of sessions: NA

Approximate duration of each session: ______________ minutes. 

Clinical examination (Specify details and purpose): 

Blood sample collection: Specify quantity of blood being drawn: _________ml. 

No. of times it will be collected: _______________. 

Whether blood sample collection is part of routine procedure or for research (study purpose):

⬜ Routine Procedure               ⬜ Research Purpose

Specify purpose, discomfort likely to be felt and side effects, if any: 

Will the blood sample collected be stored after study period: ⬜ Yes
⬜ No, it will be

Will the blood sample collected be sold:     ⬜ Yes ⬜ No

Will the sample collected be shared with persons from another institution:  ⬜ Yes      ⬜ No

Medication / supplementation given, if any, with duration, side effects, purpose, benefits: 

Is the medication / supplementation given part of routine procedure: ⬜ Yes      ⬜ No

(If no, state reasons for giving this medication/supplementation)

Are alternatives available for medication / supplementation given: ⬜ Yes      ⬜ No 

(If no, state reasons for giving this particular medication/supplementation)

Final interview (specify approximate duration): _________ minutes. 

If photograph is taken, purpose: 

Benefits from this study, if any :

Risks involved by participating in this study, if any :

How will the results be used: 

If you are uncomfortable in answering any of our questions during the course of the interview
/ biological sample collection, you have the right to withdraw from the interview / study at
any time. You have the freedom to withdraw from the study at any point of time. You will
NOT be paid any remuneration for the time you spend with us for this interview / study. The
information provided by you will be kept in strict confidence. Under no circumstances shall
we reveal the identity of the respondent or their families to anyone. The information that we
collect shall be used for approved research purposes only. You will be informed about any
significant new findings – including adverse events, if any – whether directly or indirectly
related to you or to other participants of this study, developed during the course of this
research which may relate to your willingness to continue participation

Consent: The above information regarding the study, has been read by me/ read to me, and
has been explained to me by the investigator(s). Having understood the same, I hereby give
my consent to them to interview me, and collect biological sample _______ from me. I am
affixing my signature / left thumb impression to indicate my consent and willingness to
participate in this study (i.e., willingly abide by the project requirements) 

Signature / Left thumb impression of the Study Volunteer / Legal Representative:

Signature of the Interviewer with date                                                                       

Signature of the Witness with name:



I Afsha H pursuing my II M.Sc in Interior Design and Resource Management in

Avinashilingam Institute for Home science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore –
641043 is doing a thesis in “Availability and Interoperability of Solar Night Lamp
Devices in the Market and in Selected Families’’ as a part of curriculum to complete my
course. So I am going to collect the information from the adult (19-50years), men and
women. I assure that the data collected will be used only for study purpose and will not be
used for any other purpose and confidentially will be maintained throughout and even after
the study.

Signature of the student Yours truthfully.

Afsha H

Project Timeline

S.N Target to be Achieved  Period of Study

Expected Expected to 
to  start complete

1.  Introduction   Dec 2022  Jan 2023 

Review of literature  Dec 2022 Jan 2023

2.  Selection of sample for household Feb 2023  Feb 2023

survey and market survey to 
∙ Number of samples (100)

   Developing a design : Jan 2023  March 2023

3. Solar night Lamp
(low budget)

4.  Result and discussion  March 2023  March 2023

5.  Submission of thesis  April 2023  April 2023

Checklist of Documents to be attached with Application for Review by IHEC

Sl. N
Document Yes NA*
No. o

Duly filled in application for review by the IHEC (all sections must be
1 

Project Timeline/ Gantt Chart  showing week-wise activities for the

2 
whole study period

Copy of Letter granting funds / Studentship / Scholarship / Fellowship

3 
(if applicable)

Permission letter from the head of the institution from where data is to
4 
be collected
5 Informed Consent Form in English   

6 Informed Consent Form translated into the relevant language(s) 

7 Patient Information Sheet in English, if applicable   

Patient Information Sheet translated into the relevant language(s), if

8 

9 Confidentiality Statement 

Data collection tool (Questionnaire / form, etc.) in English [Please

10 
enclose sample copy]

Data collection tool (Questionnaire / form, etc.)  translated into the

11 
relevant language(s) [Please enclose sample copy]

12 Current CV of the Principal Investigator and / or Supervisor 

13 All relevant pre-clinical animal data 

14 Compensation for study participation 

Any other information relevant to the study (Provide

15 

* NA = Not Applicable

[Note: Please respond to all the above items in the relevant boxes. Do not leave any item

An interview schedule to elicit information about the Solar Devices


1. Name of the interviewee:____________

2. Age:
20-30 31-40 61 and above

41-50 51-60

3. Gender

Male Female Other

4. Number of family members in a family?

1 2 3 4 More than 5

5. Address :

6. Type of House :

Owned Rented Joint ownership

7. If rented, monthly rent?

Rs. 5000-10,000 Rs.11,000-15,000 Rs.16,000-20,000 Rs. 21,000-

8. Have you heard about solar night lamps?

Yes No

9. What are the solar appliances have you heard of?

Solar cooker Solar phone charger

Solar street light Solar water heater

Solar fan Outdoor solar lights

Solar LED garden lamp Solar lantern

Solar powered generator Solar Bluetooth speaker

10. From which source?

Friends & relatives Media

Newspaper Showrooms

11. Do you have any solar devices in your home?

Yes No

12. If yes, what devices do you have? ___________

13. How is it efficient for your daily life? ________________

14. Do you have power outage in your area?

< 1 Hour < 2 Hours < 3 Hours

< 4 Hours <=> 5 Hrs

15. During which time Power outage affects your daily life?

Morning Afternoon Evening Late night Others specify

16. Will you buy a solar product which will provide solution for your requirement?

Yes No
17. If yes, what device will you buy? ________________

18. How much can you invest on Solar power appliances (in Rupees)?
Below Rs.2000 /- Rs. 3000/- -5,000 /-

Rs. 6000/- -10,000 /- Rs. Above 10,000/-

19. For what reasons can you opt for solar energy?

One time investment To lower stress on non-renewable sources

Reduce pollution Uninterrupted electricity supply

20. Approximate monthly electricity bill (in rupees)?

Rs.2000/- -3000/- Rs. 4000/- -5000/- Above Rs.5000/-

21. If using solar power devices, how much cost did you save on your electricity bill?

20% 40% 50%


An Interview Schedule to Elicit Information about the Solar Devices


1. Name of the interviewee: _________________

2. Age: (in years )

20-30 years 31-40 years

41-50 years 51-60 years
3. Gender

Male Female Other

4. Contact number of interviewee :

5. Address :

6. Are you providing any solar technology devices?

Yes No

7. What are the solar devices you have for your business?

Solar cooker Solar phone charger

Solar street light Solar water heater

Solar fan Outdoor solar lights

Solar LED garden lamps Solar lantern

Solar powered generator Solar bluetooth speaker

8. How durable are the Solar Panels?

5 years 10 years 15 years more than 25 years

9. What is The Cost of Installation?

32,000 40,000 44,000

10. How long the installation process will take?
1-2 days 1-3 days 1-5 days
11. Are you providing any solar lights for residential?

Yes No
12. If yes, for what purpose you provide?

Solar LED light Solar lantern

Solar lamps Hanging solar powered lights

13. Do they need any special maintenance?

Yes No
14. Any solar night lamps available in your shop?

Yes No

15. If yes, what type of lamp Specify? _______________

16. If yes, is it affordable to buy?

Yes No
17. Cost of the application? specify_______________


Name : J. Sofia Jannet

Qualification :

Department : Resource Management

Designation : Assistant Professor (SS)

Permanent Address :
Email id :

Contact No. :

Area of specialization : Resource Management

Interior Design

Teaching experience :

Date of Joining our Institution :

Research experience :

No. of Ph.Ds completed :

No. of Ph.Ds on-going :

Major Project completed :

Student project :

Publications :

International Journal publications :

National Journal publications :

Research book :

Books :

Chapter in books :

Books in Regional language (Tamil) :

Full paper in proceedings :

International/ National/ Conferences/

Seminars/ workshops attended :

Conferences/ Seminars/ Symposias/

Workshops organized as conveneor :

Refresher Courses / Orientation Courses /

Training Programmes / Equivalents attended :

Achievements :

(Chairperson/Resource Person/ invited Lectures) :

Membership in Professional Bodies :

Awards and Recognitions :

Important Positions in the University :

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